Riddles around the world for children - for lessons, presentations: the best selection

Riddles around the world for children - for lessons, presentations: the best selection

A collection of riddles around the world is for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Riddles about the world around for preschoolers - seasons

Riddles about the world around for preschoolers - seasons
Riddles about the world around for preschoolers - seasons

Riddles about the world around the world - seasons:

There is a paradise tree,
Flowers bloom on one side,
On the other, the sheets fall,
On the third - the fruits ripen,
On the fourth - bitch dry.


Was white and gray
Green and young came.
(Winter and spring)


Rutered the paths
I decorated the windows
I gave joy to the children
And on the sled rolled.


One gray
Another young
The third jumps,
And the fourth is crying.
(Winter spring Summer Autumn)


Pava arrived
Sat on the lava,
Dissolled feathers
For all potions.


She comes with affectionate
And with your fairy tale.
Wave a magic wand -
In the forest, the snowdrop will blossom.


I came without colors and without a brush
And she repainted all the leaves.


Snow in the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks. When does it happen?


I have a lot of things - I'm a white blanket
I cover all the earth, I clean the rivers in the ice,
Belya Fields, at home, and my name is ...


Who, guess the mistress?
The Perinka shook - over the world of a fluff.

The snowball melts, the meadow came to life.
The day arrives. When does it happen?


Every year they come to visit us:
One gray, the other young,
The third jumps, and the fourth cries.


Fields of the field, the earth is wet,
Rain water when it happens?
(In the fall)


I carry crops
I sow the fields again,
I send birds south,
I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - …


In the morning we go to the yard -
The leaves are pouring rain,
They rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly ...


I open the kidneys in green leaves.
I put on trees, I water the crops,
The movements are full, they call me ...


The beauty is walking
Easily touches the earth,
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snowball and the flower.


I am woven from heat, I am warm with me,
I warm the rivers, "Bow!" - I invite.
And you love me all me, I ...


The sun bakes
Lipa blooms.
Rye is gloomy
Gold wheat.
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?


My husband has three wives
And all three are alive;
The birth and death are unknown to them,
Two to her husband help
And the third ruins.


The streams rang, rooks flew in.
In the hive, the bee brought the first honey.
Who will say, who knows when it happens?

Riddles around the world for schoolchildren - household items

Riddles around the world for schoolchildren - household items
Riddles around the world for schoolchildren - household items

Riddles around the world for schoolchildren are household items:

What, tell me, for the envelope
Small, but bright,
All white light will fly around
How do you stick brands?


Melt, but not ice.
Not a lantern, but the light gives.


Four blue suns
Grandma in the kitchen,
Four blue suns
They burned and went out.
Swarish pancakes rumble.
Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.
(Gas stove)


I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to warm up anymore.
The cover rang loudly:
"Drink tea, water boiled!"


How it starts to speak - to talk
We need to make tea as soon as possible.


From a hot well
Through the nose the water pours.


In the belly - a bathhouse,
In the nose - a sieve,
On the head - the navel,
Just one hand
And that - on the back.


What key cannot be unscrewed by the nut?


In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Does not sing and does not play -
She heats the house.
(Heating battery)


I don't eat it myself
And I feed people.
(A spoon)


Duck in water.
And the tail is on the mountain.


A pear hangs -
You can’t eat.


You go to the dark room
With matches in the hands.
The room has a candle, lamp, stove.
What will you light in the first place?


This is cramped - a cramped house:
One hundred sisters are clinging in him.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up.
Like a fire!
Do not joke with the sisters
Thin ...


From a dungeon one hundred sisters
They are released in the vastness.
Carefully take them,
Head against the wall is rubbing
Struck deftly once and two -
The head will light up.


What freezes in the house in winter
And on the street - no?


The sister beat in the evening
On a razor at Yashka
Heap of fluff and pen
In the chintz shirt.


On the sides of the box
Round buttons.
Immediately nearby, in the corner,
A handle with a pipe on a lace.
Without a tongue, he speaks
Hears perfectly without ears.


Through the field and forest
The voice is set.
He runs along the wires -
You will say here
And you can hear there.


Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There is snow and ice sparkles,
Winter itself lives there.
This winter is forever
They brought from the store.


In the summer, our dad brought
In a white box is frost.
And now the frost is gray -haired
At home in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat. Fish, fruits.


Grandma has a safe.
He is not new for a long time,
Moreover, completely
Not steel,
And oak.
He is modestly with her
In the corner.
Grandma holds in it
Nezochki, socks,
Cuts for dresses,
A little of the yarn
A downy handkerchief
And even a pension.
But not the door,
And the lid is on it.
Very heavy
With a hanging lock.


Although it is new, but -
In small holes, the whole bottom.


House - Glass Bubble,
And the light lives in it.
He is sleeping during the day
And how will he wake up -
It lights up with a bright flame.


I adorn the house,
I collect dust.
And people are stomping my feet,
Yes, then they still beat the baths.


Before lunch, in a flash
Will work from the shoulder -
And in the end, be healthy,
It will break so many firewood!


All and all
I will display
But I am silent
And I do not judge.


I look at everyone silently
And everyone looks at me.
Funny see laughter
I cry with sad.
Deep as a river,
I am at home, on your wall.
The old man will see - the old man
The child is a child in me.


I didn't look out the window -
There was one Antoshka
I looked out the window -
There is the second Antoshka!
What is this window
Where did Antoshka look?


I walk - I wander not in the forests,
And on the mustache, on the hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.


Frequent, toothy.
He clung to the Chub Vikhrat.


The whole universe lives in it.
And the thing is ordinary.


I turn a magic circle
And a friend will hear me.


In the locker room I serve
I keep my coat on weight.


The field is smooth, the seed is flat,
Who knows how, he sows
The seed does not rush
And the fetus brings.


In a wooden house
Gnomic live.
There are such good -ows
Give out the lights to everyone.

Riddles about the world around for children - plants

Riddles about the world around for children - plants
Riddles about the world around for children - plants

Riddles about the world around for children - plants:

Here is a basket with a black don.
The whole day is following the sun.
There are so many grains in it.
What is it?..


A lot of dresses,
A lot of crunch.
What is her name?


Thorny balls,
Very bastard.
They will attach them to all a loafer -
Big weed ...


Whose tall tops
Will they pink on the edge?
Summer Red meet!
Blooms ...
(Blooming Sally)


Kolosi in the open
Like the Golden Sea.
Black bread is good from them,
After all, these ears of these - ...


The family lives underground,
Water them from a watering can.
Both Pauline and Antoshka
Let's call to dig ...


This vegetable of pumpkin brother -
Also in appearance a sweatshirt.
Lay down under the leaf on the barrel
Between the beds ...


If something gets sick,
Even the beast will not stand.
With what grass is the infusion with?
With a miracle grass ...
(St. John's wort)


In the rye field near the river fast
The sky sparks scattered.
This is in the field by the river
Glue ...


Only touch -
And pull your palm:
The grass burns
Like fire.


If you want a vinaigrette -
Go to the garden after her,
She has a beautiful color
And outside and inside!


Two sisters are green in the summer,
By autumn, one blushes,
The other is blackened.


In the tundra, it grows frozen,
Among the northern swamps -
The bush did not dry out at all,
And the name is "Oniya Moss"-
There the camp is grazed
And the plant is ...
(Reindeer moss)


A tight house broke
To two halves,
And they fell from there
Beads - pellets.
Beads are green,
Sweet vital.


I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy.


The Russian beauty stands in the clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.


Kudri lowered into the river
And I was sad about something
And what is sad about, does not tell anyone.


I have a longer needle
Than the Christmas tree.
I am very right
In height.
If I'm not on the edge
Branches - only on the top of the head.

Riddles about the world around the world with answers

Riddles about the world around the world with answers
Riddles about the world around the world with answers

Riddles about the world around the world:

The bird floats slowly
Like a white ship.
Proud and beautiful,
Patient and shy.


They have wings, head,
Two paws, beaks and feathers.
Everyone appears from the egg.
Their songs from trees are heard.


The baskets were hung
On birch and aspen.
Each basket is a house,
And he is called ...

Leaves fall from aspen,
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.
(Flock of birds)


Used to take hunting
They wore me in my arms.
And now something happened:
As if they took and forgot.


I am a silly
Everyone has been called since childhood.
Like a symbol of the world
And they love and honor.


I catch bugs all day
I eat bugs, worms.
I do not fly away to winter,
I live under the cornice.
Jumping gallop! Do not timid!
I'm experienced ...


Will be born twice
And once dies.


The clothes are white and the legs
Showed in red boots.
They will get out of fashion - that's the trouble!
He never remove them!


On claws on the barrel pine
Monter red -headed climbed.
He worked on weight,
But the light did not flare up in the forest.


He's his nest in the field.
Where plants stretch.
His songs and flight
We entered the poems!

Dissolves the tail with a peacock,
Walks an important master
On the ground with your feet - a knock,
What is his name?


Riddles about birds - feathered
This is our old acquaintance:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long -legged, long -bearing,
Long -wing, awkward.
He flies to hunt
Behind the frogs to the swamp.


Who will be born twice:
For the first time smooth
The second time soft?


Gray bird,
Bird a noil bird,
You always turn your neck.
Is there a need for this?


Here's a house on a branch
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks there live warm.
The house is so called ...


Little boy
In the gray Armenian
Slits around the yards
The crumbs collects
In the barn, oats stealing.


A flock was sitting on the birch,
Does not whistle, does not sing, -
This is known to young and old
The word "kar" is not sung!
(Flock of raven)

You will recognize him right away:
Black -blurate, black -eyed,
He is important for the plow,
Chervyakov, Zhukov finds.


Who called me a detail
Musical instruments?
And also the rod of the bar
For sports arguments.
The degree of information of secrets
I can save me,
But, however, I'm all a bird
I ask you: "Do not exterminate!"

Riddles for the lesson of the world

Riddles for the lesson of the world
Riddles for the lesson of the world

Riddles for the lesson of the world:

Either skipping, then
Children do ...


If you quit, he will jump.
Throw it again, rushes to jump,
Well, of course - this ....


In the yard in the morning, the game
The kids played out.
Screams: “Work!”, “Past!”, “Beat!” -
There is a game - ...


I'm in a hurry for training
In Kimono, I am deftly fighting.
I need a black belt,
After all, I love ...


By goal, you hit -
He will not miss the ball ...


He ate the horse
He ate an elephant
And won.
Proud, country!
(Chess player)


In an honest fight, I'm not a bush
I will protect two sisters.
I beat a pear in training,
Because I ...


Who rushes quickly in the snow,
Not afraid to fail?


Athletes are only the best
On the pedestal,
They are awarded solemnly
All them ...


In the early morning along the road
The dew shines on the grass,
Legs are driving along the way
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my …


We are elegant and easy
We are figured ...


There are two stripes in the snow,
Two foxes were surprised.
I came one closer:
Someone ran here ...


Here are the runners, back, planks -
And all together it - ...


As a soldier there is no without a gun,
There is no hockey player without ...


Tape, ball, log and beams,
The rings are next to them.
I do not dare to list
Many shells.
Beauty and plastic
Gives us ...


He liked the pool so much -
He immediately drilled into the water,
The batterfly style rushed,
Now guess the athlete.


We will collect the team at school
And find a large field.
Pierce the corner -
We score your head!
And in the gate the fifth goal!
We love us very much ...


In this sports players
All are dexterous and high.
Love them to play the ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball shakes loudly on the floor,
So this is ...


On the squares of the boards
The kings brought the shelves.
No for a fight at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.


He is in sports with that name
Does everything with an old one.
And you would try yourself
Do sport …


Swim here in winter
We can easily with you.
Here they will teach us to dive.
Somehow we call the place?
(Swimming pool)


Green meadow,
One hundred benches around,
From gate to gate
The people are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing networks.

The surrounding world riddles for grade 1-2

The surrounding world riddles for grade 1-2
The surrounding world riddles for grade 1-2

The surrounding world riddles for grade 1-2:

The air flow is large
He rushes quickly above the ground.
Blowing, howls in pipes,
The leaves from the branches breaks off.
Drives clouds with clouds,
He claps the doors in the house.


Fells, blowing it out
And walks the streets.
Can even howl a wolf
Warm up and cold.


We loaded the wagon
In it, what is needed was placed.
The power is the one inside us,
They added to her, and at once
What we breathed.
The atmosphere was trained.


Nowhere is it worth it.
Without legs, but walks and runs.
There are no wings, but flies
It is often not enough.


I am a mountain, but not simple:
I am speaking down the lava.
There is a crater on the crown.
He is in fire and in smoke all.


Do you need to make a copy?
I can serve you.
I'm transparent paper
To reduce drawings.
It costs you at the beginning of the word
“G” put it instead of “K”,
As to the seashore again
Water will throw me away.
(Tracing paper, pebbles)


I am a difficult source
After all, the volcano is my brother.
Beat a fountain above the ground,
I let the steam over myself
I thunder and explode
I only pour boiling water.


I'm a slippery road
Do not run for me
Can I arms, legs
Break anyone.
I will come to me misfortune
As soon as you fall
With a broken wrist
You will get to the hospital.


I grow high
I am standing in a flat area.
I put on the top
The Snow hat is.
Everyone does not get to the peak:
You need to be able to.
The climbers will only succeed
My slopes are overcome.


Pointed, steep
I always strive for the sky.
I have a snow cap on me
But I'm not afraid to freeze.


I always stand on Earth,
I deliver the sky with a hat.


I have footsteps.
I have a sharp peak.
And from the top I can
Lower your snow.
I might a huge avalanche
Down the slopes to the plain.


I am different heights.
Often I support the sky.
I go down
Their thick sides.
Sometimes from my top
Snow is the snow with a continuous avalanche,
Stitching everything in the way.
Do not pass, do not pass.


On snowy peaks
I am born with rustling.
Makhina snowflakes
I break from there.
I am unclear by the hum
I seem to me first.
But very dangerous
When I break down.
On the way I sweep away everything:
I am not stronger.
I bite myself
At home and people.
(Mountain avalanche)


Snow's bulks moved from the place
On the slopes rushed down rapidly.
Cutting out objects, at home everywhere,
We fell with a huge roar down.
(Mountain avalanche)


Suddenly woke up on the beds
In the form of sedimentary balls,
All seedlings were broken.
Have you learned these ice floes?
This happens: rain carries
We have ice on the ground in drops.


I can fall with the rain,
For sowing, I attack.


I fell from the sky yesterday,
I broke all the seedlings.


The bad weather is stormy
Bends thunder, lightning with him.


Someone rumbled in the sky,
Apparently, he hit with a hammer.
And also sparkled with fire
And watered everyone with water.


Between the clouds and even inside
You will see me in the sky from the ground.
I am a dangerous phenomenon.
After all, lightning, I always carry the wind.
Grads drops with me,
And the clouds, faced with the sides, rattles.

Riddles around the world-3-4 grade

Riddles around the world - 3-4 grade
Riddles around the world-3-4 grade

Riddles around the world-grade 3-4:

It is a pity the fingering poor thing -
All winds and breeze
He is the last shirt
I gave it out on flaps.


Cossacks stand, they are white caps.
(stump in the forest)


In the spring it is amused
It is cold in the summer
Nuts in the fall
Warm up in winter.
(wood, forest)


In a small pot, porridge is sweet.


The house is open from all sides,
He is a carved roof of covers.
Come into the green house -
You will see miracles in it!


In winter and summer
In one color.
(Christmas tree, pine)


I will burn! Don't touch me!
My leaves are like fire.


The house is open from all sides,
The house has a thousand columns,
Above the columns - tents,
Under the columns carpets.
They live there on carpets,
On columns and tents.


He releases sheets
Wide breadth.
Keep on stems of strong
One hundred fruits of rough, tenacious:
If you can’t get around them,
You will find them all on yourself.


Under the pine by the track
Who is among the grass?
There is a leg, but there is no boot
There is a hat - there is no head.


Small, remote
He passed through the ground,
I found red hat.


On the borus, on Yar
Is it a peasant?
Red cap.


On the clearings of the girl
In white shirts,
In the green hemispheres.


Small children
Sit on the bolt,
How to grow up -
It is jumped to the ground
(nuts, acorns)


At the bridge
Under the bush
Two chanterelles
Two sisters.


Egor is worth
In Red Ermolka,
Whoever passes
Everyone will bend.


Very friendly sisters.
Walk in red berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.


There are no mushrooms friendly than these,
- adults and children know, -
On hemp grow in the forest,
Like freckles on the nose.


Under the tree under the aspen
There is a boy with a finger
On it, a serpent, red hat.


And on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch, but under the Christmas tree,
Round dances and in a row
Well done are in hats.


Noisy on the mountain
And under the mountain is silent.


In a fur coat in the summer, and stripped in winter.


The hero is rich
Treats all the guys
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - Kostyahika,
Mashenka - a nut,
Petya - raw
Katenka - raspberry,
Vova - twig.


What is this girl?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.
She sews nothing herself,
But in needles all year round.
(Christmas tree)


All Antoshka -
A hat and a leg.
And the rain will go -
He will grow up.


It was green in the spring, and in the summer it sunbathed,
In the fall, she put on red corals.


No one scares her
And she is trembling.


My needles are longer than that of the Christmas tree,
I am very right in height.
If I'm not on the edge
Branches only on the crown.


Spot leaf,
Lipuch barrel.
(pine, spruce)


We hold on the hollows
And buzzing right up to winter.
We are very different insects in the honeycomb-tunes.


Like pines, like Christmas trees,
And in the winter without needles.


Fall in the fall from the branch
Golden coins.


Here are needles and pins
Sleak out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.


What kind of guys on the stump,
Creamed in a cramped bunch?
And hold umbrellas in their hands,
Caught by the cloud?
(mushrooms mushrooms)


Day and night - all year round
At the stream, the animal lives.
I want - I don't want to
And the water rinses.


Everyone is trampling me
And I am on the way to everyone - an assistant.


Soft, not fluff,
Green, not grass.


It blooms from under the snow
The spring meets before everyone else.


What is it: you will decrease - there will be more,
Add - there will be less?


Under what bush the hare sits,
When is it raining?
(Under wet)


On a halt helped us:
I cooked the soup, the potatoes are baking.
For the campaign - good
But you can’t carry it with you.


Why do they go to the forest?
(On the ground)


Come to my forest!
I am spreading and tall.
Among my branches
A lot of strong acorns.


Here is the favorite of Russia -
Ask everyone and everyone.
Belostry beauty
Decorate the forests.


Under a spreading pine
The skyscraper stands forest.
From the needles of the floors.
This house is not turning!


In the silence of cold nights,
After an hour or two
We will hear among the bumps
Unexpected: "Wow!"
Predatory birds fly,
They catch mice and hare.
(Owls, noodles)


Snow White winter
My vestik is visible to everyone,
After all, on a twig in the cold
I am alei like a rose.


Skyscraper in the forest I will build
I am from twigs and needles.
I have a lot of friends
Build more fun together!


We always rink in the heat
Above the clearing and in the forest
And we bite everyone in a row
Even little guys.


I am a horn, like a forest beast "
Get to know everything with me.
I relate to insects
And the stump serves me a house.
(Beetle-novel, rogache beetle)

The world around the world about the air

The world around the world about the air
The world around the world about the air

The surrounding world is riddles about the air:

What are we breathing?
What do we not see?
Answer: Air


What is neither in the room nor on the street you will see?
Answer: Air


I am an insidious arsonist.
You want fire - Nate!
I am an omnipotent oxidizing agent
(If only give firewood).
Answer: Air


He goes through the nose into the chest and the opposite keeps the way.
He is invisible, and yet, we cannot live without him.
Answer: Air


You can't live without him
Neither drink nor drink nor speak.
And even, to be honest,
You can’t ignite you fire.
Answer: Air


There is invisibility: he does not ask for the house, and before people runs in a hurry.
Answer: Air


What do you not see in the room?
Answer: Air


He has no weight or color!
Answer: Air


What is always around us, but we do not see it?
Answer: Air


We live with him all our lives, but have never seen.
Answer: Air


Peas scattered on a hundred roads, no one will collect it:
Neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red girl, nor the white fish.
Answer: Air


Peas scattered at seventy roads;
No one to collect - neither the priests, nor the clerks, nor us, fools.
Answer: Air

The surrounding world - riddles about animals

The surrounding world - riddles about animals
The surrounding world - riddles about animals

The world around us are riddles about animals:

In the summer walks without a road
Near pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in the den,
From the frost, the nose hides.


Sleeps in winter,
In the summer - the hives are turning.


The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the black howl,
He sleeps in a hut snow.


Who, having forgotten anxiety,
Sleeping in his den?


He sleeps in the winter in winter
Under a big pine,
And when spring comes,
Wakes up from sleep.


The tail is fluffy,
Golden fur,
Lives in the forest,
In the village of chickens, he steals.


Behind trees, bushes
It flashed as if a flame.
Flashed, ran ...
There is no smoke or fire.


Cunning rogue,
Red -headed head
The tail is fluffy - beauty!
And her name is ...


Which beast is dangerous
Walks in a red fur coat,
Snow scoops up
Is there enough mice?


Who is cold in autumn
Walks gloomy and hungry?


Grayish, dentist,
It is dulling the field
Calves, lambs are looking for.


Who is cold in winter
Walks angry, hungry?


Who carries his house on himself?


Guess, who is who
Walks in a bone coat?


Below stone.
From above a stone,
Four legs
Yes, one head.


What a miracle! That's the miracle!
On top, a dish, below is a dish!
Walks a miracle along the road
The head sticks out and legs.


Who walks in the world
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
Walk ...


Lives calmly, does not hurry,
Just in case, wears a shield.
Under him, not knowing fear,
Walks ...


And do not bathe in the sea,
And they have no bristles
And yet they are called
They are sea ...


When he is in a cage, then it is pleasant
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a predatory beast, although a little
Like a lion and a tiger, it looks like a cat.


What kind of horse -
On all vests.


They really have a wonderful view:
Dad has curls with a wave,
And mom walks cut.
Why is she offended?
No wonder he is often angry
For all mom ...


Who wears the forest on his head?


Herbs touching with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
The horns spread widely.


Water masters
They build a house without an ax
House of brushwood and mud
And the dam.


Made a hole
Dug a hole
The sun shines
And he does not know.


He walks, lifting his head,
Not because an important count,
Not because a proud disposition,
But because he ...


A log is floating along the river.
Oh and angry it!
Those who hit the river,
The nose will bite off ...


I am a humpbacked beast
And I like the guys.


Ser, not a wolf,
Long -eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.
(A donkey)


Hungry - mumbles,
Fed - chews
Small guys
Milk gives.


The motley itself
Eats green,
Gives white.


In the middle of the courtyard
In front - forks,
At the back is a broom.


Thick herbs floated,
Lugs were bloated,
Yes, and I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of horns.


Who is neither in the heat nor the cold
Does not take off the fur coat.
(Sheep, ram)


Who does not spin, not a tc,
And he dresses people.


In the mountains, on the valleys
There is a fur coat and caftan.


The living castle grumbled,
Lried at the door across.
Two medals on the chest.
Better don't go into the house!


You stroke - caresses
Tear - bites.


It is friends with the owner
The house is watching
Lives under the porch,
The tail is a ringlet.


Does not speak and does not sing,
And who goes to the owner,
She gives to know.


I can wash clean
Not water, but with a tongue.
Meow! How often I dream
A saucer with warm milk!


The muzzle is mustached,
Striped fur coat,
Often washed
It does not know with water.


At the threshold cries,
Hides claws,
It will enter the room quietly
Marking, picked up.

Riddle for the world surrounding the profession

Riddle for the world surrounding the profession
Riddle for the world surrounding the profession

Riddle for the world around the profession:

He is a very good master,
I made a closet to us for the hallway.
He is not a carpenter, not a painter.
Furniture does ...
Answer: The carpenter

Movement rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts a motor,
Rushes by car ...
Answer: driver

Dark night, clear day
He fights with fire.
In the helmet, as if the warrior is glorious,
He hurries to the fire ...
Answer: lean

He puts bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for guys
Not a miner or a driver,
The house will build us ...
Answer: Builder

Who floats on the ship
To the unknown land?
He is a good merit.
What is his name?
Answer: sailor

In reality, not in a dream
He flies in the embroidery.
Puts a plane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me?
Answer: pilot

You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
Gives everyone advice ...
Answer: Lawyer

It stands at your post
He is following the order.
A strict bold officer.
Who is he?
Answer: Police

Nails, axes, saw,
Strings are a whole mountain.
This is working as an employee -
Makes us chairs ...
Answer: Carpenter

He is from all relatives in the distance
Drives ships into the sea.
I saw a lot of countries
Our brave ...
Answer: Captain

On the bridge to rush fast,
He repaired at the bottom of the support.
All day after time
He dives deeper ...
Answer: Diver

Who controls the movement?
Who misses the cars?
On a wide pavement
Waves a wand ...
Answer: Waiting

At the post he is in the snow and in the heat,
Protects our peace.
Man, the oath is true
Called ...
Answer: Military

The knock flies from under the wheels,
The electric locomotive rushes into the distance.
The train is not a taxi driver,
Not a pilot, but ...
Answer: driver

In films, tricks performs,
Diving from height to the bottom
Prepared actor.
Fast, brave ...
Answer: Statement

Wave a thin wand -
The choir on the stage will sing.
Not a wizard, not a juggler.
Who is this?
Answer: conductor

Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who will heal from the sore throat?
You don't cry on vaccinations -
How to be treated, knows ...
Answer: A doctor

The bell rang loudly
A lesson began in the class.
The student and parent know -
Will conduct a lesson ...
Answer: Teacher

In the window, all products:
Vegetables, nuts, fruits.
Tomato and cucumber
Offers ...
Answer: Seller

Teaches us politeness,
Reads the story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is a nanny ...
Answer: Educator

I always draw, then face, then faces.
My palette is different faces
I help them turn faster
To the villain, to the beauty, to the blue bird,
In the beast, in the woman - Eshka,
In the horror story, in Koshchei,
In a funny nesting doll,
In the cat, in Barmaleya.
My client is an actor.
I'm cool …
(Make -up)

I work in the theater.
I am just aunt in the intermission.
And on the stage - then the queen,
Either granny, then a fox.
Kolya and Larisa know
That in the theater I ...

It works in the theater,
It protects clothes,
He strokes and dwells,
The sparkles are fastened, sews.
He is trying on the actor
Jacket, for example,
His profession ...

It will flut out into the sky with a swallow,
The fish dives into the lake.

We must fight with fire,
With water we are partners.
We all people really need us,
Answer soon who we are?

Who is sitting at the patient's bed?
And how to be treated, he says to everyone;
Who is sick - he will offer to accept drops,
Those who are healthy will allow you to take a walk.

Who grazes sheep and goats,
Where the meadow is grass.

At least on the set of the film camera,
Though on stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we …

My dad is not along the path
Walks, but on the rocks,
He has boots-cats,
There are a lot of baggage -
Ice ax, and alpensteus,
And safety sink.

Here is a special kingdom:
Only medicines live in it,
Past cotton, iodine, syringes
Mom walks like a queen.
(Pharmacist, pharmacist, pharmacist)
Last time he was a teacher,
The day after tomorrow is a driver.
He must know a lot,
Because he ….

Mom treats all animals -
Cat, dog and llama.
Has friend a friend? They call soon
Call mom.
Mom knows all pills
For a hedgehog and birds in a cage.

We get up very early
After all, our concern -
Dive everyone
In the morning to work.

His work in the depths,
At the very bottom.
His work in the dark
And silence.
But who is he,
answer the question,
Not an astronaut,
Does he walk among the stars?

In aqualanga, in a mask, in flippers
The one who floats perfectly.
He is a hero one
In the silence of sea depths.
(Diver, submariner.)
The bottom goes to the bottom,
Breathing depth.
He will find everything under silt,
The ship will brew the bottom
If you flow, trouble has been shaking -
Not a hindrance and water.

Kindness, warmth of the soul
Mom is not a pity.
The kids are waiting for mom -
Vasya, Masha, Galka,
Pasha, Senya and Marat -
The whole kindergarten is waiting for her!

You teach letters to fold, count
Generate flowers and catch butterflies,
Look at everything and remember everything,
And all native, love the homeland.

Pebbles lie in the box,
Everyone has been familiar to me for a long time.
Dad walked along a mountain path,
He beat them with a hammer.
And keeps in the collection
Marble, coal and granite.

In the snow -white robe
Heals all patients in the ward.
If suddenly the trouble happens
Then he will rush to the ambulance.
Dad knows medicine
All medicines and vaccines.
(Doctor, doctor)

In the yellow sea, the ship floats.
Who leads the ship by the sea?

Oh, what a mom has a workshop!
Fragrant, sweet!
Mom sugar and nut
Saws in chocolate.
Here order, cleanliness,
Not work - beauty!

Here in the spacesuit is a brave dad,
He goes to the rocket.
A hat is removed in front
People of the whole planet.
It’s not news for him at all
What is weightlessness!
(Astronaut, astronaut)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He does not lead the plane,
And a huge rocket,
Children, who, tell me, is this?

At work, day-day
He commands his hand.
That hand raises
One hundred pounds for clouds.

The composition is ready, the beep sounds,
The train went to the east.
Robes and pillars flash,
Birch trees, ate and oaks.
And my dad leads the composition,
Not a charter in a day.

My dad is a hero!
Walks in uniform, with a holster!
In the middle of the night darkness
Somewhere theft or fight?
Immediately by "02" call,
Call my dad!

My friend went to the fleet,
On the ship is now floating.
And even though the wave goes a mountain,
There is a hero on the deck.
It has a marine uniform,
He is not afraid of the storm.
(Sailor, sailor)

Who walks on the parade
The ribbons behind their backs,
Ribbons curl, and in the detachment
There is no girl.

Mom needs to work
Put the notes on the pupiter.
Mom just ask
And he will play: "Mi, salt, si!"
I will tell the guys proudly:
"Mom knows all the chords!"

Mom can put banks
Smear abrasions and wounds.
Mom makes injections
All the guys of our school.
Mom affection, kind word
Helps to become healthy!

He sprinkles grain in the mill.
You call him soon.

His car is all in armor,
Like a turtle.
After all, in war as in war,
There should be no fear here!
The gun barrel is ahead:
Dangerous! Enemy, don't come!

He lifts him to heaven
Your steel bird.
He sees mountains and forests,
Air boundaries.
Why does it fly in an embroidered?
To protect your country!
(Military summer, pilot)
He protects the rye field,
And the grove and the oak tree.
Protects the borders
Far from the outpost.
And the military duty is like this:
Store peace and yours.
(Border guard)

The guy has a dream -
He came to serve in a company.
Now shoots: "Tra-Ta!"
From a gun, mortar.
Recently serves as a guy,
But he is the best shooter.

A young soldier was wounded
On the field in the morning early.
And he took him to Sanbat
And processed the wounds.
Remove the daredevil from the body
Dangerous fragments.
His hand was hard:
"Live, brother, long!"
(Military doctor)

Riddles around the world about air transport

Riddles around the world about air transport
Riddles around the world about air transport

Riddles around the world about air transport:

Not a bee, not a bumblebee,
And buzzes.
The wing is motionless
And flies.

It swims quickly in the sky,
Overtaking the birds.
Man controls them.
What …
Answer: Aircraft


This bird has no wings
But one cannot but marvel:
Only the poultry will open the tail -
And rises to the stars.
Answer: Rocket


What a bold bird
Did you rush around the sky?
Only the path is white
She remained from her.
Answer: Aircraft


Here is a steel bird
He tends to heaven,
And her pilot leads.
What kind of bird?
Answer: Aircraft


A non-bell bird flies,
And inside the people are sitting,
Speaks between him.
Answer: Aircraft


What kind of bird:
Does not sink songs, the nests do not go,
Does the cargo carry people and cargo?
Answer: Aircraft


I take off without acceleration,
I remind the dragonfly.
I'm going to flight
Who is this?
Answer: Helicopter


He buzzes and draws chalk
He draws white-white
Blue paper on paper
Above my head.
Answer: Aircraft


In appearance - this is a plane:
There are wings, and there is a pilot.
Knows how to fly well
But it has no motor.
Answer: glider


No pen, no wing
And faster than the eagle.
Only releases the tail -
Rushes to the stars.
Answer: Rocket


With warm air, the ball,
And under it a basket,
Earth underfoot -
As if in the picture.


There is an umbrella, all white-white,
It is big and very brave.
He flies through the air,
He lowers the clouds of people.


- "What is it, what it is!" - Everyone shouts
Umbrellas fly in the sky.


In appearance - this is a plane:
Wings are and there is a pilot.
Knows how to fly well
But it has no motor.


Just like a plane,
There is a pilot in the cab.
But in blue open spaces
Flies without a motor.


The bird flies around the sky,
You can hear her buzzing.
Go to take off
Silver - ...


Wing, tail,
Nosat, Puzate
Flies, buzzing
He smokes, puffs
People are lucky
Into the distance ...


Here is a steel bird
He tends to heaven,
And her pilot leads.
What kind of bird? ..


Plays in the windshields with winds
And hides behind the clouds.
Calls into a swift flight
Beautiful, fast ...


I took a rider with me
And soared under the clouds!
So went on flight
Miracle bird-...?


Here it rushes quickly in the sky
To us, a steel miracle bird,
He will take us all to the sea,
This bird ...


Amazing bird -
Not an eagle and not a tit.
All in metal all year round.
This bird - ...


In the sky, a nobilis bird.
He flies, is not afraid.
Who takes people on flight,
Tell? .. ..


Very, long and powerful
He flies, piercing clouds.
Loud in the clouds roars
He is lucky passengers.


For whom the airfield
For an hour, for two - a welcome house.
Goes to flight
Passenger ...


I'm flying quickly in the sky,
I want to overtake everyone.
I'll take everyone on flight.
The pilot controls me.


Winged, but not a bird
Flies in heaven.
In a moment it can hide
In fluffy clouds.
When it takes off into the sky
And gaining move -
Pawns ears,
What is it?..


There are wings, there is a nose and tail,
But, believe me, I'm not simple.
I have motors -
I am very fast, friends.


There is silence in this house,
A lot of windows, one door.
The house flies under heaven.
The whole country is outside.
The house went on flight.
So this ...


Silver is silver
Amazing bird.
Far countries flew to countries,
This bird is made of metal.
Makes a flight
Miracle bird ...


What a bold bird
Did you rush around the sky?
Only the path is white
She remained from her.


Not a bee, but buzzing
Not a bird, but flies,
Nest does not drive
People and cargo are lucky.


Not a bird, but flying
Not a truck, but with a cabin,
Not a bat, but with wings.


Somewhere in the sky is high small point,
"What flies there high?" - I ask my daughter.
For a long time, the daughter is not silent, he immediately says.
“He is a hefty flight there ...


Do you want to fly around the whole world?
You, listen to my advice!
There is no better means in the world,
Buy rather a ticket.
Fast a flight quickly
It will help you ...

Riddles around the world about special equipment

Riddles around the world about special equipment
Riddles around the world about special equipment

Riddles around the world about special equipment:

Walks from the edge and to the edge
He cuts black loaf.
The answer is a tractor


What kind of miracle giant?
Pulls his hand to the clouds
Engaged in labor:
Helps to build at home.
Answer - lifting crane


At sandy pits,
The mountain is steep
It is a giant
With an iron hand.
The answer is an excavator


The hero goes iron.
But he is useful for an employee.
Drags plows behind him,
The conversation leads in the spring.
The answer is a tractor


From the edge to the edge
Cuts black loaf,
Off -road is not an obstacle,
There is no road - and do not:
Puts on his own
Two wide roads.
The answer is a tractor


One -armed giant
He raised his hand to the clouds.
He is a very important employee
The house is multi -storey.
Answer - lifting crane


Where a new house is being built,
A warrior with a shield walks.
Where it will pass, it will become smooth
There will be a flat platform.
The answer is a bulldozer


I am a giant: that huge one
A multi -pound plate
I, like chocolate tile,
I lift it in a height.
Answer - lifting crane


The horse rides steel, growls,
The plug is dragging behind.
The answer is a tractor


As if I were stricting the land,
I help to make roads.
Where are new buildings, everywhere attention
A glorious car with a difficult name.
The answer is a bulldozer


I am stronger than ten horses.
Where in the fields I will go in the spring -
In summer, bread will become a wall.
The answer is a tractor


What are you looking for in the ground?
- I'm not looking for anything
The land of the swarm and the drag.
A handful of the land of the swarm
Underground path.
The answer is an excavator


In the yellow sea
The ship is floating.
The answer is the combine


What horse plow the earth,
Doesn't he eat hay?
The answer is a tractor


Raises the giant
A lot of cargo to the clouds.
Where he will stand, then
A new house grows up.
Answer - lifting crane


Hand, toothy,
Walks-brades along the street
It goes and the snow is robb.
And the janitor only squints,
And the janitor smiles:
Snow is raked without it.
Answer - snow removal machine

Riddles about parts of the human body - the world around

Riddles about parts of the human body - the world around
Riddles about parts of the human body - the world around

Riddles about parts of the human body - the world around him:

On two stakes of the barrel,
On a barrel of a bump,
And on the bump of moss.


Two walk
Two watch
And one drives
And orders.


Cool rock
It has grown into the slope,
Above Kruchi is a forest
Increased to heaven.


One says, two are looking, two are listening.
(Language, eyes and ears)


Well done and girl
We decided to get married
But the rock between them:
Do not get around, do not avoid
Do not see, do not recognize.
Well done and girl
Do not connect.


Two small nests,
In each bird,
At the bird - on the testicle,
On every testicle -
Black speck.


The oyster opened,
I washed my pearls in the river,
He shone, shone,
Like a rain on a clear day.
And when the night has come
The oyster shutters closed
And went to the bottom.


Brother and brother live across the track,
And they do not see each other.


Two windows are closing themselves at night,
And at the sunrise themselves open.
(Eyelids and eyes)


In the middle of two lakes, Gorushka.
(Eyes and nose)


Two windows are open all day.
Medo them, a little lower - a stump.
(Eyes and nose)


In the nest - an egg,
On the egg - a bird
Bird egg
Covers the wing,
From wind and rain


Two brothers in separation
They miss each other
And they will come together -
Angry and frown.


Two sisters,
Two eagles
They sit on the nests,
They look angrily
Featers are disheveled,
The guest will not come


When we eat, they work,
When we do not eat, they rest.
Do not clean them - get sick.


Olya nuclear nucleus gnaws,
The shells are falling.
And for this we need our Ole


What kind of lunch is more necessary?


Under the mountain - a hole
And in the hole - a detachment,
The warriors are bold,
Even and white.


32 dogs in the cave are sitting,
Whoever comes in will eat it.


Red doors
In my cave.
White animals
They sit at the door.
Both meat and bread -
All my prey
I am happy
I give white animals.
(Mouth, teeth)


White Steads
Chopped kalachi
And the red talker
Puts new ones.
(Teeth, tongue)


Always in the mouth,
And you will not swallow.


If there weren't him
I would not say anything.


He is always at work
When you say.
He's relaxing,
When you are silent.


Full trough
The geese-swans are soaked.


Thirty -two hammer
And one turns.
(Language and teeth)


Small, red,
And let him go - gets ill.


On the red hills
Thirty white horses.
To meet each other
Rerry soon.
Their ranks will converge
And they will become quiet
Until new vents.


Thirty foals of red hole:
Eat - they knock hooves,
And everyone will eat - they stand, silent.


In a dark stable
White lambs.
(Mouth and teeth)


Between the pit and the rock
Small river runs,
On her way-road
The clean field lies.


Between the two luminaries I am in the middle.


Petka has potatoes,
Maryushka has a duck.


Here is a mountain, and at the mountain -
Two deep holes.
In these burrows, air wanders:
It comes in, then comes out.


Always have people
There are always ships.


Behind the Glana Mountain,
There is a hole under the city,
And in the grief - two stoves
Day and night they are puffed with fervor,
Now they sniff, then breathe evenly.
What is this mountain?
It's time for you to give an answer!


There is a house in a clearing,
Who looks at this house
That windows will see:
Two windows, they are dark in them,
They went to bed in the house for a long time.


Two young sisters
We went out to bow to the sun
And under the sun gold
Embarrassed, blushed,
The scarlet dresses were put on.


Tender plain,
Soft Perina,
And you look affectionately -
It will pour in red paint.


Two handsome neighbors
Trying to meet,
Chat, laugh,
Whispered about your
But the mountain in their way -
Do not climb, do not get around.


There are two brothers,
Velvet caftans,
Red outfits,
Live nearby,
Then they will come down
Then disperse
They will hug hotly -
Grunted tightly.


Two cabbage sheets -
Neighbors on a pumpkin.


Sanding rods scattered
On the cheeks of Marinka.


Olya listens in the forest,
How cuckoo shout.
And for this we need
Our Ole


Do not sow, do not plant - they themselves grow.


Alyoshka has a shock
Alenka has a wave.


I wear them for many years
And I don't know the account.


It grows, but not a flower.
Hanging, but not fruit.
It looks like a thread, but alive.
One falls out, the other grows up.


Olya takes the berry
Two, three things.
And for this we need our Ole


Four brothers,
High yes, thin
Stay together
And the fifth is on the sidelines.
But a little for work
Have to take
Four are crying
Fifth brother.


I will find one to work alone,
Another will help her immediately.
And even wash alone
Without the help of another cannot.


Presentation on the world around - riddles about water

Presentation on the world around - riddles about water
Presentation on the world around - riddles about water

Presentation in the world around the world - riddles about water:

I am a cloud and fog,
I am a stream, and the ocean,
And I'm flying and running
And I can be glass.


In the seas and rivers lives,
But often flies around the sky,
And he will bother her to fly,
It falls to Earth again.


I am in a hurry in the rivers to the sea,
And I pour from the tap with a stream.
Fierce is firm in the cold.
Name me!


I can be motionless
And I run into the distance somewhere.
I and the ice Ice Blue,
I am a drop of rain,
And the snowflake is cut.
You learned without difficulty
I am called ...


Why can't you roll out the mountain,
Do not take away
And in your hands can not be held?

She is everywhere and always
But she loves leprosy:
It will turn into the snow, then into ice,
Then from the cloud it is pouring us!


She is in the well and in the tap,
And in the bath, and even in a glass,
In the forest where the stream flows:
If you want, wash yourself, drink.


We will remember everything forever,
How important it is for us


So that there is no trouble -
We can not live without


Large, fractionally often,
He watered the whole earth.


Long watering can
It hangs above the ground
The earth will irrigate.
They crawl out of the watering can
Water snakes.
Where will they fall
There flowers will bloom.


Without a road and without a road
Walks the longest.
In the clouds hides, in the darkness.
Only legs on the ground.


Who beats the roof all night,
Yes tapping
And mutters and sings,


They will not wait for me,
And as they see, they will scatter.


He is noisy in the field and in the garden,
And it will not fall into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere,
As long as he goes. (Rain)


In the yard, a commotion:
Peas pouring from the sky.
Eathed six peas of Nina,
She has an Angina now.


Not a beast, not a bird -
It lurks under the snow.
Spring will come - run, pound.
(Water in a stream)


The goby runs
Golden horn,
Running, gurgles ... (stream)


Under sedge on sand
Dropped a belt.
And lies, but not to raise,
And runs, but not to catch.


He is without arms, he is without legs
He could break out of the ground.
He in the summer in the most heat in the summer
The ice is eaten with water.


Who runs along the mountain slopes
Taratorya himself with himself,
And in the thick grass of green
Does the tail hide the tail?


Under sedge on sand
Dropped a belt.
And lies, but not to raise,
And runs, but not to catch.


Murmures, boasts and pours,
Laughs bumpy.
Carries on his back
Brave boats,
Paper boats.


I'm running like a ladder
Grinkle on pebbles,
From afar on the song
You will recognize me.


I'm running to my mother
And I can't be silent:
I am her dear son,
And I was born in the spring.


We say: it flows;
We say: she plays;
She always runs forward
But he doesn't run away anywhere.


If it weren’t for her, know, children,
All living things would die in the world
People, animals and flowers,
What are you talking about, you know?
(About water)


Flies down with droplets,
And upward - invisible.


They drink me, pour me.
Everyone needs me
Who am I?


In the seas and rivers lives,
But often flies around the sky.
And how to bother her to fly,
It falls to Earth again.


If our hands are in Vax,
If blots sat on the nose,
Who is the first friend to us then,
Will it remove the dirt from the face and hands?
Without which mom cannot
Neither cook nor wash
Without which, we will say directly,
To die a person?
To pour rain from the sky,
So that the ears of bread grow,
To swim ships -
We can’t live without ...


Everyone calls me, wait for me
I won’t come for a long time - oh, and swear!
And only I came -
And immediately went into the ground.


Under Sosoka, on the sand,
Dropped a belt.
He lies - but not raise
He runs - but not catch.


A lot of me - the world would disappear,
Not enough of me - the world would disappear


I am a cloud, and fog, and stream, and ocean,
And I fly, and I run, and I can be glass!


On a hot day
She is the most welcome.


Why can't you roll out the mountain,
Do not take away
And in your hands can not be held?


Very good -natured
I'm soft, obedient,
But when I want
Even a stone is an source.


Neither hands nor legs
And the mountain destroys.
(A drop)


In the evening it flies to the ground
The night on the ground is abiding
In the morning it flies away again.


Not a pedestrian, but goes.
People at the gate are wet.
Catchs his janitor in a tub.
Very difficult mystery?


Shouting day and night
And the voice does not get tired.

Video: Riddles around the world - wild birds and animals

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