When is it better to make deposits on the lunar calendar 2022, by the day of the week: favorable money, adverse days for investment

When is it better to make deposits on the lunar calendar 2022, by the day of the week: favorable money, adverse days for investment

This article will talk about investment days on lunar influence.

In our difficult time, when people have monetary issues in one of the first places, many began to think not only about how to earn enough money and properly plan their budget, but also about the astrological aspect of this topic. After all, it has long been known that the moon has a direct impact on all aspects of our lives, including financial reflection. But the lunar calendar contributions will play a particularly large role, if you choose the right time or days for investment.

We calculate and analyze the days for investment: on what days can deposit make a lunar calendar?

The lunar calendar created by mankind in ancient times brings us knowledge gained and preserved by our distant ancestors. And of course, he does not bypass and monetary issues. Moreover, there is even a separate monetary annual lunar calendar. But there are important basic rules that will help make the right contributions to the lunar calendar, taking into account the necessary days for investment.

Favorable days for lunar calendar deposits

Important: such a pattern is monitored that it gives us the opportunity to start a new and successful life monthly - all our contributions and prospects are growing on the young moon, but with its decrease, financial reserve fades away. That is, all undertakings and financial investments, deposits, accumulations begin to the growing moon. But to give debts or pay utility bills, it is better for loans for a waning month, when it is better to refuse invested investments.

The lunar day on 2022 can be seen in this article:

What are the lunar day today? Lunar day calendar for 2022 by month

Lunar calendar deposits:

  • 2 lunar day. An extremely suitable day for any financing and activation, in order to collect a successful and sudden crop in the future. But keep in mind - before dinner, ambitiousness prevails over the mind! Therefore, we are not in a hurry, but we collect the necessary information more.
  • 4 lunar day. The reverse law works - you will start earlier, get more result! This also applies to monetary investments. But after lunch, your ardor and activity must only be directed to the completion of any operations and deeds. Otherwise, the undertakings will be unsuccessful, and the deposits will not bring profit.
  • 6 lunar day - The most favorable for all financial transactions. Any, continued or completed on this day, are originally programmed for luck. On this day, you can succeed in everything related to finances, but it will be especially favorable for contributions and investments.
  • 7 lunar day. I am successful only in the first half of the day in which everything will turn out and lead to a wonderful result. The afternoon is also not contraindicated for finances, but a lot of problems accumulated during this day is able to make some confusion to your plans. Keep this in mind, then you will achieve considerable success.
  • 10 lunar daygood for solving financial affairs related to the well -being of your family. Often on this day there are unexpected financial income.
  • 14 lunar day. A great day of the day of any financial undertakings that will bring you success, open new horizons, programs for luck and high incomes. True, after lunch it is better to refrain from major financial transactions. This is fraught with the fact that you can be drawn into a not very successful solution to other people's problems. And so, 14 is the number of the most pharmacy.
  • 20 lunar day. An exceptionally favorable day for solving collective problems related to finances, issues of joint business, as well as to start any new business.
  • 21 lunar daythis is a real treadmill forward. If you begin to act in the work sector or in the field of financing, then you will receive mass support not only of space, but also to like -minded people. You can find a way out of any financially difficult situation.
  • 24 lunar day. On this day, you need to concentrate on current matters related to money, creativity and training. In addition, it is recommended to direct the energy to the accumulation and creation of a “financial pillow”, since the energy of the day helps to create a foundation for all undertakings and affairs, including financial ones.
  • 28 lunar day. Great day for deposits and investments, for participation in major financial projects. At the same time, any activity of your activity today will give an impetus for a long time. However, you should be careful in the morning - nervous overstrain can adversely affect health.

Adverse days for lunar calendar deposits

Important: any undertakings in different life sectors and all financial transactions, including investments and deposits, in no case do not take into the new moon for 1 day, on the 15th dayWhen the moon is revealed as much as possible. And also avoid sunny or lunar eclipses. Even if they coincide with winning and maximum effective numbers and days.

Lunar calendar deposits:

  • 3 lunar day - This is a day with the strongest energy of the new moon, which, as if with a sickle, can cut your endeavors and financial investments. Therefore, losses cannot be avoided. Also follow the aggression!
  • 5 lunar day - On this day, all financial transactions must be postponed. Even purchases for the home. And direct all the energy to the completion of the previously begun cases. But it is allowed to give debt.
  • 9 lunar day. The first demonic day of the lunar cycle, in which you can easily encounter fraud, fraud, intrigues. On this day, all financial affairs should be delayed, not to loan, not to make purchases.
  • 12 lunar day. They have a rest and comprehension of their affairs. On this day, it is better to postpone all things, abandon any activity and financial transactions.
  • 15 lunar day. As a phase of full moon, this is the most unsuccessful day for business, investments and investments, as well as for any financial affairs. The exception is only the field of trade in which financial transactions can be carried out, but only in the afternoon.
  • 18 lunar day. On this day, only small monetary cases can be decided, large projects and investments will be doomed to failure. In addition, keep in mind that on this day there is a very high probability of conflicts, quarrels, misunderstanding between business partners and even family members.
  • 19 lunar day. A heavy and dangerous demonic day of the month, saturated with conflicts, scandals and accidents. It is better to abandon all financial transactions for this lunar phase. Loans are especially dangerous, because you can be seriously deceived and will lose significantly more!
  • 23 lunar day. The day of conflicting changes, which may happen in unexpected things, including unpleasant ones. Therefore, it is better to spend it on vacation without even thinking about financial matters. In addition, in this phase increases the risk of getting into an adventure.
  • 26 lunar day. On this day, it is very easy to make an incorrect decision or be deceived. Therefore, try to avoid everything regarding new undertakings and monetary investments. Moreover, the consequences of losses can be extremely deplorable.
  • 29 lunar day. One of the most dangerous days of the lunar month to solve financial affairs. Any undertakings on this day will be unsuccessful, any investments are unsuccessful, and participation in large projects can lead to bankruptcy. In addition, you can not borrow or borrow money, and even carry large amounts with you.
  • 30 lunar day. This day cannot be called unfavorable, it is rather neutral, but not promising any success. The best of the financial affairs that you can do on this day is to give out your debts. But with investments and investments, it is better not to rush and transfer these undertakings to a more favorable day of the lunar calendar. And, it is desirable that he coincides with a favorable day of the week.

We also offer you our article "Lunar calendar for 2022."

Favorable days for deposits on the lunar calendar: astrological influence of the moon and planets

We also consider the days of the week that also play a role in the implementation of financial transactions. This is a small clue when planning your financial transactions.

If we say, which days for investment are most suitable - then This is definitely Thursday! It is this day that Jupiter’s patronage is, which in astrological terms is responsible for wisdom, judgment and finance. It is on this day that one can and should make deposits, but also rituals to increase good luck and wealth. The color scheme of the day is gold.

He also brings income
He also brings income

If we talk about good days for deposits on the lunar calendar, then it is worth considering:

  • Wednesday- This is a good day for investing, because it is under the wisdom of Mercury. This cosmic body is responsible for mind and logical thinking! Therefore, from unreasonable transactions and contracts, as well as financial investments, the environment can protect. But still do not lose vigilance that day, since this planet is still responsible for fraud. Therefore, to invest or make monetary investments on this day - it is recommended, but from loans or large purchases, everything is even better to refrain! By the way, the planetary color is green, which contributes to monetary prosperity.
  • Fridayit can be called a good day for investing, despite a relaxing character. It is Venus that will ensure a successful conclusion of transactions and large purchases. But all as much as possible direct energy to communication with loved ones and cleansing your body. Since the stars promise a colossal effect in this matter.

Tuesdayit is between a favorable and unsuccessful day. This is an energetically very strong day, the patron of which is the courageous and even warlike Mars. And the planet provides determination, pressure and success! By making investments on this day, you get powerful space support. But there is one important point - if you are the owner of the same strong disposition, and also have a fairly hard soil under your project. That is, Mars will not approve of spontaneous acts and deposits. Also, on Tuesday is not suitable for those actions in which there is even a drop of your doubt. But weak -shaped personalities are still better and completely actively engage in their physical preparation.

The most unfavorable days for contributions to the lunar calendar:

  • This, of course, Sunday!Day of prayers and forgiveness, meditation and communication with nature, relatives. Despite the solar energy of happiness and good luck - you need to devote yourself to spiritual growth, and not the increase in capital. Therefore, it is better to abandon investments and any cash transactions on this day! But there is a little honey in Degt. If you have good intentions, such as charitable donations or investments, without a drop of self -interest in your soul, then you can then count on the support of the main luminary. Financial donations will be doubled.
  • Not the most successful day for investment is Saturday,what is under the wing of Saturn. The cold -blooded and difficult "disposition" of the planet does not correspond to the importance and seriousness for financial deposits. According to astrologers - it is this day of the week that carries illness and suffering. Therefore, we limit the maximum financial expenses, favor or accumulations, so as not to gain debts and not lose even more.
  • No wonder they say that Monday - hard day. For any financial transactions, large purchases and investments, it is also unfavorable. Therefore, it is better to transfer them the next day. And all because the changeability of the planet-patron has a very strong impact on decision-making. This is a lunar day, which enhances our intuition, so astrologers do not forbid playing the lottery or analyze successful days for active actions.

Important: large and important church holidays, regardless of the days of the week coinciding with them, are also considered extremely unfavorable for any transactions, deposits and investments.

Video: days for investment on the lunar calendar

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