28 lunar day: full characteristic, haircut, beauty, wedding, birthday, interpretation of dreams, health - what can and what can not be done?

28 lunar day: full characteristic, haircut, beauty, wedding, birthday, interpretation of dreams, health - what can and what can not be done?

To know how to behave on 28 lunar days, read this material.

Among all the days that the moon counts, the twenty -eighth is one of the most successful. He carries positive and luck with him.

Symbolism of 28 lunar day

Element 28 lunar days - water. A very unstable element, largely depending on the mood in which a person is. Assistering to him, she can pour a thin delicate stream, or can turn into a raging ocean.

The symbol is a mystical flower of the lotus, personifying snow -white purity, capable of arising even from muddy water. He is able to breathe the energy of creativity

  • The color of the 28th day - Violet, giving the gift of clairvoyance and intuition. In addition, on this day, lilac, granting calm, lilac, associated with passions and love are also strong. And, of course, white is clean and immaculate.
  • The number of the day is unit. It is affected by the sun, therefore, the energy consisting in its warm rays is provided. It will be very correct on the 28th lunar day to look for omen related to the number one: the numbers of houses, apartments, cars, an accidentally cast look at the watch - wherever this figure caught my eye - everything is for luck.
  • Stone 28 days - Aragonite, reminiscent of eternal family values, dear people. Andaluzite will lead you into the world of unknown and mysterious, and Chrysoprase will protect you from negative consequences: damage, evil eye, nightmares are not terrible with it.

The direction is north today. If you need to go south, we take the amulet of the color of the northern snow for good luck. Cut off any white object with your talisman - and go!

The guardian angel is Saros. Order, peace, harmony, reliable family hearth - all this is in the power of the ruler of the ninth sky. He protects peacefulness, humanity, mercy in human souls - all that is filled with 28 lunar day.

What do they carry 28 lunar days?

Joy and happiness - first of all. And since everything needs to be paid for everything, just such a state of mind should become our tribute. Having received additional wisdom from the Universe, we will accept everything that happened to us, like the gift of heaven, and even the problem situation will be perceived as an incentive for a new view of the world - good, positive and calm.

  • This is the day of embodiment into the reality of our thoughts, so you should not think about something bad and gloomy, otherwise you risk getting all your black thoughts in reality. It is better to dream of a long -awaited meeting, new positive impressions, travels. The main thing is not to overdo it and do not fall into greed.
  • On this day you need to be a creator, not a destroyer. We do not tear the flowers, do not break the branches, do not kick homeless dogs, but on the contrary, we better treat them and caress them. By this positive, we will drive away all the energy vampires, of which on the 28th moon, there are extremely many. In the same way we communicate with them directly - with a smile, affectionately and politely.
  • It is very good to take a walk on such a day, it is best - closer to the elements of this day: by the river, a stream, along the sea coast. But we should not go fishing, because the 28th day of the moon we only create, and do not dream of sending the poor crucian carpet to the pan.
They bear joy
They bear joy

This day is very saturated with amorous adventures. The main thing is to carefully listen to yourself, check your feelings and believe your heart.

Today we do not allow sad thoughts, fight with them all available methods: we relax, feel unity with nature, do our favorite things. And we remember: we create all good and bad ourselves, so the mood is only positive!

Is it possible to cut yourself in 28 lunar days?

But the haircut is just not recommended by stars. We’ll take care of the color of the hair better, the main thing here is without excessive radicalism. It is best to make highlighting that will update your appearance, but at the same time will not change it sharply beyond recognition. Dyes are best to use natural - the same good good basma and henna.

  • A good and time -tested husk from onions, giving a red -haired woman, lightening a decoction of chamomile or walnut shell, which brunettes often use.
  • Do not make strong curls, actively use hair straightforwards or curves. Today does not accept radical changes, including in your usual hairstyle.
  • Anyway, the motto of the 28th lunar day: simplicity and naturalness, so ordinary (but always elegant) beams, braids with a minimum of jewelry are appropriate.
It is not desirable to cut it
It is not desirable to cut it

And already in the evening, give your hair vitamin combing: squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the water and moisten the comb with this solution - your strands will be grateful to you for this.

How to become beautiful in 28 lunar day?

Beauty, like everything on this day, is achieved primarily by a good mood and positive thoughts. And when you internally tuned in in the right way, you can take on your appearance.

  • After the shower, giving vigor, we will start with the eyebrows - we make them sables, feed them with oils. We go to the eyes-they are already charming, so they are unlikely to need any additional procedures.
  • We will take care of the nose - let him breathe healing decoctions and oils, treat him with nutrient mixtures. We make the same food for the lips.
  • When applying makeup, we remember that today our colors are in lilac and purple colors, so we choose the corresponding shadows, give preference to a non-core lipstick with a mother of pearl.
  • Unlike discreet makeup, the nails can be made bright, with patterns, strands, funny patterns. The same applies to the pedicure.
  • For jewelry, we will choose figures of a wide variety of bugs-fours, let them live wherever there are punctures for piercing (just do not do new-on the 28th day the moon does not advise such procedures).
Beauty for 28 lunar day
Beauty for 28 lunar day

And in the evening, pamper yourself with a fragrant bath with nutritional vegetable oils, floral petals - a worthy end of the day and a wonderful transition to the next 29 lunar day.

Wedding ceremony on 28 lunar day

Not the best day for young newlyweds. It is more suitable for those who have already tried family life in a civil marriage - this is time to legitimize their relationship officially. It is better for the young and zealous on these days to make preparations for this joyful event, discuss everything, present each other for relatives, go for a wedding dress.

Wedding ceremony is better for established steam
Wedding ceremony is better for established steam

It is good to mark this day with a wedding trip - it will be calm, detailed and will pass according to the plan, without failures and surprises. It would be nice to take care of your own family nest - you should not start a life together in parental apartments. Wedding on the 28th day of the moon - The matter is extremely voluntary, there are no prohibitions or recommendations on this subject.

Birthdays of 28 Lunar Day

Charming, smart, charming - they, children of the twenty -eighth day. At the same time, they are inveterate lazy people. This is especially clearly manifested during study, but do not scold them, because such children are very developed and smart for years, perhaps they are just bored at school?

Charming birthdays are born for 28 days
Charming birthdays are born for 28 days
  • The intakes, activists, dreamers and inventors - they consolidate such glory in their own walls. And in life come out of it with talented personalities, not without reason among the birthdays of the 28th lunar day there are many people of creative professions: writers, artists, musicians, singers.
  • They are interested in constant growth and development, movement, improvement, search.
  • In personal life they remain monogamous. They are not very concerned about the generally accepted ideas about the prestige of home, work, clothes-the main thing is that there is order in their thoughts.
  • They have quite good health and steel nerves, which is not recommended to anyone at the same time. Troubles can touch the skin, they are subject to rashes, acne, sores, warts, etc.

Until the advanced years, they retain vigity and strength of mind.

Interpretation of dreams on 28 lunar day

Dreams on such a day cannot be called things, but nevertheless they are filled with all sorts of mystical characters - both dark and bright. Their value is determined to a greater extent by the subconscious, which at night tells us what worries and where the way out of the situation.

  • So, the road in a dream can be perceived in the literal sense, as the upcoming journey or working trip. Or maybe we are just looking for a way out of the impasse?
  • Decorations can mean both friends and ill -wishers - depending on whether you liked it, was cheap or expensive, stylish or artisanal. But to crown yourself with a crown - this is certainly to victory!
  • Животные в этот день (вернее, ночь) – наши друзья, сообщающие радостные вести. With nature, not everything is so clear: its wilting, bad weather reports on problems, beauty and magnificent landscapes - you are on the right track.
Сны 28-го дня

Well, all the dreaming vampires, ghouls, demons and demons simply do not take into account - because we remember that today they are simply having fun in human dreams.

Что ждет в делах в 28 лунный день?

День благоприятен для добрых дел, в частности, для благотворительности. Вот только не стоит об этом кричать на всех углах. As, however, about the successes at work - raising salaries, a new step in a career ladder, etc.

  • If you have a deal for this day, it will most likely be successful, but provided that you will carefully study all the documents, up to the points written in the smallest print.
  • Students should get to study, because you should not count on luck.
  • For financial successes on this day, it is good to “appease” the money - to prepare a new storage for them: a piggy bank, having previously wiped it with a special golden water.
  • Throw a thing of gold and a couple of pieces of ice into the water, let it brew for an hour and moisten a rag in it, which wipe the piggy bank.

A very favorable day for people of creative professions, and this is understandable: after all, the 28th is their element.

Health state in 28 lunar day

It's time to think about a diet and buy all kinds of vegetables, fruits and other useful products.

  • If desired, on this day you can try to quit smoking and “tie” with a drink. The main thing is to want it and believe in your strength.
  • A dangerous day for the eyes - fewer TVs, computers, tablets and phones, more contemplation of nature.
  • In general, there are no problems with health on the 28th lunar day, the only doctors who are being worked hard today are cosmetologists who are designed to carry beauty into the world.
  • As for sports, they must be moderate. No need to bring yourself to fatigue, because the main result is to fill the body with vigor, and not to exhaust it.

Remember calmness and drink tea with all sorts of fragrant additives, from linden and mint to orange crusts.

So, the twenty-eighth lunar day tells us about the need to gain harmony that can be found in communication with nature, in good thoughts and intentions, and for someone it can be just solitude and a calm contemplation of the world. Complete this day with gratitude in the soul for all the good that he brought, and then the next will become the best.

Video: 28 lunar day: characteristics

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