4 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

4 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

The full characteristic of the fourth lunar day is given in the article.

Designation 4 lunar day - a tree of knowledge or it is also called the apple of Adam. On such an important day in history, the biblical heroes of Adam and Eve violated the oath given to God, having eaten an unreasonable fruit. This led to exile from paradise. Let's look at the characteristic of the fourth day.

Fourth lunar day: characteristics

Good and evil on this day are present in equal quantities. Both bad and good things also happen.

  • On this day, you can find out the most secret that is hiding inside you, first of all, about what is present in the very depths of your mind and subconscious.
  • It is on the 4th day of the new moon, not only the truth of the existence of the world around you will open, but also in fact your inner world. Your masks can be shot today. You will appear in front of others in a new look.
  • Actually, the result of this day will depend on the fact that you are in yourself, to which your intentions are clean. That is why it is impossible to clearly outline it, for some this meeting will be cognitive and curious, and someone will not justify hope.
  • Solutions, which will be accepted on this day, will be important both for yourself and for your business. Their success will affect the course of affairs throughout the next month, as you will use the information received today.
  • On 4 lunar day It is required not to dwell on the results achieved last day. The exception will not accelerate events, be careful, analyze everything to the smallest detail, whether everything was done as it was determined.

You can understand whether the behavior that you have identified for yourself is correct. Do your actions or statements affect the interests of the world, whether the Union of the world is consistent with your consciousness. If you have some doubts, make some adjustments and improve your action plan.

Communication with loved ones

This day has to search for information about your ancestors, it is good to make a genealogical tree on this day. This day helps to search for missing people.


At the time of making complex decisions, do not rush, evade any temptations, spend more time with people close to you. Decisions made on this day can fundamentally change your fate. But when making these decisions, you will have to make a very important choice, which will lead either to collapse or to victory.

  • In the work, attention should be paid to verification of documents, collecting information. You can solve cases related to finances, but in no case, neither with the sale or purchase of property. Communication with the leadership will affect your subsequent work positively.
  • This day has to relax in a circle of loved ones near the house. Rest is better to spend in nature. It is recommended to take care of flowers in the garden. Sit in a clearing in the forest and win in energy from wildlife.
Lunar day
Lunar day

On this day it is good to travel, to know something new and draw all the good, from what you saw.

Conception of the child

Children conceived on a 4 lunar day are very attached to their relatives. They are endowed with prudence, the boy will become a good father and husband. But in many ways it depends on education and the environment. If he gets into a bad company, he can grow an egoist. Parents will need a lot of effort and ability to choose the right path.

Birth of a child

Children who were born on this day will be selfish, narcissistic. They will hardly succumb to education, cause many problems to parents. Few people understand such people in life, it is difficult for them to communicate, they are closed. The children of this day are endowed with cosmic energy and a huge vital force. They must feel that they are protected, defended and will be able to help at any moment.

Love relationship

In a love relationship, success awaits you, it is worthwhile to devote yourself to your loved one and try to spend the whole day with him. Marriage on this day will not give the warmth and peace that you expect. The newlyweds will often quarrel, change each other, which can lead to a break in relations.

Influence of 4 lunar day
Influence of 4 lunar day

In intimate affairs, you should be extremely careful. If you are a family person, then you should avoid intimacy. There are suggestions that there is a threat of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Health and food

  • Refrain from taking heavy food, you should eat freshly squeezed juices, ripe fruits and juicy vegetables.
  • Do not engage in excessive physical activity, devote the day to yoga. Go to the sauna or just lie in the bathroom.
  • Those who work a lot at the computer need to make a break more often in order to avoid problems with the cervical spine.

Haircut on 4 lunar day

If you cut your hair on this day, then it will grow much faster. But doing a hairstyle is still not worth it, because this may affect your business and make important decisions.

Hair dyeing on this day should also be treated with particular caution. But, if you still decide to stain, then you should choose pastel colors, not very bright. An alternative will be a bright scarf or an elegant hat.

  • If you are a lover of pigtails, then a good option will be a simple braid without any excesses. Complex hairstyles from pigtails are best postponed the next day.
  • Hairstyles should not be fixed with expensive varnishes or foam. You can do with folk methods to give shine and silkiness to the hair.
A haircut
A haircut

If the street is frosty and windy weather, it is worth taking a headdress to avoid hair damage, as well as hairstyles.

Face and body care

On this day, a woman should not look vulgar, but naturally.

  • No bright makeup and screaming hairstyles. Everything is natural.
  • For the eyelids, select pastel colors, no bright shadows and black carts.
  • Put bright lipsticks the next day, it is better to choose matte tones or shine.
  • If a manicure on this day is only welcome, then the pedicure should be abandoned. The feet can be cleaned at home by making a bath with sea fragrant salt.

This is a good day to visit beauty salons. Make a mask not only on the face, but also on the body. Feel like a queen. Go to the massage. Today you must do everything for yourself.

4 lunar day: Magic magic of sounds

The main characteristics of this day: you can lure money to yourself by singing words, music.

  • Any words or thoughts said today can have a huge impact on the next lunar month.
  • You should extremely carefully monitor the words, prevent even a slight mention of a lack of money.
  • When any sounds reach our consciousness, we get energy, and when we produce it, we give.
  • There are few days in the lunar calendar when the effect of sound has a special force. This is 4, 6, 7 and 12 lunar day. Every day the new moon has its own special qualities. It is on the 4th lunar day that music has a huge impact.

Music and the use of instruments will bear fruit, affect your well -being. It is not necessary to have talent, even the simplest sounds with the help of two spoons will be able to extract sound. On this day, prophetic dreams that come true may dream.

Interpretation of dreams of 4 lunar day

The correct interpretation and binding of dreams with reality will give a positive effect. However, be on the alert, because the interpretation may have a dual understanding. The wrong explanation of sleep can finally knock you down from the right path and even more confuse you. If you seriously thought about the interpretation of dreams and on the basis of dreams want to make important decision, you should still contact specialists in this field.

  • If on this day you dreamed of hair or lumps from complicated hair or threads, this is a bad sign and all your planes should be postponed.
  • If parents or close people dream, this indicates that you have any difficulties in your family, you need to make a lot of efforts to solve them.
Dreams are prophetic
Dreams are prophetic

This day will help you understand your thoughts, put everything on the shelves. The decision that you will accept will affect the next month, so think well before making a choice.

On this day, “thank you” for the day, even if you were overtaken by failures or any problems arose. Just smile and move on, because the solution and the emergence of these problems entirely depends on your spiritual state and mood.

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