30 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

30 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

The characteristic of the 30s of the lunar day can be read in the article.

The lunar day is also called lunar days and it lasts from one sunrise to the next. This rule does not spread only on the first day, it lasts from the new moon until the moon's sunrise next to it.

The thirtieth final lunar day falls on the fourth quarter of the waning moon and appears in the lunar calendar not so often. Its duration, as a rule, is insignificant - this is the time in the new moon, from the moment when the moon appears in the sky, before its onset. This moment can be calculated only a few hours, and sometimes even minutes, it may not fall out at all.

Symbolism 30 lunar days

The symbol of this day is considered to be a golden swan, a bird that embodies all the best qualities. We must try to match his aspirations for purity, beauty, mercy, and then he will become our companion during this period.

  • The color of the day - Orange, carrying heat, health, enthusiasm and energy. And from the brown we take all the most stable and reliable that he contains in himself. So, with these two close colors, you should go along the 30th lunar day.
  • No wonder the serial number of these days includes the three - it is she who will bring good luck and will help in achieving the goal.
  • Stones accompanying good luck at this time: White Coral, promising happiness, tourmaline, inspiring self -confidence, and mountain crystal giving clairvoyance.
  • The direction of the 30s of the lunar day is the East. And even if the path lies in a different direction, you can always “insure” with the help of enchanting talismans or oriental sweets, seized on the road.

An angel by the Guardian of the Day is the heavenly night luminary itself, protecting and storing from evil.

What needs to be done on 30 lunar days?

This short day is endowed special magic - Magic of love, kindness, beauty, mercy, in a word, all beautiful concepts. It is fulfilled by harmony in everything, even in the number of positive and negative moments that are released to us. The day of the great measure and complete harmony, often expressed by an equal amount of good and evil that we receive.


If we already managed to “catch” these short minutes of complete balance and harmony, we need to use them, and without fuss and rush, reaching the calmness of the soul, peace, putting up thoughts and body in order.

What is it? In the prayer that cleanses the soul in the adoption of the bath, to wash the body, and also in cleansing the body. Concerning work - In this period, it does not cause any difficulties and problems, does not require tension and effort. The main thing, Do not start new projects, do not make fateful decisions and do not solve anything completely and radically at all. It is better to bring to a logical conclusion already begun.

What is the 30th lunar day?

As already mentioned, this is a harmonious and bright time for leisurely thoughts, pleasant events, and even if any problems arise, they should be perceived as a hint to the main. Calmness and goodwill - this is what the day is filled, and in no case do not need to violate them with flashes of anger, nervous reactions, because 30 lunar days are not given to us so often, and it is very important to use them for charity, kind words and deeds made from pure hearts.

Light time
Light time
  • No need to succumb to sadness, it is better to just go closer to nature: to the forest, to the park, to the country.
  • A good way to find internal mental balance is to get rid of unnecessary things that are often filled with our dwelling - give them to those who really need them, or just throw them away.

Wait near the tree, plant a flower, give yourself a charm that you consider effective, smile at a stranger, caress the dog - because you are a particle of such a good and happy day that this happiness is enough for everyone and you need to generously divide it.

Wedding chores on 30 lunar days

The wedding itself on such a day should not be started - it is too short and can make the same family union, rapidly extinguishing the flame of passion. The wedding voyage is also undesirable, for the same reason. It is better to engage in choosing a wedding dress, searching for housing, and an even more successful solution will be the ceremony of acquaintance of relatives from the bride and groom. Mutual sympathies and good location on this day are guaranteed.

Optimally wedding
Optimally wedding

Unlike a worldly wedding, wedding On the 30th lunar day it is quite possible. It will be thorough, calm and conscious. And even if they flow smoothly on the next lunar day, the angels will not mind and with pleasure will take the newlyweds under their wing, passing with them all over a long and happy family life.

Birthdays of 30 lunar day

People who were lucky enough to be born throughout this short day are calm, friendly and wise.

  • These are, as they say, trouble -free children who do not cause trouble to parents, grandparents, educators and teachers.
  • They are loved by adults and friends, possessing a kind heart and well-developed intuition, they feel how to do the right thing in a particular situation, so as not to offend anyone.
  • They are prone to sciences and are able to master any profession, to put together capital, but at the same time they are not greedy and often engage in charity.

Creative, active, thinking, seeking, constantly developing and demanding on themselves - these are those born on the 30 lunar day.

Professional situation for 30 lunar days

This day was not created for undertakings, its element is the completion, embodiment and complete implementation of the already begun. Therefore, do not take debt obligations - wait until the next day. In the meantime, take care of charity, but only without pathos and television cameras, but sincerely, quietly, or even anonymously. The return of debts on this day will be correct.

A very fruitful day for study, and those who pass the session during this period should ask the Moon of Knowledge.

Health status on 30 lunar day

It is best to refrain from abundant feasts on this short day, limited to fermented milk products, with their white color so in harmony with the moon, and the colors of the color of the day from freshly squeezed orange products: oranges, carrots, pumpkin. The chicken will not hurt.

  • Can I quit smoking on such a day? This is available only to those who have long and consciously came to such a thought.
  • The moon advises everyone else to dig into itself: are you ripe for such a decision? However, in any case, you can try - objections from the moon will definitely not act.
  • It is undesirable to visit the dentist, unless, of course, this is a preventive or planned visit, and not an attack of acute pain. Set aside a visit to a doctor for a day or two, and today do not subject yourself to excitement and anxiety.
  • The same applies to cosmetologists - the moon is not a supporter of artificial beauty.
  • Sports are permissible, but without much zeal - remember the calm rhythm of this day, do not wave to records, but simply get an additional charge of vigor and energy.
30th day
30th day

Nerves on 30 lunar day should be calm and relaxed. Therefore, we drink soothing teas with lemon balm, mint, chamomile, verbena.

Dreams of 30 Lunar Day

You should not consider the dreams of this day literally - they carry spiritual, philosophical concepts, demonstrate what a person could achieve, and what else needs to be worked on, in which direction to move. It is such tips of today's dreams. And if you did not dream of anything at all - this is wonderful, then your subconscious mind does not bother you, and peace reigns on your soul, which is the meaning of 30 lunar days.

So, we will summarize. 30 lunar days are given to us so that we gain harmony, get rid of the unnecessary (things or thoughts - it does not matter), summed up certain results and thanked fate. Having enjoyed the peace and harmony of this day, you can gladly enter on the first lunar day, which is already on the threshold.

Video: 30 lunar days

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