Alphabetical riddles for children with answers - the best selection of letters

Alphabetical riddles for children with answers - the best selection of letters

A large selection of riddles for alphabet for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter A

Riddles by alphabet about the letter A:

Stork is a member bird,
He will come to us in the spring.
Will arrive from afar,
He will bring us the letter ...


Shark swimming in the sea
I ate everything that drowned in it.
The shark sailed to us -
Turned into a letter ...


Adore this letter
Both Andrey and Allochka,
The stick is so, so
And in the middle of the wand.
(the letter a)


The very first, most important
This letter is in the alphabet of the chapter.
Aibolit if you meet
You will say the letter right there ...


The doctor knows how to very simple
Check our throat -
He always asks for
This letter is called.
(The letter a)


They didn’t want to, but tolerated!
Baby and guys!
Aibolit instead of "hello!",
They said the letter ...


Get lost if in the forest,
Add it to the letter y!
(A - AU!)


Here are two pillars obliquely
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? Yes?
Before you the letter ...


She is alone in my head
And in the pocket there are two at once,
There are three as many as three in the drum
Look more closely!
(The letter a)


I lived in the ocean of a shark,
Once a shark fell asleep.
I fell from my head and from the tail,
Such a letter necessary for her ...

We remembered easily: number one - letter ...
(not oh, but a)


The alphabetical family leads the letter ...
(not yu, but a)


The first letter, friends, in the alphabet - this ...
(not me, but a)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter B

Riddles by alphabet about the letter B
Riddles by alphabet about the letter B

Riddles by alphabet about the letter b:

It has a brown cap on it,
Colling trim.
Who happens in the forest -
He knows him.
(Borovik, white mushroom)


Made from the boards
And put on a belt.
And keeps this dishes
The collected summer from the beds.


In the white field blue
The lines stretched;
And the friends are going on them,
They lead each other's hands.
(Letters in the notebook)


Thirty -three sisters
Growth of small ones.
If you know their secret
Then you will find an answer to everything.


Thirty-three sisters-
Written beauties.
On one live a page,
And they are famous everywhere.


Where a new house is being built,
A warrior with a shield walks.
Where it will pass, it will become smooth
There will be a new site.



He was a tight fist
And he took his short-flowered flower.


He stood right by the path:
Do not go from fear of the legs.
And the poor man washes: “Mu!
I can't take a step "

Riddles by alphabet about the letter in

Riddles by alphabet about the letter B:

I went into the green house
And I did not stay in it for a long time.
This house turned out to be
Quickly - in the city a friend.
(Railway carriage)


Not shoes, not boots,
But they are also wear their legs.
We run in them in winter:
In the morning - to school,
In the afternoon - house.
(Felt boots)


A warm wave splashes
To the shores of cast iron.
Guess, remember:
What is the sea in the room?


Two braids,
Two sisters,
From sheep yarn thin.
How to walk - so put on
So that five and five do not freeze.


I'll finish, twist
I will fly to the heaven.
Here is a stubborn person!
Do not force you to lie down forever!
Do you meet this?
He doesn't want to sleep at all
I'll put it - gets up again
And standing - sways.
What is it called?


Grounds in the field of rye ...
There in rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It’s only a pity that not fragrant.


This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs, two wheels.
Sit on top and rush on it,
Only better to the rule of the steering wheel.


Laughter Yegor
I took up the cleaning.
I went to the dance around the room,
He looked around - a clean floor.


I am a humpbacked beast
And I like the guys.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter G

Riddles by alphabet about the letter G:

Four blue suns
Grandma in the kitchen,
Four blue suns
They burned and went out.
Swarf pancakes harassed,
Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.
(Gas stove)


All I am made of iron
I have neither legs nor hands.
I climb into the board on the board,
And for me all the knock and knock.


Two brothers live across the road,
And they do not see each other.


Without hands, without an ax
Built a hut.


Stand in a row
Sharp fingers -
Choose an armful.


In the yard, a commotion:
Peas pouring from the sky.
Eathed six peas of Nina,
She has an Angina now.


I'll sit under my arm
And what to do will indicate:
Or I will allow for a walk,
Or I'm going to bed.


Under the pine by the track
Who is among the grass?
There is a leg, but there are no boots,
There is a hat - there is no head.


I got it, it was embraced
I washed and left.
Both gardens and gardens
The whole district watered.


He wanders importantly on the meadow,
It comes out of the water dry,
Wears red boots,
Gives soft Perinki.


Without a team, they get up to the system,
Sent to the pond.
Who goes a long chain,
Who loves discipline so much?
(Goose goose)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter D

Riddles by alphabet about the letter D
Riddles by alphabet about the letter D

Riddles by alphabet about the letter D:

Who passes
Who leaves -
Everyone drives her by the handle.


For each other a series
A brother and sister walk peacefully.
The brother wakes up the whole people
And the sister, on the contrary, is
He calls to sleep immediately.
(Day and night)


We are in the rain and in the heat,
A friend will help
Green and good -
Will stand on us dozens of hands
And thousands of palms.


He is noisy in the field and in the garden,
And it does not get into the house,
And I won’t go anywhere,
As long as he goes.


I got out of the crumbs, I got out
I let the spine and raised it,
I became high and powerful,
I'm not afraid of a thunderstorm or clouds.
I feed pigs and protein -
Nothing that my fetus is small.


Grass grows on the slopes
And on the mounds of green,
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her green sheet
We go to tea.
What the grass, guess!


Who is in the beret bright red,
In a black jacket of satin?
He does not look at me
Everything knocks, knocking, knocking.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter E

Riddles by alphabet about the letter E:

The raccoon chews, chews the raccoon,
He is chewing blackberry
And on the pink wall
He draws the letter ...
Answer: E.


What is this girl?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.
Nothing sews anything herself
And in needles for a whole year.
Answer: spruce


Near the gentle raspberry
We recently planted
Wonderful berry
Very interesting!
Color - as if ink
Never washed the “face”.
Only this is not blueberries,
This is our ...
Answer: Blackberry


Bush with spikes - but not a rose,
Afraid of wind and frost,
He loves a lot of light
The berries are large, black. -
In our garden, ”said Vika,“
Already ripened ...
Answer: Blackberry


Grows every day,
And from birth goes in a dress alone.
Answer: spruce


He was very lazy,
But the village surprised:
With the help of magical forces
I turned the stove into transport!
Answer: Emelya


He lay on his stove,
And he traveled on her.
Nesmeyan laughed -
Surprised so surprised!
Answer: Emelya


It stands among the sheet
One when the notebook is empty.
Rusing your nose to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And like a heron in the middle of the swamps
He is pecking him for laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.
Neither the crane nor a tit.
And just ...
Answer: Unit


What a miracle-drive
Is it green in winter and summer?
Stands high
Looks far.
It blooms in the spring
In summer, the fetus gives.
It does not fade in the fall
It does not die in winter.
Answer: spruce


Pipping kalachi,
The guy was driving on the stove.
He rolled around the village
And he married the princess.
Who is it?
Answer: Emelya


Who is fluffy by the water
Wash sweet fruits?
Before sending to your mouth,
It rinses them ...
Answer: Raccoon

Riddles by alphabet about the letter ё

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Yo:

The raccoon chews, chews the raccoon,
He is chewing blackberry
And on the pink wall
He draws the letter ...


We will write the letter in the line
Add points on top of two,
Like her eyes
We get the letter


The letter, creating a dense,
Fish swims prickly,
And wash inside
With a narrow throat of bubbles.
(Letter E - tree, ruff, ruff)


Rucot paradise all day
In a stream is erasing underwear,
Wash, rinses
And dragging home.
He splashes in a stream -
Will turn into a letter ...


Two neighbors in the alphabet
So similar, oh-oh-oh!
Almost never distinguish them,
Only one point!
(Letters E and E)


The hedgehog decorated the Christmas tree,
It was as if he had become a Christmas tree.
He says: “All mine!
On the page with the letter ... "


Hedgehog under the Christmas tree dozed off,
Someone robbed the beast:
Instead of a “hedgehog” only “Zhik”
Near the tree lies.
Where are maples at the fishing line,
The Christmas tree was just "lka".
Come on? Which of you learned
What kind of letter the hedgehog slept?
(Letter e)


You will immediately recognize her -
With two eyes, the letter ...


Put the thorns of the hedgehog -
You can’t take it without gloves.
He has needles
More than that of the Christmas tree.
Hedgehog, looking at her
Turned into a letter ...


In the yard - such pity! -
Our ladder has broken.
Our ladder has broken,
The letter e but remained.
The letter E rested,
How to immediately
A pair of chicks fluttered -
It turned out the letter (e)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter f

Riddles by alphabet about the letter f
Riddles by alphabet about the letter f

Voice in the blue sky
Like a tiny bell.


He's his nest in the field.
Where plants stretch.
His songs and flight
We entered the poems!
He wants to fly directly
Wants - hangs in the air,
It falls from the heights with a stone
And sings in the fields, sings.


In a golden glomerulus
Oaks hid.


He is tall and spotted,
With a long-long neck,
And he feeds on leaves -
Trees leaves.


Cheed, not a raven,
Horn, not a bull,
With wings, not a bird.


I'm sitting on a branch
I'm sitting on a branch
And the sound is keen.


Leaves fall from aspen,
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.


Long -legged, long -wing,
Long -blossed, gray in body,
And the back of the head is naked, red,
Wanders in the swamps of dirty,
Catches frogs in them
Stupid jumps.


The brothers stood on the stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go,
They do not get off with a stilt.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Z

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Z:

Grings, groaning Zainka
Gray and small:
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!
Through the hole on the stump.
He listens to the ears
He eats with teeth.
In order not to get to the fox,
Became a bunny with a letter ...


The letter our view reflects
It prevents the knight.
At least he doesn’t eat, but he chews everything
The sparrow pecks her.
(Letter Z - mirror, shot, teeth, grain)


"Hare", "finch", "gold",
"Tooth", "Zelenka" and "Winter" ...
What unites words?
Maybe someone will guess?
(Letter Z)


The letter walks in the skin of a throw
In black and white stripes,
Having met a wolf and a fox,
The trace confuses in the forest.
(Letter Z - zebra, hare)


In the star you will find this letter,
Both in gold and in the rose,
Land, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, Earth, Frost.
(Letter Z)


Zebra are you a horse's sister?
Play hide and seek with us.
Hide somewhere in a vine,
In the picture with the letter ... (h)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter and

Riddles by alphabet about the letter and:

I am glad to pick out
There is delicious grapes in the mace.
Well, who came to mind
Hide in a bun ...
Answer: raisins


Today I am a second pilot.
A plane is ready for flight!
Parish, meeting me, guns.
And I shout: - Hello,
Answer: Toys


Whose tall tops
Will they pink on the edge?
Summer Red meet!
Blooms ...
Answer: Ivan-tea


I drowned out all the paths-road,
He was looking for his beloved wife.
Good fellow helped to find her.
The old man donated ball.
Answer: Ivan Tsarevich


Blooms in the Kolos field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
Rubs strawberries.
What a month?
Answer: June


Out of stubbornness
It will not advance ....
Answer: Ishak


The stubborn will not understand in any way
Why is his name ....
Answer: Ishak


From a deep well
Golden birds fly out
And disappear in the air.
Answer: Sparks from the pipe


Mala, yes evil. I am flying, a candle
And everyone wants to like it.
But my spray is very kolki
Wolves are afraid of me for nothing.
Answer: Iskra


How boring it is -
One hundred years without motion
Look into the water at your reflection.
Hung branches from a cliff
Tender, sad ....
Answer: willow

Riddles by alphabet about the letter y

Riddles by alphabet about the letter y:

Wounds smear this letter,
Moms often have breakfast -
They have been familiar with the recipe for a long time
Fresh fruits with milk.
(Letter y - iodine, yogurt)

* * *
The letter put the letter
And she began to call otherwise.
The letter "and" has turned
In the letter new, look!
(In the letter "Y")

* * *
With the letter "and" she is a sister
Above it, a bird flies
They put it at the end
When they write about the palace

* * *
For example: large, beautiful;
I write about a liability, lying,
And with many Maria
At the end of the word the letter (y)

* * *
You need to know this letter,
To read the word yogurt.
To say - let's go to the dubious
Teach lessons to our house!
(Letter y)

* * *
Yogi in the dining room will find us
Yogurt, and in the first -aid kit - iodine.
And give something sweet,
If we learn ...
(And short)

* * *
Mom mother to a wound to her daughter
Iodine in a dark bubble.
A cat jumping from the table,
Iodine poured on the floor.
Become the power of all the elements
Iodine spilled - letter ...

Riddles by alphabet about the letter K

Riddles by alphabet about the letter K
Riddles by alphabet about the letter K

Riddles by alphabet about the letter K:

He came to the house on New Year's Eve
Such a ruddy fat man
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared.

* * *

Multi -colored sisters
Bridged without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Wears water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

* * *

On a straw house,
One hundred guys in it.

* * *

In the yellow sea, the ship floats.
He goes, the wave is shifting,
Grain flows from the pipe.

* * *

On a deer, on a horse
It’s good for me to ride!
Not on the tundra, not in the meadow
I'm going on a miracle - a circle.
I'm jumping, I'm flying
I am delighted!

* * *

Quick jump, warm fluff,
Red eye.

* * *

Made a hole, dug a hole,
The sun shines, but he does not know.

* * *

These miracles are bricks
I received as a gift.
That I will lay out from them - I will break
I start all first

Riddles by alphabet about the letter L

Riddles by alphabet about the letter l:

For a concert for kids
The heron came.
No one in the reeds
She did not find.
White heron
The singers respected
But they were very afraid -
So they ran away.

* * *

They called her red
And a cunning rogue.
And in fairy tales they write about her,
That chickens are stealing deftly.
I'll tell you a secret:
There are no guilt here.

* * *

Everyone knows fragrant flower
It blooms only in May -
Green thin stem,
Where are the white beads row.
(lily of the valley)

* * *

Adults and children know
That the sun does not shine at night.
Cool and pale
Among the stars is always alone.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter m

Riddles by alphabet about the letter M:

Health, strength from him
And the blush of cheeks is always.
White, not white,
Liquid, not water.
Answer: milk

* * *

I am a dash in grammar,
And who am I in mathematics?
Answer: Minus

* * *

For the whole century he waves wings,
And he cannot fly away.
Answer: Mill

* * *

Doesn't eat watermelon at all
Slippery ....
Answer: Medusa

* * *

He will show the path to ships
In oceans and seas.
It blinks them at night in the dark -
And he will say exactly where.
Answer: lighthouse

* * *

By the river, in the meadow,
Barefoot in the snow
The first flowers -
Yellow eyes.
Answer: Mother-i-Machech

* * *

Nimble guys
They pulled the hats,
Hats on the lining.
Slippery and smooth.
Answer: Oil

* * *

Tasty - lick your fingers! -
Orange balls.
But only in them I do not play
I invariably eat them.
Answer: tangerines

* * *

That girl is not more beautiful
That girl is not smarter.
And Pierrot, her friend,
All day sings about her.
Answer: Malvina

* * *

So berries, look,
Like a small thimble,
All of them are in the color of the dawn -
There is a basket for berries,
Pull into it, ...!
Answer: Malinka

Riddles by alphabet about the letter n

Riddles according to the alphabet about the letter H:

"P" in another letter can
Turn it very quickly.
The crossbar is a little
You just need to lower it!
(Letter n)


"Thread", "nose" and the word "no"
With this letter begins,
And she is in the "candy",
“Scissors” and “bottom” are found.
(Letter n)


The letter is fighting with a horn,
There are always enough stars on it,
Warms his legs, but
He cuts everything that she was given.
(Letter H - rhino, sky, socks, knife)


Two bare legs
Walk along the path
Run and jump
Yes, each other, they are jerking.
They will fall captive,
Turn into a letter ... (n)


The rhino found a sock
But I could not wear it.
He was captured to the toe
In the picture with the letter ... (n)


Nevalyashka Nastya
Not afraid of misfortune
He will not pour tears -
It will fall, it will get up
And he prefers to everyone
The letter of the alphabet ... (n)


This letter on the path
There are people, mice, cats.
And she, passing through the ear,
Sews us a new toy.
(Letter H - legs, thread)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter O

Riddles by alphabet about the letter O
Riddles by alphabet about the letter O

Riddles by alphabet about the letter O:

Sheep, pale sheep,
Her heart hurts.
He groans quietly: "Oh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
She is familiar with the letter ... (o)


There are no angles in this letter
And she would have rolled away
If there are a lot of different words
I would do without her!
(Letter O)


Round -shaped head,
The same form is the letter ... (not, but o)


Look at the wheel
And you will see the letter ... (o)


"Cloud", "glasses", "wasp",
“Knife”, “pendant” and “sausage” ...
Children have known everything for a long time,
What is similar to the steering wheel ... (O)


Hoop, ball and wheel,
They will remind you of the letter ... (o)


The letter surrounds the letter,
She prevents her from entering the park
And in it in the same way
The candle turns.
(Letter O - island, fence, ogarik)


In the old tree hollow
Well, just like a letter ... (o)


There is no angle in this letter,
That's why it is round.
Before that, it is round -
I could ride.
(Letter O)


Monkey Olenka
Turns naked backwards
From a tree, a pranlar
Conducting faces, tears -
Repeats everything behind everyone,
And the bananas threw down.
It swore on the tail -
It turns out gloriously!
The monkey is easy
Will turn into a letter ... (o)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter p

Riddles by alphabet about the letter P:

If you see, in the picture
The river is drawn,
Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,
Or snowy plain,
Or a field and a hut,
Be sure to picture
Called ....
Answer: Landscape


Gray little Denis
Hang on the rope.
Lives on the ceiling
In a dark corner.
Doesn't sew clothes for himself
And the yarn is spinning.
Answer: Spider


I am any girl
I will cover the hairs
I will cover and boy
Korotyk haircuts.
From the sun I am protection
For that, it is sewn.
Answer: Panama


Your assistants - take a look -
A dozen friendly brothers.
How glorious to live when they
Work is not afraid.
Answer: Fingers


I'll go to the store now,
I will buy everything that I need.
Only if there is no bag,
I have to buy ....
Answer: Package


I took the flour and took the cottage cheese,
Brozen crumbling ...
Answer: Pie


And he was wearing, and boastful,
Because the tail is beautiful.
He admires him himself
And shows us.
Answer: Peacock


They go on a hike and take the house,
In which houses do not live.
Answer: A tent


And from the wind and from the heat,
You will be tired of the rain.
And how to sleep in it sweet!
What is it?..
Answer: A tent


Five boys,
Five closets.
The boys dispersed
In dark closets.
Every boy
To his closet.
Answer: fingers and gloves

Riddles by alphabet about the letter p

Riddles by alphabet about the letter P:

The letter in boiling water blushes,
Does not know how to return
Everything is enough, everything takes,
Louder than the voice yells.
(Letter p - cancer, river, hand, mouthpiece)


This letter is important to us:
The word "homeland" is needed
"Relative speech", "Russian" too
It cannot live without it.
The letter is necessary, believe me!
This letter is ...
(letter p)


The shell is inside
Someone's house. Here look!
Not a nest not a mink -
Close dresser.
Ouch! It was found in it
Valuable pearl.
Chop! Mollusk-millionaire
Turned the shell into
(letter p)


Cancer - river mustachioed cancer.
He learns somehow.
Do not take an example from him,
And remember the letter ...


The letter that is lever,
Just wonderful.
(letter p)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter C

Riddles by alphabet about the letter C:

At night the letter catches mice,
In the afternoon in the desert, he is fervor with fervor,
It falls from the sky in winter
In the summer - it rises with a shock.
(Letter C - owl, sun, snow, hay)


In the sky, the full moon
Like the letter about she.
But only a week passed
(How did we not look!)
Instead of about us from heaven
The letter shines brightly ...


The elephant in Africa walked
Willed a long trunk
And then he suddenly took and disappeared:
Turned into a letter ...


I ate a piece from the bagel,
And the letter turned out ...
(not l, but c)


"Tablecloth", "table", "napkin", "elephant",
"Chair", "shoemaker" and "salon",
"Dream", "Symphony", "Country",
“Symbol”, “network”, “glass”, “wall”.
What kind of letter is this, children,
Have you met in these lines?
(Letter C)


In the middle of the night heaven
Crescent with a letter ...


Elephant is a huge uncle-slone,
He loves to listen to fairy tales.
A fairy tale about dense forest
Listens under the letter ...


Ostrich is a poultry
It does not fly, does not sing.
If you are in no hurry to visit
Then goes, not running.
If everything is, on the contrary,
That runs, not going.
Having survived the pursuit of stress,
Our ostrich became a letter ...

Riddles by alphabet about the letter T

Riddles by alphabet about the letter T
Riddles by alphabet about the letter T

Riddles by alphabet about the letter T:

Loves the letter that sober -
Dancing, tractor, phone ...
And then, it will become a little quieter
The cake will treat the kids.
The letter t


She looks like an antenna
And on the umbrella, as if too.
The letter t


Green bedspread
In the summer on the ground lay.


They handed the string
Throughout the country.
Far from a distance
My word runs.


Why is this cow
Vertically challenged?
Answers Vova of the Light:
- Very simple:
This is a child.
This is indeed …


What a miracle! What a box!
The singer himself and the narrator himself,
And also at the same time
Demonstrates a movie.


What a wonderful dog!
You will not find longer, however.


One - strip,
Two - strip ...
Red beast
It goes in a sailor!
Three. Four, five and six ...
He wants to catch and eat everyone!

Riddles by alphabet about the letter U

Riddles by alphabet about the letter U:

If I do lips
A very thin pipe
I will say the sound later,
Then I will hear the letter ...


I found a bitch in the forest
He looks like a letter ...


“Smile”, “Oyster”, “Udod”, -
In them, the General letter lives.
(Letter U)


Duck in the morning at the gate
Smiles a snail
It picks it in the nose
In the picture with the letter ...


Ullyana's snails
The entire lawn is overgrown with weeds.
Sobryan's lack of storm - mow -
It is necessary to transport the house.
And opening the calica,
Snail crawled.
Creers along the tropino,
The house on the back is lucky.
Will crawl a little
He will hide the horns in the house.
Sleeps in his house
Sees dreams about the letter ...


This letter can children
Tell about everything in the world,
Cruculs to catch in the river,
House to carry your own in a backpack.
(Letter U - teacher, fishing rod, snail)


The word delicious ear
The letter starts ...
(not x, but y)


If I do lips
A very thin pipe
I will make a sound later,
Then hear the letter ... (y)


This letter resembles ears
At the bunny on the top of the head.
The snail has a horny too
So the letter is similar to the letter.
(Letter U)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter F

Riddles by alphabet about the letter F:

If a small feature
We cross the letter "o"
We lose the letter "o",
But we will find another!
(Letter F)


"Fantik", "owl" and "cap",
“Fruit”, “hazelnuts” and even “flask”, -
Everyone contains this letter,
I will tell you a secret.
(Letter F)


Tell us, weathercocks,
Where the breeze flies.
On the iron leg.
Turn a little
And then the lantern in the cafe
Will turn into a letter ...


Filin, flying into a book,
Pretended to be a letter ...


The letter of a goal wants to score for us,
Lights the city at night
Mits water to heaven,
It is tastier to the sausage.
(Letter F - football player, lantern, fountain, minced meat)


Helpers helped us to find
Violet flag.
And crouching on a twig,
The letter will show us ...


I put on my nose glasses,
I will immediately become a letter ...


The letter is an important figure,
Philosophical nature.
Hands how to abundant sides,
Do not look down.
(Letter F)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter x

Riddles by alphabet about the letter X:

He is fluffy, long, long
Long -tailed, flexible, brave,
Laid mouse in mink
Delicious, Shusty ...


She is a southerner, rich in vitamins,
Honey taste and pulp is delicate, like cotton wool.
When unlucky, it is full of astringency,
This orange, round ...


For lunch, for breakfast, dinner
At the table, everyone correctly serves
Soups and cereals eat with him
I posted, near the bowl
He saved everyone from troubles
Fresh, white, black


Red little animal
I began to cook food for the future:
He arranged deftly
Behind the cheek pantry.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter C

Riddles by alphabet about the letter C:

Kuzma knotted, you can’t untie.


Two legs conspired,
Make arcs and circles.


He is not a hedgehog or a Christmas tree,
He has one needle
Not a dancer, but dancing
And draws circles.


Live in a smart book,
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers,
They count everything in the world.


There was a wonderful, warm house,
It was so comfortable in him!
It was good for me
But more pleasant at large!
So I hatched -
Glad all my family!


Appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells!


Mom went for a walk,
Began to convene children -
Yellow lumps,
Daughters and sons.


Yellow dandelions,
In the yard, the grains peck.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter h

Riddles by alphabet about the letter h
Riddles by alphabet about the letter h

Riddles by alphabet about the letter h:

Very often under the window
Sparrows arrive,
Very noisy and meticulous
This letter is discussed!
Answer: h


People love this letter
Take it around the light,
In it, boil water in it,
From her - to drink her.
Answer: h: suitcase, kettle, cup, tea


On the arm and on the wall,
And on the tower in the height.
Walk, go in an even move,
From sunrise to call.


There are no legs, but I go
No mouth, but I will say
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter sh.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter w:

The ball is a little breathing
I draw slowly.
And on it is a cat, a mouse.
With them the letter is the letter ...


She is pronounced by a snake
And a hedgehog, a little angry
Souring ball and I, -
But just not like that - Ponaroshka!
(Letter Sh)


The letter is in these words:
School, pole, Sharada, Shah.
I wrote the letter like that:
Three poles and below the sleeper.
(Letter sh)


For the spike, it is good
In the alphabet of the letter ...


At the driver of Sasha
There is a Masha car.
The driver sits behind the wheel
And steering, steering, steering,
And the car is driving
In the garden to the neighbors.
They don't like it
And the driver became the letter ...


My neighbor has a goose
He scares everyone angrily
This letter alphabet,
But I'm not afraid of him!
(Letter Sh)


This letter is sewn from fur,
Repeat for the sake of laughter
Wear with and without feathers,
And she - for Leo Douest.
(Letter sh - fur coat, joke, hat, jackal)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter p.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Sh:

This letter is like a rattle
The sound of rotation makes;
Then chirping delights
Then sings with a chopper manual ...
Or trembling like aspen,
Where the square is a faith;
In more often, he sleeps passively more often ...
What kind of letter? ...
(Letter b)


Who cannot call me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I'm from dust and spots
I guard your dress.
(Loan brush)


All day dancing our
Glad to dance on the floor.
Where it will droop, where it will wave
Do not find a nightingale.
(Sex brush) wags its tail,
Zubasta, not barking.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter b.

Riddles by alphabet about the letter K:

This letter is cool,
They will sometimes explain to us:
As a desire to express
Or disconnect the connector ...
How to drive up, and at the entrance,
On a led road,
An announcement from the entrance
Wipe your legs from dust.
And in the words of the usual ones since childhood,
In order not to get into trouble,
Tell me guys,
What are we writing? ...

(Hard sign)

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Y

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Y:

The letter is ready to serve
Just not at the beginning of the word.
You will not find in the books you.
Words with the initial letter ...
Answer: s


In Russian, alas,
There are no words on "...".
Answer: s


We asked the tower
We asked Owl
They could not come up with
We are words for the letter ...
Answer: s


We heard from the owl
That there are no words on the letter ...
Answer: s


Here is an ax.
Floor nearby.
It turned out that it is necessary:
We all have to know her.
The letter turned out ....
Answer: s


Do you know this letter?
There are in the words: “moles”,
“Beads”, “cheese” and in the word “we”.
You remember the letter ...
Answer: s


Does not fit into the book
Clotted bear
We will replace "and" with "s" -
It turned out ...
Answer: Mouse


Walks with a stick, alas,
On the pages the letter ...
Answer: s


What kind of vowel is such
Not simple, but double
And I swear I am ready -
There is no words at the beginning of the words!
Answer: s


And with this letter everyone can
Any subject of joking to propagate:
There is a toad - there will be toads with it!
What kind of letter could you like that?
Answer: s


Who will wash the plates?
You, of course, you, you, you.
Why are we, we, we?
Maybe you better, you, you.
Rest, you and you:
All plates you are.
Me and you, we and you -
We all know the letter ...
Answer: s


Do you know this letter?
There are she in the words: “Mole,
“Beads”, “cheese” and in the word “we”.
You remember the letter ...
Answer: s


What kind of vowel is such
Not simple, but double
And I swear I am ready -
There is no words at the beginning of the words!
Answer: letter y


We asked the tower
We asked Owl
They could not come up with
We are words for the letter ...
Answer: s


“Kommersant” steel stronger,
For courage, all in medals.
The exploits are committed
He with a neighbor with a letter ...
Answer: s


The letter of the first cannot be,
The cake alone will propagate in the cakes.
Answer: letter y


I know: bull and mouse,
Soap, smoke, poke, balls.
Drink, skiing, hole, baby ...
There are many words with the letter ...
Answer: s


Walks with a stick, alas,
On the pages the letter ...
Answer: s


I don't know what's the secret
There are no words for this letter,
Only letters are all important
We will remember the letter ...
Answer: s


I don't know what's the secret
There are no words for this letter,
Only letters are all important
We will remember the letter ...
Answer: s

Riddles by alphabet about the letter b

Riddles by alphabet about the letter b
Riddles by alphabet about the letter b

Riddles by alphabet about the letter b:

“I go to the beginning of the word laziness -
And the good sign laughs, -
But without me, neither night nor day
No salt will cost. ”
What is this sign?
Answer: Soft sign


Before us is a "good sign."
How to say it? No way.
But, for example, on the wall
The “regiment” hung with books.
"Good sign" add to it
And we get a dance - "Polka".
One, two, three, four, five,
What sign do we need to know?
Answer: Soft sign


This sign changes here:
The word weight is all.
The word "bank" will become a "bathhouse",
Instead of “gave”, we get a “distance”,
instead of “tank”, there will be “Tanka”,
There was a "pity", but it will become "sorry."
If the sound is softened,
The word is changing!
What is this sign?
Answer: This is a soft sign - b


It’s not so difficult for us to make it
So that the vessel is not shallow.
Cross this sign -
And the water path is free.
What sign should be crossed out?
Answer: b


The squirrel squeezed, curls
She rested at the pen.
I fluffed the tail
Yes, so -
It looked like ...
Answer: Soft sign


Leo is harsh! Softer lioness.
After all, this sign lurks in it!
Answer: Soft sign


What ends day and night?
Answer: Soft sign


Let's draw this sign
Gently with a drop,
Like this.
The letter will soften the letter -
The word sounds softly.
Answer: b


He does not make a sound at all,
And he does not growl, and does not sing.
Without grief
He consonants softens.
Answer: Soft sign


There is a letter, we write it,
And we read - we don’t hear the sound!
What? How so?
What kind of letter?
Answer: Soft sign


The letter P turned over -
This sign turned around.
Answer: Soft sign


He is a good -natured woman
All softens ...
Answer: Soft sign


Blizzard and snowstorm,
And spring drops
It turns out like this -
Everything contains ...
Answer: Soft sign


This hook is familiar to us all,
Guess, what is he called?
There is a letter, but there is no sound.
The whole secret is hidden in this.
Answer: Soft sign


We do not read this letter,
We soften the words with her,
In the middle, at the end of the word,
We can meet her again.
Without it, you can’t do it,
These are kids, - …
Answer: Soft sign


I am a magician. I want -
I will appear and turn
Chalk that they write at school,
In agriculture, dangerous at sea.
Who is the wizard - guess
Raise your hand above.
Soft voice, soft step ...
This is the letter ...
Answer: Soft sign


This letter is a cunning sign.
Not to say it in any way.
It is not pronounced
But he often asks for word.
Answer: Soft sign


The letter for softness is put
And in the name "soft" is found.
He is a firm sign.
What is the letter, guys?
Answer: Soft sign


Why the house has a corner
Turned immediately into coal,
Without a fire, just like that?
I did it ...
Answer: Soft sign


“Y”, at least the first one cannot,
The cake alone will propagate in the cakes.
Next to her completely soften
The letter-POWFIC ...
Answer: Soft sign

To ride without problems
Signs need to know us all.
Just do not understand in any way,
Where are the signs ...
Answer: Soft sign

Riddles by alphabet about the letter E

Riddles by alphabet about the letter E:

The excavator is digging the earth -
A new pipeline is building.
All smacks in the ground,
Will turn into a letter ...

* * *
What should I do, what should I do?
How to fix my language? -
I say it
Instead of a pause, I got used to it!
(Letter e)

* * *
"Eucalyptus" and "Excavator",
"Era", "Edik" and "Equator".
These are different words
The first letter is one.
Read all the words now
Tell the letter the first.
(Letter e)

* * *
He served Edik Ellochka
Eskimo in a plate,
And Hellenic with Allochka
Eskimo on sticks.
This is Eskimo to you
Gives the letter personally ...

* * *
My brother, Edik is an erudite.
He sits forever with the book.
He knows the word floor,
Echelon and Hermitage.
He will explain, if necessary,
The word echo and the stage.
Holds Edik in his head
All words for the letter ...

* * *
This letter digs pits
He echoes the shout stubbornly
And on a stick later
Chocolate melts ice.
(The letter E is an excavator, echo, Eskimo)

* * *
Eskimos Eskimos
Eskimo carried in your pocket ...
Now crying "uh!"
All in tears under the letter ...

* * *
Eggs in the nests, or not?
Chat on this subject
The bird loves very much ...

* * *

This exclamation, no doubt,
We are published with regret!
(Eh ...!)

* * *

Lives in an empty well,
Click - will respond ...

* * *

For him we took a sword
Showing courage in battle.

* * *

In the dark hall we are on it
We watch the films with a clear day.

* * *

Dessert on a stick ... In the glaze - chocolate!
Star and young.

* * *

They take it to the openier:
Paints, brushes put.

* * *

Southern tree of valuable
Essential oil heals people ...

* * *

On these trips, I went more than once
The whole team is our cheerful class ...

* * *

In this train with Antoshka
We go to dig potatoes.

* * *

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Yu

Riddles by alphabet about the letter Yu:

Took "n" and on the right leg
We stretched a little
Yes, they turned off the letter "o"-
Well, what happened?
(It turned out the letter y)


Yurt. Yurt - steppe house,
Warm house, portable.
I will sing a song about him,
To remember the letter ...


Julia is a new yulu
I got out on the floor.
Yo-la-la! Yo-la-la! -
Yulia is spinning quickly.
And she hit the shoe,
Vzhik! - fell on the barrel.
Yulechka Yulu
Turned into a letter ...


This letter is worn by ladies
They love white bears
And the cold will come -
Birds will fly there.
(Letter Yu - skirt, yukol, south)


“Yula”, “Jupiter”, “South”, “Yunnat”.
Who will answer me from the guys
Which letter is most often
Found in the names of those?
Well, I will answer you!
Of course this ...
(letter y)


So that it does not roll about
I will kill firmly to the column.
Oh, look, what happened:
The letter turned out ...

Riddles about alphabet letters for children

Riddles about alphabet letters for children
Riddles about alphabet letters for children

Riddles about the letters of the alphabet for children:

With this letter begins
“Watermelon” and “Almanac”.
She meets to us all
In almost all words.
(The letter a")

“Drum”, “bagel”, “tank”, -
Without this letter they are in any way.
I know and you
That this letter is ...
(letter "B")

"Wolf", "wizard" and "quite"
All words on ...
(letter "B")

If you lose the letter,
The goose will not be able to gog
The dog will not be able to bark.
What kind of letter? Who will help?
(Letter "g")

"House", "diary" and even "two",
"Girl", "board", "firewood"
This letter is definitely known
And they include it.
There is still in "Bede", in "Balle"
This letter is ...
(letter "D")

The goat shines:
"Me" yes "me",
He only knows
"Em" and ...

Hedgehog under the Christmas tree dozed off,
Someone robbed the beast:
Instead of a “hedgehog” only “Zhik”
Near the tree lies.
Where are maples at the fishing line,
The Christmas tree was just "lka".
Come on? Which of you learned
What kind of letter the hedgehog slept?
(Letter "E")

This letter is in words
“Honeysuckle”, “heat”, “giraffe”.
And in the words "buzzing" and "burning"
Several those letters live.
(Letter "g")

"Hare", "finch", "gold",
“Tooth”, “Zelenka” and “Winter”.
What unites words?
Maybe someone will guess?
(Letter "z")

The first in the words "needle",
"Ivolga", "turkey", "caviar".
(Letter "and")

Ivolga played with a needle
I pricked, began to cry.
Ivolga crying: "I-and",
Cries only with the letter ...

The letter put the letter
And she began to call otherwise.
The letter "and" has turned
In the letter new, look!
(Letter "y")

"Mole", "swing" and "Klyuka"
Start on ... ("K")
“Pencil”, “Brick”, “Kirka”
- Everyone contains the letter ...

The letter is similar to the stepladder.
Pour, sculpt, leaf through.
There will be no summer without it,
What kind of letter, children, is it?
(Letter "L")

"Honey", "raspberries", "macrama"
Start on ...

"Thread", "nose" and the word "no"
With this letter begins,
And she is in the "candy",
“Scissors” and “bottom” are found.
(Letter "n")

"Cloud", "glasses", "wasp",
“Knife”, “pendant” and “sausage” ...
Children have known everything for a long time,
What is similar to the steering wheel ...

Each student knows:
This letter is like a horizontal bar -
The crossbar, two legs.
There are in the words "chick" and "bowl",
And also "Penal", "panel"
Start with her.
(Letter "P")

This letter is important to us:
The word "homeland" is needed
"Relative speech", "Russian" too
It cannot live without it.
The letter is necessary, believe me!
This letter is ...
(letter "P")

"Tablecloth", "table", "napkin", "elephant",
"Chair", "shoemaker" and "salon",
"Dream", "Symphony", "Country",
“Symbol”, “network”, “glass”, “wall”.
What kind of letter is this, children,
Have you met in these lines?
(Letter "C")

The shadow fell on the dressing
The cockroach looked out the window.
"Tarakan", "dressing" and "shadow"
Start on ...

“Smile”, “Oyster”, “Udod”, -
In them, the General letter lives. (Letter "y")
"Fantik", "owl" and "cap",
“Fruit”, “hazelnuts” and even “flask”, -
Everyone contains this letter,
I will tell you a secret.
(Letter "F")

In "bread", "hen" she lives,
“Piggy” and “ferret” are needed.
The letter is good, dashing
This letter is ...
(letter "x")

Found in the "chain", "face",
Such a letter - ...
(letter "c")

"Miracle", "kettle", "Cheburashka",
“Chepchik”, “Chin”, “Chalma” and “Cup”
The first to put this letter,
They are friends with her, love, glorify.
There is in the "stream" she, in "Parche".
This letter is ...
(letter "h")

The ball is a little breathing
I draw slowly.
And on it a cat, mouse.
With them the letter is the letter ...

“Brush”, “pike”, “shield”, “sorrel” ...
What is common in them? Check.
And, of course, you learned
The letter is general at the beginning.
What kind of letter? Name.
In chorus, together: one, two, three!
(The letter "Sh")

In the words "entrance",
"Announcement", "Congress"
He stands in front of the root
The prefix from the root will separate.
(Letter "b")

The letter for softness is put
And in the name "soft" is found.
He is a firm sign.
What is the letter, guys?
(Letter "b")

"Eucalyptus" and "Excavator",
"Era", "Edik" and "Equator".
These are different words
The first letter is one.
Read all the words now
Tell the letter the first.
(Letter "E")

“Yula”, “Jupiter”, “South”, “Yunnat”.
Who will answer me from the guys
Which letter is most often
Found in the names of those
Well, I will answer you!
Of course this ...
(letter "Yu")

I torn the amber apple in the garden,
With the apple tree of the branchy I live in Lada.
That's why I often eat apples,
“Apple” and “apple tree” - words on the letter ...

He is a good -natured woman
All softens ...

Separate all he is a mastic,
Hardly ...

Riddles for alphabet with answers

Riddles for alphabet with answers
Riddles for alphabet with answers

Riddles in alphabet with answers:

Who nests on the towers of the water,
Catching frogs, worms and mice?
And who is stubbornly destroying the locust
And brings parents to parents?

These tooths are built by dams,
They do not catch fish, but love aspen ...

Sharp teeth, like a dog,
Steals sheep from summer barracks,
Howling, longing, he is on the moon,
And violates the nights of the silence.

In the cattle yard, he is an important bird,
Even a rooster is afraid of this bird.
He stars loudly, hisses, scaring everyone.
What kind of bird is this?

Tuk, tuk, tuk ... What a knock
Does it spread through the forest?
What a motley friend is this
Does it feed on the trees?

Black mask around the keen eye,
Cute muzzle, paws
As if they rinse food every time
Before eating a sweet breakfast ...

Who is rustling in the garden at night,
He drinks milk from the saucer,
A little danger - prickly
Does it turn easily?

He lives in the basement, looks like a frog,
And she has a bunching skin,
Eats mosquitoes, snails, worms,
We must be friends with all the hostesses with her ...

The gray lump of the wolf is afraid
As well as owls and red foxes.
Long mink ears stick out.
"Hide soon!" - The birds shout to him.

The bird is important, inflated,
Sharp shoe in spurs,
The tail will open like a peacock,
In general, an important gentleman.

On a broken knee
Dripped the medicine ... burns!
But will certainly help
Because it is iodine.

In the world he is the largest, but not an elephant,
Swims at sea, but he is not a fish
Only plankton can be food for him,
And the fountain in heaven beats from a sort of block.

Red fur coat on it all year round,
Very cunning and treacherous rogue,
And like a striped Vasily, our cat,
Catch mice from under the snow so deftly.

He loves honey very, very much,
In the forest in the den he lives,
And in the circus on a bicycle, he
It drives like a champion.

Very large, and sometimes clumsy,
Likes to wallow in the web puddles,
Three -fingered legs, there is a horn on the face,
In Africa, he drowned out a hundred roads.

In Antarctica among ice
He lives at the call of blood
Not afraid of cold
And in a tailcoat he catches fish.

On the ears of the brushes, a short tail,
All in dark spots she is
And, despite the short growth,
This predator is full.

The most vocal Ptah,
But he sings only in May,
He is waiting for a girlfriend in the branches,
Calling a ringing trill.

Lives under the skirting board in the kitchen,
Mustachioed, dressed in the shell.
And in the evening, only the light will go out,
He goes to the feeding.

Yellow spots on the head,
We learn from them that not a viper.
He loves to doze in the sun in the grass,
And he doesn’t hiss, if you pick it up.

On a branch he can sit very firmly,
His eyes in the dark even glow,
Flies silently, hunts at night,
A relative of the owls and hugs the same

A relative of lizards and iguan,
It lives in the southern parts
If excited or scared,
He changes his color.

A small yellow lump
He looked out from under his hen
Time has come - was born,
But his brothers are not yet ...

On the back the pattern is not easy,
Crawls slowly
Hides in the shell of paws, tail
And the head, of course.

Shaggy and terrible,
Pollinates flowers
Like bees and wasps
He collects honey.

Quickly, without a doubt
Guess yourself-
At her command
Sani go themselves.

Sat down and ate - the words are similar,
But do not confuse them in any way.
The word ate sounds a little harder
It has just this sign.
(Hard sign)

Finger-fad, hat hat ...
This letter multiplies in them.
There was one dad in the gym,
There are many of them with this letter.
(Letter y)

This sign of the word softens -
Chalk and marshmallow, which means
Each of them is known
They write with chalk, there is
Where there is a little water.
The meaning of the sign changes strictly.

He lives in Australia,
Fruits and grass are chewing,
Hides his head in the sand,
It is very high on the legs

You will start it and she will be spinning
Only bright colors flicker.
With a sonorous voice spring bird
With the exact same name happens.

Yurkaya, if frightened,
Slits on the grass,
And the enemy to deceive
She loses her tail.

Riddles for children in alphabet short

Riddles for children in alphabet short
Riddles for children in alphabet short

Riddles for children in alphabet are short:

The letter a

Maple leaves yellow
The southern countries flew away
Small winged haircuts.
What a month, tell me?

It does not fly, does not buzz, the beetle runs along the street.
And two shiny lights burn in the eyes of the beetle

The letter b

He flutters above the flower, dances
The fan Middle waves.

We will find out the animal
On two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer.

Alenka costs - green scarf,
Thin camp, white sundress.

The letter B.

I went into the green house
And did not stay in it for long.
This house turned out to be
Quickly in the city a friend.
(Railway carriage)

Not shoes, not boots,
But they are also wear their legs.
We run in them in winter:
In the morning - to school, home home.
(Felt boots)

The letter is g

Sheet of paper in the morning
They carry to the apartment to us
On one such sheet
Many different news.
(Newspaper) He swing and bed,
It’s good to lie on it,
He is in the garden or in the forest
Walking by weight.

The letter d

Who comes, who leaves
Everyone drives her by the handle.

Two hundred times will pass back and forth,
Although all day stands still.

What are the guys,
A month in this riddle,
His days are shorter than his days
All nights are longer than the night,
To the fields and in the meadows
Snow lay down until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We celebrate the New Year.

The letter e

You will always find it in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet,
It costs prickly, like a hedgehog
In the winter in the dress is summer.

In winter and summer in one color.

What is this girl?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman
Nothing sews anything herself
And in needles all year round.

The letter e

Here are needles and pins
Crawl out from under the shop,
They look at me
They want milk.

A ball rolls in the forest,
He has a prickly side
He hunts at night
Behind beetles and mice.

Walks along the path
The forest carries on the back.

The letter w

Voice in the blue sky
Like a tiny bell.

In a golden glomerulus
Oaks hid.

The letter Z

What kind of forest beast,
I got up like a column, under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass,
Ears more head?

The letter and

Kudri lowered into the river
And I was sad about something
And what is she sad about
He does not say anyone.

And not snow, and not ice,
And silver will remove the trees.

I am small in stature
Thin and acute,
I'm looking for a way for myself,
Behind it, I drag the tail.
(Needle with a thread)

The letter K.

He came to the house on New Year's Eve
Such a ruddy fat man
But every day he lost weight,
And finally completely disappeared.

I have a magical wand I, friends,
I can build this stick:
Tower, house and plane,
And a huge ship!

There is a sea - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can’t go.
There is land - you can’t plow.
What's this?
(Geographical map)

The letter l

Wooden road,
She goes upward,
Whatever the step is a ravine.

Like pines, like Christmas trees,
And in the winter without needles.

The letter m

Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes,
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears.

The giant stands in the port,
Illuminating the darkness,
And signaling the ships:
"Come to visit us!"

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter for a black howl
He sleeps in a hut snow.

The letter n

On one finger
Bucket upside down.

Who has one eye during the day
Is there a lot of at night?
(At the sky)

What is this ceiling?
Then he is low, then high,
Then he is a ser, then White,
Then a little bluish.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue.

The letter is

They fly without wings,
Run without legs,
They float without a sail.

In the mountains, on the valleys
There is a fur coat, yes caftan.

Without windows, without doors,
The mountains are full of people.

The letter p

Five brothers will be born together,
And the growth of different ones.

Who grazes sheep and goats,
Where the meadow is grass.

NATTKET will fall asleep,
He will sit down and wait for prey.

Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
Songs sings the songs, time counts.

The letter p

There is a beautiful chest,
You can’t touch him - he is silent,
But it is worth turning the pens
He will speak and sing.

The dyed rocker hung over the river.

The people live under water,
He walks backwards.

The letter C.

Suddenly, bushes grew out of black darkness in the sky,
And they have blue, puntes, gold
Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming.
And all the streets under them also became blue,
Punnis flooded, multi -colored.

What kind of bird: does not sing songs,
Nest does not drive, people and cargo are lucky?

Balls hang on the knots,
They turned blue from the heat.

The letter t

The whole universe lives in it,
And the thing is ordinary.

A voice is cast through the field and a forest.
He runs along the wires
You will say here, but you can hear there.

Without arms, without legs.
And it climbs uphill.

The letter y

Holes went to the track,
You will not butt?
I touched them a little
The horns hid again.

Two antennas on the crown,
And she sits in a hut,
I am lucky on itself
It crawls very slowly.

A motley grunt catches frogs
He walks a warden, streaming.

The letter f

Snow with bags falls from the sky,
Snow snowdrifts stand with the house.
Either drill, then snowstorms
They flew into the village.
Frost is strong at night,
Calling is heard in the afternoon.
The day has been added noticeably
Well, so what is it in a month?

Sleeps during the day, flies at night,
Passers -by scares.

This eye is a special eye.
He will look at you quickly
And will be born
Your most accurate portrait.

The letter x

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, lush and fragrant,
He is black, he is white,
And it is burnt.

Light, not fluff.
Soft, not fur.
White, not snow, but will dress everyone.

In our kitchen for a whole year
Santa Claus lives in the closet.

The letter c

On one leg is worth
Looks intently into the water.
Pokes at random at random -
Looking for frogs in the river.

Elegant sisters
The guests are met all day,
They treat it with honey.

The letter h

You can’t distinguish my tail from the head.
You will always find me in the ground.

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to warm up anymore
The cover rang loudly:
"Drink tea, water boiled."

The letter sh

On the squares of the boards
The kings brought the shelves.
No for a fight at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.

Our aunt needle
She led a line along the field.
A line in a line, a line in a line,
There will be a dress for your daughter.
(Sewing machine)

The letter p

A ponytail made of bone, and on the back of the bristle.

Who cannot call me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I'm from dust and spots
I guard your dress.
(Loan brush)

The letter e

A mole climbed into our yard,
Rummies the ground at the gate.
A ton in the mouth of the Earth will enter
If the mole reveals the mouth.

There is a wonderful shovel in the world -
On wheels, crooked and humpbacia,
But she begins to dig -
One hundred shovels replaces one.

The letter Yu

I'm spinning, I’ll beg,
And I'm not too lazy
Walk even all day.

Will spin on a sharp leg,
Buzzing, as if a bug,
He wants - to jump a little,
He wants - he will lie on the barrel.

The letter I am

Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Can break
Can be welded
If you want, in a bird
It can turn.

If there weren't him
I would not say anything.

Riddles about all the letters of the Russian alphabet

Riddles about all the letters of the Russian alphabet.
Riddles about all the letters of the Russian alphabet

Riddles about all the letters of the Russian alphabet:

Black birds on each page
They are silent, they expect who will guess them.


Letters-digits, like fighters for a parade,
In strict order are built in a row.
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And the building is called ...


The very first, most important
This letter is in the alphabet of the chapter.
Aibolit if you meet
You will say the letter right there ...



All lambs know the letter
Only a little softened.
I know, and you, and you
That this letter is the letter ...



Wolf, wolf and she -wolf
You need to learn a little.
They don’t know at all, here's the trouble!
With what letters did their names begin?


If you lose the letter,
The goose will not be able to gog
The dog will not be able to bark.
What kind of letter? Who will help?


Dolphin, our cheerful dolphin,
Not alone plays the sea,
There are two dolphins on the water,
Playing, teach the letter ...


The raccoon chews, chews the raccoon,
He is chewing blackberry
And on the pink wall
He draws the letter ...

You will immediately recognize her
With two eyes, the letter ...

The whole hour is already buzzing
On the flower the letter ...

The letter our view reflects
It prevents the knight.
At least he doesn’t eat, but he chews everything
The sparrow pecks her.

The letter to become a fish dreams
It sparkles on the branches in the winter,
Curls a flock over the bonfire
And lies at the bottom of the river.

Wounds smear this letter,
Moms often have breakfast -
They have been familiar with the recipe for a long time
Fresh fruits with milk.

Cat, cute cat,
You play a little with her
With a cat, you probably
You will not forget the letter ...

This letter, along with "I"
It happens by NOO
And her friends
Often hum.

For a long time, children know everyone:
The cow loves the letter ...

"P" in another letter can
Turn it very quickly.
The crossbar is a little
You just need to lower it!

There are no angles in this letter
And she would have rolled away
If there are a lot of different words
I would do without her!

With this letter more fun!
Well, how not to smile -
I can hang on it,
And also pull up!

The letter in boiling water blushes,
Does not know how to return
Everything is enough, everything takes,
Louder than the voice yells.

The elephant in Africa walked
Willed a long trunk
And then he suddenly took and disappeared:
Turned into a letter ...

She looks like an antenna
And on the umbrella, as if too.

If I do lips
A very thin pipe
I will say the sound later,
Then I will hear the letter ...

If a small feature
We cross the letter "o"
We lose the letter "o",
But we will find another!

We can designate it
What is unknown in the task
And looking at everything differently,
In it we will see just a cross!

The letter "P" was turned over,
On the right, the tail was fastened,
Topped at the end
Got the letter ...

Very often under the window
Sparrows arrive,
Very noisy and meticulous
This letter is discussed!

For the spike, it is good
In the alphabet of the letter ...

It will not work borscht
If there are no letters in it ...

Separate all he is a mastic,
Hardly ...

What kind of vowel is such
Not simple, but double
And I swear I am ready -
There is no words at the beginning of the words!

He is a good -natured woman
All softens ...

What should I do, what should I do?
How to fix my language? -
I say it
Instead of a pause, I got used to it!

Took "n" and on the right leg
We stretched a little
Yes, they turned off the letter "o"-
Well, what happened?

This letter is a word
It is always ready on the road.
You will start a story about yourself,
So you call it!

Video: children's riddles about food


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