14 lunar day: symbolism, complete characteristics - health, hairstyle, face and body care, marriage, birth, dreams. What can and what can not be done for 14 lunar days?

14 lunar day: symbolism, complete characteristics - health, hairstyle, face and body care, marriage, birth, dreams. What can and what can not be done for 14 lunar days?

We spend 14 lunar days correctly. To do this, just read the article.

It is believed that the 14th lunar day is the day of the second chance. The mistakes that were made earlier can be fixed. Turn them in a different direction and they will affect your life for the better.

Symbols 14 lunar days

  • Earth - This is the element that is responsible for this day. Very often you can find the Association of the Earth with ordinary and customs. To date, the value of the earth has changed. It helps us to get out of difficult situations, to come into harmony with our inner world, to get out of the prevailing conflict situations.
  • The meaning of this day can be considered pipe. This is a symbol of something original, new and unprecedented earlier. This day can change our whole life in an instant and transform it beyond recognition.
  • The color scheme of today: violet (prudence, clarification), purple (the ability to predict and contact with spiritual forces), lilac color (sexuality, mystery). The most successful color of the 14th lunar day is white. A symbol of novelty, purity, pure thoughts, spiritual balance. The color scheme of clothing involves at least in combining the colors of this day. If you decide to go all white, then you can supplement it with only one bright shade, purple or lilac.
  • The figure of today is 5. The planet of this day Jupiter is an extraordinary, magical planet. The number five is the totality of several elements.
  • Amulets can be called - hyacinth and stone sapphire. It is believed that the Hyacinth stone has wisdom and everyone who will wear it is endowed with happiness and luck. Sapphire is considered a stone of purity, protects from lies and untruth.
  • To date, you need to be in the spotlight. It is the center that is considered a favorable direction of the day. It is necessary to purchase talismans that will symbolize the middle. Having these talismans with you, you can travel to any corner of the globe. Even the most ordinary things will bring good luck, because they will be donated to the closest and most relatives. Like an elastic band or a mirror.
  • The angel who will protect you today is the Husfar. It is considered the messenger of the moonlight. All the dreams dreamed today will come true. Today you will acquire the gift of clairvoyance.

Value of 14 lunar days

It is believed that this day the strongest and most energetically active. Today you should move and not stop, otherwise luck can pass.

  • If something interfered with your plans earlier, today a successful day to start all over again, and luck will turn to face you. Intuition today works for you and will not let you make a mistake. It is not for nothing that the sound of the pipe today is calling for great things. Everyone today can be endowed with magical knowledge, and the elect will acquire a gift of insight.
  • Of great importance for you will be the opinions of friends and people close to you. They can, both wound, and move you to great affairs. Conflict situations should be avoided, they can lead to serious disagreements and a breakdown of relations. Before talking to anyone, you must carefully think so as not to offend the people around you. Do not point to their weaknesses.
Powerful day
Powerful day
  • Do not engage in self -flagellation. The old grievances and problems that were better not to get out of memory in the past, this may affect your mental state. In order for negative thoughts to go away, engage in physical activity. Go to the gym, start cleaning the house. This will help you redirect your thoughts in the right direction.
  • A favorable day for communicating with friends and relatives. Share your plans and thoughts with people around you. Be careful, today energy vampires do not doze. Think with whom you should share your plans, and do not succumb to other people's provocations. Other people's problems will affect you not for the better.
  • Today is a favorable day for singing. Turn on your favorite music. This will protect you from the negative impact and unclean power, which does not doze off on this day.
  • Take care of cleaning on this day. Stop cleaning in the house, on the desktop, in the country, near the lake. Also, it does not hurt to start cleaning the body. Take all thoughts in order. Sadness and negative emotions will leave you forever today. The moon will help to cope with boredom, all thoughts will be redirected into a positive direction.
  • Today you can’t do without magic. Take care of the cleaning of the apartment. Methods can be selected different that is suitable for you. It can be a priest with holy water, a shaman, or Feng Shui teachings.
  • Laziness today is the main opponent in all your endeavors. It is necessary to deal with her. Creative people today are awaiting success. However, with recognition, you should wait a bit, it will overtake you in the future. The selected path should adhere to the very end and do not turn anywhere.
  • Fans of travel and adventure should go on a long journey. The planned route may change, but for gambling, this will be only a plus. If you are not an adrenaline lover, extreme travels are not for you, stay at home.
Great day for travel
Great day for travel

Take care of the garden and caring for flowers. It is forbidden to dig and sow seedlings, transfer it the next day. If you thoroughly deal with the solution of accumulated problems, then the result is not to force you to wait long and will delight you throughout the month.

Hairstyle and haircut for 14 lunar days

A haircut made on this day will bring you success and material well -being, attract money. If there is money, it will not be difficult to transform, but for lack of non -meture, still go to the salon for the simplest manipulations, and material well -being will expect you in the near future.

  • The haircut should be scrupulous, adhere to straight lines. The new image should be natural and simple. It is the simplicity of the guarantee of the success of today. The day will be full of interesting points.
  • However, do not do everything under a carbon copy, otherwise it may turn out that from the hairdresser everyone will come out the same. Do not use varnishes, mousses for styling. Even the use of a hairdryer is not recommended, let the hair dry naturally.
  • A haircut on straight lines is able to turn your life for the better and attract new fans who will look for meetings with you, wherever you end.
  • Painting issues should be approached more carefully. Naturalness is also welcome today in the choice of hair dye. Do not mix cold and warm colors - this will give the image of artificiality and sharpness. Curls painted in purple or lilac tones will look interesting.
We experiment carefully
We experiment carefully

It is worth experimenting with pigtails. Since the symbol of this day is the number five, it is this number of braids that will attract good luck. Do not weight your head invisible, pins and hairpins, it is better to decorate your head with flowers, not only alive, but also artificial. Artificial jewelry, feathers, scarves, ribbons, hairpins, hats can also go into business.

If you have dreamed of becoming curly all your life, today is the most successful day for this. Buy curlers or curling iron and transform. Before going to bed, you need to give the head to rest and wash off everything with warm water.

For water
For water

Face and body care for 14 lunar days

Today you should not chase radical changes in appearance, accept yourself as you are.

  • The beautiful start of the day will be just a smile of itself in the mirror early in the morning. Leave aside the pimples, small wrinkles or dark circles under the eyes after a sleepless night.
  • You will be helped with minor disadvantages to cope with natural face masks. On this day, they will be more effective than ever.
  • You can make such a mask based on white clay and fresh fat cream. Mix all the ingredients with water and at the same time say: "Wonderful clay and magic water, my skin will be constantly young". Keep the mask for 12 minutes and, of course, will not forget about the neckline.
  • The most daring today should be done by manicure. But if you are a little uncertain in yourself and are afraid of sharp changes, then today you should refuse from going to the master of manicure and just paint your nails at home in pastel colors. Choose a plain design. To attract new gentlemen, it is worth using in design rhinestones, drawings and stones of Swarovski.
  • Nails today can tell about a lot, bring a huge number of surprises. But in order to assess the situation, it is necessary to erase the varnish.
  • And, of course, do not forget about the pedicure. After all, the well -groomed feet like men and will help you not only meet new love, but also get useful connections.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the ears and let them take a break from heavy jewelry. If you decided to pierce your ears on this day, then postpone this procedure for later.

The body also needs to be given today, but only in the evening in a warm bath and, of course, with a magical ritual for water.

Magic for beauty
Magic for beauty

You can add a decoction of leaves and twigs of raspberries and currants to the water. The body will acquire silkiness and velvety.

Marriage for 14 lunar days

A good day for a wedding can be considered 14 lunar days. On this day, you will hardly find time in the wedding palace to tie yourself with strong bonds of family happiness. Guests invited to this event will feel as if they have been familiar with more than a dozen years. Everything will be held in a calm friendly atmosphere. Those who have lived for many years without a stamp in a passport should legitimize their relationship. This will fasten their union even more and will present many pleasant gifts in their lives.

  • The second chance will be found today, the union of which has been disappointed for the first time. The errors made earlier will not affect the new relationship.
  • But do not rush to legalize your relationship if you met recently. Let them get stronger, and you will always have time to switch to a new level.
  • A great time to prepare for the wedding, it’s better not to find it. Today, stars will tell you to find the best options where to celebrate, where to buy a dress or rings where you will live and much more.
Great time
Great time

Fans of extreme relaxation will fail. It is better to spend the honeymoon near the sea in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Born on 14 lunar day

People born today are considered truly punctual and accurate in everything. However, these persons have a huge flaw, they are too clean. They have a very good quality of self -control. Everyone who at least once was near them, at least for one day, will obey them.

  • They pick up friends very carefully, they also have mind, self -control, kindness. They constantly study.
  • In the work, their excessive punctuality, discipline and the ability to do only what is spelled out in the instructions can prevent them from going up the career ladder. They can easily give their position to those who really need it. They will never yield to their principles.
  • They love to help. Therefore, when choosing a profession, they choose the one that helps most people. This is a teacher, a doctor, an employee of the social sphere.
  • All their lives they have been engaged in either education or work. There is not a drop of free time for personal life.
Very punctual and clean
Very punctual and clean

Since they are big lovers of purity, they rarely get sick. However, their nervous system is not in order, they are worried about everything and about everyone.

Interpretation of dreams for 14 lunar days

It's time to make dreams of dreams today. It should be made of willow branches and wrapped with a ribbon or a rope of purple color. It is better to make a “spider web” from bright threads: blue, white and purple. It is better to decorate the catcher with pearls or shells. He will protect you and protect you from terrible and evil dreams. Today evil spirits may dream, but do not be afraid to speak with them.

  • Ripe juicy apples will symbolize changes for the better in love affairs. Creative people dream of green apples that will help you achieve success and bring fame.
  • Putting clothes or jewelry means that you should be attentive to your environment and may be required to change the place of work in the near future.
  • The words of love that were said in a dream will bring a lot of positive information. In the near future it will definitely come in handy.

Health for 14 lunar days

A great time for those who want to lose weight or continue to sit on a diet. Good results will be visible. It's time to make a fasting day today. Understand the correctness of your diet how to do without diets, and just resolve your diet and rest.

About laziness should be forgotten today. Go to training in the gym or run along the riverbank, start to exercise or go to the pool.

In the end, we can say that laziness is contraindicated today, let all sad thoughts leave you, and good and bright will be replaced. Intuition will tell you - where to go and what to do, what solutions will be correct. All errors made earlier will be corrected and rewritten in a new way.

Video: What is the 14 lunar day?

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