Puzzles on ecology for preschoolers and schoolchildren are the best selection for lessons, presentations, information events

Puzzles on ecology for preschoolers and schoolchildren are the best selection for lessons, presentations, information events

A collection of environmental riddles for children.

Riddles about ecology - the best selection

Riddles about ecology - the best selection
Riddles about ecology - the best selection

Riddles about ecology - the best selection:

Man affects nature
And she changes her year from year to year.
So that the planet has a long time
Profession was created ...


The shell is worn on the earth's crust:
Fertile somewhere and poor somewhere,
Thicknesses of very different and different colors ...
What is it called? Who will tell us this?
(the soil)


Around the earth from gas sphere.
Its name …


Sometimes it falls from the sky
And sometimes lies a mountain,
And sometimes in the river it flows ...
And everywhere she is honored.


The weather is a special mode
For long-long years


In every area - it is known in advance -
The weather has its own schedule.
And the mode is easily explained:
The angle of sunlight does not change.


It happens dense and bright, it happens
And it is also called deciduous
It is coniferous, and mixed too,
Noisy and quiet, similar to a fairy tale.
He himself is a whole world! And tell me, friends,
Have you guessed what I am talking about?


What is this sea of \u200b\u200bdry sand:
There is no gram, water or a sip,
Where the climate is ruthless and fierce
Where is the only transport - is this a camel?


What is on the way:
Do not swim and do not pass.
Zybko, Topko, shaking!
Everywhere mosses and duckweed!


These stone steeps
Clouds catch their heads.
If you climbed up,
That got to heaven!
(the mountains)


They decorate the meadows and forests
And this is not only the nature of beauty -
In them, bees find a healing gift
And butterflies drink them sweet nectar.


They are forest orderlies.
So they called them not without reason.
So that the forest is beautiful and healthy,
Without larvae of harmful and beetles,
They are on guard day and night
Drive different bark beetles away!


It’s dangerous to have fun without adults,
Fun may end terribly.
It sometimes happens in the forest
And he will turn into a serious misfortune.


We can meet them in the grass,
After all, there are a million tenants there
You will see them in the way -
Do not offend, but move away!
Without them, the whole forest, my friend,
Both lonely and empty.


The sun is shining - it is silent,
The rain will give - rattles:
Bom, Bom, Bom, Bom!
It rumbles ...
The answer is thunder


Source - in the Northern Urals
(Perhaps you knew about it).
First runs to the southwest,
Called the mountain river.
Then, rushing north,
It acquires peace.
It flows calmly to the sea soon
Her Majesty…
The answer is Pechora


Only the sun goes to bed,
I don’t sit on a place.
I go out to the sky
I look high at the world.
The answer is the moon


Playful, playful,
Chatty, talkative.
In a blue shirt
The ravine runs along the bottom.
The answer is a stream


Not thorny, light blue
It is hung on the bushes ...
The answer is hoar


Sparkles, blinks,
Crooked arrows are allowing.
The answer is lightning


A whale lies, and around the Christmas tree in the snow.
The answer is a snowdrift


The fountain is beating the source,
Stream to ski.
A volcano lives in the neighbors with him,
The fountain is known to you.
The answer is a geyser


Runes without legs, not knowing grief,
And gets to the sea.
The answer is the river


All like stars are through
And take it - so water.
The answer is snow


A white cat climbs out the window.
The answer is light


The hot arrow of the oak dumped at the village.
The answer is lightning


If he becomes, he will reach the sky.
The answer is a rainbow


Winter glass
In the spring it flowed.
The answer is ice


Tired of the beetle of the hammock,
Yes, do not escape in any way.


From gray ships is dripping,
And the flowers are washed.
The answer is rain


Fluffs fell from the sky
On frozen fields.
Spruce enveloped in a scarf,
A hot fur coat - poplar.
And covered the house and square
An unusual blanket.
"What is their name?" - You will ask.
I wrote the name here.
The answer is a snowflake


Wears, whistling.
Rushing, drooping.
Where will he run -
The leaf is trembling.
Where it will fly -
The tree bends.
The answer is the wind


No bucket, no brush, no hands,
And he will turn all the roofs around.
The answer is winter


And to see glad,
And we look back.
The answer is the sun


I thought it was chalk
Because white,
And picked up in his hands
He became water.
The answer is snow


Due to cloud heights,
Looking at the valley
A seven -color cat came out,
Gently arched back.
The answer is a rainbow


Invisible artist
The city is coming:
I am worth the cheeks,
Everyone is pinched by the nose.

And at night he was asleep while I was sleeping
Came with a magic brush
And on the window I drew
Sparkling leaves.
The answer is frost


The snake turned in my way,
Crawls, but does not let me go,
Creers, remaining in his place.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
About what?
The answer is the river

Ecology riddles for preschoolers

Ecology riddles for preschoolers
Ecology riddles for preschoolers

Puzzles in ecology for preschoolers:

In a kindergarten under a window
Radis with potatoes do not grow.
Flowers are growing here,
And what, do you know?
(Children list the flowers familiar to them)

Oh, see the giants -
Hands - hooks, moss - pockets.
The caftan is sewn from the bark, -
Who is this giant?


At the path, the path is uncomplicated
The rug is dull, green.
Well, don't yawn children,-
What is it, guess!


In heaven, crumbs fly.
No, not flies or midges!
On the trees, the nests are driven,
Songs sing loudly!


In the blue sky - ocean
The wind runs ships.
They are floating high -
You and I are driving you and me.


These little brothers
They love to hug.
Branches are pulled from the ground to us, -
Well, and what is it, children?


Ah, what a wonderful day!
We are not too lazy to walk at all!
We are together in a circle, we get up
We sing round dance!
(The teacher leads a round dance with children)


Riddles about natural phenomena

What a miracle beautiful!
Painted gates
Appeared in the way!
Neither enter them,
Neither enter.
Answer (rainbow)


In the blue sky, like a river,
White floats sheep.
Keep the way from afar
What is their name? ...
The answer is clouds


On heaven by orave
Flying bags are running,
And it happens - sometimes
Water flows from bags.
We’ll hide better
From the holey ...
The answer is clouds


You are heating the whole world
And you don't know fatigue,
You smile at the window
And everyone’s name is ...
The answer is the sun


What is this ceiling?
Then he is low, then high,
Then he is a ser, then White,
Then a little bluish.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue!
The answer is the sky


I walk around the sky at night
I lightly illuminate the ground.
I am very bored with me alone
And my name is ...
The answer is the moon


He ran along the path of Lugovoi -
They nodded poppies with their heads.
He ran along the blue river -
The river became pockmarked.
The answer is the wind


Warms the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
He is a leader and clouds,
You know, this is ...
The answer is rain


On trees, for bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Only not fragrant.
The answer is snow


What kind of stars carved
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut,
And take it - water in the hand.
The answer is snowflakes


Whose drawings on the window,
How is a crystal pattern?
Piercing all of the nose
Winter grandfather ...
The answer is frost


Riddles about trees

His spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
They tore all the shirts.
The answer is a tree


Fragrance and beckoning
Gives delicate flowers,
You will hold out your hand by the wander -
And it will be in it ...
The answer is lilac


Like a snowball white
In the spring, she bloomed,
The delicate smell exuded
And when the time has come,
She became at once
All of the berry is black.
The answer is the bird cherry


From trees early summer
Suddenly snowflakes are shut off
But this does not please us -
We are sneezing from this.
The answer is poplar


I got out of the crumbs, I got out
I started and raised the roots,
I became high and powerful,
I'm not afraid of a thunderstorm or clouds.
I feed pigs and protein -
Nothing that my fetus is small.
The answer is oak


White -barrel beauties
We stood together at the track,
The twigs descend down,
And on the twigs of earrings.
The answer is birch


Kudri lowered into the river
And I was sad about something
And what is sad about, does not tell anyone.
The answer is willow


No one scares, and all trembles.
The answer is aspen


It turned green in the spring, tanned in the summer,
Autumn came to the garden, the red torch lit.
The answer is mountain ash


White sheep runs around a candle.
The answer is the verba


Like pines, like Christmas trees,
And in the winter without needles.
The answer is larch


What is this girl
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman
Nothing sews anything herself
And in needles all year round.
The answer is spruce


Everyone knows that the Christmas
Not leaves, but needles,
And the same as she
With needles ...
The answer is pine

Riddles on the topic Ecology for schoolchildren about garbage

Riddles on the topic Ecology for schoolchildren about garbage
Riddles on the topic Ecology for schoolchildren about garbage

Riddles on the topic of ecology for schoolchildren about garbage:

You threw out the garbage. So? Who knows?
A large car comes to your yard,
The container will raise a huge - and here
She is lucky right to the landfill.
And on hot days, in the rain and in the cold
He will come for garbage ....
The answer is a garbage truck


Having staged a feast on the grass,
Fruits, bread and cheese.
We’ll spend time with taste
Let's remove it from the clearing ...
The answer is garbage


People lived on the planet,
Moms, dads and their children.
People will throw on a piece of paper
The planet will become ... a lust
In parks, squares, and alleys
Heaps of garbage white.
And admit, it's a shame even
Like a landfill our beaches.
We fly to space forty years old
And we clog him.
Well, when consciousness comes
In respect of the universe?
Twenty -first now.
Be smarter, …!
The answer is a person


Garbage rubble, piles
However, there are urns everywhere.
On the face, throwing a shadow
Throw garbage into the urn ...
Answer - it should be not lazy.


See with feeling people
That with our planet will be
About asphalt, burning tires
Coughing with gas ...
The answer is cars


Do not break the oak branches.
Never forget
Remove garbage from the grass.
In vain flowers do not need ...!
The answer is to tear


On the city subbotnik
Great workers.
Take the city today
Star and young came.
Someone collects garbage
Someone plants,
Someone in the flower beds is swarming
Joyful everywhere ....
The answer is faces


We arrived at the river
Monday to spend,
Only a clean place
Near the river ...!
The answer is not to find


On a sunny clearing
Here and there - empty banks
And, as if to us spite,
Even broken ...!
The answer is glass


If you litter now, then pretty soon
They can grow out of trash ...
The answer is mountains


Never throw crusts, skins, sticks -
Quickly, our villages and cities will turn into ....
The answer is landfills


When they are brought together
Order and comfort,
Everything that is not needed at all
People give me.
Answer - garbage bucket


We carry garbage in the container,
Well, then he takes away,
What people brought
He will take everything to the scrap.
The answer is a garbage truck


The very first, instill,
He cleans the parking lot
Takes garbage, banks,
All cardboard and tin.
How to fill the entire pallet
He will take the landfill. - ....
The answer is a garbage truck


Iron paw with iron paw
There are enough iron tanks.
And in every district, and in every yard
He stuffs his belly!
The answer is a garbage truck


There is from plastic, glass,
They differ in form,
But almost everywhere,
The container is found!
The answer is a bottle


This little thing is at least small, but the energy is full.
It revives the mechanisms only by the presence of it.
The answer is the battery


It is multi -colored, it is very difficult to break
Items made from it weigh little
If you set it on fire, then caustic black smoke will appear
It cannot be thrown away since it decomposes for a long time in nature
The answer is plastic


It is made of sand
Most often it is transparent
When it falls, it breaks
Blooded in the forest, it can cause a fire
The answer is glass


It was invented by the Chinese
We get it from wood
She is easily burning
It turns out a lot of garbage from it
The answer is paper

A mystery about ecology for children - about water in nature

Riddle about ecology for children - about water in nature
A mystery about ecology for children - about water in nature

A mystery about ecology for children - about water in nature:

If our hands are in Vax,
If blots sat on the nose,
Who is the first friend to us then,
Will it remove the dirt from the face and hands?
Without which mom cannot
Neither cook nor wash
Without which, we will say directly,
To die a person?
To pour rain from the sky,
So that the ears of bread grow,
To swim ships -
We can’t live without ...


In quiet weather - we are not nowhere,
And the wind will blow - run through the water.


The sea is going on, it is,
And it will reach the shore -
Here it will disappear.


Flows, flows - it does not flow out,
Running, running - he will not run out.


So that there is no trouble
We can’t live without ...


I am a cloud and fog,
Both stream and ocean,
And I'm flying and running
And I can be glass!


Why can't you roll out the mountain,
Do not take away
And in your hands can not be held?


In the seas and rivers lives,
But often flies around the sky.
And he will bother her to fly,
It falls to Earth again.


Around water, and with drinking trouble.


Two brothers
They look into the water
In the century will not converge.


Trembles a little in the breeze
The ribbon is in the vastness.
Narrow tip - in the spring,
And the wide - at sea.


There are no legs, but it is not worth it,
There is a bed, but does not sleep
Not a boiler, but he is seething
Not a thunderstorm, but thunders.
There is no mouth, but she is never silent.


I'm running like a ladder
Grinkle on pebbles,
From afar on the song
You will recognize me.


Who runs along the mountain slopes
Taratorya himself with himself,
And in the thick grass of green
Does the tail hide the tail?


Apparently, the river froze
And she covered herself with a blanket
And it is unlikely that you can open up,
If the sun does not help.
But when spring comes,
The blanket will disappear.
(Ice on the river)


It does not burn in the fire,
Non in the water is drowning.


Without boards, without axes
The bridge is ready across the river.
Bridge like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light!


In the yard a mountain,
And in the hut with water.


He is without arms, he is without legs
He could break out of the ground.
He is in the summer, in the most heat,
The ice is eaten with water.


The goby runs
Golden horn,
Running, murmuring.


In a blue shirt
The ravine runs along the bottom.


Between the mountains,
Between dollars
The white horse runs.


Under Sosoka, on the sand,
Dropped a belt.
He lies - but not raise
He runs - but not catch.


In the new wall,
In the round window
During the day, the glass is broken,
Inserted in the night.


Young mountain ash look at him,
Founding their colored scarves.
Young birches look at him,
Correcting his hairstyles in front of him.
And a month and stars -
Everything is reflected in it ...
What is this mirror called?
(Pond, lake)


In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
The glass is blue, the frame is green.


Shouting day and night
And the voice does not get tired.


Everyone costs this place:
Here is the earth, as if the dough,
Here is sedge, bumps, mosses -
Netopors for the leg.


Autumn rain in the city walked,
The mirror has lost his rain.
The mirror then on the asphalt lies,
The wind will blow - it trembles.


In the seas and rivers lives,
But often flies around the sky.
And how to bother her to fly,
It falls to Earth again.


Trembles a little in the breeze
Ribbon at the open
Narrow tip in the spring,
And wide in the sea.


From a height of a large breakdown,
He roars menacingly
And, about the stones, breaking,
Foam gets up.


Everyone costs this place:
Here the earth seems to be dough,
Here is sedge, bumps, mosses ...
There is no leg support.


He is without arms, he is without legs
I could break out of the ground,
He is in the summer, in the most heat,
The ice is eaten with water.


In the middle of the field lies a mirror:
The glass is blue and the frame is green.


Around the water,
And with drinking trouble.


I'm running to my mother
And I can’t be silent.
I am her dear son,
And I was born in the spring.


In the morning, the beads flashed
All the grass was stuck,
And let's go look for them during the day
Looking for, we are looking for - we will not find.


It goes on the sea, it goes
And it will reach the shore -
Then she will disappear.

Riddles about ecology with answers about the plant world

Riddles about ecology with answers about the plant world
Riddles about ecology with answers about the plant world

Riddles about ecology with answers about the plant world:

Russian beauty
We all really like
She, she is slim
The clothes are green


Right into the sky, upward
You look carefully
Not birch, not askens
There are no leaves, there are needles
(ate, pines)


Here is a barrel with a hat
He fell from a tree.
The year has passed - and a tree
He became small.
(Acorn, oak)

Autumn is quiet
Wonderful wood will become
Leaves - bright stars
Gold, hot.


In the summer the sultry blooms -
Immediately calls the bees
Light flowers delicious nectar
Who recognized this tree?


Not birch, not pine
It stands in silence
But only the wind will run
All the foliage trembles on it.


What kind of tree is that
Hells bullfinches?
Snow lies, frosts crack
Well, the berries are tastier.


What kind of tree is growing?
Snow in June carries us
This snow does not melt
It flies in the air.


Wonderful tree,
The leaves are interesting
Swan, fan
White candle flowers.


These cute flowers are friends from the blue sky
Small, gentle, right by the water
You will see them, you will not forget
Well, do you know them?
(forget -me -nots)


I saw such a flower
Golden rim
He sat in the grass for a long time
He became gray and flew away.


The smell of freshness of the forest
Brings late in the spring
Flower fragrant, delicate
From the snow -white brush
(lily of the valley)


There is a cockerel in the garden
Lilac scallop
Lilac flower
There is still such candy


And mother is dear
And the stepmother is angry
Side by side live
Through the wall.


Good grass-
Red head
And he will give Medka
And brews the seagull.
(Blooming Sally)


Grass grows on the slopes
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her flower and sheet go to tea with you
What the grass guess.


His spring and summer
We see dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
All shirts fly.


Stand in the sister's field:
Dresses are white,
The hats are green.


What is this girl:
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman
Nothing sews anything herself
And in needles all year round.


What kind of tree is worth -
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling?


Green bush is growing,
Touching - bite.


I am not a pine tree, and not a Christmas tree.
Only autumn on the threshold -
I'll throw off all the needles from the branches
To a single one, just on time.


A relative of the Christmas tree has
Faller needles,
But, unlike the Christmas tree,
Those needles fall.


Like a snowball white
In the spring, she bloomed,
The tender smell exuded,
And when the time has come,
She became at once
All of the berry is black.


White peas
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley)


It blooms from under the snow
The spring meets before everyone else.


Dried out on a hot sun
And it breaks from the pods ...


All of gold is cast,
There is a straw.


Grown into the field of the house,
Full of the house with grain,
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house walks a shaking
On the pillar in gold.


On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
Warm coat rustled
And I dispelled this ball.


Only a breeze will blow,
The whole flower will fly around.


Sisters stand in the field -
Yellow eye, white cilia.


Under the bush, you smoke a little -
It looks out into the light ...


One quit -
I took a handful.


Is it empty in the garden
If it grows there ...


What kind of creak? What kind of crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch
If I …


I was spoiled for glory:
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup
Look for me in them.


Is it empty in the garden
If it grows there ...


They finally found
And green ...


Without windows, without doors.
The mountains are full of people.


In the summer in the garden
Fresh green,
And in the winter in the barrel
Crispy salty.


I grow in the ground in the garden I,
Red, long, sweet.


I grew up in the garden
My character is ugly:
Wherever I come,
I’ll bring everyone to tears.


I wanted to cry suddenly -
I made you pouring ...


Sitting grandfather is dressed in fur coats,
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.


He never and nobody
It does not offend in the world.
What are they crying from him
Both adults and children?


Who guys are not familiar
With white -toothed ...


Get in a bowl rather
Red -cheeked ...


In a hundred clothes are dressed tightly
Often comes to our dinner
But only at the table you call him
You yourself will not notice
How you shed tears.


Under the pine by the track
Who is among the grass?
There is a leg, but there is no boot
There is a hat, there is no head.


I'm growing in a red hat
Among the roots of aspen.
You will recognize me a mile away.
I am called ...


Antoshka is worth
On one leg.
They are looking for him,
And he does not respond.


Along the forest paths
A lot of white legs
In the hats of multi -colored,
From a distance noticeable.
Collect, don't put it on!
It …


And on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch, and under the Christmas tree,
Round dances and in a row
Well done are in hats.


It stands on the hill
In the red shirt Egor.
Whoever passes
Everyone will bow.


Red berry is growing
On the forest lawn.
As you see her,
So quickly tear off.


I grow up in the garden
And when I ripen
They boil a tomato from me,
They put in cabbage soup and eat so.


Yellow Antoshka
Spin on the leg.
Where the sun is worth
He looks there and he.


Golden Reshet
Black houses are full,
How many black doves,
So many white residents.


Scarlet itself, sugar
The caftan is green, velvet.

Card index of puzzles in ecology for children about the animal world

Card index of puzzles in ecology for children about the animal world
Card index of puzzles in ecology for children about the animal world

Card index of puzzles in ecology for children about the animal world:

He lives where the cold
And catches fish from under the ice.
He flaunts in a white fur coat,
He knows how to swim and dives.
(Polar bear)

Herself is small,
And the tail is rich.
From branch to branch
A nut for a nut
Sloking - click

Kamysh is growing at the river,
The baby lives in the reeds.
He is with green skin
And with green face.

On a tree in a basket
Crumbs grow

This is a fidget of this bird
One with a birch color.

In winter, white,
And in the summer gray,
Does not offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone.

Redhead, with a fluffy tail,
Lives in the forest under the bush.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night
And passers -by scares.

Not a bird, but with wings

Who wears his house?

Walks in a red fur coat,
It cunning and grinds the teeth.

In the summer ser, in the winter is white -
So that no one eats it.

Nimble, round and prickly,
And not angry.

What kind of brothers are this
Do you frolic in the meadow?
In warm fur coats - on a summer day!
We hid at least in the shadow!

How nice in a warm puddle!
But it's time to go to dinner!
Friends are waiting for me, dick-chrya
I will give them acorns!

I hid the nuts
And dries the rawers.
In winter in her hollow
What do you want on the table.

Who walks along the path?
He has a beard, horns.
He also shouts: "Me-e-e!"
Where would I find the cabbage to me, E-E?!

But a tiny baby -
On the shoulders of a straw.
You can't see it with glasses
And he is stronger than an elephant!

Hooks clatter -
My friend rushes!
He knows that oats
I brought him!

Red droplet to the black dot
A leaflet crawls to the sun to visit.

Who purl at the window:
- You stroke me a little!
From warmth and affection
I squint my eyes

Flutters in colored pelerin
To the joy of any ballerina.

What do we know about him?
Will guard the landlord,
Then growls, then barking
Then wags its tail
(Guard dog)

Who is clocking there, runs around the yard:
- I will collect my children under the wing!

Who came to the meadow there,
Who found the worm there
And he crumbled:-Krya-Krya-Krya!
We came here not in vain!

Soft Paws,
And in the paws of the tsap-zarapka.

Clokhchet, Kvochchchet,
The children are convening
Collects everyone under the wing.

With a beard, not a man,
With horns, not a bull.

Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs.

Grayish, dentist,
It is dulling the field
Calves, lambs are looking for.

Red legs,
Pinches the heels,
Run without looking back.

In front - Piglet,
Behind - hook,
In the middle - the back,
On the back - bristles.

Gun with paw ears soap
On the bench by the window,
The gun is washed without soap
Because the gun ....

The cage is motley head
Cleans the feathers so deftly.
What kind of bird, guess?
It's right, - ….

He uses a trunk like a shower.
He washes his back and ears.
Guess who is he?
If the trunk is ...

I dig a heel in the ground,
I ate in a dirty puddle.

Who walks in the world
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
Walk ...

Does not speak and does not sing,
And who goes to the owner,
She gives to know.

This beast is sleeping in the den,
Licking his paw and grumbles.

Six legs without hooves
Flies, buzzing
It will fall - the earth is digging.

On one leg is worth
Looks intently into the water.
Pokes at random at random -
Looking for frogs in the river.

The tail wags
Zubasta, not barking.

Not in fish, but sets the network.

Without arms, without legs, and swimming.

Not tailor, but all my life with needles walks

Four dirty hooves
They climbed right in the trough.

I'm a cheerful old man
Mucham Gamachok made.
I have eight hands
And my name is ...

Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs.
Does not serve as a watchman
And everyone wakes up all.

So the fish: on the tail
Dexterously swims in the water!
According to corals - skok and skok.
The sea ran ...

This fish is angry.
Swallow everyone with his head.
My teeth, showing, yawned
Cold -blooded ...

The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter for a black howl
He sleeps in a hut snow.

Not lamb or cat,
It wears a fur coat all year round.
The gray coat is for the summer.
For winter a different color.

I go in a fluffy fur coat
I live in a dense forest.
In the hollow on the old oak
I get nuts.

Not a mouse, and not a bird
Frolic in the forest.
It flies through trees,
Gathering cones.

Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first employee in the village.

There is a shock
In the middle of the courtyard,
In front of the pitchfork,
A broom behind.

Run along the path
Beard and horns.

Piglet in front,
Behind the hook,
In the middle, the back,
And on it is a wool.

With a beard, like a man,
With horns, like a bull,
With fluff, like a bird
Only a wolf is afraid.

It is friends with the owner
The house is watching
Lives under the porch,
The tail is a ringlet.

Through the sea-ocean
The miracle giant floats,
Hides the mustache in the mouth,
Stretched out a mile away.

The old man pulls a thread
And it does not wash on the ball.
Fabric to yourself
But the clothes do not sew.

This is what kind of animal beast
Standed like a column under a pine tree?
It stands among the grass -
Ears are more head.

He trumpets like a steam locomotive
The tail has a tail between the eyes.
Gray and huge.
Have you guessed? It…

The formidable roar came suddenly,
I scared all the birds around.
Walks in a cage, brings,
King of animals, in short ...
(A lion)

A big cat sleeps sensitively,
Ears in brushes-brushes.
You can’t tell her the word "scum"
Because it…

Who carries heaviness
More yourself?

Floats on the water, walks on the ground,
But it does not leave the house.

In the ball curled under his feet
On the back with three mushrooms,
Do not stumble - you suddenly fall!
This is a thorny ...

Who breaks the Bulet,
Is reinforced with a honey?
I just answer me very much -
Who is sleeping in winter? ...

Black snake in the grass,
A spot on the head.
Cold and winter cold
It cannot stand slippery ...

This cat is very angry.
Do not purr, but bites.
You won’t shout at the menacingly "Fry!"
This is a cat of forest - ...

Green mouth to ears.
She lives in reeds.
And in the swamp laughter
He croaks loudly ....

This bird has no nest.
But only this does not matter.
And on the trees at the edge
Who is the "ku-ku" to us? ...

Above the bird cherry spring
He is spinning uneasily.
Described a circle above us
With a formidable hum of May ...

Long -legged and horned
Lesniki calls the "Sokhaty".
He jumps right and in voy
Big and powerful ...

He is completely blind and black.
Underground lives agilely.
In the dungeon all year round
Rushes his holes ...

Bloodupian with a long nose.
Blood sucks like a pump!
Strive the blow with your hand,
To the evil behind ...

This bird is a musician.
She has a great talent.
Listen haste soon:
He sings here himself ...

Whose hollow is full of nuts?
Whose fur coat with beautiful fur?
Deeply hollow, not finely.
Who lives in it? It…

In the rich clothes,
Yes, blindly.
Lives without a window
Not seeing the sun.

Our Anutka
The beast in the satin fur coat,
He warms up near the stove,
Wash without water.

Lies - is silent,
You will come - grinding.
Who goes to the owner,
She gives to know.
(Guard dog)


Flies - buzzing
Sits - silent,
All day - in works,
Either in meadows, then in gardens.
And who is her friend,
That cup with a honey
And who is not love
He is saved by running.

Lay between the Christmas trees
Pillow with needles.
Quietly lay
Then she suddenly ran away.

Teremok is crawling.
He is lucky
The hostess is rich

In a solid hut
The old woman lives.
Sometimes for a walk
It goes quietly.
Then wanders in the thickets
Then goes to the water
Although it does not come out
From the house nowhere.

Where does he live? In the most often
The most present is real.
He walks there, and sleeps there,
There he is raising his children.
Loves pears, loves honey,
Sweet burning is lying.
I can also say
He loves to sleep very much:
Will lie in the fall, but get up
Only when spring comes.

Riddles on the topic "Take care of ecology" for the presentation "Odinatars of the Forest"

Riddles on the topic take care of ecology for presentation of forest orderlies
Riddles on the topic "Take care of ecology" for the presentation "Odinatars of the Forest"

Riddles on the topic “Take care of the ecology” for the presentation of “Odade Schools”:

If for a long time in the abdomen is empty,
He howls sadly on the moon.


Terrible, gray toothy
He brought a commotion.
All the little animals ran away.
Frightened animals ...


Friendship is only with a fox,
This beast is angry, evil.
He clicked his teeth and click
Very scary gray ...


Who is cold in winter
Is angry and hungry in the forest?


He howls in the forest at night:
“I will take a lamb-oo-oo!”
In the hares also knows a lot
Evil, hungry gray ...


They say in the steppe without a edge
The predator knows a lot about friendship,
For him, a family is a flock,
Because dangerous ...


Running hares!
Gray beast. Save yourself!
He clicked his teeth, click.
Went hunting ...


In the pack, I live in the forest,
I carry fear to all animals.
Generally suddenly clicking your teeth!
I'm fierce gray ...


He lives in a huge pack
Like a dog, but does not bark
And clicking his teeth and clicking.
Who is this, children ...


Gray skin, toothy mouth,
Always bloodthirsty and angry.
He dreams of getting to Otaru to the sheep,
Robber, his name is - ...


There are workers in the river,
Not carpenters, not carpenters,
And they will build a dam -
At least write a picture.


There are lumberjacks on rivers
In silver-brown fur coats.
From trees, branches, clay
Build durable dams.


Employees live in the river,
They are not at all carpenters at all
But the dam will be built a large -
From branches and from clay.


Loves starting, loves Tina,
He builds a dam in the river.
Surprisingly cunning
Good uncle ...


Both cheerful and beautiful,
But a little playful.
He builds a house all day
On the river, near Zhezhk.


Very fast, very evenly
He grows logs!
And he builds on the river everywhere
For a subservient dam.


Workers animals
They build a house in the middle of the river.
If you come to visit,
Know that the entrance is from the river!


He is dressed in a worker-
Convenient, simple, clever.
On it raspberry takes
And a motley overall.


The dress is motley.
The nose is sharp.


Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Builds a house with one window.


I knock on wood,
I want to get something.
Although he disappeared under the bark -
The worm will be mine!


In the middle of the trees, the blacksmiths are dripping.


Disabbed hollow in the barrel,
It is always warm here in winter,
And you sometimes eat food
Near the house under the bark!


Gray coat.
The nose is chisel.


How many birds are there in the world
Birds of various -
Ducks, sparrows, tits,
Both large and small.
But you can’t confuse me,
I am a forest sculptor.
I knock - BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM,
And I am called ...


Knocks on a fraction - shut up
The drummer is strange.
He does not cripple the trees.
He treats trees in the forest.


Knocks on wood in the morning
Lights fly, bark.
He is an old friend of forests,
Zhukov will catch smart ...


Thin long tongue,
The beak is torved like a hammer,
On the head of the cap,
To the larvae - varnish.


Clock and tuk, tuk and tuk,
What is in the forest for a strange knock?
This is a healer of forests
It works cheerful ...


Tuk-tuk-tuk-in the morning all day
How is he not lazy to knock?
Maybe he was a little crazy?
-Tuk-tuk-tuk-in response to us ...


The trees have evil troubles
Barkouts defeated.
Skire, groan, crying.
Who will help? The bird is a doctor.


Whose wonderful, strong nose
Need to build nests?


Black vest, red beret.
The nose is like an ax, a tail, like an emphasis.


Walks in a red skullcap,
And sits not on the bench,
And on a tree in the forest,
And almost a canopy.
Shin, he will grab the little bug
The famous "doctor" ...


Although I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to examine.
I walk in a red hat
And the acrobat is beautiful.


All day in the forest: tuk-tuk ...
Who is hidden among the branches?
All trees are the best friend
Lesnoy doctor, hard worker ...


This polite bird
Before entering, knocking.
But behind the door worm
He hid and silent.


This is who is in a red beret,
In a black jacket of satin?
He does not look at me
Everything knocks, knocking, knocking.


I will fit patients -
I'll cure them from the disease.
My always patients -
Oaks and pines are centuries -old.


Crochet, the eyes are big,
The head walks around
Reduces the mouse genus
Quietly gray ...


At night he sees as if during the day.
It will not fall asleep "yank":
Not good - there is rumor.
What is the name of the bird? ..


Zorko, I look closely,
I love field mice,
I rotate with my head
I just rest!


He is afraid of bright sun.
At night - this bird is a predator.
The mouse will be deftly in the grass.
We are talking about ...


Who is sitting on a tree
Does it look from a height with a height?
Having found a mouse from the top,
This is a wise ...


Like a watchman on a bitch,
I look carefully
The claws are strong and the beak,
Rryzes are not a friend at all!


“Wow, wow, what a night!
Run away mice away!
I see, I hear in the dark -
Food runs everywhere! "
Wipes the bird with his head
Sees even behind him
Like saucers, two eyes ...
This predator ...


Guess what bird
Does it not sleep at night?
The mouse will not tame the grass
After all, she flies behind her ...


Her eyes are big
And a big head.
All residents of the forest are sleeping,
Only hunts ...


She flies in the forest at night,
Mice, rodents he gets himself.
Her head with big eyes ...
And what is her name for her children? ...


Guess what kind of bird:
She can’t sleep at all at night,
Sleep-grass will not help
Only in the afternoon will fall asleep ...


Insect hard worker
Dragging a twig of a poor man
Hard, and he carries
Never tired
On the edge of the roots
The house built ...


He is in the grass, his dear,
It wears the "brushwood" a little.
You answer us as soon as possible:
- Who is the hard worker? ...
The cargo is heavy to the house,
In the mink for the winter will hide.
He is a stronger, all healthier ...
Who is the hard worker? ...


It works from morning to night
It is building a high house very much.
Anthill - a warm house,
Millions of rooms in it.
Who is building? Tell me soon!
This is a baby - ...


In the forest at the stump
Surettens, running around:
The people are worker
It bothers all day
The city is building itself.


In appearance, of course, they are small,
But everything that is possible is dragged into the house.
Restless guys
All their lives are connected with difficulty.


They have a huge family
Never count them.
Their house is called a "bunch"
In a large forest dense.


Men came without axes
They cut down a hut without corners.


I go back and forth.
Mal himself
And I wear a big cargo.


Who is there, near Krinitsa,
Has the house built from Iglitsa?


But a tiny baby -
On the shoulders of a straw.
You can't see it with glasses
And he is stronger than an elephant!


The strongest on the planet,
Running among the grass.
The house will build the best in the light
On the edge of the pine.
This is a little hard worker.
Do you know the solution?

Riddles related to ecology - for entertaining lessons

Riddles related to ecology - for entertaining lessons
Riddles related to ecology - for entertaining lessons

Riddles related to ecology - for entertaining lessons:

He destroys and breaks everything,
Washing terribly from longing.
It pulls out from the root of the tree.
Summing ships in the sea.
What kind of wind is a bully,
Tell? ...


Peas scattered
For seventy -seven roads;
No one will pick it up:
Neither the king nor the queen
Not a red girl.


In the yard, a commotion:
Peas pouring from the sky.
I ate six peas Ira -
She has an Angina now.


Without arms, without legs,
And the window knocks out.


I say to my brother:
- Oh, peas are pouring from the sky!
“That's an eccentric,” the brother laughs, “
Your peas after all ...


Milk over the river floated -
Nothing was visible.
Milk has dissolved -
It became far away.


Pouring from clouds, peas,
He jumps to our threshold.
He rolls from the roof into the garden.
What? It - …


Peas fall from the clouds on us,
On the window, on the threshold.
It falls on the bed in the garden.
And this miracle is called ...


In the yard, a commotion:
Peas pouring from the sky.
Eathed six peas of Nina,
She has an Angina now ...


Beads in the sky
The clouds were collected,
Abundantly later
They scattered on the ground!


Look: from heaven in the summer
Ice floes flew!
They refreted in white
Weed and paths.
Black cloud came
These ice floes brought.


He comes to us from the sky,
In the gray haze is a sky.
It looks like a cheerful shower.
What's this? Of course …


From the sky it dripping dullly -
Everywhere wet, wet, damp.
It is easy to hide from him
It is worth opening up an umbrella


On the window - streams,
And in puddles - bubbles.
And we are not waiting for the sun,
We are in puddles under ...


The wind will call the cloud,
The cloud floats across the sky.
And on top of gardens and groves
Drinks cold ...


If I cry, it doesn’t matter
Instead of tears, water flows.
I'm so weeping
Because of the gray cloud.


He will get everyone to the thread,
But it will not bring troubles
Rada grass and snails,
He will save everyone from drought.


Will thunder, jerk, sink,
It will be embarrassed, hit, props,
Starts as it can
The cloud will be surprised too ...


Thunder thundered in the sky,
The whole house shakes
I closed my eyes.
What's on the street ...


I have grown, heated
I washed and left.
Both gardens and gardens
I watered the whole district ...


Fire -shaped girl
On the girl - the world is wondering!
The sky embroidered with a sling -
Rolls with a bark with a barrel ...


Redeled arrow
Oak burned at the village ...


Scattered Lukerya
Fiery feathers in the sky ...


Throw a fiery sword
Yes, there is no one.
Then he will bargain with the bass
Then crying for an hour ...


First shine,
For shine, a crack,
Behind the bang -


The sky darkened
Clouds covered
Like a chariot
I rolled in the sky.
Ants disappeared
Thunder thunders, scares,
Rain flows with streams,
Lightning sparkles.
Hid under the roof
What happened to nature
Children, guess ...


Here is from far away
Something crashed slightly.
Then the breeze rose -
Our bonfire completely blew.
Only the ash remained a bunch.
A cloud ran in the sun,
Rains fall for the gate
It's time for us to return to the city.
It flashed like that! Blinds his eyes
The sparkle of lightning. Everything goes…

Riddles on the topic "Ecology" complex

Riddles on the topic of ecology complex
Riddles on the topic "Ecology" complex

Riddles on the topic "Ecology" are complex:

They beat me, pound, cut -
I endure everything, I cry with all kindness!
The answer is the soil


You dug and pour
You will find weed grass
You dig up the crop -
Stark them your neighbors!
Answer - soil layer


The more you put it in it,
The more she will give.
The answer is the soil


Neither the beginning nor the end
Neither the back of the head nor the face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.
The answer is the soil


I feed the whole world, but I do not eat it myself.
The answer is the soil


"What layer are we talking about?"
Loose layer and fertile,
Will not leave everyone hungry
Only with the landing you hurry
And you will do the work.
The answer is the soil


"What requires big human worries?"
Blooming plants. A bountiful harvest,
How did it turn out? Take it more likely.
And the seeds are good, watering, feeding, care,
And most importantly, what requires big human worries?
The answer is the soil


"What is this about?"
It happens that it is fertile
Sometimes it happens poorly.
So that the new year is not hungry,
You know, you need a mood -
She is our nurse,
It is very important to follow it,
Food is the best
Of course, to make a deadline.
Answer - we are talking about the soil


"What needs to be preserved?"
It is necessary
Of course, save.
Loosen, feed systematically,
Follow, do not clog.
The answer is the soil


Cultures sowing
Change on the schedule.
And important - fertilizers
To stock up on the deadline.
Then the plants will be,
Bloom, grow, shine,
And the crop is good,
It will be possible to collect everyone.
Answer - it is necessary to save the soil

Hour of entertaining ecology - the mysteries of the nature of the native land

Hour of entertaining ecology - the mysteries of the nature of the native land
Hour of entertaining ecology - the mysteries of the nature of the native land

An hour of entertaining ecology - the mysteries of the nature of the native land:

Natural objects that breathe,
Grow, propagate, run, hear,
They can walk and twist their heads -
These are objects of nature ...


Falls from the slopes of the mountains of the river,
The noise of water is heard from afar.
Let us ask the guys
What is it called?


The river runs along the plain,
She is beautiful, deep.
Where does this noisy stream run from?
The beginning of the river is called ...


Where the sea will let the river,
They call children ...


It rains for a long time in the summer
Ice and snow in the mountains have come down,
River came out of the shores,
Garden and gardens.
Do not find - water around.
People are woe and trouble.
All in the water and, without doubt,
It has come ...


Before you is a wonderful fountain
After all, he is with hot water.
Beat boiling water from the ground.
These fountains are called.


A hot ball of gas,
In the sky, it is noticeable immediately
Gives us warmth and light,
There is no life without him.


I'll tell you for sure
What clouds I know.
If you are similar to lace
Yes, they look like feathers
They float high in the sky,
How are they their name?
(Spindrift clouds)


And these clouds, like mountains of snow,
I would lie in them and jump.
The clouds are called ...


If the sky is gloomy, we have a head over our head
The clouds of the dummy hung over the ground.
Gray and low, clouds ...


What is it, I don’t understand?
Then in a dream or in reality?
The house is not visible, oak in the river,
Everything is as if in milk.
Is it a fairy tale? Dream? Deception?
This is morning ...


It will become wider from water
And it will not stop growing.
The pit has grown big,
As if the magician tried.
He is the fields, the gardens interferes,
And his name is ...


A girlfriend told me
That the plain is a lot everywhere.
There is nothing more
Only grass, full bushes.
These conversations are nonsense
There are a lot in landscapes ...


Mountains go in a row,
It turns out a mountain range.
You know, probably you
That these ranks - ...


There is a dangerous mountain
Maybe she suddenly revive.
Smoke, breathe with a flame,
Magma can erupt.
People in the world of different countries
They know that she - ...


Remember children:
Patience and labor
They will help create


Kikimora lives here,
Who will come will disappear.
There is no sushi here, only Tina,
Legs stuck in a quagmire.
In books - a house for a hippo.
Have you guessed? That…


Spring has come, do not drown up the furnaces,
And he runs along the fields, murmuring ...


I go barefoot all summer
I walk in the rain, the wind.
And I always walk on foot,
I will not get to the doctors.
I do a lot of sports.
I guys ...


The upper layer of the land.
In it is growing grass, trees,
Fertility has
What does everyone call her?
(The soil)


It rains in the fall
Do not wait for heat in the fall.
In summer, terrible heat
Souls will save you barely.
In December, snow is coming,
And in the spring, showers pour.
Any time of the year
Characteristic ...


He is fluffy, white-white.
Then not a beast, not a man.
He is in the winter every now and then
Swims to the ground.


I wet my legs in the morning -
Wet was grass.
The rain did not go, but damp everywhere.
What? And where?
This water is in droplets
Called ...


Water evaporates from the reservoir,
Then it falls to the ground with rain.
She enters the seas and lakes
And again evaporates a sunny day.
This phenomenon is the movement of water -
In nature is called ...


Five kingdoms in which there are many organisms,
We call Mother ...


Birds sleep in it and live,
Eggs are carried here here.
Housing made from branches
And called ...


Water large surface,
Do not find the shores.
Then not a river or the sea
It contains hundreds of times more.


It is not known where he lives
Flies - trees oppressed,
Whistle - trembling along the river,
The mischievous, not you will.


Milk over the river floated,
Nothing was visible.
Milk has dissolved
It became far away.


Workers animals
Build a house among the river
If you come to visit,
Know that the entrance is from the river!


Pillars are white,
The hats are green on them,
In the summer shaggy,
In winter, knotpy.
Where they stand, they are noisy.


It has a brown cap on it,
The cap is a pelvis.
Whoever happens in the forest - he knows him.
(Borovik, white mushroom)


He is hidden deep into the ground,
Once, two, three and went out,
And he stands in sight.
White, I will find you!


The hats are green on them,
In the summer shaggy,
In winter, knotpy.
Where they stand, they are noisy.


He was a tight fist
He blossomed - became a flower.


Not caring for the weather
In the sundress, it walks white,
And one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.


Grounds in the field of rye ...
There in rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It’s only a pity that not fragrant.


Long -term boasting:
Am I not a beauty?
And just a bone.
Yes, a red blouse!


He looks like a shepherd.
Whatever the tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, grinning his mouth,
The sheep is ready to attack.


Who is cold in winter
Walks angry, hungry?


Long neck,
Red legs,
Pinches the heels,
Run without looking back.


Hair, green,
She hides in the leaves.
At least a lot of legs
It still cannot run.


Without a team, they get up to the system,
Sent to the pond.
Who goes a long chain,
Who loves discipline so much?
(Goose goose)


Under the pine by the track
Who is among the grass?
There is a leg, but there are no boots,
There is a hat - there is no head.


What a fruit! Casket with a secret!
Seeds - glasses in appearance,
All transparent, all pink.
Shock - how strange - does not ring.


His spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
They tore all the shirts.


Grass grows on the slopes
And on the mounds of green.
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her green sheet
We go to tea.
What the grass, guess.


Who is in the beret bright red,
In a black jacket of satin?
He does not look at me
Everything knocks, knocking, knocking.

Information event on ecology "Forest Riddles"

Information event on ecology forest riddles
Information event on ecology "Forest Riddles"

Information event on ecology "Forest Riddles":

His spring and summer
Everyone saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All shirts tore off ...


Who, as soon as it becomes hot,
The fur coat will pull on the shoulders,
And the cold will come the cold -
Throw it off the shoulders ...


The guys have a green friend,
Merry friend, good,
He will hold out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of palms ...


He is large, thick, green
Presents a whole house
It will find shelter and birds in it
Bunnies, wolves, wild boars ...


In spring and summer,
He catches the wind.
And the frost will break through
There is a goal and Bos ...


The house is open from all sides.
He is a carved roof of covers.
Come into the green house,
You will see miracles in it ...


It is a pity the fingering poor thing -
All winds and breeze
He is the last shirt
I gave it to shreds ...


In the spring it is amused
It is cold in the summer
Nuts in the fall
Warm up in winter ...
(Forest, wood, firewood)


Dresses in the spring
It undresses in the fall ...


In a fur coat - in the summer,
And in winter - undressed ...


In the spring - in a color dress,
In winter - in a white sundress ...


Noisy on the mountain
And under the mountain is silent ...


The hero is rich
Treats all the guys:
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - Kostyahika,
Mashenka - a nut,
Petya - raw
Katenka - raspberry,
Vasya - twig ...


It is green and thick,
It is tall and big:
Then - spruce, then - oak,
He has a lot of fruits,
Berries, cones and mushrooms,
And a trodden path,
They go with the basket ...


This city is not simple
He is dense and thick ...


In winter - with a gray beard,
In the summer the new grows.
In the fall, it disappears ...


On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And I dispelled this ball.


Afraid of the predator of my branches
The nest does not build a bird in them.
In the branches - my beauty and my power.
Tell me, quickly, who am I?


Round, mature, tanned,
I came across a tooth
Everything could not split.
And hit the hammer,
Clown once - and cracked side by side.


Not motors, but noisy
Not pilots, but fly,
Not snakes, but sting.


Herbs touching with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
The horns spread high.


They moved at the flower
All four petals
I wanted to disrupt him
He fluttered and flew away.


Who deftly jumps on the Christmas tree
And takes off on oaks?
Who hides nuts in the hollow,
Dries mushrooms for the winter?


A nimble animal
Lives in a hollow-hut
The whole day is a skok-skirmish,
I found a fungus,
Strung on a knot
Parged for the future.


NATTKET will fall over.
He will sit down and wait for prey.


I was born on a rainy day
Under Osina Young.
Round smooth and beautiful
With a thin and straight leg.


The home -made mistress
Flies over the lawn.
Heat over the flower
- He will share the honey.


Long beak and two wings.
It will arrive - things are bad.


Cracking in the morning:
It's time! It's time! And what is time?
Such a hassle with her.
Well, who is cracking?


Blue airplane
He sat on a yellow dandelion.


The horns went out onto the track.
You will not butt?
I touched them a little
The horns hid again.

Video: Ecological cartoon for children - "Boy and Earth"

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