18 lunar day: complete characteristics, symbolism, health, beauty, marriage, birth, dreams - what can and what can not be done?

18 lunar day: complete characteristics, symbolism, health, beauty, marriage, birth, dreams - what can and what can not be done?

So that 18 lunar days go as productive as possible for you, read the article.

The eighteenth day of the moon came, and it was time to finally understand themselves and in everything that is happening around us. In order to do this correctly, we denote the main points of this day.

Symbolism of 18 lunar day

The element is hot and bright, it is fire. It warms and illuminates, but at the same time it should be careful.

  • Symbol of the daya monkey, the animal is more nimble and cunning, so you need to be on your guard. Also symbolizes 18 lunar day ice. It was from him that Kai was added to the word “eternity”, he made the boy’s heart cold and indifferent. Remember this and again do not forget to beware, while trying to warm and melt the icy hearts. The third symbol - mirror, connecting the worlds and ruthlessly exposing our secret secrets.
  • The color of these days - green. Here everything is without a trick: greens-a symbol of revival and renewal of nature, we are talking young-green about those who still have everything ahead. The shades of green are relevant on this day - malachite and emerald, also carrying only positive associations.
  • The number of the day - nine. One of the mystical numbers, subject to Neptune, it is able to influence our lives, giving a timely sign, our task is only to interpret it correctly.
  • Stones of the 18th lunar day - White Agat and Opal, filled with mystical properties, keeping their owners from evil spirits and bad eyes. Amethyst take care of health, and the spinel will add sexuality.
  • Direction - South, it is he who should be with us, wherever our path lay. Even if north, we will be supported by a warm southern landscape on a postcard, timely put in a pocket or bag.

The Guardian Angel Kanfel. In his power to protect from lies, indicate the right path, give faithful friends.

What are the 18 lunar day filled?

It’s time to feel the action of the boomerang law on ourselves: if we offended someone and did not make amends, it is very likely that it is for the 18th day that the lunar day will give us the opportunity to feel on ourselves what it is when you are offended. Therefore, it is time to ask for forgiveness from those to whom they are to blame, and draw conclusions.

  • This day is generally intended to correct errors, eliminate shortcomings, for thoughtful and balanced actions and decisions. There is no need to follow the lead of negative emotions, it is better to think exclusively about the good.
  • All meetings on this day are not accidental. Even those that will not give us pleasure are also sent by the moon so that we think, analyze, summarize.
  • Yes, the 18 lunar day is not from the lightest and caret, all the more you need to avoid ill -conceived hasty decisions, it is better to leave for a while the concerns that can be postponed and listened to yourself.
Restraint is important
Restraint is important

Restraint - This is what will help us on this day. No caustic comments - only sincere praise and approval! If emotions are completely “bursting”, you can turn to the fire (we remember that this is our element today!) And accept his help, peering thoughtfully at the flame of the candle. You can also praud the water - why not a mirror (another symbol of the day) and its quiet expanse?

The attacks of energy vampires, which on this day are quite a lot, are not terrible, so you should be friendly and calm with them. By the way, they really do not like this, so they will quickly leave you alone.

Should I cut your hair on 18 lunar day?

If you are not a fan of visiting hairdressers - today is the time to do it! After all, it is the haircut that will last a long time on this day, because Hair growing will slow down, in addition, they will become supple, and you can do everything you want with them.

  • Work on bangs will be very successful - today it will be magical for women of any age.
  • Hair dyeing will also become successful - no matter what color you choose, everything will go to you.
  • The moon is differentiated to hairstyles. Differentiated: Blondes recommends braids, brunettes, like red-haired, allows generally everything that comes to mind. The main thing is to choose a hairstyle corresponding to your mood.
  • Feel free to decorate your hairstyles with multi -colored hairpins, ribbons, scarves - who likes what. Actively use crests, which for some reason recently not so often remembered.

And also ask the moon to give shine and radiance to your hair. A shining night luminary will certainly share its light.

Beauty in 18 lunar day

The common truth that the external beauty in many ways gives the internal is relevant today. Therefore, to create the image of a beautiful princess, we will begin in a good mood. And masks for all parts of the face and body will help to improve it. For the forehead - an apple with sour cream, for the neck - aloe with honey.

  • The nails, cut on this day on the waning moon, grow slowly, so you need to immediately decide which shape to give them.
  • The triangle will attract additional income, the square will help in a love situation, roundness will bring the internal state.
  • It is more difficult with a pedicure - today the moon is not located for it.
  • Now let's turn to the ears. If you pierce them today, then we are provided with changes in life. For those who crave them - a straight road to the salon, if you are not yet determined to change anything, it is better to wait.
  • We choose earrings taking into account the mood: in which we want - in such we go, whether it is gold with diamonds or plastic.
Engage in beauty
Engage in beauty

The same applies to outfits. We choose shoes on the principle of "the easier and more convenient - the better." At the end of this difficult day, we collect a full bath and leave all the alarms in it.

Marriage in 18 lunar day

That's what you should not do on this day is to go to the registry office. It is possible that your wedding will turn into a scandalous event with promises of divorce for the next day. Therefore, if you doubt that you act correctly and are not protected by love from fluctuations, do not appoint a wedding ceremony for 18 lunar days. Signatures under the wedding document can be set in a couple of days, and today you take a joint nest in which your family life will begin. Buy the things you need or just cute trinkets to decorate the apartment - they will bring you happiness for many years.

The marriage is better to postpone
The marriage is better to postpone

A wedding trip on this day is recommended only for extreme lovers. At the same time, do not follow your emotions, because there will be plenty of prerequisites for them.

The same emotions are not excluded if on the 18th day you have an acquaintance with the relatives of your future second half. The day is suitable in order to appear before the altar - go crown without hesitation, because your union will not be baptized on paper, but in heaven.

Birth in 18 lunar day

The 18 lunar day filled with mysticism affects those who were born today, in the form of some weather or astronomical phenomenon. Rainbings, starfalls, sunny or lunar eclipses and even a parade of planets - everything is possible when nature welcomes the birth of such people.

  • In their own way, serious and thoughtful, they are a “headache” for teachers and parents. However, they are so sweet and directly that they are even hard to scold them for disgrace. In their friends, they can have anyone, from a local hooligan to abstruse botanists.
  • Also easily they communicate with colleagues at work and with the authorities, without difficulty and tension making a career. True, climbing the upper step, they are able to go down right there in order to start a new ascent, now in another field.
  • Eternally young, they are in no hurry to bind themselves to marriage, preferring freedom and self -affirmation, although they need the second half at least in order to restrain in their constant adventures. However, having met such a soul mate, they become excellent husbands and wives.
  • Depending on the childhood laid down in them, such people often become teachers, healers and even prophets. If there was no one to restrain their “spraying” on all directions, they can also get lost in the world, remaining at a broken trough.
  • Truthless people and truth -fights are such, born on this day. They are difficult to deceive, because they feel great and are not afraid to tear relations.
Serious, thoughtful
Serious, thoughtful

They do not belong to people who can save, so their financial condition resembles a swing. They are also easily and carefree to all other aspects of life. Therefore, they remain young, even if they are already far over 40.

Dreams on 18 lunar day

Do not be surprised if you see geometric shapes in a dream. Better try to solve them. So, the squares say that in your life there are too many extra people, circles remind of the cyclicality of all processes that you can interrupt if you want to correctly determine the reference point. Ovals talk about the need to make an immediate decision, the triangle symbolizes the confusing situation.

Understand your dreams
Understand your dreams
  • Seeed in a dream animal Prevents good, but only if it is a pet familiar to us. All sorts of exotes check us for readiness for changes, and if you make contact with them, then in life you can wait for success.
  • Insect - Not the best friend of a person, therefore, in a dream it is better not to see them, and if they came to your dream, it would be nice to get rid of them.
  • Symbol of 18 lunar day - mirror - It can also appear in a dream. Look at him at health - this is fortunately. A broken or cracked, as in reality, is a bad sign, therefore, barely waking up, we will send a dream after the past night.
  • Another symbol of the day - ice - It can also appear in a dream, and then you can expect a joyful event.

Business relations on 18 Lunar day

A fairly dressed day, often requiring lightning -fast actions and solutions. Intuition will come to the rescue, which can be strengthened by magic: having sprinkled several grains of salt on the head, ask it for help.

  • It is very good to count money on this day. And try not to spend the salary received today - let the money spend the money at home.
  • We avoid clarification of relations, limiting us to negotiations, while carefully reading the documents.
  • For those who master the knowledge, 18 lunar day is not the best time. There is only one way out - ask for textbooks and notebooks to help you.
  • Feel free to share creative ideas - this is the best way to succeed today.
Stressed day
Stressed day

In a word, we behave confidently, we believe in our strength - so we will convince the moon that we are worthy of her patronage.

Health on 18 lunar day

Today we eat correctly - porridge, juices, dietary chicken. The figure and overall well -being wins.

  • A good time for those who decided to quit smoking. The main thing is not to replace the cigarette with food, because this extreme is no better. It’s better to just a resolutely doubt a pack of cigarettes and forget about the pernicious habit.
  • We are playing in the usual mode: athletes are hitting records, physical cultures do exercises, and lezbokoks continue to lie.
  • Visits for doctors are undesirable, as well as psychologists with psychotherapists. Better talk heart to heart with loved ones - they will definitely understand and support.
  • Pay special attention to the condition of the skin - it can cause problems that day.
  • Do not forget about soothing teas with healing gatherings of chamomile, St. John's wort, mint and other herbs.

Summing up, we will once again make sure that ours today is the result of ours yesterday. Therefore, we sit down and think about when and what we were mistaken in, if today everything is not the way we would like. On this day, omens do not happen very often, but if you have a sign - listen to it, because nothing happens just like that. Contact the cosmos with gratitude for all warnings and meet with a pure soul for 19 lunar days.

Video: Characteristic 18 lunar days

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