23 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

23 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will consider the twenty -third lunar day.

23 lunar day marks the beginning of the fourth phase of the lunar month. This day is characterized by a high concentration of energy, which brings both activity and aggression to life. It is important on this day to be “on the check” so that the powerful flow of energy does not cover you. But inside it is necessary to remain calm, only external actions should be active.

What can and what can not be done on 23 lunar day: a complete characteristic

  • The cosmic energy of this day is not -resistant, so there is The risks of murders and other crimes.So astrologers recommend spending this day in uninhabited places so as not to run into criminals and scammers. After all, it is very difficult to predict the behavior of a large number of people on such a powerful day.
You can’t lose vigilance!
You can’t lose vigilance!
  • On this day, people very easily turn disputes and create conflicts. This is the influence of cosmic energy that passes through a person and goes out in the form of quarrels that are difficult to control. That is, this is due to the fact that a powerful flow of energy is simply “not placed” in the human body and begins to cause discomfort to its “carrier”.
    • However, such a problem can bypass those who are engaged in spiritual practices, for example, yoga. By this, they train their energy field and are more difficult to influence the universe.
    • Поэтому первая небольшая рекомендация – максимально соблюдайте спокойствие и не вступайте в ссоры. The released steam during them can develop into a huge scandal. Fights carry special danger - bypass them!
  • Энергию 23 дня важно направить в нужном направлении – на решение важных проблем и вопросов, которые постоянно откладывались. This day Favorable for the accomplishment of affairs that did not advance from one place.Лунная энергия поможет преодолеть любые вопросы, если направить ее на созидание, а не разрушение. But it is worth spreading less about your affairs so as not to bring trouble.

Important: but it is strictly forbidden to pass or lazy on this day! Again, due to the powerful flow of the energy of the universe. We need discharge to release such a “lunar fuel”. And if we do not spend energy, then it will simply put pressure on us from the inside.

  • On 23 lunar day, self -confidence can retreat. Такое происходит, если рядом с вами находиться энергетический вампир, который отнимает жизненные силы и энергию. It is important not to panic, keep calm and just wait. It will pass, no matter how it sounds, but really at sunrise. Ведь в этот период обостряется, как мы уже упоминали, поток негативной энергии и The activity of energy vampires.
    • Не стоит ошибочно полагать, что они «питаются» исключительно положительной энергией. Any energy radiation is important to them that act as life fuel.
  • The symbol of this day is Half -crocodile, which is half fish.They call him Makara.It is worth taking a closer look at the behavior of a predatory crocodile, since it acts as an additional symbol. To try to behave properly on this lunar day.
    • When the crocodile goes hunting, it may seem that he does everything slowly. However, this is not at all. The crocodile is very assembled, and at the right time acts with lightning speed. Take it for your note - Be assemble and concentrated, and act clearly.
  • Features of this lunar phase:
    • the happy figure of this day is the five;
    • colors such as orange, chestnut and brown with a chocolate shade bring luck, calmness and harmony on this day;
    • the most important precious stone of this day is raushtopaz, but crocodilite, black nephritis and Sarder.;
    • 23 Lunar day is in the elements of the Earth.
  • Angel-patron The inspecting and cautious Batis is acting. It is called the genius of female whims and whims. But in his power, the establishment of justice and the decision of important unions.
The apogee of conflicts
The apogee of conflict

Work and business for 23 lunar days

  • It will be a rather strange day in the business sphere. Everyone acts randomly, run in a panic, trying to urgently solve incomplete business.
  • Before acting, it is very important Plan everything in advance, outlineplan and only then proceed.
  • Do not rely on this day on intuition “She can play a cruel joke with you.”
  • Do not forget to refrain from skirmishes and conflicts, and it is better to completely avoid large companies and violent discussions.
  • This time cycle Dangerous for judicial decisions.After all, an untruthful accusation of an innocent person is possible.
  • But To get started, this is one of the most successful daysin the lunar cycle. In addition, direct the stream of strong energy for repair affairs, the arrangement of a dwelling or office. This is worth taking a note to builders and designers - the day promises to be productive.
    • At the same time, you can get good support from the side or good sponsors in this direction.
  • But to conclude business transactions, signing contracts is an unfavorable period. It is especially dangerous to start any new things. On this day, contracts are most often breaking up, dismissed from work (by the way, be vigilant with the authorities) and not very profitable enterprises are closed.

Important: on this day, large financial investments or opening loans will incur tremendous losses. It is allowed to make minor purchases, but try to avoid any financial transactions or institutions on this day.

Better to make calculations, not spending
Better to make calculations, not spending

How do 23 lunar days affect health and well -being?

  • On this day, temptations are waiting for us on every corner. Very important for health and well -being Do not overeat.A great time to try some new diet, make an unloading day, or get out of life. On this day, such procedures will pass without harm to the body. It is useful to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juices.
  • It is forbidden to use meat dishes in any form! But dairy products will go for the benefit. I will also benefit any kind of nuts.
  • Take care of yourself on this day as much as possible, because immunity falls strongly. And all the ailments that began on this day will be very long. Patients on this day are getting worse. An exacerbation of chronic diseases is also possible.
  • For those who have long dreamed quit smokinglucky - the moon will help you in this. Anyway, keep in mind - on this day you should not get involved in bad habits.
  • It is recommended to visit doctors only with urgent need, and planned examinations are better to transfer the next day. It is forbidden to do operations!
  • The ovaries and the uterus are a vulnerable place, but on these days the danger falls under the danger, in general, genitals. Excessive inflammation is possible. Try to avoid hypothermia.
  • But also stands Save the spine. ATthis day cannot be carried out by power and active training.
  • This day is not suitable for teeth treating!
Increased fatigue
Increased fatigue

Is it possible to cut your hair and carry out cosmetic procedures for 23 lunar days?

  • On this day, astrologers recommend Refrain from such a procedure as hair cutting.This can lead to health problems, nervous breakdowns and many other ailments. It is also worth abandoning styling using a large amount of foam and varnish. A natural hairstyle is exactly what the Universe will accept on this lunar day.
  • Concerning staining,then it is worth entrusting this only with whom you have already done this procedure. No need to go to the new master, but to stain only with proven means and “hands”. It is important to follow the rules and do not leave the paint on the hair longer than the due.
  • It is also not recommended to comb greatly and washing your hair. But you can resort to a small trick - rinse your hair with grass decoctions. This will heal our locks, and will wash all the negative.

Beneficially, loose hair affects the state of mind on this day. It is on them that all bad thoughts and negative energy leaves their heads. But something new and useful will come in their place.

  • 23 lunar day is a great day to devote it home care. But do not experiment, use only proven recipes.
  • As for makeup, it should be in natural colors - no bright, screaming shades. But manicure allows the use of bright colors and crazy patterns.
  • In general, 23 lunar days - A favorable day for manicure. But provided that you will fulfill it as a professional.
  • Pierce the ears and Do not make any piercing - This can defeat the universe and bring health and well -being problems.
  • Various water procedures are very useful on this day. You can take a contrast shower or hot foam bath.
Cut, pierce or radically change appearance
Cut, pierce or radically change appearance

Wedding and marriage for 23 lunar day

  • Marriage on this powerful energy day It is categorically not recommended. After all, cosmic energy can destroy even the strongest feelings between partners. You should not even submit an application on this day or introduce a partner with parents - this can turn into a loud quarrel.
    • Those who did not take into account the mood of the moon, and yet marriage on this day is waiting for a bitter life together, filled with quarrels and misunderstanding.
  • Also, you should not begin the joint accommodation of two lovers on this day - this attempt is doomed to failure.
  • For the first or subsequent date This period will be a failure. In general, this day is better even to spend separately in love. Especially if there is at least some tension.
    • After all, quarrels on this day can result in moral or physical violence and grandiose scandal, which will grow up up to the break.
  • For the same reason and due to the vulnerability of the genitals Sex on this day is contraindicated!Physical discomfort is possible for both women and men. In addition, on this day the peak of rape and betrayal falls. Therefore, spent better at home at home!

Important: but the stains on this day often end in a successful reunion of partners.

It is better to transfer the marriage
It is better to transfer the marriage

Birth and conception in 23 lunar day

  • Children who were born on this day differ unusually A grip character.They always achieve what they want and complete the work begun. Real perfectionists In all matters. In addition, they are always on the side of truth and justice.
  • Often become bosses, occupy leadership positions. But they are not very sociable - they carefully choose friends. Therefore, they choose more loneliness,and only the "elected" are released their circle.
  • For this reason, it is difficult for them to find a life partner. Therefore, family life begins late. In relations, they show themselves very caring partners who are ready to give everything to their soul mate. Never forgive betrayal!
  • Children of the 23rd lunar day are very sports and restless, so they must be loaded with physical exercises and training for unloading.
  • For conception, this is an extremely unfavorable day! Concented personalities often lag behind in mental or physical development.
But the children are as gripped as the symbolic animal
But the children are as gripped as the symbolic animal

What are dreams of 23 lunar days about?

  • Dreams on 23 lunar day very Saturated and confusing.Therefore, it is extremely difficult to solve them on their own. But it is advisable to remember the details, since they almost always carry a hint for us. Be prepared for the dreams will have Nightmare.
  • Sometimes they can have a double meaning. For example, they can express your conflicts with themselves. If you are doing something against your principles or desires. And they can speak for the social environment.

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