26 lunar day: symbolism, characteristics, beauty, dreams, work, health - what can and what can not be done?

26 lunar day: symbolism, characteristics, beauty, dreams, work, health - what can and what can not be done?

26 lunar days are not considered the most positive. Let's find out why.

Observing the movement of the moon around the Earth, astrologers made up a useful source of information - the lunar calendar. In such a calendar, months are divided into lunar days, the duration of which is longer than sunny. The lunar day is equal to the interval between the ascent of the two moons.

Each of these intervals represent its own energy system. The night luminary in different ways affects the flow of earthly processes. Possessing useful knowledge, a person can benefit with benefit in practice.

26 Lunar day: Symbolism

The twenty -sixth day filled with negative energy. Любая человеческая деятельность в этот период сопровождается соблазнами, ошибками и неправильными решениями. However, this does not mean at all that you need to cross out this day from your life. Самое главное – это уметь правильно распорядиться полезными знаниями и перенаправить свои ресурсы в правильном направлении.

  • 26 lunar days interact with the element Earth. From the earth, a person receives confidence, calmness and reliability.
  • The symbolic amphibian of this day is Toad. Ее образ, с одной стороны, олицетворяет хранительницу драгоценностей, с другой – вызывает пренебрежение. Еще одним неприятным знаком выступает болото, которое позволяет негативу преобладать на светлыми хорошими мыслями.
  • The bright side of 26 lunar days is Blue colorFilling the spiritual atmosphere with pure hopes and dreams. The shade of Lazuri cheers up, and directs the color of the sea wave to reasonable thoughts.
  • For luck on this day, the number 8 is responsible. The magical symbol implies the infinity of being and patronage. The planet Uranus affects the energy of the number. This combination adds unpredictability and non -standard on the lunar day.
  • As a talisman on this day, stones such as yellow nephritis, jadeite, auripigment.
  • With long minibuses, the northeast direction will become the most favorable.
  • The defender of the 26th lunar day is an angel Fargas. Its influence helps to avoid trouble and protects from enemies. Promotes a successful outcome of female diseases.  

Characteristic properties of 26 lunar days

The prevailing events of this day will be troubles, intrigues and disagreement. Timely sense of humor will help to soften such processes, preventing a depressive apathetic state. The energy of the day provokes constant mood swings. In order to avoid the predominance of bad thoughts, do not plunge deeply into your own thoughts. In each emotion shown, it is best to adhere to the golden mean.

  • On this day, you should not have envy and try on other people's events for your own life. Do not get hung up on material values. Think about things that bring you happiness.
  • Stressful stressful situations on this day are filled with a continuous negative. Try to show endurance and get out of this swamp.
Negative emotions
Negative emotions
  • On this day, it is recommended to exclude communication with unpleasant people. Transfer all the clarifications of relations for a more favorable period. An unpleasant quarrel can suddenly break out in the family circle. Do not give in a fever and draw hasty conclusions. Take a breath and give yourself time to rethink the events.
  • Your emotional fullness on this day will become a tidbit for energy vampires. Do not open to the end and do not let anyone into your inner world. Protect yourself with a positive attitude and amulets.
  • If during this period you are hard at heart, do not let others notice your concern. Do not discuss your weaknesses. Let everyone think that everything is fine with you.
  • On the twenty -sixth moon day, try to move away from important things as much as possible. Set aside global tasks for a more favorable period. Both home and work processes will not get drunk already at the initial stage.
  • The feeling of own significance and importance on this day does not have a firm reason, so while maintaining self -control, go down from heaven to earth.
It is important not to do business
It is important not to do business

The optimal vacation for the 26th lunar day will be pastime for nature. The Earth is ready to give you the missing charge of vigor or remove the accumulated overexcitation. An uncomplicated digging in the ground, for example, planting flowers, will immerse you in a peaceful state.

During this period, any sketches and exaggerations will play against you. Honored praise will find a worthy contender. Pass the flattery from others.

The new information of this day may not be true, so before breaking firewood, double -check the reliability of the source. Do not respond to any kind of provocation. Summing up the above, we live this day at a calm measured pace. We do not plan grandiose measures and important tasks.

Beauty: favorable procedures in 26 lunar day

In 26 lunar days, it is worth refraining from any cardinal changes in their appearance. First of all, this applies to hair cutting.

  • A visit to the hairdresser on this day will not give you pleasure. You will not receive satisfaction from the result. In extreme cases, give preference to beautiful and simple styling.
  • Long -term interaction with hair will fill them with negative energy. Change in hair length plan the next day.
  • You can emphasize your appearance using a new shade, but here you need to observe moderation. A successful element of your image will be an accessory for hair with a blue tint. Hair rinsing with useful decoctions will help restore their structures and fill with health.
Beauty 26 Lunar Day
Beauty 26 Lunar Day

During this period, the skin is very susceptible to external exposure. Therefore, do not experiment with new cosmetics, especially with creams. Instead of mechanical effects on the skin, give preference to procedures that allows you to relax and tease. Natural components will help to make up for the missing nutrients.

For a calm measured day, light makeup is quite suitable, so refrain from the foundation and bright shades. When visiting a manicure salon, choose a classic shape and natural shades.

Significant events in 26 lunar day

Этот день является неблагоприятным для бракосочетания и приобретения свадебных нарядов. There is a high probability of mistakes in your choice. The church ceremony of the wedding will not bring young people the desired result.

Начало супружеской жизни с этого дня будет сопровождаться постоянными ссорами выяснениями отношений. Романтические поездки стоит запланировать на другое время, так как в этот день вместо отдыха столкнетесь с непредвиденными хлопотами.

26 lunar day
26 lunar day

Дети, рожденные в двадцать шестой лунный день очень сдержанны в проявлении своих эмоций. Их спокойствие и невозмутимость будут сопровождать их как в детстве, так и во взрослой жизни. The negative features of such people can be arrogance and selfishness. Люди, рожденные в этот день, часто занимают руководящую должность или становятся выдающейся персоной. They are provided with financial well -being.

Dreams on 26 lunar day

Работа подсознания в 26 лунные сутки помогает обличить нам недостатки характера и пагубные привычки. Сновидения с участием умерших родственников являются предупреждающим сигналом о возможных опасностях. The appearance of a toad in a dream symbolizes human envy.

Dreams of the 26th lunar day
Dreams of the 26th lunar day

Если в этот период ваш сон наполнен неприятностями, то вполне вероятно, что и в жизни вам предстоят финансовые или семейные проблемы. The images of dreaming animals reveal your personality and closest events. К примеру, сновидения с участием кошек, предвещает появление новых знакомств и зарождение творческих идей.

The workflow is 26 lunar day

On this day, it is best to engage in current processes. Do not waste your energy on concluding contracts and transactions. The solution to serious issues will not bring the desired result. Между коллективной и самостоятельной работой отдавайте предпочтение последнему варианту. Thus, you can avoid conflicts and acute criticism.

  • Рабочие командировки, назначенные на этот день, будут сопровождаться множеством негативных факторов. Weather conditions, paperwork, transport interchange - troubles are everywhere fraught with. As a result of the trip, you will remain in a losing position.
  • There are no restrictions for creative activity. The most important thing is not to overdo it.
  • On 26 lunar day, a craving for fraud grows. You may have to face theft and deception. Do not take a large sum of money with you or trust the surroundings of valuable things.
  • This day is absolutely not disposed to the educational process. It will be difficult for teachers to present new material, and it is difficult for students to perceive it. Attention will be very distracted.
  • On this day, it is not recommended to radically change the type of activity. The transition to a new job or visiting a new sports section will not live up to your expectations.

Financial issues related to loans or repayment of debts are absolutely inappropriate on these days. Do not burden with such procedures an already difficult day.

Health in 26 lunar day

On this day, you should give preference to useful nutrients. Fatty and difficult to digest food can cause stomach disorder and an unpleasant sensation of severity. Transfer the exhausting diets and culinary experiments the next day.

  • If you stayed at home alone, then do not abuse nicotine and alcohol. With the benefit of the case, switch to massage and anti -aging procedures. For mental balance, the use of herbal tea will not be superfluous.
  • The atmosphere of this day has a psychologist for going to a psychologist. Let the specialist delve into your thoughts. Talk to him about relationships with loved ones. Soul calm will bring a visit to religious places.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases, try to reduce the load on this organ that day. This will help you avoid exacerbation of the processed process.
  • It is better to refrain from sexual relations. There is a great probability not to achieve the desired satisfaction and emotional background. It is worth avoiding close relationships with strangers.
  • Sports classes on this day are given to the body with difficulty. Therefore, reduce the usual physical activity.
Calm and patience is important
Calm and patience is important

So, the main rule of the 26 lunar day is calm and patience. Do not give in to the negative environment and do not immerse yourself in other people's problems. The optimal pastime for your body is in nature. Solitude will help you pacify excessive self -confidence and rethink your achievements. Free yourself from everyday routine and devote a day to your beloved.

Video: Characteristic 26 lunar days

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