29 lunar day: complete characteristics, work, health, children, beauty, marriage, dreams, rituals - what can and what can not be done and what can not be done?

29 lunar day: complete characteristics, work, health, children, beauty, marriage, dreams, rituals - what can and what can not be done and what can not be done?

The characteristic of 29 satanic lunar days is told in the article.

29 lunar days are considered the most difficult day in terms of energy. The lunar cycle ends and follows the new moon, the beginning of the new month. This day is called the Devil's Day.

29 lunar day: full characteristic

This lunar day has several stones of amulets. One of them Coilwho will open your talent for magic and spells. However, he also poses the threat - rash decisions, will direct you along the false path and destroy everything that was built for many years of hard work. Pearl has the power to give youth and will help to get away from gloomy thoughts. The mother of pearl is able to protect from the evil eye and bring a lot of new things into your life.

The people considered this day Satanic. The energy on this day is very powerful and many people are not able to cope with it. The consequence of this is a large number of conflicts, disagreements, troubles, it is quite easy to be in them, and it is problematic to go out. Religious people are not subject to negative influence. There are very few such people on our planet, but they still have.

It is considered satanic
It is considered satanic
  • This is a day of disasters and accidents, be careful behind the wheel and as a pedestrian. Capricons can not be avoided.
  • If you constantly think, something is bad, you will definitely attract it. Try to think positively, because positively tuned people attract only good things. And the presence of fear accumulates negative energy around and inside you. Try to respond to any situation with humor and then you can easily get out of any difficult situation.
  • Try to refrain from dark nooks, dark rooms. To clean the apartment, only take the candles from the church and walk in all corners with a lit candle.
  • To cleanse the body of negative energy, anxiety and panic accumulated over the whole day, take the bathroom or shower.
  • The best occupation on this day will be cleaning in the apartment or small cosmetic repairs.

You should not travel on this day, even traveling to nature or going to a disco with friends can end in conflict situations. It is no coincidence that a large number of violations of order, thefts and fights are committed on this day.

Conflict day
Conflict day

If a misfortune happened in the family that day, a native person died, transfer the day of the funeral the next day. Tibetan astrologers say that we can attract evil spirits and evil spirits in our world with funeral rites.


This day carries not only failure in personal life, but also everything related to the working process. It is not recommended to make important decisions, since everything that will be done will fail. Also, contracts, orders, decrees should not be signed. Do not appoint any meetings, and if they were already appointed better to transfer them. One mistake made can lead to big problems, and maybe even complete collapse.

  • Subordinates who received bonuses, bonuses will remain unsatisfied today, so it is necessary to postpone all payments the next day.
  • Do not perform any financial transactions. Even those related to loans. A high probability of meeting with scammers who want to take possession of everything that you managed to earn.
  • Do not try to do discipline in the team on this day, postpone it for later. Postpone the introduction of new rules, no one will follow them today. This is only to aggravate the attitude of the team to the authorities.
  • It is especially not recommended to borrow money, this will affect future relationships.
  • Do not communicate a lot with the team, stay alone with yourself and take care of cleaning the documentation, disassemble the pile of papers on the table. This is extremely not enough time.
  • Work trips will be better transferred.
  • On this day, you need to find a balance between oneself and the Universe, then you can avoid all the troubles.
  • Refuse to search for a new place of work, because all this will not bring any positive results, but only negatively affect your inner world.
There may be a crisis in work
There may be a crisis in work

It is best to do creativity or needlework. Play a musical instrument, do singing, drawing. The symbol of today is bone jewelry. They can bring the evil eye.

Physical activity and effect on health

Physical activity should be avoided, they can lead to a different kind of injury. The treatment will be long and difficult. It is best to go to the pool or to the Turkish bath. It is necessary to contact water more, it is charged with positive energy and will wash off the entire accumulated negative.

  • Since the air is filled with negative energy, long -forgotten diseases can appear.
  • It is worth paying attention to the first signs and seeing the doctor as quickly as possible without missing more serious problems.
  • Problems with the rectum and anus may occur. Refrain from washing. The problem with these organs is associated with poor energy inside you. Health problems have arisen today as a result of stress and jealousy from friends.

Make a fasting day for yourself, no heavy food. Better vegetables and fruits, milk products. If you decide to bake bread, it should be eaten in a circle of loved ones. Today, refuse to drink alcohol and fatty, fried meat.

Born for 25 lunar days

Those who were born and conceived on this day have an unhappy fate. You will constantly prove to both yourself and others that you are worth something in this life. These people will need support in any current situation. Relatives and friends must support and help, because you cannot cope without their help. If a person feels this support, he will achieve a lot in life and take a leading position.

  • If from his relatives he does not receive support, then his life will lose all meaning.
  • Born people on this day are constantly in the fight with themselves and the surrounding people. They will live for a long time, but life will be like a battlefield, where every day you have to survive and fight. They are emotionally suppressed, constantly depressed, break down on others.
  • The people of this day are oversaturated with energy and they need to splash it somewhere, for it will destroy them from the inside. In financial matters, they will have no problems, they will always be on horseback.
  • However, they are emotionally unstable and easily amenable to deceit and illusions. In this case, an excellent solution to all problems will be on the path of God and take a spiritual dignity.
  • People of this day have creative qualities, and can achieve heights in art.
Children have an unhappy fate
Children have an unhappy fate

Many famous persons were born on this day: Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, Diana Spencer and many others. Those who were born in the second phase of the moon will become good life companions for these people.

Sexual relations and love

On this day, it is advisable not to have sex, because this can lead to health problems, quarrels with the family, sexually transmitted diseases, and injuries. Treason by partners is also not excluded. It is recommended to be alone, to summarize the month in order to destroy, what was built for many years.

Try not to get pregnant. After all, children conception on this day will be unhappy.


A marriage concluded on this day will lead to an early gap. Try not to set a wedding date for this day.

If the marriage still does not succeed, try not to enter into a conflict with the future spouse and think several times before say something. But in the end, the marriage will still not last long, because every day it will be difficult in emotional and psychological terms. It is unlikely that it will be possible to live a year.

The divorce will be long and here you can not do without judicial intervention.

Hairstyles and haircuts

A favorable time for going to the hairdresser. This will affect your condition, decisiveness in yourself. The hair after the haircut will grow slowly, and can lead to financial dysfunction, well -being and a sharp change in mood. The reason for this is the weakening of the body. Refuse bio- or chemical curls. The same problem will be with styling.

  • It will be best to cut the bangs and that's it. Refuse hair dyeing. Even if the paint is persistent, it will still wash off in a few days, and her hair will lose its shine. However, no one canceled the experiments.
  • However, if you want to coolly change your life in the near future, then it is worth completely changing the length of the hair. After such a haircut, the hair will not grow so fast, because the moon goes to the descending, and there is no active growth.
  • Girls with short hair can braid pigtails and lay them with foam or hair varnish. For girls with long hair, you need a creative hairstyle. It can be a Greek node or hairstyle a la Greek. Hairstyles can be decorated with decorative hairpins, ribbons, laces.
A haircut
A haircut
  • In the evening, after a tiring day, you and your hair will need rest. Weave everything and comb your hair, let your head rest. Also, rinsing hair and body will not become superfluous. Make a decoction of oak bark. Hair will acquire natural shine and silkiness.
  • Any cosmetic procedures will negatively affect your condition. It is worth abandoning even familiar masks and purification. Just take the baby cream and moisten your face and body. However, no one forbade massage. It is best if it is a whole series of massages.
  • Makeup on this day can be made bright, but you still need to know a sense of proportion. Use eye eyeliner. But if you focused on your eyes, your lips should be pastel colors or vice versa.
  • A manicure made today will not last long, and the varnish will quickly fade. If you can not avoid going to the master, then make manicure in pastel colors or French manicure.

If in a manicure we adhered to pastel shades, then the nails on the legs should still be covered with dark colors. The color palette in clothes is not so great. These are rich and noble black tones.

Gardeners and gardeners

Unwanted day for planting plants. They will not grow actively, will be subject to various kinds of diseases. The crop can be removed today. Take care of cleaning on the site, but, in no case do not plant or water the plants. But fertilize and feed it. You can plant only those plants that have growth on the lower part: radish, turnip, beets, onions, garlic.

Explanation of dreams

The dream dreaming will have a special explanation today. The dream on this day is troubled, because it was no coincidence that it was called the devilish. Dreams will be terrible, they will not bring anything good and will not come true. These dreams are encrypted, and their unraveling will require significant efforts, which will ultimately do not bring any positive results.


In no case do not engage in the explanation of dreams yourself, because the image in your dreams will not have an accurate logical explanation. And if you misinterpret them incorrectly, this will lead to a complication of the situation or complete collapse. It is best to contact specialists in this field.

Magic rituals

The atmosphere is filled with a large amount of negativity. This energy is present everywhere, at home, at work, inside you.

To reduce the negative flow and protect you from the consequences, it is recommended to conduct self -purification of your inner and surrounding world. First of all, it is worth saying thanks to all the forces of the universe, ask for help and teach how to protect yourself and loved ones.

Cleansing at home:

  • The ritual must be carried out from the front door.
  • Light a candle and turn face to the door.
  • Three times clockwise make movements near the door. Next, make the cross 3 times.
  • Go around the apartment clockwise without letting a single nozzle. Stop for a short while in the corners, because there is accumulating the most negative energy. Read the prayer "Our Father."
  • Clean all entrance spaces, doors and windows 3 times using three crosses and three circles.
  • The flame can go out, but this is not a problem. Light the candle again and continue the ritual.
  • Do not extinguish the fire, he must go out or burn out.
  • Take care of cleaning in the apartment, throw all the accumulated garbage this minute. Together with garbage, you will get rid of negativity.
  • Fill the cleansing ceremony with water. Walk in all corners.
  • Say the words of gratitude.
The day is noded with a negative
The day is noded with a negative

Cleaning must be carried out in the morning. To avoid the problems that have arisen on this day, watch the progress of your thoughts. Watch what and how you say. Each word spoken can change your life and relationship, both with loved ones and with a team at work.

This is the most difficult day of the month, it is associated with many problems, the body is exhausted. With all the fact that this day is full of anxieties and fears, you can live it in harmony and peacefulness. The first thing to do is not to follow people who you do not trust. After all, the closest people can be feces today and bring trouble. Avoid something new unknown, postpone it the next day.

Rejoice in life and every day, even if he brought a lot of negative emotions. This experience, although negative, you will draw something new for yourself.

Video: Characteristic 29 Lunar Day

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Comments K. article

  1. Contradictions in the text at every step. For example, a favorable time for going to the hairdresser. This will affect your condition, decisiveness in yourself. Hair after haircuts will grow slowly, and can lead to financial dysfunction, well -being and a sharp change in mood.

  2. For some reason, illustrations for the last lunar day are pictures about the full moon. You disappointed me ........

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