Riddles about vegetables with answers - the best selection for children: 120 riddles

Riddles about vegetables with answers - the best selection for children: 120 riddles

In our article you will find many interesting mysteries about vegetables - for children and kids.

Small children, with the right approach, are able to absorb information like a sponge. But in order for the younger generation, new information remembers more easily, it must be submitted correctly. Therefore, recently in schools and kindergartens, some topics have been presented in a playful way. Riddles are very suitable for teaching children. Solving them, the child assimilates new material and additionally develops his logical thinking. For such developing lessons, we offer you a selection of riddles about vegetables with answers.

Riddles about vegetables with answers

Riddles about vegetables

IMPORTANT: Offering a child to solve riddles, tune in to the fact that he will periodically lose interest in the process. As a rule, this happens if the baby does not understand what the question may mean. If this happens, then help the child, and put a couple of leading questions. In order for the learning process to go smoothly, choose riddles suitable for the child by age.

Riddles about vegetables with answers:

  1. I was spoiled for glory, my head is white, curly. The one who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them. (Answer - cabbage.)
  2. Not sewn, not crown, but all in scarves. Without a account of clothes, and all without fasteners. (Answer - cabbage cabbage.)
  3. Guess what kind of cabbage, all in flowers, thick-gosto. Several heads of curly, in white fur coats of curly. (Answer - color cabbage.)
    I'm not going light, I hold the flowerbed in my hand. On it, each flower clenched a fist. (Answer - color cabbage.)
  4. For a curly crest, a fox made of mink was dragged. To the touch - very smooth, tasted - like sweet sugar. (Answer - carrots.)
  5. The orange spine sits underground, he keeps a storehouse of vitamins in himself. It helps children be healthier to become what kind of vegetable it is, you can say. (Answer - carrots.)
  6. The cheeks are pink, the nose is white, in the dark I am sitting a whole day. And the shirt is green, it is all in the sun. (Answer - radishes.)
  7. A red mouse with a white tail, in a mink sits under a green leaf. (Answer - radishes.)
  8. Long barbar, gesture and Koryava. For all evil, and everyone is sweet. (The answer is radish.)
  9. Radish is different. And who will know this? A long, white tail is delicious! Called? (Answer - Daikon.)
  10. Round, not a month, yellow, not oil. Sweet, not sugar, with a tail, not a mouse. What is this vegetable? (Answer - turnip.)
  11. Although I am called sugar, but I have not grown up from the rain. Large, round, sweet in taste. You found out who I am? (Answer - beets.)
  12. In the green garden in the ground, it has become ascended. Top is thick, from below is acute, red. What's this? (Answer - beets.)
  13. A cramped house split into two halves, and beads-tobs fell in the palm of his hand. (Answer - peas.)
  14. District brothers in the house are huddled. In the green house, they feel good at all. They cook in the broth and call ...? (Answer - peas.)
  15. In a long light, they sat in a row of a girl. They are all good, similar to each other. (Answer - beans.)
  16. I am not peas, although I have pods. Soup of me is more tender and tastier. Two notes are my name. Think, make diligence! (Answer - beans.)
  17. Branches on the bed, on the branches of pods. The guys are sleeping in them - smooth barrels, different in color - white and red. (Answer - beans.)
  18. Our piglets grew up on the bed, to the sun sideways, the tail of the hook. These piglets play hide and seek with us. (Answer - cucumbers.)
  19. The master came from the beds, all in patches, whoever looks, everyone will cry. (Answer - onions.)
  20. Sitting grandfather is dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him, he sheds tears. (Answer - onions.)

Riddles about vegetables are light

Riddles about vegetables for children

If you do not want to complicate the process of teaching children, then first choose light riddles about vegetables for classes. If desired, you can decorate them in the form of pictures, and then even small children will understand what is at stake.

Riddles about vegetables are light:

  1. He bites, but not a dog. There is a tooth, but where is the mouth? White wears a frock coat. What is it, tell me? (Answer - garlic.)
  2. The grains are yellow in the cob, all milk and sweet, in the queen in the field. Name it soon! (Answer - corn.)
  3. I am long and green, delicious, salty, tasty and raw. Who am I? (Answer - cucumber.)
  4. These strong guys in the leaves are hidden in the garden. Lyaeboko-twiners turn green brightly. (Answer - cucumbers.)
  5. She hides from the sun under the bush in a deep mink. Brown is not a bear, in a mink, but not a mouse. (Answer - potatoes.)
  6. In the garden - a yellow ball, but it does not run to jump. It is like a complete moon, tasty seeds in it. (Answer - pumpkin.)
  7. They burst into the ground in May and did not take out a hundred days. And they began to dig under the fall, they found not one, but ten. (Answer - potatoes.)
  8. Although he did not see the ink, he suddenly became purple. And the praise is very important ... (Answer - eggplant.)
  9. I grow up in the garden, and when I ripen, they cook a tomato out of me. They put in cabbage soup and eat so. Am I called? (Answer - tomato.)
  10. In a green tent, Kolobok is sleeping sweetly. A lot of round crumbs. What's this? (Answer - peas.)
  11. It happens, children, different - yellow, herbal and red. Either he is burning, then he is sweet, you need to know his habits. And in the kitchen - the head of spices! Guessed? It… (Answer - pepper.)
  12. A bright red cap of a bright red cap. The cap is beautiful in appearance, only to be full of bitterness. (Answer - red burning pepper.)
  13. I am the only one in the world is not just cooking, but in a uniform. The honor of the uniform is the shore, I serve people as I can. (Answer - potatoes.)
  14. They planted a grain - they raised the sun. (Answer - sunflower.)
  15. Head - on the leg, green clothes. How many of them are not counted! Maybe - ten, maybe five! Grow densely! What's this? (Answer - cabbage.)
  16. Wide leaves grew up on the garden - as they are called, you know, guys? Summer dinners with them - overalls, quickly taste this treat. (Answer - leaf salad.)
  17. Violet, it grows in the bed in the summer. Not a tomato and not a banana. It's delicious ... (Answer - eggplant.)
  18. It is large, oblong and slightly striped. Lay down on the ground on a barrel, delicious ... (Answer - zucchini.)
  19. Great and round, she lived on Bakhch. Top gray, look, but orange inside. The queen of porridge is used to praise ... (Answer - pumpkin.)
  20. What a strange zucchini - the whole barrel in the elaborations. Maybe I had a dream? It's simple… (Answer - Patisson.)

Riddles about vegetables are short - the best selection

Short puzzles about vegetables

With this selection, you can easily arrange a mini-visa. These riddles will like children of all ages.

Riddles about vegetables are short:

  1. What is red outside, Bet inside. With a green crest on the head? (Answer - radish.)
  2. Round, not the moon, white, not paper, with a tail, not a mouse. (Answer - turnip.)
  3. Above the ground grass, underground is a burgundy head. (Answer - beets.)
  4. In the hot sun, he dries and breaks of pods ... (Answer - peas.)
  5. In the garden, at least it grew, knows the notes “salt” and “fa”. (Answer - beans.)
  6. What without pain and without sadness brings to tears? (Answer - onions.)
  7. Small and bitter, Brother Luka. (Answer - garlic.)
  8. In these yellow pyramids, hundreds of appetizing grains. (Answer - corn.)
  9. She was a child - she did not know the diaper, she became an old woman - a hundred diaper on her. (Answer - cabbage.)
  10. Seven hundred piglets hang on the peg. (Answer - bunch of bulbs.)
  11. Fresh and salty it is always green. (Answer - cucumber.)
  12. Green branches grow on the bed, and red children on them. (Answer - tomatoes.)
  13. There is a boot, on it is a hundred sinter. (Answer - cabbage.)
  14. She is pulled by a grandmother with a granddaughter, a cat, a grandfather and a bug. (Answer - turnip.)
  15. Under the ground, the bird rushed the nest, applied eggs. (Answer - potatoes.)
  16. Green cabbage, not cabbage. You bite a leaf - you can’t hear a crunch. (Answer - salad.)
  17. Curved, long, and their calls are “blue”. (Answer - eggplant.)
  18. Substituting the sun, the barrel lies in the garden ... (Answer - zucchini.)
  19. Grandfather in the ground is a beard on earth. (Answer - hell.)
  20. It is good for acidic ones, in addition to other vegetables. (Answer - sorrel.)

Riddles about vegetables are complex

Complex puzzles about vegetables

This selection may initially seem more complicated to you, but if you help the child, then everything will work out. The main thing is to involve the baby in the process of the baby, and try to stimulate his logical thinking.

Riddles about vegetables are complex:

  1. Who is the sister of the native radish and has a spicy taste? Does the white nose hide its nose, hiding in the ground under the casing? What grows in us in the garden, with a long, magnificent oblique. Does the table perfectly decorate every year for everyone in the spring? What is her name? (Answer - radishes.)
  2. The green house is cramped - narrow long, smooth. Round children are sitting in a nearby house. In the fall, a disaster came - the Gladky house cracked, someone galloped where round guys. (Answer - peas.)
  3. What lives in our pods, grows up, weaves? True, this is not peas, and not hops, which also curls. What gives fruits to winter, and everyone is collecting together? What delicious borschs is generously adding? What is her name? (Answer - beans.)
  4. They dug out of the ground, fried, cooked. And they stewed, and baked, ate and praised. (Answer - potatoes).
  5. The green fat woman put on a lot of skirts. It is now standing in the bed, like a ballerina in a pack. (Answer - cabbage.)
  6. Golden and healthy, vitamin, although it has a sharp, bitter taste. When you clean, you pour tears. (Answer - onions.)
  7. What kind of creak? What kind of crunch? What is this bush? How to be without a crunch if I ...! (Answer - cabbage.)
  8. Under the ground, it grew up, round and burgundy became. In the rain in the bed of Mokla and got into the borsch to us ...? (Answer - beets.)
  9. Round and smooth, you will bite off - sweet. I settled tightly on the bed ...? (Answer -ip.)
  10. He never is sad, but crunches, crunches, crunches. If you want, so give it to the table, if you want, throw it into the brine. (Answer - cucumber.)
  11. He grows in the ground, removes to the winter. It looks like a bow with your head, if you only take it, even a small slice - it will smell for a very long time. (Answer - garlic.)
  12. What kind of vegetable is interesting? It is said that he was useful, she took refuge between the leaves, he fell apart on the ground. He turned to the barrel - this is a long ...? (Answer - zucchini.)
  13. Christmas trees grow on the garden, do not chop their needles. In the ground, their root is cleverly hidden. What's this? (Answer - carrot.)
  14. Bright flashlights on the bushes hang, as if a festive parade passes here. Green, red, yellow fruits, who are they, do you recognize them? (The answer is sweet peppers.)
  15. Who divorced the riots here - the vegetable turned blue in the garden! And let's take it, take it into the house! That's laughter! What a matter! After all, he did not freeze, but he ripened, this guest from the southern countries. He is called ... (Answer -Baslizhan.)
  16. Add spicy aroma to soup, potatoes and salad. Smells delicious? Eat rather a miracle root ... (Answer - celery.)
  17. What a miracle is in the garden? Under the sheet, a shell like. He is a wavy from all sides. What kind of vegetable? (Answer - Patisson.)
  18. It looks like a traffic light - red, yellow or green. Everyone has known for a long time, stuffed, salty. You put it in the salad and add it to seasonings. Don't sit idle, call this vegetable. (Answer - pepper.)
  19. Casserole, rosema, pancakes and mashed potatoes, zrazy and dumplings, liver in the peel, and excellent okroshka can be made from ... (Answer - potatoes.)
  20. A long liana curls up and along the fence. How will he ripen - for a gourmet on a plate ... (Answer - beans.)

Riddles about vegetables in pictures

This selection of riddles about vegetables will appeal to those children who perceive the world visually. If you wish, you can print pictures with riddles, and create a kind of file cabinet for entertainment.

Riddles about vegetables in pictures:

Riddle about vegetable - tomato
Riddle about vegetable - onions
Riddle about vegetable - turnip
Riddle about vegetable - cabbage
Riddle about vegetable - pepper

Riddles about vegetables for children

If you still have not found what you were looking for, then we will continue. In this collection you will find no less interesting riddles about vegetables.

Riddles about vegetables for children:

  1. What is growing in our garden? Cucumbers, sweet peas, tomatoes and dill, for seasoning, and for samples. There is a radish and salad, our bed is just a treasure. If you listened carefully, I remember necessarily. Answer in order. What is growing in our garden? (Answer - vegetables.)
  2. Different colors have who turns yellow, who blushes, who has a root of the root, others have a fruit in high esteem! (Answer - vegetables.)
  3. How riddles grew in our beds. Juicy and large, these are so round. They turn green in the summer, blush by the fall. (Answer - tomatoes.)
  4. The goat says that goats love roses very much. Only for some reason she sniffs with a crunch ... (Answer - cabbage.)
  5. Alena dressed up in a sundress her green, curled the frills densely. Do you recognize her? (Answer - cabbage.)
  6. Oh, let's pay with him, since we will want to clean. But from a hundred ailment, bitter will heal us ... (Answer - onion.)
  7. Tanya came in a yellow sundress, began to undress Tanya, let's cry and sob. (Answer - onion.)
  8. They threw off gold feathers from Egorushka, forced Yegor to cry without a combustible. (Answer - onions.)
  9. Immediately this vegetable is recognized by color, the blue master is called his name. With a shiny peel and oblong, he is glad to treat adults and kids. (Answer - eggplant.)
  10. Either she is a “icicle”, then a blunder is dusting, but tasty in a bitter salad ... (Answer - radishes.)
  11. A long Maurus is a gesture and Koryava, for all evil, and everyone is sweet. (Answer - radish.)
  12. On the bushes of greenhouse red fruits, thick, pot -bellied, do you recognize them? Like large berries on the twigs, they are impatiently asking for a vegetable salad. (Answer - tomato.)
  13. The handsome-toleman has bright red sides. In a hat with a tail of Signor - a round ripe? (Answer - tomato.)
  14. They fell apart in a mess on their feather-trip, a hundred green cubs. With nipples in the mouth lie, they are sucked continuously, and grow. (Answer - cucumbers.)
  15. As in a bed under a leaf, a churbak rolled - a remote, tasty vegetable is small. (Answer - cucumber.)
  16. It stands thoughtful, in a yellow crown, freckles on a round face darken. The split of it - there will be a grain, plant a grain - there will be the sun. (Answer - sunflower.)
  17. White, skinny root crop grows underground. And although he is very bitter, he is suitable for us. Everyone, from adults to the guys, eats him with a cold man. (Answer - horseradish.)
  18. Similar to the watermelon is also thick -skinned. I got used to the yellow dress, heated in the sun ... (Answer - pumpkin.)
  19. Nemazist, shishkut, and she will come to the table, the guys will say cheerfully: "Well, scattered, tasty!" (Answer -  potatoes.)
  20. A white clove from a cold is not at least chewing. There is no vegetable from colds from diseases. (Answer -  garlic.)

Riddles about vegetables for babies

Riddles about vegetables for children

And at the end of our article, we offer you quite simple puzzles about vegetables that even kids will like.

Riddles about vegetables for kids:

  1. I grow in the ground on the garden, red, long, sweet. (Answer - carrots.)
  2. The calves are smooth, tied to the garden. (Answer - cucumbers.)
  3. Without windows without doors, a chamber of people is full. (Answer - cucumber.)
  4. Head on the leg, in the head of peas. (Answer - peas.)
  5. The golden bottom turned to the sun. (Answer - sunflower.)
  6. Black crown, yellow edge. (Answer - sunflower.)
  7. Grandfather in the ground is a beard on earth. (Answer - hell.)
  8. The golden head rested, the head is great, only the neck is thin. (Answer - pumpkin.)
  9. The shred on the shred - green patches, all day on the stomach does not become in the belly in the garden. (Answer - cabbage.)
  10. In these yellow pyramids, hundreds of appetizing grains. (Answer - corn.)
  11. Will make everyone around, even though he is not a brawler, but ... (Answer - onions.)
  12. Grandfather sits, dressed in a fur coat, who undresses him, he sheds tears. (Answer - onions.)
  13. Sarafan is not a sundress, the dress is not a dress, but as you begin to undress, you will be supplemented. (Answer - onions.)
  14. Here is a green fellow. He is called ... (Answer - cucumber.)
  15. In the shape of a drop, plum colors, vegetable is delicious and beautiful. (Answer - eggplant.)
  16. One hundred clothes, and all without fasteners. (Answer - cabbage.)
  17. Bramed in forty diapers . (Answer - cabbage.)
  18. Red girl sits in a dungeon, and a scythe on the street. (Answer - carrots.)
  19. He loves water and a shadow, wears a yellowish flower, grows green mustache, and always crunches on his teeth. (Answer - cucumber.)
  20. In the world of vegetable fashion, everyone shines with beauty. Does the purple caftan put on ...? (Answer - eggplant.)

Video: Riddles about vegetables

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