7 Lunar day: a complete characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

7 Lunar day: a complete characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this article we will talk for the seventh lunar day and their meaning.

The lunar cycle varies from the usual account. Therefore, many do not attach significance to it. But it is the phases of the moon that can, to one degree or another, influence the aspects of our lives. To harmonize it and do everything in the rules with nature, one should be guided by ancient instructions. For example, in this material we will talk for 7 lunar days, analyzing their characteristics and symbolism.

What are 7 lunar days: a complete characteristic

Most of us watch the satellite of the 4th states - a growing or waning moon, a full moon and, of course, there is a complete absence of a luminary in the sky. But each change in the satellite has its own mood, which affects not only flows or flows, but also on our behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to build plans for the day, so that they are successful, relying on the lunar phases. And now we want to consider 7 lunar days.

  • The symbol of this day - A rooster, symbolizing the awakening of activity, and a rose of winds, conveying its energy, associated with the space, time and manifestation of the will of the gods.
  • These days are under the rule of the word. This day is ruled by the element of air, so any words spoken on this day reach the goal, and their power increases many times. Moreover, this applies to both kind and evil words converted to someone's address.
    • Good, kind words bear positive. They favorably act on those who are addressed, and on those from whom they come. Evil words, and even more so wishes, are able to cause evil to man. But, in addition, they come back with a boomerang. Sometimes a lot of time passes while their destructive action occurs, but it always occurs. This should be remembered!
  • This day, due to the influence of the moon, can create mood swings.Moreover, the jumps will be significant - from rampant happiness to complete sadness. Therefore, it is so important to control yourself and try to minimally pay attention to a negative statement addressed to you. Do not forget about the chain reaction when you can offend another person only because of a spoiled mood.
  • The stone of this day, bringing good luck - Citrin or hyacinth. By the way, the lunar day corresponds to the established weekly graphics and symbolize Sunday. And the northwest direction of this segment promises to give good luck.
  • And it has long been accepted for the symbols of good luck - The ringing of the bells heardeven from afar!
Speak less, think more positively
Speak less, think more positively

What is possible and what should not be done for 7 lunar days?

  • The most prudent is to spend this day alone with you. Or, in any case, with forced communication Silence moreand listen, carefully monitor your own words spoken to someone's address. It is also important not to be led to provocations so that negative words do not accidentally break off your lips. On this day, Mat and inappropriate evil jokes are destructively acting if a person uses them in his vocabulary.
  • In addition, astrologers urgently They do not recommend anything to destroy anything on this day.Even tear flowers or cut paper. Therefore, organize your business so that energy is aimed only at the creation and implementation of beautiful and good creation.

Important: on this day, broken dishes speaks of the nearest big misfortune!

  • By this day, our energy reserves reach a peak, and the accumulated energy requires an exit. Therefore, the day is considered extremely favorable for any creative creation, for various crafts, work in the garden, scientific research and discoveries.
  • Everything that is connected with creation will certainly be successful. On this day, you can even try to find in yourself not previously discovered potential. Try to do what you have never done before - draw, compose poems or write children's fairy tales. It is possible that you will succeed!
  • But do not plan something grandiose for this day. For example, the beginning of repair or general cleaning. On the 7th lunar day, what has already been started should be completed.
  • On this day you can go on a long journey. But on the road it is advisable to take a talisman or stone of the time with you.
This day for travel
This day for travel
  • On the road, while working in the garden or in the process of some creative activities, it's time reflectabout eternal creation. This time period gives us a great opportunity to comprehend our purpose on this earth.
  • And, of course, it will not hurt Read a prayer.Only this time do not ask the Almighty, but just thank everything you have!
  • Astrally This day is favorable for communication with spirits,elements, for meditation and magical rituals. This day is on a thin line with the other world, so you can get really true and most accurate prophecies.
  • This day is not recommended in noisy idle companies and feasts.After all, such moments can take place under the influence of alcohol, which does not affect our self -control in the best way.
Think positively on this day!
Think positively on this day!

How do finances and career depend on 7 lunar days?

  • This day is relatively neutral for conducting small financial transactions and for purchases for insignificant amounts. But Large transactions or purchases are better to try to avoid.On this day, they have an increased degree of risk. You should also not borrow or borrow on this day, receive or send money transfers.
  • For business, this day is very supportive, Since it promises to find these supporters or patrons. After all, the magic of the word will be on your side. Therefore, this day is ideal for negotiations and other events.
  • But be careful - On this day you can’t complain about anything.Any of your fear or doubts can come true, especially if everything was uttered aloud.
  • But You can claim a reasonable increase or increase to wages.Just keep in mind that your speech should be confident and reasoned. But on this day there are great chances that the boss will hear you.
  • Especially on this day, luck will smile at people with oratory or writing abilities, because you can catch inspiration.
  • It is good to take exams on this day,since thoughts will not leave their heads at the right time.
  • On 7 lunar day, you should fight for justice, having received the support of the universe.
  • This day is also suitable to get a job.
Spend the day with benefit for the business sphere

Health for 7 lunar days

  • Food on this day should be easy, consisting mainly of vegetables and fruits. You should abandon the use of meat and eggs, which can contribute to overloading the body, which is on this day a transformer of lunar energy.
  • Green and herbal teas are very useful on this day. Day 7 phase - Favorable for cleaning the body and therapeutic starvation.Therefore, use natural forces for the good by deciding on a diet.
  • On 7 lunar day, exacerbations of diseases are possible lungs, bronchi and throat.The probability increases significantly colds.Therefore, it is very important on this day to dress warmly, not to be in the cold and in drafts. A visit to the health of the bath, conducting inhalations from decoctions of herbs on this day, will favorably affect health.
  • On this day, it is better to refrain from treating teeth.
  • But you can carry out any anti -aging procedures.
  • You can cut or dye your hair for 7 lunar knocks!So you will attract good luck and attractiveness to yourself. Moreover, it is noted that the curls after the haircut become thicker and grow faster. In addition, intuition is revealed. But do not forget that the master should be with you of the same energy level.
The change of hairstyles will go for the benefit
The change of hairstyles will go for the benefit

How do the 7 lunar day affect love and the creation of a family?

  • This day is simple Ideal for recognition of love.If you have a second half, then you need to speak pleasant words as often as possible. The same applies to communication in the relationship of parents-children.

Important: a quarrel, even insignificant, on this day it can become fatal and lead to a break. Therefore, smooth the corners as much as possible so as not to cause conflict.

  • 7 Lunar day is favorable for marriage. Especially between creative people who are connected not only by love, but also by common interests. A marriage concluded on this day will become a support of their creative union, the unity of their ideals and aspirations.
    • To a greater extent, it will be based on friendship, which will make it strong enough, although at times and stormy, with disagreements and clarifications of relations. But they will always help each other in creativity, support each other in all endeavors and rejoice at each other's successes.
  • Sexon this day, it should be unhurried, romantic, with an abundance of beautiful and kind words, with the corresponding attributes in the form of candles and a bath with rose petals. And remember - This day for compliments!
Feel free to admit love!
Feel free to admit love!

Conception and birth of children for 7 lunar days

  • People born on this day, have excellent oratory abilities and power of belief. They are distinguished by the art of working with a word and can be poets, writers, public figures.
    • Talents can be in a different direction, but they will need to be disclosed. Anyway Supporting parents is important,in order to correctly direct the energy and potential of the baby. Otherwise, a person can become a big gossip and idle talk.
  • Conceived on this day They have good health, but they cannot be attributed to the number of centenarians. Although these people are usually happy with their lives - they have a bright, interesting and complete adventure.

What do we tell us for 7 lunar days?

  • Dreams on the seventh lunar day are of particular importance. Often These are prophetic dreams, without double interpretation. The words you heard in a dream are especially important. After waking up, try to remember them or write them down immediately. And do not be surprised if after some time you will hear them from someone in real life. In most cases, these words are prophetic.
    • By the way, pay attention to the nature and images of sleep itself. For example, a bitter sediment after him or the bad words in him suggest that you need to change something in your life. This especially says for bad habits or character.

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