The first lunar day: a complete characteristic - what can not be done in the first lunar day?

The first lunar day: a complete characteristic - what can not be done in the first lunar day?

You will learn about how to spend the first lunar day from the information below.

The birth of a lunar month is a particularly important period when any undertaking imposes additional responsibility. From how your first day of the lunar cycle passes, with what mood and what will be planned on this day, all subsequent 29 days will depend.

First day of the lunar calendar: full characteristic

The symbol of the day is the lamp. They have activity, brightness and strength, so the day should not be spent in relaxation and inaction. It is extremely important to plan and engage in organizations of all endeavors, for success in the future. Dreams are turning into plans today and they are destined to come true.

Features of the first day:

  • The color scheme is all shades of red and black.
  • Stones bringing good luck - diamond and mountain crystal.
  • The element is water.
  • Energy - activity and action.
  • A happy number is one.
  • Happy day is Monday.
  • Meditation of the day - on a candle.
  • The side of the world is the north.
  • Form - a wave, a curve of a smooth line, asymmetry.
1 day
1 day

On the 1st day of the lunar cycle, the basis is laid for successful achievements for a whole month. Of course, with the condition that the period will be held properly. Recommendations for actions, behavior and reactions for the current day further in the article.

  1. Dreams and plans! This is what should occupy your thoughts and lead your actions today. Building the future in the head, presenting it in all details will help to implement any intentions and make any dreams to the reality.
  2. Do not rush. This day was created for peaceful and gradual planning, without sudden movements and active actions. Patience is the key to subsequent successes. The energy of the day, although active, is not inherent in haste and vanity.
  3. The first lunar day advises to find the right state of soul, namely: peace, leisurely and acceptance. Everything that happens around you is necessary and you can’t do without it. Therefore, your reaction to the events of the current day should exclude manifestations of aggression or stubbornness. The main task is to accept the world entirely and completely, showing wisdom and patience.
  4. Very important positive and peaceful mood. Be open to the world in its best manifestation, pay attention exclusively to cute and beautiful things. Everyone needs it on the 1st lunar day.
  5. Your head should have exclusively bright, good thoughts and an unshakable faith of your own forces. Today you are able to program yourself and your aspirations by sending all the desires of the universe. All your thoughts will become a reality, both positive and negative. Belief will lead to a successful month, the lack of faith - can “cut” all the undertakings in the root.

    Lunar days
    Lunar days
  6. The perfect conduct of these days - At home, in silence and calm, without active actions and noisy gatherings.
  7. It would be wonderful to find yourself in nature today or at least walk along the grass without shoes. Work in the garden or garden is also ideal for the 1st day.
  8. This period is not suitable for travel or trade - Generally for any activity. Stay at home or in a bosom of nature.
  9. For creativity and inspiration - A good day, everything related to this area is simply doomed to success!

  10. Regarding health: Take care of your head. Overwork, hypothermia, the use of alcoholic beverages and sharp dishes are not recommended. Excessive of old ailments is possible. The disease that overtook on this day is difficult to cure.
  11. Unfavorable today cut or paint Hair, as well as carry out procedures for cleansing the skin of the face.
  12. At work, it is better not to look for new partners or arrange competitions, to contact less. But the presentation of petitions and statements can find a positive response from the employer.
  13. Marriage is not recommended, but preparations for the ceremony itself: how to plant guests, which dress and restaurant to choose - these little things are best left for today.
  14. This period is great for conception! The kid will be reliably protected by higher powers, will be born unique, will achieve a lot and live a long and rich life.
  15. People whose birthday falls on the 1st lunar day later grow up heroes and dreamers. Their fate may be great recognition and grandiose glory after numerous victories, or maybe a beggarly lifestyle, contentment of dreams and fantasies alone.

    Lunar day
    Lunar day
  16. You cannot call people born today as usual, their expectations from the Universe are overstated, and dreams are non -standard. They tend to perform exploits, they attract adventures. They need a limitless belief in themselves, which is not limited to empty dreams, but demands to achieve their goals.
  17. Dreams seen tonight will give valuable advice and serve as an indication of your path. It is desirable to analyze them properly. Dreams themselves - Already by great luck and a happy period for the whole month.
  18. Where exactly to wait for positive achievements, what area of \u200b\u200blife they will affect, you can, having determined the zodiac sign in which the moon is currently abiding (each of the signs of the zodiac is responsible for a certain life sphere).

Not to attach the meaning of what has grown today is simply unacceptable, because the chance to see a prophetic dream increases significantly. Interpretation of dreams in 1st lunar day It should be based on a careful study of the dream book, it will also be useful to listen to the “sixth feeling” - it certainly will not let you down. The importance of these dreams is great, and the likelihood that they will come true within a month is almost 100%.

What should not be done on the first lunar day?

The tips on how you should not behave and what should not be done on the first day of the emergence of the moon for the successful holding of the entire lunar period should not be set out.

  1. Do not swear or conflict On this day, since it will be extremely difficult to make peace, and the world established after confrontation will be relative. In communication with others, show caution and tolerance, do not “take” the provocations and do not initiate a quarrel, especially with loved ones.
  2. Avenging thoughts, planning to do harm to someone or get what does not belong to you will most likely turn against you, building endless obstacles in the way and interfering at every step. In general - do not dig a hole for another!
  3. Active life In society today is contraindicated today. If you choose between communication and loneliness, it is better to opt for the second option, since interaction with others can deprive you of energy that must be focused on planning the future cycle.

    Activity is contraindicated
    Activity is contraindicated
  4. It is not recommended to start new projects at once! It is better to plan everything and calculate, paint and lay out “on the shelves”, without rushing from a place in the quarry.

Of course, this is an important period, the beginning of everything, laying the foundation. A true manifestation of oneself will help to build a new life, correcting the mistakes made earlier. Use positive fluids of the 1st day of the moon, filling your life with happiness and luck!

Video: About the first lunar days

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