24 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

24 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In order for 24 lunar days to go successfully, study our tips for conducting this period.

24 lunar day - day of increased activity. This day of transformation and magic - the universe is favorable and gives many opportunities, helps to find a way out of the situations created, get answers to unresolved questions and start life again.

Symbolism 24 lunar days

  1. The day belongs to the elements of metal. Denotes not only hardness and cold, but also flexibility and suppleness. A person himself decides how to dispose of the power of metal - to make a weapon out of it or forge a work of art.
  2. The totem animal of the day - bear. It is a protective and healing spirit. However, it should be noted that the bear’s character is changeable - it can be sleeping or playful, but if it is angry with a ferocious and merciless beast. In some cases, a bear cave is considered a symbol - characterizes the underground kingdom. But do not treat him wary. In this case, the cave takes the importance of leaving the dark world - a person can find a decision in any confusing situations.

    Protective symbol
    Protective symbol
  3. Color that corresponds to days - Yellow or sunny, gold and security. Colors symbolizing joy, reassurance, happiness, fun. Particular attention is given to the golden color - a symbol of power and prosperity.
  4. Numerical value - six. The number of the planet of Venus - the patroness of love and marriage belongs. Six does not always show positive aspects, it can be extremely aggressive. To some people, the six can make a discord in a relationship - a person becomes a conflict and intractable interlocutor. To avoid the negative impact of the six, it is recommended to read prayers six times, thereby equalizing the energy of the number.
  5. Lunar day stones - yashma black, malachite, obsidian, nephritis. These stones are talismans - carriers of the Earth’s energy. Each stone is assigned its own meaning: Jashama - affects the perception of itself as a person, gives its carrier confidence and restraint, also the stone contributes to the settlement of conflicts. Malachite stone - will help in search of a life partner, and those who already have a couple will strengthen relationships. Jade - protects from negative attacks and psychological influences. The power of this stone helps to deal with life failures, but not everyone can cope with the energy of nephritis - the stone is quite capricious and prefers to choose the owner.
  6. The favorable side of the world for this day - western part. One of the most suitable areas for turning travel on such a day. If there is a trip in the opposite direction, you can apply the magic of the talisman. To do this, it is necessary to look in a round mirror during the trip during the trip - how to turn your gaze towards the West. Such manipulations are desirable to carry out as often as possible. This will improve the energy of travel.
  7. The spirit and keeper of the lunar day - Tyssal. His abilities are that he brings harmony and a feeling of happiness on this day. A calm course of time will allow you to achieve what is desired during the day. Tyssal will build time so that everything will be successful. The Guardian angel is also responsible for the relationship between people-he is able to strengthen friendly and kindred feelings, as well as directing to the rapprochement of lovers. It is believed that it is this spirit that has keys to happiness, prosperity and success.

What is recommended to do on 24 lunar days?

Unlike the previous lunar day, it does not contain warlike or aggressive energy. On this day, you can finish all the planned cases regarding many spheres of human life. Suitable for the implementation of the plans postponed for later - a favorable period for implementing them into life.

It is better to choose non -fussy deeds, reassessing values, resort to creation or charitable activity. It will not be superfluous to analyze past mistakes, try to realize actions, take a step towards meeting reconciliation. 24 lunar day is the most favorable time for fruitful work, as well as creative interests and rest.

Due to its positive energy, 24 lunar days can improve many life moments in fate, as well as strengthen the noble qualities of the character of the person himself.

For 24 lunar days, it is recommended:

  1. For people open and enterprising - It's time to start implementing new projects. It is necessary to focus on your inner sensations - to listen to the prompts of intuition. Those who prefer to lead a measured rhythm of life and not get involved in everything new - the day guarantees a stable outcome of affairs, without unnecessary unrest.
  2. If someone from others has developed strained relations - The time for reconciliation has come. Lunar days can not only eliminate small quarrels and resentment, but also reunite long -standing enemies. It is also recommended to pay a friendly visit to neighbors or work colleagues. Any contacts on this day may develop into strong long -term friendship.
  3. Those who are engaged in craft and do not represent their life without creativity will finally be able to create a masterpiece. The energy of creation and talent is activated. However, the master should not forget about the gratitude of the universe, it is necessary to periodically endow their admirers with small gifts from personal works of art. Such a gesture will strengthen the favor of the lunar day.
  4. A trip to the mountains or to the sea will be favorable. Visiting caves is especially recommended. This journey will help restore energy - gain strength for the following achievements. Those who have unresolved tasks - mountains help concentrations and indicate the right decision.

    Travel time
    Travel time
  5. It will not be superfluous a visit to a spiritual mentor. The magic of the day will open the opportunity to look into the future, get enlightenment, purify karma. You can make a desire, the implementation of which does not imply a long term - the probability of its execution is high.
  6. Time is favorable for a calm and comfortable holiday with family or friends. It can be trips to the lake, to the forest or country house, gatherings by the fire, tea drinking on the veranda. Communication with nature will have a restoration effect.
  7. The day will bring businessmen a day good luck in the financial sector. Contracts will be subscribed quickly, and transactions are easily completed. Any new business will profit. The main condition is faith in success and own forces. For those who are still mastering the profession, the day has to acquire new knowledge and skills. This is the best time to read books and manuals, any perception of information, including oral ones-lessons, lectures, master classes.
  8. For those, who monitors fashion and appearance - The best period for changing the image. The right time for a new haircut. Но следует учесть, рассчитывать на увеличение роста волос не стоит — этот день больше подходит для любителей коротких стрижек. Holders of long hair are better to experiment with curls and curls. Кудрявые волосы в этот день работают как антенны, улавливающие позитивные волны.

    Great time to change image
    Great time to change image
  9. If there is health problems - The day has a healing and anti -aging procedures. It is good to start playing sports or sit on a diet. Важно помнить, что любая процедура будет успешной на столько, насколько пациент верит в силу ее результативности.
  10. Pairs that decided legalize your relationship - This day prophesies a long and strong alliance. 24 лунный день благоприятен для создания семьи, особенно для тех, кто уже давно задумывается о потомстве. Также день, располагает к венчанию, ведь покровителем этого события станет ангел семьи и брака.

Cautions 24 lunar days

Несмотря на благоприятную энергетику, все же есть некоторые вещи, которые в эти сутки делать не рекомендуется:

  1. Нельзя посещать места большого скопления людей, а также шумные вечеринки или гуляния. An exception may be theatrical performances, atmospheric exhibitions.
  2. When communicating Try not to put pressure on the interlocutor. It is not recommended to use cunning and manipulations in the conversation. You can’t argue, scream, quarrel.
  3. Avoid sexual practices. Неконтролируемая энергия может привнести вред во все сферы деятельности – запутать ситуацию.
  4. It will also be superfluous alcohol consumption. Необходимо сохранять трезвость и ясность ума для планирования дел и решения задач.
  5. On this day, a bad sign is stay in sorrow and bad mood. Считается, что высшие силы могут отвернуться от человека из-за его несносного и унылого характера, тем самым навлечь череду неприятностей.

    It is important not to be in despondency
    It is important not to be in despondency
  6. It should be more attentive to choosing a hairstyle on this day - smooth and straight lines are not the most successful combination. They can weaken the energy connection with the space and prevent a person’s filling with positive energy.
  7. Fans of flower bouquets - it is worth temporarily to refuse to collect colors. On this day, a person should arrive in harmony with nature and not harm it. To break the flower means killing it, and this violates the laws of the universe.
It is better not to collect flowers
It is better not to collect flowers

24 lunar days warn a person to stop and comprehend his behavior before proceeding with something new. It is important to know that if a person is not ready or overestimated his strength, then there is no reason to get involved in the case, so as not to lose the existing one.

It is better to direct your energy to preserve and strengthen what, for example, is to make repairs in an old apartment, and not buy a new one or establish a relationship with a longtime friend before making new friends. The main thing on this day is to devote yourself to good deeds and then everything will fail.

Video: Characteristic 24 lunar days

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