Literary riddles - the best selection for schoolchildren with answers

Literary riddles - the best selection for schoolchildren with answers

Look for verbal puzzles for fun and cognitive classes with children? Our article will help you make boring classes more attractive for small fidgets. In it you will find a large number of literary riddles for school lessons.

Literary riddles with answers for schoolchildren

Literary riddles with answers for schoolchildren
Literary riddles with answers for schoolchildren

Literary riddles with answers for schoolchildren:

With Kolobka and Barmaley,
With Cinderella and Zlatovlaska,
With Snow White and Koshchem
Will introduce us all ...
(Answer - fairy tale)

We select rhymes,
We are looking for inspiration,
We compose together
(The answer is a poem)

A short phrase where the sounds are similar.
We often cannot say it.
He trains us diction, it happens with a rhyme.
What is the name of? Who will guess?
(The answer is a tongue twister)

To gain knowledge,
Turn to her more often.
Never part
You will become a hundred times smarter with her.
(Answer - book)

Will help the new to know
He will move us to the jungle in an instant.
You can become anyone with her.
Of course, this is our friend - ...
(Answer - book)

The author writes it right away
After the story, the story.
Summing up the result
We read…
(Answer - epilogue)

If we suddenly say it,
The phenomenon is accurately defined.
There is no teaching in it -
Then the expression is bright, the word:
“Teeth, for example,” I put on a shelf. ”
I just said ...
(Answer - saying)

This is a teaching
In folklore we are found.
In this saying
The meaning is.
(Answer - proverb)

About okay, water or pies,
About the sun, mouse or nuts
We have been told from childhood ...
(Answer - nursery rhymes)

We first read the story,
After - just repeated.
They didn’t give more to read, -
What they remembered, wrote.
No, not an essay.
They wrote ...
(Answer - presentation)

Answer without a doubt:
That drama work,
In the theater of the production,
Words are all in roles ...
Usually the style is classic.
Is it familiar to you?
(Answer - play)

Rombs and squares,
As if in mathematics.
Some kind of abstraction-
To the story ...
(Answer - illustration)

We read a big story,
Time together was scorched.
Who met a minute,
Who stopped at two.
Our teacher by reading
Checked ...
(Answer - reading speed)

The board has a poem
I read with expression.
I do not forget anything
I read everything and read.
But I had to try
Convey everything ...
(Answer - intonation)

This creativity is such
But it is not easy.
Composed his people
It still lives.
More often only in words,
But it happens in verses
Music, architecture,
Reflected in culture.
And I will tell you without a dispute -
There is no "more people" ...
(Answer - folklore)

Mom sang them before bedtime,
She covered with a blanket
To close the eyes,
So that we sleep stronger.
Guess what is called
Songs, what are they sung for a dream?
(Answer - lullabies)

The main person of the story,
We will remember it right away.
In every book, he is our friend,
Everyone is more important ...
(Answer - character)

If we suddenly become old
Then we will write ...
(Answer - memoirs)

There is a definition with a word,
That expressiveness will add.
And this word is no doubt
It will become much brighter and more fully.
(Answer - epithet)

The quality of people or situations
The joy of delivering and causing laughter.
This is the ability to laugh
And be able to cheer up all.
(Answer - humor)

Riddles for literary reading light

Riddles for literary reading light
Riddles for literary reading light

Riddles for literary reading Light:

That legend is one
It appeared a long time ago.
The fairy tale reminds us
How the legend sets out
Composed his people
And he lives in folklore.
(Answer - myth)

This prose with a story is similar
Only the story will give us more details,
Well, this, shorter, prose
Called ... tell me, how?
(Answer - story)

This is a small story
In it we will find the teaching.
And he will teach us
On their sayings.
(Answer - parable)

There are words in the prose of the characters,
But there is also a different text.
You read it more than once or twice,
When the hero says.
The answer is amicable for me, guys, tell me,
And in an instant the mountain will fall from the shoulders,
In practice, put in practice.
What are the words? That…
(Answer - author speech)

Based on simple reality
The world of another appears -
Miracles boil in him and passions ...
The image, the hero is unearthly.
And these are not the scenes of "horror",
It's simple…
(Answer - science fiction)

It is not difficult for you to guess what it is
If the properties of a living subject
Transferred to inanimate.
Hint: the type of metaphor is like this.
Of course, no doubt
(Answer - personification)

I say poetry to rhyme,
They are easy for the game.
One, two, three, four, five,
I will count all the guys.
We decided to play in Salki,
Golit who retired in ...

(Answer - counting)

What I read, I remembered,
I can tell, friends.
You need to read more than once
To cook ...
(Answer - retelling)

Read the work
Everything in the lesson was dismantled -
What is the hero, act, syllable ...
At the end of the story - ...
(Answer - epilogue)

Two items of non -present
Or, on the contrary, are very similar.
Their comparison
We call ...
(Answer - comparison)

The poem is
Mysterious, small.
There is a plot in it, everything in it is as it should.
We call him so ...

(Answer - ballad)

These are folklore songs
And antiques of deep tradition.
Heroes in them and the exploits are glorious,
Battles with enemies behind Russia are alien.
Such a folk and old fairy tale
Called simply and understandable to everyone ...
(Answer - withline)

Poems with morality and moralizing,
They do not do without teachings.
Heroes are animals, things usually,
But all their problems and people are familiar.

There are many such "moral" verses
Left Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
(Answer - fable)

Sentences wrote
And then they were disassembled.
Of a dozen long phrases
We compiled ...
(Answer - story)

A question that requires a guess,
In folklore it is called ...
(Answer - mystery)

We broke a long story
For short parts for us.
And then we called the parts
What happened was read aloud.
In parts, the story, according to the points of the Dan.
Well, of course, it turned out ...
(Answer - plan)

The main meaning in every book
In the lesson what is being seen.
It is clear to everyone as a theorem -
The main meaning of it will be pulled ...
(Answer is the topic)

He is one of the main persons
Fairy tales, fables, fables.
Maybe he is unusual
Maybe he is fantastic
Maybe you and me
And he is called ...
(Answer - hero)

We will learn from her
Where was the man born
With whom he lived, we will read in it,
Lee his century was long.
By events, years
She will tell us everything.
(Answer - biography)

The author is a saying
Puts instead of an explanation.
He stands before the text
He says a lot to us.
(Answer - epigraph)

He creates, he composes:
Music, poems, story.
As you say, they call it?
(Answer is the author)

If not in her poems,
These are white verses.
Permanent housing
She has at the end of the line.
Everyone is admiring verse
When they…
(Answer - rhyme)

If the weather is described in the book,
And with her any picture of nature,
Schoolchildren know: then not a stained glass!
This description is called ...
(Answer - landscape)

If you read the book,
So you are a reader.
Well, if you compose
Then already ...
(Answer - writer)

This is a story with a witty end
Humor is present in it all the time.
For a long time and for a long time came up with the people
Funny, witty ...
(Answer - an anecdote)

Night. The child falls asleep.
Mom sings a song
About night dreams and dorms
And about the dog that sleeps at the house,
About the sleeping cat ...

It is a pity that the song is short.
While my mother sang the song,
The daughter sniffed softly.
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word…
What song do I sing?
(Answer - lullaby)

One two three four…
Come to the circle soon ...
Do a circle, guys, wider -
You have to run suddenly.
If we play the game,
Then we count each other.
Count in order,
Tell me soon ...
(Answer - counting)

We select rhymes together,
After - we compose them into the lines.
Yes, it is not easy to be a poet
Select rhymes at the same time.
Though the start -up is not easy
Folding came out ...
(Answer - poems)

Russian literary riddles about the heroes of children's works

Russian literary riddles about the heroes of children's works
Russian literary riddles about the heroes of children's works

Russian literary riddles about the heroes of children's works:

On which away, far from the house,
Played Sadko to the king of the sea?
That musical instrument
He broke, seizing the moment.
(Answer - Gusli.)

They say that for a long time in the world
The Nightingale the Robber lived,
A sharp loud sound with this
He raised the heroes.
(Answer - whistle.)

He is a robber, he is a villain,
With a whistle, he scared people.

Remember the fable. What a bird
Did the fox believe in it?
A flattle flattering with flattery
She took off her cheese cleverly.
(Answer - crow.)

Remember the kids,
Was in a good old book
The ensemble from the monkey,
The donkey, the goat and the bears.
Now help me
And guess the fable.
(The answer is “Quartet”.)

Goat, Monkey, Bear
We undertook to play a quartet.
Read Krylova Books?
Tell me, who is not here?
(Answer - donkey.)

An example of this is another science.
Who together with the swan and pike
Dragged, grunting, with witch luggles?
Answer the question faster.
(Answer - cancer.)

Here is my definition:
Old man during flood
I diligently rescued the bunnies.
Can you call a rescuer?
(Answer - Masai.)

Near Dikanka in a farm
The boy’s boy lived.
Who, tell me, brother, urgently
Was he by profession?
(Answer - blacksmith.)

Answer, thinking, slowly:
Who did the left -handed manner?
(Answer - flea.)

You haven't heard about the craftsman
The flea who filled up?
Remember the master of that
Tell me his nickname.
(Answer - left -handed.)

There is a hero in Doyle's novels.
He became a famous detective.
Any complexity killings
He revealed the power of thought.
(Answer - Holmes Sherlock.)

He told us about Schweik,
About the service of the brave soldier,
About how boldly fought.
Who knows the author, guys?
(Answer - Hashka.)

This is fabulous, flying,
Fireing, powerful
(Often - multi -headed) snakes.
Name it soon!
(Answer - dragon.)

I, beautiful, strong, powerful,
I'm more formidable than formidable clouds
And smarter than all, there are no words -
I have many goals.
(Answer - snake Gorynych.)

The word is a fairy -tale hero,
More often - kind, less often - evil,
Magician, sorcerer and sorcerer.
Name it soon.
(Answer - wizard.)

Who knows the city of Emerald,
It will not be difficult for me to help me.
I read: there was a wizard in it,
And they called him - forgot!
(Answer - Goodwin.)

He sewed his clothes peacefully,
But he bravely said:
“The strong man is not without reason.
Seven - one blow! "
(Answer - Brave tailor.)

I remembered him for nothing:
Because he is strong:
Seven with one blow
He knows how to kill.
(Answer - Brave tailor.)

Know this pl.
Do not outwit anyone:
Cannibal, like a mouse
He managed to swallow!
And spurs ring on his feet,
Tell me who is it?
(Answer - Cat in boots.)

Smart, dodging a mustachioed friend -
Made the owner rich.
But he cannot live without red boots.
Well, guessed, guys?
(Answer - Cat in boots.)

I am red in a hat,
Pies in a basket.
I'm walking to my grandmother
On the forest path.
If you meet a wolf,
I don't go
I am then hunters
I'll call loudly.
(Answer - Red hat.)

The granddaughter went to my grandmother,
She carried the pies to her.
The gray wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed!
(Answer - Red hat.)

Grandmother loved granddaughter very much,
Red hat gave her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me what was her name?
(Answer - Red hat.)

Although he was racks and dare
But in the fire did not survive.
The youngest son of a tablespoon
He stood on a strong leg.
Not iron, not glass,
There was a soldier ...
(The answer is tin.)

The bird's yard was indignant:
“There is someone else's chick!
Let him go for the fence
Unlucky freak! "
Not chicken, not a guts,
There was a poor thing ...
(Answer - swan.)

In childhood, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born with a white swan.
(The answer is an ugly duckling.)

I should warn you:
I'm so fragile, I'm so gentle,
That through a thousand feather
One pea
I will feel all night
And I won’t fall asleep!
(Answer - Princess on the pea.)

Who, tell everyone to be marvelous
Appeared from the fire?
(Answer - three dogs.)

To save the faithful friend,
She had to go through her half the country:
Run away from the robbers,
Freeze in a snow storm,
To move through the ice,
Fight the queen.
(Answer - Gerda.)

A girl appeared
In a cup of flower.
And there was that girl
A little more a nail.
In a walnut shell
The girl was asleep.
Here is such a girl
How dear she is!
(Answer - Thumbelina.)

The mole did not almost become a wife
And a mustachioed beetle!
Together with a swallow flyed
High under clouds.
(Answer - Thumbelina.)

The smartness of this boy
Saved him and six brothers,
Even though he is small, and he remote
So which of you read about him?

He welded porridge to all,
Eating her will not have enough strength.
(Answer - pot.)

Mirror, tell me, be cute
Who is whiter in the world? -
Somehow the stepmother asked
The one that is all tricks and angrier.
And she answered, sparkling,
Mirror, a little bit of the way:
- Everyone is more beautiful
Stepdaughter ...
(Answer - Snow White.)

Poor I am and a bastard
I got used to the ash.
It is very hard for me during the day
And I dream at night.
But I'm not crying, I don't cry
I smile and endure.
I believe in happiness and good luck
And I regret everyone and love.
(Answer - Cinderella.)

I'm never at the ballla,
Cleaned, soap, cooked and spun.
When it happened to get to my ball,
Then the prince lost his head from love.
I lost my shoe at the same time.
Who am I? Who will tell you here?
(Answer - Cinderella.)

He wears a crown, has troops,
But the hero gnaws sadness and longing:
My beloved daughter escaped from the house,
And there is no one to help in the grief.
(The answer is the king from the Bremen musicians.)

Many unknown to many,
He became every friend.
Everyone in an interesting fairy tale
A onion boy is familiar.
Very simple, though long,
He is called ...
(Answer - Chipollino.)

Folk literary riddles for children

Folk literary riddles for children
Folk literary riddles for children

Folk literary riddles for children:

Was a friend of Ivan
A little humpbacked
But made him happy
And rich.
(The Little Humpbacked Horse.)

I am a young princess,
Beauty, my mind shine,
But with only one flaw:
I am the princess ...

The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears.
(Snow Maiden.)

I fly in a mortar,
I notice traces.
Without miracles, an old woman
It is boring to live in a hut.
(Baba Yaga.)

On the forest edge
She sits in a hut.
Does not want to live calmly,
The prince is fooling.
A stupa with a panel is dear to her,
This is malicious ...
(Baba Yaga.)

How old I am, I do not know.
In a mortar, I fly with a broom.
My tower is so good
It looks like me in everything
In this tower, my
Bright the stove burns with fire.
Teremok on chicken legs!
Waiting for guests in him ...
(Grandma Hedgehog.)

Like a woman has a yaga
There is no one leg at all.
But there is wonderful
The device is aircraft.

To the forest stands in front
And the crooked pipe smokes.
There Yaga is a forest grandmother -
It yawns sweetly on the stove.
(A hut on chicken legs.)

I am rich, omnipotent,
Very slender, terribly angry,
But I'm not afraid of death
Guess how called?
(Koschei the Deathless.)

A lot of silver and gold
He hid in his chests.
He lives in the gloomy palace
And stealing other people's brides.
(Koschei the Deathless.)

The duck knows, the bird knows
Where Koshchei death lurks.
What is this subject?
Give me, my friend, soon the answer.

He is the master to chop firewood
The fish respects
Though the foolish head,
Its stove rolls.

Pipping kalachi,
The guy goes to the stove.
Rides right to the palace
Who is this well done?

Without socks and no stockings,
Without boots and boots
On the grass could roll
In a children's fairy tale ...

He was tired of
Sit on the window
And he rolled
In the forest along the path.

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three beds and pillows.
Someone came to them in the house,
The mess in it brought.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears.)

Sitting a girl in a basket
At Mishka behind his back.
He himself, without knowing
Carries her home?

Brother did not obey her
And now it turned into a goat
When cinema water
He decided to get drunk on a sultry day.

In this fairy tale
He burned the bridge through the river.
Name the same as soon as possible
You are still three friends to me.
(Bubble, straw and bast shoe.)

Once in the forest with a thick
The house has grown under ...

(Answer - bush).

Rada mouse-scraper
And green ...
(Answer - frog).

Glad and runaway,
Long -eared ...
(Answer - bunny).

Nothing that is small
Fur house, -
And the wild boar got there,
And the fox, and ...

(Answer - Bear).

There was enough space in it.
Here's how wonderful ...

(Answer - house).

Jin-la-la-Sinichka sings!
This is a fairytale "…"
(The answer is “Mittle”.)

Once upon a time there were seven guys-
White small ... (goat).
Mom loved them,
Milk .. . (Picked).

Here, clicks and clicking with your teeth,
Gray appeared ... (wolf).
White skirts put on
In a gentle voice ... (sang).

How the goat sang that beast:
- Obvil, children, ... (Door).
Your mother came
Molochka to you ... (brought).

We will answer without a hint
Who managed to save the guys.
We know this from a fairy tale:
"… and ……….. ……..".
("The wolf and the seven Young goats".)

Masha sits in the box,
She is far away. .. (looks).
Who carries her to answer
Fast steps?
And he carries e ... (bear)
Together with … (pies).

The path is not close
Far way.
Misha wants .. . (relax).
Sit on a stump
And a ruddy pie
On the way to … (eat).

The baby spent it,
He will be smarter in the future.
Here we have such a book
This is "... and ...".
("Masha and the Bear.")

Ga-ha-ha-green meadow
Birds go ... (one after another).
The blue river splashes
The sun sits down:
“Do not rush us for now,
Red ... (fox).
Eat us after, eat later,
Give us a song ... (sing). "
Ah, like a song of debt,
Only: ... ... (Ga-ha-ha).
Waiting for a fox for many years
And the end of the song ... (No).
That's how the birds have a grandmother
In the tale of that "... and ...".
("Fox and Geese.")

Cups three and three beds,
Steliev is also three, look,
And the residents are actually here
Lives exactly ... (three).
As you see, it is immediately clear:
Go to visit them ... (dangerous).
Run away soon, sister,
Fly from the window like ... (bird).
I ran away! Well done!
So, the tale of all ... (the end).
Fedya reads by syllables:
This is a fairytale "… …………".
("Three Bears".)

Who loved to play and sing?
Two mouses - cool and ... (Relice).
Who woke up mouse in the morning?
Who is on the mill ... (went)?
Honed the flour a bag?
This is Petya ... (cockerel).
Pirogov baked he is a lot
And he asked friends strictly:
- What did you do, mice,
From dawn to ... (sunset)?
We had fun all day
You had to work .. . (laziness)!
Now sit down at the table.
Sing a voice
No, first work hard
And read "....... ..".

Literary riddles for schoolchildren interesting

Literary riddles for schoolchildren interesting
Literary riddles for schoolchildren interesting

Literary riddles for schoolchildren are interesting:

In this lesson,
We read a lot
And the class is amicable for everyone
We analyze the text!
Answer: Literature

Classics' Creativity,
Past centuries,
In this lesson,
We know more than know!
Answer: Literature

The art is called the art,
The ornate phrases,
Zhukovsky, Pushkin and Nekrasov,
They were presented to us more than once!
Answer: Literature

The author’s texts include it,
And collective works,
Stories, novels, poems,
The subject needs this!
Answer: Literature

Her legacy was called
We were incredibly lucky
That on paper is brilliant,
Wealth is inscribed with a pen!
Answer: Literature

The process of knowledge of art,
The subject will help to make
So that the sea of \u200b\u200bbooks is vast, stormy,
You could read it!
Answer: Literature

Artistic, documentary,
Scientific and memoir,
She is studied from school,
Tell us what they call?
Answer: literature

Will teach you how to read and love
Understand the text, create good,
Her heritage is
Tell us what is called!
Answer: Literature

During the holidays,
Read it,
And a list of books necessary,
They give you!
Answer: Literature

From simple to complex,
Stories and poems,
In the process of studying,
Everyone needs to master!
Answer: Literature

The old woman has a trough
But it has long been broken.
Who helped the old woman harmful
To become well -fed and live comfortably,
And then he took everything away at once,
Without blinking an eye?
Greed to my grandmother ruined -
Lost everything that was.
Who is the author and what is the name of the fairy tale?
Answer: Even the ancient old women
They know the author of the fairy tale ... Pushkin.
(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

Day and night, as a start,
On the chain of gold around
This beast walks.
You know, we are talking about whom?
Answer: Cat

There are many interesting fairy tales
A scientist’s cat can tell.
So what is the place
Where does green grow with a chain of oak?
Answer: Lukomorye

He was born very strong,
Only in the barrel he found himself.
The bar was sophisticated by the barrel
She was allowed into the ocean.
The barrel rushed along the waves,
The child grows quickly there,
He prayed to the sea wave
And he found himself on land.
The bottom knocked out and went out
The name was how he? ...
Answer: Guidon

Her poets compose
The kings, heroes are dedicated.
Answer: Oda

Compiled by dictionaries
For large and for children.
Answer: V. Dal

Who knows the parts of the motorcycle
That word will guess this.
And if the letter "d" add,
You can put on the stage.
Answer: Rama - Drama

Flood, fall of comets,
And without "I" - then the fruits of inspiration,
What poets give us lovingly.
Answer: Element - poems

Means the word this
What all poets are looking for.
We change the order of order -
We get to do it.
Answer: Rhyme - company

The first is the name of the boy
Well, the second - you read in the book.
Answer: Roman

Shakespeare made him the main character -
Beloved daughter, abandoned ...
Answer: Lear (King Lear)

Riddles about literary heroes - the best selection

Riddles about literary heroes - the best selection
Riddles about literary heroes - the best selection

Riddles about literary heroes - the best selection:

He is a friend of animals and children,
He is a living creature,
But there are such in the white world
There is no more.
Because he is not a bird
Not a tiger, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a marf.
But filmed for cinema
And known to everyone for a long time
This cute face,
What is called ...?
(Answer - Cheburashka)

All in a flower town
They know this boy.
Shorty and a arrogant,
Carefree ...
(Answer - Dunno)

Lives - the shorty does not push,
The mischievous and a bouncer
He visited the moon
He sends hello to you and me.
So think, guess,
What's his name…?
(Answer - Dunno)

In golden colors Luzhaika,
The sun shines in blue
Remember, nights that Dunno
On your head?
(Answer - hat)

The father has a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key,
Everywhere the nose sticks its long ...
Who is this ...?
(Answer - Pinocchio)

She is a strict teacher of children,
They are not forgiven by their noisy undertakings.
That lady lives with a cat Matilda,
Delicious buns in the kitchen bake.
These plushes are one overallness,
The lady believes, alas, in the highlights,
Carlson-proof “taps” her.
Who knows this lady strict?
(Answer - Freken Bok)

It is crooked and laminated,
All washcloths commander.
He, of course, will wash everyone,
Wash basin…?
(Answer - Moidodyr)

Although he was racks and dare
But in the fire did not survive.
The youngest son of a tablespoon
He stood on a strong leg.
Not iron, not glass,
Was there a soldier ...?

(Answer - tin)

Literary riddle-1-2 grade

Literary mystery - 1-2 grade
Literary riddle-1-2 grade

Literary mystery-1-2 class with answers:

My mother was born
From a beautiful flower.
Good, baby is simple!
With an inch was a baby.
If you read the fairy tale
You know how baby was called.
(Answer - inch)

Queen from the country,
Where there is no summer or spring
Where the snowstorm is running around all year round,
Where everywhere there is only snow and ice.
(Answer - Snow Queen)

Zhenya, pulling the petal,
She said: “East,
North, West, and south
You fly, and finishing the circle,
Make a miracle, petal! "
How to call a flower magical?
(Answer-seven-color flower)

This tablecloth is famous
The fact that he feeds everyone,
That she is
Delicious foods are full.
(Answer-a tablecloth)

Pipping kalachi,
The guy was driving on the stove.
He rolled around the village
And he married the princess.
(Answer - Emelya)

Malachite color dress,
And in appearance all the beautiful.
In her cave of the emerald, -
Going there is dangerous.
(The answer is the mistress of the copper mountain)

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
In any case, showing dexterity.
The bread and a tablecloth woven,
Sewed shirts, embroidered the pattern,
The white swan in the dance sailed ...
Who was this craftswoman?
(Answer - Vasilisa Wise)

Literary mystery-3-4 grade

Literary mystery - 3-4 grade
Literary mystery-3-4 grade

Literary mystery-3-4 class:

Galka arrived in the field
And sat down in the snow ...
I will study at school -
I can understand them.
(Letters, paper)

At pine and Christmas tree
Leaflets - needles.
And on which leaves
Words and lines grow?
(On the pages of the notebook)

White field,
Black seed,
Who sows it,
He understands
Who knows,
He will unravel.
(Letter, reading)

In the snow field along the road
My horse is my one -legged horse
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

I carry a new house in my hand,
Doors at home - on the castle.
There are paper residents,
All terribly important.
(Portfolio, books, notebooks)

Blue white
I flew into the hut
What I saw in the world
She told everything about everything.

Has no language,
And who will visit
He knows a lot.

I'm going on the beds,
Ring without counting
And everything is intact.

Let me drink
He will speak.
What a water
Only for competent

Literary riddles about animals

Literary riddles about animals
Literary riddles about animals

Literary riddles about animals:

Who is rustling behind the wall,
Squeals in a thin voice
You can’t conceal the cheese from them.
All thieves thieves ...
(Answer - mouse)

Eye-stamps and nose.
In the mink all the prey blows.
Here in the corner it is scratched, do you hear?
Who is this? It -
(Answer - mouse)

Who is in a deep hole
Hides bread of crust
Gray with a tail
Little Rostik?
(Answer - mouse)

Small, fluffy,
In a fur coat of gray clean,
I live in a cage
I am rare.
I eat little, rustling a newspaper,
I am constantly hiding somewhere.
Do not find me in any way
What is my name?
(Answer - hamster)

He has four legs,
And on the paws of the tsap-tsarappa,
A couple of sharp ears,
He is a thunderstorm for all mice.
(Answer - cat)

He does not sleep at all at night,
The house from the mice is watching
He drinks milk from a bowl,
Fluffy beast, mustachioed ...
(Answer - cat)

The door opened quietly
And the mustachioed beast entered.
Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly,
And washed with a gray paw.
Beware, mouse genus!
Went hunting ...
(Answer - cat)

Long ear,
Lump of fluff,
Jumps deftly
He loves carrots.
(Answer - rabbit)

Jumping like balls
Fluffy ears.
Funny so frowning, lobby,
Beautiful, snow -white ...
(Answer - rabbit)

I'm white, with red eyes.
I chew the cabbage for hours.
I am jumping deft
I love carrots
My nose twitches mine
Who am I? Anyone will answer here.
(Answer - rabbit)

There is a beard, wool and legs,
Ears, tail, as well as horns.
Although it bleats, does not sing -
Gives you milk.
Such an eight
And butt
(Answer - goat)

Her milk is useful,
She climbed into the garden
And he looks "in all eyes" -
Long -navel ...
(Answer - goat)

I will jump faster than the wind
"Tsok-Tsok"-I knock with hooves,
I am shouting loudly "
Sit down on your back - I will pump it!
(Answer - horse)

I have a big mane
Ears and hooves.
I will pump that playful
Who is not afraid.
My wool is smooth, who am I?
(Answer - horse)

Graceful and beautiful.
Legs, back, neck, mane.
Rides briskly in the morning
The tail is like a scarf in the wind.
Cook on the back with a shack.
Who is the beauty?
(Answer - horse)

Children are milking milk,
Everyone is familiar with her since childhood.
Not even silent at all,
And with joy - mumbles.
In appearance, however, a little harsh,
And her name is ...
(Answer - cow)

Eat grass on the meadow
He walks at the heapon.
There will be a cottage cheese for children,
Oil and sour cream.
So that the children grow
And she was healthy
They are a steam milk
Will bring ...
(Answer - cow)

An angry inconsistent
Lives in the wilderness of Lesnoy.
There are a lot of needles,
And the threads are not a single one.
(Answer - hedgehog)

The path runs along the forest,
The mushroom carries home on the back.
You can’t stroke, you won’t take it.
Have you guessed? It…
(Answer - hedgehog)

A ball rolls in the forest,
He has a prickly side
He hunts at night
Behind beetles and mice.
(Answer - hedgehog)

Who from high dark pines
Did you leave the bump into the kids?
And into bushes through a stump
Flashed like a light?
(Answer - protein)

Who is on pine and spruce
Dreaming deftly, branches oppressed,
Sees the cones where they ripened
And carries himself hollow?
(Answer - protein)

Red tail here and there
Flashed through all the bushes
Bills drags in the middle of the branches -
And he carries in the hollow faster.
(Answer - protein)

Literary riddles about plants

Literary riddles about plants
Literary riddles about plants

Literary riddles about plants:

Under the sheet on each branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who will be a shift
Hands will smear his hands and mouth.

Red beads hang,
They look at us from the bushes.
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears.

I'm red, I'm sour,
I grew up in the swamp
I ripened under the snowball,
Well, who is familiar with me?

Sitting on a stick
In a red shirt,
The abdomen is full -
Stones stuffed.
(Rose hip)

Two sisters are green in the summer,
By autumn, one blushes,
The other blackens.
(Currants are black and red)

In haymaking - Gorky,
And in the cold - sweet,
What kind of berry?

In a forest glade
Tatyanka flaunts:
Scarlet sundress,
White specks.

The taste of the berry is good
But hand it over.
A bush in thorns, like a hedgehog,
So called ...

Was green, small,
Then I became Ango.
I turned black in the sun
And now I'm ripe.

It was a green dress satin.
No, I didn't like it
I chose red,
But it's also tired of it -
I put on a blue dress.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown -
Juicy and large,
These are the round ones.
They turn green in the summer
They blush by the fall.

Our piglets
Grew up in the garden
To the sun.
Crochet tails.
These piglets
They play hide and seek with us.

What kind of creak?
What kind of crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch
If I - …

Will make you cry
All around,
Although he is not a brawler

Although I'm called sugar
But from the rain I did not get wet,
Bright, round, sweet to taste.
Have you learned? I - …

Both green and Gust
A bush has grown in the garden.
Rummage a little -
Under the bush ...

Dried out on a hot sun
And it breaks from the pods ...

Small, bitter,

Circle and smooth,
You will bite off - sweet,
I settled hard
In the garden ...

Round, rosy
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Fragrance and beckoning
Gives delicate flowers,
You will hold out your hand by the wander -
And it will be in it ...

I remember this year
They blossomed in the garden
Lay down like actresses,
White dresses ...

I walked barefoot at the fence
And scalded with green boiling water.

You can hardly hug this fruit,
If weak, then you will not raise
Cut it into pieces,
You eat red pulp.

We came to us with Bakhchi
Striped balls.

He stands in the sun
And the mustache moves.
You will open it in the palm of your hand -
The gold grain is filled.

Crossed him
- There will be a grain,
Plant it
- There will be the sun.

In the field - a panicle,
In the bag - gold.

I grow out of the ground,
I dress the whole world.

Cups whiten on the stems,
They have threads and shirts.

It grew in the field
It was under the millstone
From the stove to the table
Karava came.

There, in rye,
You will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
Just a pity
That is not fragrant.

Egor is worth
In Red Ermolka,
Whoever passes -
Everyone will bend.

On a branch - sweets
With a honey filling,
And the skin on the branch
The breeds of the hedgehog.

The fetus all summer
Green colour,
And in early autumn
- Red with ascension.

Planted a grain
- They raised the sun.

Elegant sisters
The guests are met all day,
They treat it with honey.

Riddles on a literary theme

Riddles on a literary theme
Riddles on a literary theme

Riddles on a literary theme:

His novels are in Cuba the letter "o"
And a gallery of female images of it
It went down in the history of theater and cinema.
Hint: The letter "B" at the end of his last name.

He was weak and frail since birth,
But he hardened his will.
And the sample became for imitation:
Poet, hero, Caucasian officer, brave.
And somewhere the sail is lonely whitening into the sea of \u200b\u200bblue,
And I go out alone on the road, -
There is no one, only I and he.
So the new generation chooses the "hero of our time"
(M. Rymontov)

With a cigarette and with a cunning squint in a pince -nez,
Looks at us.
He was a doctor and actor,
The master called him.
After passing the fire and cold,
The soul has tempered, loving
Did not live to his half -hundred,
But she was nearby,
His Margarita, last wife
(M. Bulgakov)

Rather, you open it
And just read it.
And to the question you are your own
Find out the answer soon.

There is a sheet, there is a spine,
Not a bush and not a flower.
There is no legs, no hands,
And he comes to the house, like a friend.
He will fall on his knees,
Tell you everything

If you take a box,
You turn over and read it
And you will understand all the secrets.

At least not a hat, but with the fields,
Not a flower, but with a spine.
Talking to us
All understandable language.

Literary quiz - riddles

Literary quiz - riddles
Literary quiz - riddles

Literary quiz - riddles:

I'll tell you what I got sick yesterday
That at home I was a bitter medicine,
I’ll also tell you that it is very sad.
When I speak, then my speech ...

A type of speech when I write on paper.
I will tell you anything with a sheet.
But the speech is not oral, the speech is different.
Tell me guys, a name. Which?

The teacher explained the lesson
I was completely unknown
What if I listen to the whole lesson,
I am called guys ...

The letters can be lowercase
Or maybe capital.
There can be, with monograms,
So you need to display.
Small, large and voluminous,
And printed and green ...
Different and their size.
This is all called ...

I was in a hurry very much to school
I forgot to say hello:
With a friend of the best and with a neighbor,
With Mary Ivanovna in an interview.
Offensive consequences,
Kohl did not say ...

When I was about to leave,
You must be polite.
The words "so far" and "goodbye" -
That words ...

If I am wrong,
Then immediately, without a doubt,
I will ask for forgiveness
Words ...

I say "thank you"
So I ...
(Thanks to)

I greet everyone
"Goodbye" I say
If necessary - an apology,
I need to thank.
I know that not an ignoramus
On the contrary, I am very ...

"What is they saying?" - I'll ask about the text,
So I am in a hurry to tell you a thought.
And this thought is the main one, everyone knows this.
It is called accessible - ...

The author of the text can explain
Evidence and theses write.
If such a text is a presentation
The type of it, of course, ...

To reveal the main thought in the text,
Efforts need to be attached to it.
The author will describe, attach diligence,
And the text will be called then ...

Artem has a birthday,
We are to him inpoem
We say wishes
And we will hand the gift.
Birthday on a birthday
Gets ...

A person knows how to be friends
He will find an approach to everyone.
Answer as soon as possible
How does his people call?
In communication is decisive

Speech on the performance
I haven't prepared
I had to speak on the move,
Alas, my friends.
It turned out crumpled
And a little strange.
This is only because
What was the speech ...

In the text we change the words
We add the proposals,
If we find excess,
We will remove it right there.
Such amendments
We call…

Compliments tell me
Most of all the guys.
And nothing that I am small
After all, everyone is pleasant ...

Received the mark "Two",
I will restrain my tears barely.
Feelings in me is a mixture
I need…

The rules for all are one -
Every schoolboy must know
That they are undeniable
Where they need to be used,
How to say any word
Draw a shock sign,
Where to put a comma,
If a lot, how to say.
Here, for example, “Storm” and “Storms”,
Not a "storm". All this…

If I don't allow,
So I don't want something.
If I say no "no"
It will be mine ...

Are in reasoning
Other people's expressions.
Someone said thoughts
The author applied in the text.
Thoughts are smart and strange,
If in quotation marks, they are called ...

They told me the story
In several short phrases.
I did not believe in him
There is nothing true in it.
If it could not happen,
So this is ...

At the beginning of the publication or story
You will read it, and everything is clear at once.
These characteristics are short
What is the name of? Do you know children?

I write it on paper with a pen,
Then I will carefully put it in the envelope.
I will send by mail, it rushes,
And will be delivered within time ...

I am writing to the letter:
“Everything is fine, I live without troubles!”
Read with a friend is glad
I write. I - …

If I receive a letter
Be even from whom it is
If I get it
What then am I called?

Will tell you how every word is written.
And everyone would like a friend like that.
On the shelf he is important with books,
In the way, it will explain any meaning.
The dictionary is. There is no more necessary
And it is called simply - ...

I nod, confirm
In general, I do not mind.
And with everyone in the class I
I expressed ...

Flickers flickers,
News tells us.
Mail in winter and summer
It delivers us ...

I will write all events in order
And I will keep them in my blue notebook.
Years will pass, historians will find
These records. And they will say that ...

I have a celebration
It will be wonderful.
To everyone I will call
I would not forget to send
Cards with a date,
The place of the conduct.
They are called ... what?

This is the name of the work.
You know the word, there is no doubt.
Well, who is guessing, smart, and dexterous?
Otherwise, the name is ...

Riddle about winter for literary reading

Riddle about winter for literary reading
Riddle about winter for literary reading

Riddle about winter for literary reading:

Everything will tame with a blanket
He will smooth everything, get it,
And then the earth is tired
Lullaby will sing.

Bel like chalk
He flew from the sky.
I lay down the winter,
He ran into the ground.

Fluffy snow is creeping
Street Bela,
And the snowstorm is sweeping.
I came to us ...

Angry janitor at the gate
Betla white.
He worked all night until the morning
And there is more snow than yesterday.

The calendar begins
A month with the name ...

He is fluffy, silver,
But do not touch his hand:
Will become clean,
How you catch a palm.

I live under the roof itself
It’s even scary to look down.
I could live above
If the roofs were found there.

What are the guys,
A month in this riddle:
His days - all days shorter,
All nights are longer than the night.
To the fields and in the meadows
Snow lay down until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We celebrate the New Year.

The sun looks out - it will cry
There is no sun - tears will hide.

Two sticks, two planks.
- Roll up, little men!

Like Firebird feathers
All sparkles and sparkles,
Zailed the forest, the meadow
Winter white ...

Who, guess the mistress?
The Perinka shook - over the world of a fluff.

In the summer he was galloping,
And in the winter he became white.
The trace was confused on the lawn.
It is not visible in the snow ...

He is busy all the time,
He cannot go in vain.
He goes and paints white
All that will meet in the way.

So that the autumn is not wet,
Not smacked from the water,
He turned puddles into glass,
He made the snowy gardens.
(Frost, winter)

We dress a Christmas tree, we drive a round dance,
Because today is a holiday.
What kind of holiday?
(New Year)

The roof in the header of the fur,
White smoke above the head
The courtyard in the snow, white at home.
At night came to us ...

Our windows are like pictures.
Who is the invisible artist?
On glass bouquets of roses
I drew us ...

"The end is the end and the beginning of winter!"
- That's how they asked me a riddle.
Frosts and blizzards
And snow in the yard
To visit us
Winter comes in ...

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
Blew out the windows and disappeared
And the forest grew on the windows.

Snow in the fields,
Ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks.
When does it happen?

I come with gifts
Shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
For the New Year, I am the main thing!
(Christmas tree)

In winter and summer
In one color.

She is dressed in silver with pearls
Magic granddaughter of the magic grandfather.
(Snow Maiden)

Only snowflakes fell out
I ran along the path
And they run after me
My entire route is issued.
(Footprints in the snow)

Without arms, without legs,
And he knows how to draw.

Put them on the hill,
To arrange a race.

On the ice track
Steel legs run.

He does not know how to play
And it will make you dance
Darling all people
Who is this sorcerer?

What kind of stars are like
On a coat and on a scarf -
All through, cut,
Do you take - water in your hand?

White fluff lay down on the road,
On the steps and thresholds.
Everyone knows -
This fluff is called ...

Of the three winter brothers,
He was the first to be.
Frost and snow,
I managed to share.

Riddle about autumn for literary reading

Riddle about autumn for literary reading
Riddle about autumn for literary reading

A mystery about autumn for literary reading:

Leaves from branches fly around,
Birds fly away to the south.
"What is the time of the year?" - We ask.
They will answer us: "This ..."

Our beds are empty.
The garden and the garden are in order.
You, earth, still give birth.
We collected ...

The leaves in the air are spinning,
Quietly on the grass they lie down.
Drops the leaves of the garden -
It's simple…
(Leaf fall)

It began to get colder at night
Puddles began to freeze.
And on the grass - velvet blue.
What is this?

The wind will call the cloud,
The cloud floats across the sky.
And on top of gardens and groves
Drinks cold ...

It became frowning outside the window
The rain asks for our house.
The house is dry, and outside
Appeared everywhere ...

In the gray sky is low
Clouds go close
Close the horizon.
It will be raining.
We took…

The guy is almost seven years old.
Behind the shoulders is a satchel.
And in the hands a large bouquet,
On the cheeks is blush.
What kind of festive date?
Answer guys!
(1 September is the day of knowledge)

Branches in the park rustling,
They drop their outfit.
He is at oak and birch
Multi -colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)

It flows with a slanting wall
And knocking on our windows.
Himself cold, shed,
And in the garden the arbors are wet.
Autumn sheet is circling for a long time,
In order to go down to the puddle later.
(Fall rain)

In the fall, it is often needed -
If it rains rain in puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds,
He is the best for us.
Overlap it over yourself
And a canopy of yourself!

In September and October
There are so many of them in the yard!
The rain passed - left them,
Medium, small, large.

Autumn sheet is circling for a long time,
And his barbarian dries.
And then we are with Varya
We do at home ...

From the branch to the river will fall -
And he doesn’t sink, but floats.

They grow - turn green.
Will fall - turn yellow,
They will lie down - blacken.

Flies without wings and sings,
Passers -by picks up.
Does not give one passage,
He drives others.

Red, yellow leaves
They curl in the wind, fly.
The city is clear and clean,
In our area ...
(Leaf fall).

Riddle about spring for literary reading

Riddle about spring for literary reading
Riddle about spring for literary reading

Riddle about spring for literary reading:


Streams rang,
Rooks arrived.
In the hive, the bee brought the first honey.
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?

Lovely snow
Melting in the sun,
The breeze in the branches plays,
Bird voices ringing
So, I came to us ...

The warm southern wind blows,
The sun shines brighter.
Snow loses weight, fleshes, melts,
The rook of throat flies.
What a month? Who will know?

The snowball is melting
The meadow came to life
The day arrives.
When does it happen?

Brokes run faster,
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow weather is glad
- I looked at us for a month ...

Bear got out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
In the sky Lark Trill
- I came to visit us ...

The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
He returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
In the sky, the lark is trill.
Who came to us?

At night - frost,
In the morning - drops,
So in the yard ...

The garden dressed in white,
The bees are the first to fly,
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What is this for a month?

The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our edge dressed in the greens
- We meet us with warmth ...

I speak to you
Like a young spring, a messenger
I'm glad to see friends
Well, and my name is ...

Snow and snowstorms retreated,
Birds from the south flew home.
Circle, trill are breeding singers.
Who glorifies spring?

He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting.
He knows how to sing other people's songs,
But still his voice has.

He wants to fly directly
Wants - hangs in the air,
It falls from the heights with a stone
And sings in the fields, sings.

Who is the spring day
I wove the mitten over the window,
Brought new residents in it -
Small such chicks?

Riddle about summer reading

Riddle about summer reading
Riddle about summer reading

Riddles about summer reading:

The sun bakes, linden blooms.
Rye keeps up when it happens?

I am woven from heat, I am warm with me,
I warm the rivers, "Bow!" - I invite.
And you love me all me, I ...

The door will rise
It will fly out into the pipe.

Meadows turn green
In the sky-a rainbow-fool.
The sun is warmed up by the sun:
Everyone calls to swim ...

We cry without him
And how will it appear
We are hiding from him.

What is above the forest,
More beautiful than light,
Is it burning without fire?

You are heating the whole world
And you don't know fatigue,
You smile at the window
And everyone’s name is ...

On the street a shirt,
In the hose of the sleeve.
(Ray of the Sun)

In the summer - snow!
Just laughter!
It flies around the city
Why doesn't he melt?
(Fluff with poplars)

He is noisy in the field and in the garden,
And it will not fall into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere,
As long as he goes.

In the blue sky
Like a river,
White floats sheep.
Keep the way from afar
What is their name? ...

In the morning, the beads flashed
All the grass was stuck,
And let's go look for them during the day
Looking for, we are looking for - we will not find.

Sister and brother live:
Everyone sees one
Yes, he does not hear
Everyone hears the other
Yes, he does not see.
(Lightning and thunder)

What a miracle beautiful!
Painted gates
Appeared in the way!
Neither enter them,
Neither enter.

Not a beast, not a bird,
The toe is like a spoke.
Flies - squeaks,
Sitting - is silent.

Above the flower
Flutters, dances,
The fan Middle waves.

She's not a network and not a net,
The fish catches on the hook.
(Fishing rod)

In quiet weather
There are no us anywhere
And the wind will blow
- Run on the water.

- You dive into the water,
- Play on the sand.
How many locks
Here you will create!
What kind of place is it?

He is a swing and a bed
It’s good to lie on it,
He is in the garden or in the forest
Walking by weight.

Video: Learning to come up with riddles! Abvgdeika after lessons

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Comments K. article

  1. Some guessed with my daughter. Now our children are already having a favorite cartoon heroes with a sheburashka, so such riddles need to be adapted to them. In general, the most important thing is that the memory develops normally in the child and can concentrate on the assignment. For this my bear Evalar, I give multivitamins, cool vitamins, also the shape of the bears is cool.

  2. Great job! Thanks for the clues. I would very much like to be able to copy tasks for regular work with children who do not have access on the network.

  3. Great job! Thank you. I would really like to get the opportunity to copy material for children who have no connection with the Internet

  4. I liked the class of all your riddles and teach children to teach

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