6 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

6 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will talk about the sixth moon day.

The moon has always influenced our life and its main aspects. Our ancestors were interested in our satellite and cosmos thousands of years ago, because the lunar phases had their own mood. And it, in turn, prompted the residents about possible plans. For example, with haircuts, they still rely on old information. And in this topic we want to reveal the characteristic of exactly 6 lunar days in order to correctly be guided by our own forces and capabilities.

What are the 6 lunar day: a complete characteristic

The phases of the moon change every day, albeit for a slight decrease or increase. But any shift changes the mood of the moon. In addition, every day in the lunar distribution, which differs from the usual days, has its own symbols, color and meaning. And in this material we will consider the features and secrets of 6 lunar days.

6 phase of the growing moon
6 phase of the growing moon
  • The sixth lunar day according to the lunar calendar is the most peaceful, calm and even passive, not involving any fuss and active actions. That is how they need to be carried out - In harmony with the outside world and with its inner "I". In solitude, in nature or at home in a calm and comfortable atmosphere.
  • But on this day, distant and even close trips are contraindicated on this day, Meetings in large and noisy companies, visiting entertainment institutions. Try to maintain internal balance and tranquility as much as possible on this day, and travel can prevent this. After all, the transformation that passed the day before gave a message to stability and this day is given to us in order to strengthen and stabilize the update that happened to us.
  • The symbol of this day is a crane in the sky. A crane is a bird personifying nobility, wisdom and justice. And the crane flying in the sky is high goals. His image is also associated with fertility, considering him a messenger of the crop, rain.
  • An additional symbol is clouds. And you should pay attention to the signs of fate. For example, light and air clouds promise a good day. But dark clouds report disharmony. But you do not need to be too upset, do not always speak for you. It can be a hint about all your surroundings.
  • 6 phase is the ease of air and the calm of water. Therefore, during this day there is usually no important events. He does not promise a deterioration or improvement of your condition. After all, he is calm and measured as a slow flow of water and a slight movement of air. And everything that happens on this day also goes easily and calmly. This is the most stable day in the first quarter of the lunar calendar,ancient astrologers considered him one of the happiest.
  • This is the perfect day for various magical rituals, spiritual practices and communication with spiritual mentors.
  • The stones of this day, which should be selected taking into account that they work for the benefit of their owner and give him good luck - turquoise, pink chalcedon, marble.
A crane is a symbol
A crane is a crane and clouds

What is possible, what should not be done for 6 lunar days?

On this day, it is better to put yourself and your thoughts after any incidents the day before. It is on the 6th day that the growing moon is laid adaptation.

  • Intuition is very developed on this day And it is worth listening to her, but at the same time you need to try to get rid of all negative thoughts, experiences.
  • On this day you can not borrow, you can not give some things for a while “They may never return to you.” Preferably refrain from shopping,with the exception of those that are related to creativity or spiritual development - books, notebooks, musical instruments, etc.
    • But on then on this day You should engage in charity!But only if it really has no self -interest and benefit. Although the mood of the moon helps to fight greed.
  • This period You can also call forgiveness day.The 6th phase of the moon is ideal for purifying its soul and chakras. And you can only achieve this by releasing and forgiving bad deeds to your enemies, relatives or friends. Even your misconduct of the past should also be released!
  • No matter how strange it sounds, but You can’t quarrel on this day.Otherwise, you can scare away luck from yourself. Therefore, do not see provocations, and in any conflict situations take neutrality.
This is a day of harmony, tranquility and peace
This is a day of harmony, tranquility and peace

Career and 6 lunar day

  • Since this is a passive day, so do not build any grandiose plans and do not load yourself with excessive business. Of course, this is not a reason to indulge in laziness and completely abandon the usual domestic or official affairs. But let them pass easily, without unnecessary zeal and tension.
  • It is undesirable to stay at work on this day, work on responsible documents or reports - They will not be successful. It is better to transfer any business meetings and negotiations to another time, as they can lead to failure and even complete bankruptcy.
  • But this is a great time to catch signals and make plans for the future,which will definitely be successful.
  • There is a small contradiction - 6 lunar days are considered one of the happiest periods of the phases of the moon. But this applies only to the aspect Analysis before the undertakings of an important act.They are a certain impetus to start a successful business, but on this day you should listen to intuition, developing every detail.
You cannot overload yourself
You cannot overload yourself

Health for 6 lunar days

  • On the sixth moon day exacerbations of respiratory diseases are possible,which can be very difficult. Therefore, in winter it is worth dressing warmer and wrap your throat in a warm scarf, and in the summer you should refuse ice cream and soft drinks.
    • People whose profession is related to tension of the vocal cords(singers, teachers), you should especially take care of their preservation - the occurrence of chronic cough is very likely on this day.
    • Astrologers, however, recommend that this day pay attention to breathing gymnastics. Also, inhalation of the aromas of flowers or incense will not interfere. Light aromatic sticks will be very useful.
  • The kidneys during this period are also weakened, Therefore, do not abuse liquid. Large volumes of beer, tea, juices, milk should be refused. In the diet of today, fruits, vegetables and other light foods should prevail.
  • In general, this phase is good to use For cleansing the body and weight loss.But do not resort to hard diets and exhausting exercises. Arrange a light fasting day for yourself, cleanse the skin and make masks.
  • On this day, massage and any wellness procedures are very favorable. But from the visit to the dentist should be abandoned - There is a great probability of unsuccessful treatment of teeth.
Take care of your throat on this day!
Take care of your throat on this day!

Dependence of love and family on 6 lunar days

  • Sixth moon day - The most favorable time for dating, dating and designing marriage relations. The creation of a family on this day will bring happiness, prosperity and a calm life together. Especially those who dream of a cozy family "nest". Marriages concluded on this day are usually durable and stable, and stains are extremely rare.
  • In intimate terms, you should refuse experiments and excessive activity- This can cause discomfort to both partners and lead to a break in relations. If even “classic” sex causes at least the slightest irritation or muscle tension, then it is better to completely abandon it. And remember - 6 phase for tenderness and kisses!
  • People born on this day Often they have supernatural abilities and are conductors and transformers of cosmic energy. Among them are many psychics, philosophers, thinkers. Usually they are durable, but in life there are many difficulties and barriers.
  • Conceived on this day They also have a high purpose in life and set themselves global goals that they strive for and necessarily achieve them. They are often not interested in material things, they will not engage in grandiose projects for their own enrichment. To take a high position in society and influence the development of this world is their true task.
Pay attention to dreams and sensations after them
Pay attention to dreams and sensations after them

How does the 6 lunar day affect?

  • Dreams, dreaming of the sixth moon, often come true.Because they happen at the level of dialogue with the subconscious. Before you go to bed, you can mentally ask you the question that interests you - then symbolic answers will come in night images. But it is better not to tell anyone about your dreams on these days.
  • It is also worthwhile to understand that the interpretation of sleep should not always be understood literally, sometimes you need to catch the signal and your emotions after it. Moreover, the 6th lunar day appears to our intuition and subconscious.

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