Riddles about mushrooms - short, light, with answers, for preschoolers, schoolchildren: the best selection

Riddles about mushrooms - short, light, with answers, for preschoolers, schoolchildren: the best selection
A selection of riddles about mushrooms for children of all ages.

Light puzzles about mushrooms - the best selection

Light puzzles about mushrooms - the best selection
Light puzzles about mushrooms - the best selection
Light puzzles about mushrooms are the best selection:

While the children are everyone in beret,
They matured - they put on hats.


There is a trunk on one leg,
They are looking for him, but he is silent.


There are Ermachki
Red caps.
Whoever passes
Every bow gives them.


Egor is in Red Ermolka,
Whoever passes will bend.


Antoshka is worth
On one leg,
The very small
And the hat is big.


I am under a color cap
I stand on my leg alone.
I have my habits
I always play hide and seek.


Round dances and in a row
Well done are in hats.
Whoever passes
The bow gives them.


He grew up in Bereznyak.
It wears a hat on the leg.
The leaf stuck to it on top.
Have you learned? It…


Under the bushes,
Under the sheets
We hid in the grass
Look for us in the forest yourself
We will not shout to you: "Ay!"


Who has a hat without a head and a leg without a boot?
(At the mushroom)


In a hat, not a person, stands on one leg, and not a heron, lives in the forest, not a beast.


Small, remote,
He passed through the ground,
Found a red cap.


In appearance, he looks like an umbrella,
Only less than a hundred times.
Since a thunderstorm on the horizon,
He can be very happy.
If rain and warm
He thinks - lucky!


Who is on a strong leg
In brown leaves by the track?
A hat made of grass stood up
There is no head under a hat.


Stood on a strong leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka.


The hat is and there is a leg,
There is no boot on the leg!
And the leg and the hat -
Tasty soup guys!
The sheet of alder stuck to the hat ...
Well, of course, this is ...


I stand on a thick leg,
I stand on the leg smooth
Under a brown hat
With velvet lining.


It went underground
Before the sun -
The hat was removed.


A cap and a leg -
That's the whole Yermoshka.


Who puts his hat on the leg?

Children's puzzles about mushrooms

Children's puzzles about mushrooms
Children's puzzles about mushrooms

Children's riddles about mushrooms:

He is not a load, not a boorus,
He is used to growing on stumps
The adult and the child know
Where to find in the forest ...


He opened his hat,
Because there was a rain
He is a cheerful old man
And his name is ...


Lived in the forest a peasant,
I wore a white cap
In the rain began to grow up,
The umbrella began to open.
Very tasty in pizza it,
It bears a name ...


I look like a pitch
Pale, completely unheard of,
But everyone loves my broth,
After all, edible ...


Pink umbrella,
White inside,
Take it gently
Not hurt.

White leg
Sticking out of the basket,
Will become from the forest
Funny track.


Sheltered a rotten stump,
Whole family,
Warms adults and children
Like a battery.
Only in hats everyone is sitting,
The legs are thin,
You guys found out
This is indeed…
honey mushrooms


In appearance, he looks like an umbrella,
Only less than a hundred times.
Since a thunderstorm on the horizon,
He can be very happy.
If rain and warm
He thinks - lucky!


Stood on a strong leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka.


A lot of them for autumn
Near Christmas trees and pines.


I drove the earth
Left the spine
He himself appeared
He covered himself with a hat.


He eats a log, grabs the wall,
He jumps down the wall, eats logs and cries.
(House mushroom)


For rye - damage, for people - cuddling.


These delicious mushrooms
They cannot live alone.
A friendly family is growing
Creating so comfort;
On hemp, rotten trees,
In greenhouses, greenhouses,
On the mowers of the taiga
And in the greenhouses of all kinds of ...
That saves fresh
Supermarket? ...
(Oyster mushrooms)


And in winter it will come in handy
He grows in a greenhouse.
Not a fungus, but a nonsense,
This is our ...
(Oyster mushroom).

Riddles about mushrooms are short

Riddles about mushrooms are short
Riddles about mushrooms are short

Riddles about mushrooms are short:

In the pine, inadvertently
Under a high nast
We got up on the construction of September,
These slippery ...


In the forest, to the joy of people,
In the middle of young pines,
In a shiny dark hat
The fungus is growing ...
Answer: Oil


A hat, like a pouring oil ...
The mushroom is not at all dangerous.
Not one in the grass, guys!
It hid ...
Answer: Oil


Chocolate-brown mushroom,
The leaf stuck to the slippery hat.
The collar of the openwork thin -
The mushroom is the name ...
Answer: Oil


Mushrooms grow
In the coniferous forest,
Slippery guys
Everything in oil ...
Answer: Oil


In the groves on forest glades,
Under the trees and in the pits,
Under the leaf at the field
Placed ...


At the swamp, along the path,
Where the aspen are inclined,
All colors, like gems,
Bright hats are dressed.
Like in holiday boots,
Everything in moss, on a white leg,
And burn like a haze
Red ...


Here are the fashionistas of the sisters,
And they have their own habits -
There are any color hats
You can check it.


After the rain of a girlfriend
Settled on the edge of the edge.
Hats multi -colored -
The most noticeable.


We scored six armfuls
Bright multi -colored hats.
And now without haste
Fry ...


Along the forest paths
A lot of white legs
In the hats of multi -colored,
From a distance of noticeable.
Collect, don't put it on!

Riddles about autumn mushrooms mushrooms

Riddles about autumn mushrooms mushrooms
Riddles about autumn mushrooms mushrooms

Riddles about autumn mushrooms mushrooms:

On a foam under a pine tree
They crawled out in the rain with a crowd,
Like friendly guys,
In the hats of redheads ...


There are family mushrooms,
Only they live with a family
On hemp and on the roots,
And in the grass on the cuts.
These friendly guys
Called ...


It is not difficult for us to collect them,
But there is a mushroom and false -
Yellow and without pelerine.
These - do not put in a basket.
(false mushrooms)


On a birch penalty
Group and one by one
In September I will find guys:
The same ...


Light brown chickens
They grow from the heel on the hemp,
Gemini: Children mushrooms,
Then - autumn ...


Until the mushroom pickens have found them,
They play hide and seek with people:
The crowd gathered like guys
And everyone is a short double.
They stand in a bunch, then in a row,
And let everyone together closely,
But the rotten stump is the best house
Mushrooms with the name ...


They grow on the hemp, crowded
Small stature brothers
Oh, and friendly guys
These are the crepe


Brothers are sitting on the hemp.
All in freckles are like boys.
These friendly guys
Called ...


Who is higher, who is lower, -
On the hemp, the people are red.
Thirty -three cheerful brothers.
What is their name?


We are on rainy days
We cover all the hemp.
Collect us guys!
- Autumn ...


There are no mushrooms friendly than these -
Adults and children know -
On hemp grow in the forest,
Like freckles on the nose.


In the same outfits,
In fashionable hats, hiding his views,
The guys are sitting on the hemp.
What is their name? ..


On a mossist, an old pencil case
Funny mushrooms grow,
They are full that your chickens
And what is the name of them all?


Legs like a tube,
White skirts,
The guys are sitting on the hemp
Called ...


In the morning early under the bushes
Just found themselves!
On a hemp - like on a bench,
Fairy family! -
For selection, mushrooms - guys
Entitled …


On the edge of the forest
Near the old pen
The mushroom army gathered
I suggest guessing!
Maybe some of you guys
He will say that it is ...

Riddles about mushrooms for children

Riddles about mushrooms for children
Riddles about mushrooms for children

Riddles about mushrooms for children:

In a white hat on the leg
The mushrooms grew at the track.
And now in the basket let
The edible one will lie down ...


It grows, where there are birch trees,
Loves rain, fog and dew.
There are villi on top of the hat,
Below are white plates.
For salting, he is the best
From time immemorial.
Who will he be like that
In the glorious army of mushrooms?
Mushroom pickers are all by heart
They will tell you what it is ...


Fragrant and crispy,
The king of mushrooms is real.
And let it be in the reserves
I have salty ...


On the ground lies a cake
It grows from rain,
Just touch a little
She will immediately break her!
Puffy! And the fire escaped
Smoky cloud of dispute!


If someone is stamping from above,
This mushroom will burst with a sigh,
Simper at the same moment.
So this is ...


In the hats of fashionable, pretty,
Bright festive outfit ...
Though we are clicking ...
They don’t eat raw!


Here are beautiful mushrooms!
How many hats are different
Among the dried grass
Yellow, blue, red!


We are Lesovichiki sisters,
Dresses were sewn by summer
Different in color:
Every sister has
Your taste and habits.


This cute fungus
I chose a quiet corner.
You cut it with a knife,
After all, edible ...


Flower garden without flowers
Under the Christmas tree is ready.


And a forest fashionista
Behind the outfit is chasing:
Either with burgundy, then with purple
Or a scarlet bedspread.
In the morning it will appear -
Everyone wants to like it.


A lot of white legs
In the hats of multi -colored,
From a distance of noticeable.
Who is in gray, who is green,
Some in pink, some in yellow
You take them, don't hesitate,
After all, this is ...

Riddles about mushrooms with answers

Riddles about mushrooms with answers
Riddles about mushrooms with answers

Riddles about mushrooms with answers:

Look, guys:
Here - chanterelles, there - mushrooms,
Well, this, in a clearing,
Poisonous? ..


Well, this is in the meadow
Poisonous ...


Very pale look.
The poison is most dangerous.
(Death cap)


I'm not used to like
Who will eat me will poison.
(Death cap)

She is angry with mushrooms
And with anger is poisonous.
Here is a forest hooligan!
This is pale ...


Looks down - pens in the sides.
Beautiful and important - yes no one needs.


Modest, thin and pale ...
This mushroom, imagine, is harmful.
The mushroom will get into the soup -
You will be taken to the hospital.
Because poisonous,
And all around is angry.
We will leave in the meadow
This harmful ...


She stands pale
She has an edible look.
You will bring home - trouble
It will be poison that food.
Know that this mushroom is a trick,
Our enemy is pale ...


This mushroom is not at all red at all,
But, believe me, he is dangerous -
Not like a fly agaric,
But Mor leads to everyone.
Mor leads to animals,
Poisonous for people.
Don't even take it to your hands
He is full of poison inside.
In a light hat, on the path
It stands on a thin leg.
(Death cap)


In moss, like on a pillow,
Someone's white ear.


A man went into a pine tree,
Found a slug,
To quit - it’s a pity
Eating is damp.


In a white hat on the leg
The mushrooms grew at the track.
And now in the basket let
The edible one will lie down ...


Mushrooms are similar to mushrooms,
But a dangerous poison is hidden in them.
(False mushrooms)


On the ground lies a cake, it grows from the rain,
Just touch a little, it will immediately break it!
Puffy! And a bonfire burst with a smoky cloud from the dispute!


Not a bitch, not a leaf,
And it grows on a tree


You will find this mushroom in the spring
On the forest Oss.
All in wrinkles old man
Funny with the name ...


Wrinkles, like old people,
In the forest in the spring they were born ...


Simple and stocks, I decided to look at us,
Raising in the morning under the Christmas trees
Leaf with sticky needles.


The shady logs
The mushroom-off-road has grown:
Press the barrel a little -
Look, already a bruise.


He peered timidly
From the bump of mokhova,
Cranberry cranberry chain
Raising above his head.


From under the moss to the light penetrated
Coloring ...?


It breaks out
Under the moss, probably, stuffy.

In the grove at the birch
The namesakes met!
(Sub -signs)


I do not argue - not white,
Me, brothers, simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove.
(Sub -storage)


Under the birch old man,
It has a brown cap on it,
And a butter with a variety of
And the boots - with a glink.
(Sub -storage)


I was born on a rainy day
Under Osina Young,
Round, smooth, beautiful, beautiful
With a thick and straight leg.


What kind of mushroom is on a bump
In a red velvet scarf?


I'm growing in a red hat
Among the roots of aspen.
You will see me a mile away -
I am called - ...


Tom Thumb,
Red hat ...


In a red hat under the aspen
The yellow sheet stuck to the hat.
Get up soon in the basket!
edible, delicious mushroom


In the forest, in the forest
There are old old men,
The caps are red on them.

Riddles about mushrooms for preschool children 4, 5, 6 years old

Riddles about mushrooms for preschool children 4, 5, 6 years old
Riddles about mushrooms for preschool children 4, 5, 6 years old

Riddles about mushrooms for preschool children 4, 5, 6 years old:

This cute fungus
I chose a quiet corner.
You cut it with a knife,
After all, edible ...


After the rain of a girlfriend
Settled on the edge of the edge.
Hats multi -colored -
The most noticeable.


The flower garden without flowers under the Christmas tree is ready.


And a forest fashionista
Behind the outfit is chasing:
Either with burgundy, then with purple
Or a scarlet bedspread.
The path will appear -
Everyone wants to like it.


Pale yellow tailcoat, elegant,
Hat - in chocolate color:
And with rain and without rain,
As if wet always.
Oil hat from the diapers,
Because he - …

Mushroom in a shirt like a kumach,
White peas.
But a wavy belt
Something crawled onto the leg.
His house is a pine forest,
He is a handsome man ...
(Fly agaric!)


What a yellow fox
And not the tail of her beauty ...
In hats all her sisters,
After all, they are mushrooms ...

He is a spring fungus,
In appearance - the old man:
In the wrinkled hat
Mushroom of food ...

Best mushroom for drying:
Hat on the crown
Brownish color,
And below is whitish ...
He is very great, he is tall,
The mushroom is fleshy - ...

He is edible - to know, good.
He looks like a white mushroom
The hat from below is only different:
Such reddish ...
Only he is not a boorus,
Under the oaks - ...

Hat - round meadow,
In the middle is a bump.
He is bitter when raw
But good from the barrel ...
You just soak in a tub
Before salting ...

With a wide white
And shaggy,
A little mucosa
He is a hat.
You will find him -
Sadness will disappear:
After all, he is edible
He - ...

He is only young
Maybe for us food;
Old - it will turn into a slurry
And it will fit in ink ...
The collective farmer prompted the answer:
- This is a mushroom, and the mushroom - ...

Mushroom looks like a white hedgehog,
Do not consider only legs;
And, in a difference from hedgehogs,
He is not afraid of rain:
I got used to them from birth
The mushroom is rounded - ...

What a strange musketeer:
He is without a sword and without a spur,
The hat is scarlet, in peas.
Under the foot - green moss.
This strange musketeer -

Riddles about mushrooms for schoolchildren-1-2 grade

Riddles about mushrooms for schoolchildren - 1-2 grade
Riddles about mushrooms for schoolchildren-1-2 grade

Riddles about mushrooms for schoolchildren-1-2 class:

What kind of oil hats
They shine under the pines.
Virtuiiously hiding his views
They don't want to climb into the basket ...
But, finding a family in the forest,
Absolutely unbiased
We will collect the gang of a laca,
What is the name of what? ...


Grow on the edges
Interesting mushrooms,
They dream of swimming in rivals
And the sea sees dreams.
Not fish, not frogs,
And ordinary ...


If warm rain, without wind,
It will pass through the forest at night
That in our district, generously,
We will find how dawn? ...


He was not lucky in life,
They almost do not know all of him.
Taking a pale punch
Angrily beat into shreds with a stick;
Or they beat him with frustration,
And he is a delicious mushroom derived.
Although a simple stupid look,
The cook’s hat is covered ...
In moss, with a leg of the column,
What is growing? ...
(Chain cap)


The mushroom is very poisonous,
Do not take him in your hands,
Flies, he has been for a long time,
Red to the point ...


Among forests, fields, swamps
The poisonous mushroom is growing,
In a pale hat with a thin leg,
You can not put it in a basket.
The mushroom is dangerous, the mushroom is a trick,
It's pale ...


This mushroom is almost homemade,
It grows in our basement,
Delicious broth from it
It is white …


The wavy mushroom is worried,
It flaunts under a tree,
Looking like a shell
He is called ...


Mushrooms grow
In the coniferous forest,
Slippery guys
Everything in oil ...


A guy grows in the coniferous forest,
In a red -haired hat, a red fungus.
It is worth touching from a redhead leg
Suddenly red-red tears will run.


In the summer, on the forest edge
collected a mushroom picker ...
(Pigs, chernushki)


Like brave soldiers
They grow on the hemp ...


Red sisters are nearby,
What is the name of mushrooms? ...


Do not find them on the tracks
On the hemp they grow
Stand on long thin legs
Big families live


This mushroom is so noble
And sometimes it is difficult to find it
He hid in the leaves under the aspen
We found! Put in the basket.


It grows with a colony -
Long rows ...
Loves, moss -covered sand,
Sit in it in circles ...
Respecting the forest and boron,
Where is it often
The subsorus is called
Mushroom pickers and children ...
Well, who will give an answer here,
Quickly and deft:
As the forestry called me
This mushroom? ...


In a white hat on the leg
The mushrooms grew at the track.
And now in the basket let
The edible one will lie down ...


It grows, where there are birch trees,
Loves rain, fog and dew.
There are villi on top of the hat,
Below are white plates.
For salting, he is the best
From time immemorial.
Who will he be like that
In the glorious army of mushrooms?
Mushroom pickers are all by heart
They will tell you what it is ...


Fragrant and crispy,
The king of mushrooms is real.
And let it be in the reserves
I have salty ...


Guess, guys:
He has a shaggy hat.
Mushroom, like a pink eye.
What is his name?


The wavy mushroom is worried,
It flaunts under a tree,
Looking like a shell
He is called ...


Pink pleasant color
And the rings are a bright mark.
So the girlfriends are worried,
These are mushrooms (waves)
In striped sundresses
In light pink shutters
Without fear of the edges
Cute ...


It grows very freely -
On the mountains, forests, meadows;
In a round hat with a bell,
In hungry places.
Mushroom pickers are long known,
From time immemorial…
As the fungus is called guys,
Tell? ...


This mushroom is almost homemade,
It grows in our basement,
Delicious broth from it
It is white …


This mushroom grows in greenhouses,
In the beds of moist in peats,
Hat - white shinion
That's for sure …
His smooth white hat,
Growing up, looking from the grass.
And there is no slipper on the leg,
Only the skirt remained, alas.

Look, what are the records
Do you always ripen under a hat?
Light pink-not other
This is also edible, friends.

Both in the steppe and in the forest on the edges
Mushroom pickers start the season,
And when lucky - in the side
They will bring no one ...


Riddle about mushroom fox

Riddle about mushroom fox
Riddle about mushroom fox

Riddle about mushroom fox:

Under the sheets in the clearing
The girls played hide and seek.
Three sisters lurked
Light yellow ...


Under the pine on the edge of the edge
Red tops warm.
In moss fragrant two pigtails
Hide cunning ...


Red ears with a fox crown
In the grass lie - for small hedgehog.


What kind of yellow sisters
Hid in the grass thick?
I see them all great,
I'll take it home soon.


These cunning mushrooms,
They hide from us in leaves.
Light red sisters ...
How do we call them? ...


Bright, red fungus
I could find today.
Like friendly sisters
Hide in the grass - ..
In a red hats on the edge
The sisters grew up.
Although they are not an animal,
Their names…


They get out to freedom
Unsuitable sisters -
Reddish ...


If they are found in the forest,
They will immediately remember about the fox.
Reddish sisters
Called ...


Very clean, tasty mushroom -
Glad and cook, and mushroom pickers.
These yellow sisters
Called ...


If they are found in the forest,
They will immediately remember about the fox.
Reddish sisters
Called ...


In a soft grass on the edge
Red -legged ears everywhere.
Golden sisters
Called ...


Under the sheets in the clearing
The girls played hide and seek.
Three sisters lurked
Light yellow ...


They don't know how to run at all,
A spark in the grass yellow,
Without tails, they are with a sister,
Though they are called and ...


These cunning mushrooms,
They hide from us in leaves.
Light red sisters ...
How do we call them? ...


I found mushrooms in the forest.
I will take my mother quickly.
Red -haired color
Hello from the summer.
Their sisters love very much.
Called ...


Bright, red fungus
I could find today.
Like friendly sisters
Hiding in the grass - ...


Golden ... -
Very friendly sisters.
Walk in red berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.


What kind of yellow sisters
Hid in the grass thick?
I see them all great,
I'll take it home soon.


Very clean, tasty mushroom -
Glad and cook, and mushroom pickers.
These yellow sisters
Called ...


Red ears with a fox crown
In the grass lie - for small hedgehog.


Under the sheets in the clearing
The girls played hide and seek.
Three sisters lurked
Light yellow ...

Riddle about white mushroom - Borovik

Riddle about white mushroom - Borovik
Riddle about white mushroom - Borovik

Riddle about the white mushroom - Borovik:

In the deaf borus, you are used to standing
On a strong thick leg I am.
Try to find me.


Lukashka is standing - a white shirt.
And the hat is worn by chocolate color.

King of mushrooms on a thick leg -
The best for Lukoshka.
He holds the head boldly
Because he is a mushroom ...


Placed under the pine tree
This mushroom, like a forest king.
I am glad to find his mushroom pipe.
It is white…


Stocky, in a new hat
The mushroom in the forest grows pine.
Glad grandmother and grandfather: -
There will be a festive dinner!
Oh, grabbed the squirrels instantly
This white ...


The leg is thick like a stump
The hat was famously swollen,
He is not small and not great,
The mushroom is beautiful ...


In the clearing of the forest,
Under a mighty pine
Old old man,
It has a brown cap on it,
Who happens in the forest
He knows him.


The best mushroom in the forest
I carry it in Lukoshechka -
Strong, not worming,
With a beautiful hat.
You will guess in a moment,
What is in the basket - ...


Strong, dense, very stately,
In the hat brown and elegant.
This is the pride of all forests!
A real king of mushrooms!
(White mushroom - Borovik).


This mushroom lives under the spruce,
Under her huge shadow.
Wise bearded man-start,
A resident of Bora - ...


From under the Christmas trees to the hillock
The boy came out tall with his finger.
He looked at the clouds,
I put it on a cap Immediately,
Brand new, okay,
Chocolate color.
(White Mushroom - Borovik)

Riddle about mushroom fly agaric

Riddle about mushroom fly agaric
Riddle about mushroom fly agaric

Riddle about mushroom flyer:

Near the forest on the edge,
Decorating a dark boron
The colorful, like parsley, grew,
The answer is flyer


It was born
The hat was covered.
The hat is supermined,
No suitable
Red in white peas.
The answer is flyer


But someone important
On a white leg.
He is with a red hat
On a hat of peas.
The answer is flyer


On the borus, on Yar
There is a peasant -
Red cap.
The answer is flyer


Look how good!
Hat red pea,
Lace collar -
He is not a beginner in the forest!
The answer is flyer


In a red cap, fungus
Wants to jump into the body
But the mushroom pickens are in no hurry,
After all, the handsome man is poisonous!
The answer is flyer


The mushroom is not boiled, they do not eat.
In a speck of his outfit.
This is red ...
The answer is flyer


It stands on the track
On a thin leg,
A motley hat is covered,
Not edible - poisonous.
The answer is flyer


This mushroom in the forest is growing
Do not put it in your mouth!
It is not sweet at all
Nisraps on the hat
Red as if tomato
The answer is flyer


He stood in the forest,
Nobody took it
In the red cap of fashionable
Nothing good.
The answer is flyer


Egor is worth - a heated head,
He doesn’t walk anywhere, only flies drives away.


I wear in the forest, guys,
Red hat in patches.
The hat of the poor lord
By nickname
(Fly agaric.)


How good he is!
And a pea hat!
He grows everywhere in the forest.
I won’t bring him home!
After all, for reprisal is very speedy,
The mushroom is poisonous - ....


This mushroom in the forest is growing
Do not put it in your mouth!
It is not sweet at all
Nisraps on the hat
Red as if tomato


Look how good!
Hat red pea,
Lace collar -
He is not a beginner in the forest!


Nails from under the Christmas tree climb
On top of the triangory hat.
Red in white peas,
But not for baskets.


One -legged peasant
Wears a red cap.


It was born
The hat was covered.
The hat is supermined,
No suitable
Red in white peas.


I wear in the forest, guys,
Red hat in patches.
The hat of the poor lord
By nickname
(Fly agaric.)


I grow in a clearing
Everyone bypasses a mile away.
At least I am prompted
But terribly poisonous.


Antoshka is worth
On one leg.
Pea hat
Saves from the midges.


The hat is red in white freckles, -
He lives completely completely
On the clearings of forest and edges - -
After all, no one takes this mushroom! ..
(Fly agaric)


No more beautiful than a mushroom
But, he is not salted in a barrel.
Very bright, white-red
Poisonous and dangerous.
Skirt over a thin leg
The hat is round in peas.
He has been known for a long time


The mushroom is very poisonous,
Do not take him in your hands,
Flies, he has been for a long time,
Red to the point ...


The mushroom is beautiful, but angry,
Very, very poisonous!
Red Red Hat of Pig a
He scares even midges!
That's why for a long time
He is called ...


It is bypassed
It happens that they will hit with a stick.
And he is on a leg with a fringe
And in a red hat bright.
This mushroom is impossible,
Although caressing the gaze.
And we know with you we are friends,
What is it -


Mushroom in the forest under the old stump.
Red hat on it
In white peas.
How good!
Attractive in appearance
The mushroom is deadly to phenomenon.
At least attracts the gaze
It is not worth taking ...


I'm a fungus on a thin leg
In a delicate skirt clothes
The hat is bright red,
The spots are beautiful.
Although I am a prominent fungus
But do not touch me, mushroom pickers,
Do not put in your body,
And go your way.
I'm dangerous for a long time
My name …


There is no beautiful mushroom in the world.
Everyone knows everyone about me.
At least I don't care
But dangerous, poisonous!
I stand on a thin leg,
Hate in white peas
And red as a tomato.
And I am called ...

Riddle Riddle Ryzhik

Riddle Riddle Ryzhik
Riddle Riddle Ryzhik

Riddles about mushroom redders:

He lives under the Christmas tree,
Hidden by their needles.
He has a lot of brothers.
The red mushroom is called ...
Answer: Ryzhik


A guy grows in the coniferous forest,
In a red -haired hat, a red fungus.
It is worth touching from a redhead leg
Suddenly red-red tears will run.
Answer: Ryzhik


Mushrooms built in a row,
Raising the leaflets,
Red berets are hiding
And the same jackets.
Rad Mushrooms, finding babies.
This mushroom is called ...
Answer: Ryzhik


The hat is concave in a funnel,
The taste is pleasant, the smell is thin,
Gold, amber color,
And there are no tastier mushrooms.
Answer: Redcles


It is plate, beautiful -
All orange.
Acute taste, pleasant smell
Fresh fruits, young.
He is salted, pickled,
Fry, often adding
In dishes of original cuisine
Both meat and vegetables ...
What kind of mushroom in the forest, like the sun,
Among the trees reigning,
They are looking for mushroom pickers diligently
Summer? ...
(Ryzhik real)

Video: riddles about mushrooms for children

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