15 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

15 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

To know how best to spend 15 lunar days, it is worth studying the material below.

So, 15 lunar days is one of the most favorable periods for active, aimed at people's success. Therefore, if you do any business, implement an important project, then be sure that everything will go perfectly!

The main thing, do not stop, away unnecessary unrest, experiences and fears! That is how you can briefly characterize the main credo of the 15 lunar day.

The main characters are 15 lunar days

It is proved that the moon and its cycles directly affect a person’s life, so if you want to clearly know what to expect from the day of the future, it will not prevent the lunar calendar from carefully studying.

  • Doubts and wires at this time can become a real stumbling block that will prevent you from achieving the goal. Remember this, and bolder, perform the planned and planned earlier.
  • A successful finish is just around the corner if you acted on the recommendations of the lunar calendar during the previous preparatory period.
  • The main symbolic display of 15 lunar days is read jackal with wings or snakes.
Lunar day
Lunar day
  • During this period, all the varieties of red and black, the western direction and agate as a stone-talisman will bring good luck.
  • The most successful day of the week is Monday, and the energy message is very powerful, located in the top phase itself.
  • The patron of the 15 lunar day is the Farde - the Supreme Angel of the Full Moon, which is the keeper of silver radiance. It is endowed with the power to materialize the desires and dreams of human, addressed to it. It can bestow a person with stubbornness, perseverance, creativity and luck in business.

The motto of the day: "Forward and only forward!". Moreover, the success achieved on this day will be aimed at a long perspective and will help in all further activities.

What can and what can not be done on 15 lunar days?

In order to correctly build your own behavior model and plans for this period, you need to think over everything well, tune in a constructive positive and boldly move towards the goal, referring to the following tips.

  1. Any business needs to be brought to the end. No matter how you want to rest, put off something for tomorrow-in no case do not give in to a provocation. If you pass the tests with honor, then 15 lunar days will adequately reward you for patience and perseverance. If you do not turn off the appointed path, you will not jump from one lesson to another, then be sure to get the final prize.
  2. Concentration on the goals. It is necessary to move to achieve the goals, without being distracted and without spending energy in vain. In addition, we must not forget that both your goals and methods for their achievement should be extremely constructive, without the threat and damage to others. Only then will Farde give you his protection.
  3. Day of enormous opportunities. The most powerful energy of 15 lunar days can make you a real hero, who is on the shoulder: the rejection of many years of bad habits, the breakdown of long -playing destructive relations, or vice versa reconciliation with a loved one, the beginning of a healthy lifestyle or sports - but you never know each of us Problems that before that could not be solved!
Day of great opportunities
Day of great opportunities

Try to take advantage of the magic of the 15th lunar day, and you will feel that you are able to cope with any question.

  1. This is a great time for self -improvement, after all, under the strongest influence of the energy of this day, both our best and worst features of character and inclinations will stir inside each of us. Therefore, you need to carefully listen to yourself and immediately extinguish the negative, cultivating emotions aimed at good and creation.

Thanks to such an internal struggle, you can significantly improve your inner world, which means that you will be easier to achieve harmony in relation to others, to achieve success.

  1. Become the master of your fate. 15 lunar day gives you such an exceptional opportunity! To achieve this, try to listen to the command of your heart (and this is far from the simplest task, as it seems at first glance!), And not blindly perform someone's advice or instructions. The success of your further existence depends on how correctly you spend this day - think about it!

Our life consists not only of high matters, but also of many everyday, routine affairs. For 15 lunar days You will also have to fulfill household duties, go to work, communicate with colleagues and friends and the like. Take the following life hacks to keep in mind to 15 lunar day Passed like clockwork.

  • It is undesirable to start any travels at this time, because they can present a lot of unpleasant surprises and force majeure. It is better to work out with your health or appearance, to cheat on household chores.
You need to refuse travel
You need to refuse travel
  • Communicate less with anyoneeven with the closest relatives and friends. The fact is that on this day negative character traits can be resigned not only with you, but also in other people, which can lead to inexplicable conflicts and quarrels, lies and betrayal. If communication cannot be avoided, then try to react to others less emotionally, show attentiveness and tolerance.
  • Do not succumb to bodily temptations, such as overeating (do not eat meat at all, sit on light food, fruits and freesha), unbridled exorbitant fun, alcohol, drugs, sex. It is better to recall spiritual food, this will help to avoid many problems and conflicts.
  • Do not forget about safety measures! 15 lunar day - a very traumatic period. Try to avoid situations that can lead to health damage. When playing sports, treat yourself carefully, do not overload the body with increased strength exercises - it is better to go to yoga or shaping.
  • If you are lucky be born on 15 lunar day, you can not worry about the fact that someone can impose your opinion on you or bring down the true path. On the contrary, you can well become a leader and lead other people along. But all your cunning, mind and fearlessness can save before physical pleasures and temptations. Be a guard and do not allow such temptations to unscrew you from the goals.
  • If you decide visit a hairdresser on 15 lunar day, then keep in mind: to cut it today is strictly prohibited (up to the occurrence of all kinds of diseases)! But you can dye your hair, but only in dark tones that will take trouble away from you. But the clarification of hair on the contrary will attract trouble.
  • If you are young lovers who are in a hurry to legitimize your relationship, then it is better not to rush. Marriage concluded on 15 lunar day Young people will not give them an expected fairy tale, but only a series of problems and tests. You can marry only experienced adults at this time, seriously configured for further relations - with all their joys and difficulties.
There will be many problems
There will be many problems
  • Abstinence in everything - This advice needs to be followed throughout the 15 lunar days. An excess of food, physical exertion, drugs, mental torment and even sex can cause ailments and all kinds of problems.

What do dreams foresee on 15 lunar days?

Powerful energy of 15 lunar days undoubtedly applies to our dreams, so you need to pay close attention to what they signal.

  1. People who are professionally involved in the interpretation of dreams argue that dreams that come to a person on a 15 lunar day must Prophetic. To decipher them correctly, you need to either use the help of specialists, or read dream books. The main thing is that you need to understand that the news that came to us in a dream during this period will certainly come true in very nearby. And notified, as you know, means armed.

    Dreams are prophetic
    Dreams are prophetic
  2. Our subconscious mind through dreams is trying to either tell us something, or help fix something. Sometimes a person does not even know how much negativity gathered in his soul. And if gloomy nightmares dream on this day - this means that it is necessary to cultivate positive emotions, kindness and mercy in yourself.
  3. Remember the malicious temptations! They can lie in wait for you not only in reality, but also in a dream. Therefore, if all sorts of forbidden pleasures are in wait for you in the kingdom of Morpheus, this means that dark forces seduce you, and if the dreams are calm and clean, then you are under reliable protection of higher powers.

Video: Characteristic 15 Lunar Day

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