20 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done? 20 lunar day: health, food, business, wedding, birthdays, beauty, dreams, conception

20 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done? 20 lunar day: health, food, business, wedding, birthdays, beauty, dreams, conception

The article has information about what is allowed, and what cannot be done on 20 lunar days. You will learn a complete description of the twentieth lunar day.

The twentieth day according to the lunar calendar is a special period of the month. At this time, you can calm down a little, because the vanity is not characteristic of this period. The day is favorable for relaxation, because no dangers are expected. In addition, almost all the signs of the zodiac for 20 days are waiting for many joyful events, surprises, new discoveries, there may even be recognition of love. In this period, the most difficult problems are resolved without much effort, a person can abruptly change his goal, direct it in a more necessary direction. Thus, a person has great changes in different cells of life for the better. Due to the possibility of a deep analysis, a person can realize what he needs, and boldly realize his true goal.

20 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

Characteristic 20 lunar days
Characteristic 20 lunar days

If you devote 20 days to philosophical thoughts, then one can understand the secrets of the meaning of being. The lunar day has its own characteristics:

  • Symbolism of day - proud bird eaglewhich soars in the sky above the clouds.
  • The energy of the day is calm, passive relax.
  • Earth - The element is 20 lunar days.
  • Two - It is a happy number of days.
  • The color tones of the day are all shades of blue, blue.
  • Crystal is mountainous, jasper (red) - stones for 20 days.
  • If 20 days fall on saturdayA really good day awaits you.
  • For such a day southwest direction The happiest.
  • Rectangle - Favorite form of this period.
  • Angel Lamas It is a keeper for 20 days according to the lunar calendar.

Energy contributes to the balance of all life situations. The guardian angel gives strength to personalities who are looking for answers to important questions, to comprehend themselves and the universe. Thanks to the positive, peaceful energy of the day, you can gain vitality, to overcome various doubts. Therefore, astrologers do not advise starting new projects, overwork. It is during this period that desires come true and for this it is not necessary to make any efforts. The moon decreasing for 20 days, this directly affects the state of a person. Therefore, the life of all body systems slow down, people become slow, they are haunted by fatigue. The moon also affects the reaction, so you need to protect itself from many cases requiring increased load. While passing the moon from the full moon phase to the phase of descending, all goals must be directed to the completion process. The main stage is passed, it will remain to rationally use your resource, and to complete what has begun. It is undesirable to carry out new projects, and if you start, then only those that you can finish before the new moon phase. On the waning phase, the moon gives women a certain mystical energy, and they really feel it. A surge of power, magical energy is noticeable. However, the faster the moon decreases, the more the activity of individuals decreases. Some even complain of severe fatigue. No matter how strange it may seem, weight loss will be more successful if it starts on the 20th day, and physical exercises can be done calmly, they will positively affect a person. Even during descending, a person actively loses water, and at the same time harmful toxins go away.

IMPORTANT: During losing weight, drinking mode must be observed. It is better to provide body systems with mineral drink.

20th lunar day
20th lunar day

Eagle - The symbol that individuals with active, decisive, penetrating character traits can fly up, literally. И они легко справятся со всеми преградами, что мешают добиться успеха. Only in order to pass these interference, first you will have to analyze the dependence between your problems and the universe to understand why they are sent to you. Even in ancient times, the sages advised looking at what was happening, as an invisible connection with the whole world, nothing accidental happens, this is happening for something. It is this confusing thread that you will be able to unravel you if you use advice and know the truth. 20 lunar days make it possible to track the relationship between the events. Прежде, чем научиться летать, надо не бояться упасть. И первый шаг к успеху сделать очень трудно, и при этом существует много рисков. On the 20th day you can find many answers to your questions, and determine your path to success.

In order to subsequently get a new life, full of success and well -being, first you will have to part with the old one. Надо перебороть свои сомнения, сделать шаг в доселе неизвестное новое будущее. Fear, uncertainty often interfere with the realization of a dream. Therefore, it must be overcome and begin to move in the right direction. And it is very important not just to suppress doubts that they go into the depths of the subconscious. And over time, they returned to the surface again, which will become a great obstacle to committing the plan.

20 lunar days are a source of strong energy, this tide should be used for transformation, personal growth. On these days, you can start working for yourself, change the work for the best, lay the foundation for construction. The day is favorable for profitable acquaintances and just friendly communication. With all this, attention should be paid not to the appearance of others, but to internal qualities, to what unites them. One of the very first enemies of the 20 lunar day is too high self -esteem, a careless attitude to other personalities. Everyone who behaves like that can only harm themselves. You can lose all the positive experience that is accumulated on all previous lunar days. And the loss of positive energy will affect the state of moral. Try not to provoke quarrels with others. Conflicts will affect you, friends can answer you the same. If you are not in the spirit, then try to limit communication with friends. Spent a day boring, it is more useful than scandaling with others.

20 Lunar day: Health

For 20 lunar days, not very dangerous diseases are characteristic. Basically, joints, muscle tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper back, shoulder blades can be vulnerable. These places are undesirable to load. Therefore, athletes who are fond of struggle, boxing, etc., will not interfere with being as careful as possible. Incorrect use of energy will lead to unforeseen consequences, up to pressure jumps. It is more useful for 20 days to participate in collective events, basketballs, football games.

Waning Moon - Health
20th day-health

Those who are reverent to their health must take care of the spinal column, especially in the upper back. On 20 lunar days, it is better to hold back from the rising of the bar, and the therapeutic massage on your back. In the gym, work on other muscles. Stretches, yoga, fitness, swimming, etc. are also useful.

20 lunar day: food

Overflow on 20 lunar days is extremely undesirable. You can not use many sweets, flour products. All the signs of the zodiac are shown herbal medicine, you can also do breathing gymnastics. On the waning moon, it is undesirable to arrange the feast of the abdomen, and after five in the evening you should refuse to eat. After the evening, it is good to do massage procedures on the face, on the problem areas of the body using oils that are effective in removing toxins from all organisms. On this day, not delicious food for the body is important, but spiritual energy, good emotions. It is in the phase of the waning moon that it is useful to begin weight loss. To do this, you need to limit yourself in food consumption, namely, reduce portions. You can’t drink strong drinks for 20 lunar days, smoke. Well, if your diet will have vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, fish.

20 lunar day: business

For 20 lunar days, new long -term projects should not begin. Especially if you are not able to finish them until the end of the descending phase. But to think about further tactics - it's time. A brave eagle is the symbolism of the day, it will give energy to make the right decisions, overcoming the most difficult barriers. All undertakings for businessmen at first require careful training, and for 20 days there is that initial moment to make decisions. Then you yourself will be surprised how easy it is to overcome obstacles if you use the energy of the lunar day. If you work hard at your workplace, then do not spare strength, fatigue on 2 lunar days will not amaze you. New acquaintances promise to be useful. In the future you can use them. This day can bring a person the beginning for large cash receipts in the future. 20 days coincide with the energy of the moon in the constellation Taurus. This zodiac sign attracts money, wealth. But the receipts will not fall on you just on your head. To do this, you will have to work pretty. It is not necessary to rush, make hasty conclusions, persistently go to the goal. For businessmen, there are tests on 20 lunar days. It is at the moment that high self -esteem and a kind of pride are manifested. Thanks to this, people can lose all, so difficult to work. After that, unpleasant consequences arise. Be vigilant in this phase, do not show arrogance in relation to your environment, try to avoid quarrels.

20 Lunar day: Wedding

20th lunar day - Wedding
20 lunar day - wedding

On 20 lunar days, marriage bonds are successful for loving couples who understand each other. Their union will be strong if they married by mutual agreement. Lunar energy gives a positive charge to all pairs that are spiritually enlightened, and not fixated on material prosperity, social issues and self -interest. Calculation marriages concluded for 20 lunar days will not be long.

20 Lunar day: birthdays

Born children on the twentieth day of lunar days are with different levels of development. High intelligence is characteristic of talented people who do not tolerate lies at all. Such personalities can commit heroic deeds, save life. But there are shortcomings for them, persons often strive for exaltation over the others, too proud. Children with low intellect over time will become intriguers, liars, they are evil, insidious from an early age. Already at a youthful age, they dream of power. To achieve the desired, they are ready to break through any obstacles. Persons often become dishonest politicians, officials, false teachers.

20 lunar day: beauty, haircuts

It is impossible to trim the hair at a given period of time. This will negatively affect their further growth. After this, people are negative, anger, a breakdown. But when your event is planned, you can still make styling on the hair. Make a hairstyle with auxiliary tools and various hairpins, invisibles, etc. - It will only benefit. Not only is the mood to improve, the surge of a positive charge of energy will also be obtained.

Haircuts on the 20th Lunar day
Haircuts on the 20th Lunar day

It is not forbidden to visit cosmetic salons in this period, to pay attention to yourself, beauty can be at any time. And at home. It will be useful if you use nutrient masks for the skin of the face, body. Massage of the skin in the same areas will bring positive impressions, it is allowed to do peeling to get rid of toxins in the body.

20 lunar day: Dreams

If you have a prophetic dream of the other day, then it will come true in the near future. Thanks to the images in the kingdom of Morpheus, there is an opportunity to see what is happening in your life from the side. You may have a solution to your problems on the means of illusions. If you have a good dream, then don't forget to say in the morning: Good sleep.And drive a bad dream with the words: Where is night, there is a dream. At the same time, look out the window.

Dreams - 20th lunar day
Dreams-20th lunar day

20 lunar day: conception

Experiments in bed during this period will not be successful, therefore it is better not to practice innovations on such a day. Enough that everything is familiar, high quality. Let it just be comfortable and joyful. Conception in this phase of the lace calendar is undesirable. The baby born in these terms will always have big plans for life, strive only for the highest goals, he can be expected either success or fall.

Sexual Relations 20 Lunar Day
Sexual Relations 20 Lunar day

The beginning of the twentieth day falls for the evening or even at night. According to the signs, if you see the rising moon in the sky, then be sure to pay attention to it. And consider carefully stars soaring clouds. Signs that will give you clouds, stars or moon will certainly come true in the future. You will understand what, what further events the Universe warned you about.

Video: 20 lunar days - recommendations

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