21 lunar days: Full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

21 lunar days: Full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will consider the twenty -first lunar day.

After the full moon, the moon begins to decrease. And this phase is responsible for the consumption and concentration of energy. But every day, which corresponds to changes in the luminary, has its own “character”, which must be taken into account when drawing up your plans not a day. And in this material we will talk about 21 lunar days.

What can and what can not be done for 21 lunar days: a complete characteristic

The most creative lunar period
The most creative lunar period
  • 21 days can be described in one word - inspiration.This is time to create, invent something new and reveal your talents. Such creative people as actors, artists, writers and musicians need to use the energy of this day in full.
  • After all, this day - The most creative in the whole month. Ideal for various contests, talent evenings, concerts and any events related to creativity and inspiration. This is the very day on which masterpieces are produced. A huge surge of creative forces is felt, the desire to create and fantasize is awakened.
  • That's why The symbol of this lunar day is Pegasus,which indicates an extremely powerful energy, which gives inspiration. It is very important to catch this moment and direct all the forces to creation, and not to waste.
    • It is necessary to transform cosmic energy into the process of creation and imagination. Obviously, another of the symbols of this lunar day is horse.After all, it shows the energy power of the moon and its ability to accelerate any processes, to help to happen to some kind of business. But it is important to direct energy to the channel - for good deeds.
    • Also, additional symbols are a chariot, a temple, the sun.
This day has several characters
This day has several characters
  • 21 lunar day Awakers in a person a sense of courage and justice.On this day, it is useful to unite in the company, and not spend time alone. It is necessary not to focus on doubts and keep your head “clean”. That is, get rid of bad thoughts.
  • It is worth throwing back the mercantile and selfishness on this day. However, it is important to defend your opinion and not forget about honesty.
  • You can safely start solving long -deferred cases or issues, The result promises to be successful. Be persistent and persistent! Even if it seems to you that the forces left you - this is not so, on this day you will find an energy content. There will be lost things, people or pets. Success awaits in everything!
  • Also, the day gives rethinking to everyone who needs it. The energy of the lunar day will help Understand past mistakes,take out the necessary lessons and will take you to the future with this experience.
  • Features of this day:
    • the happy number of this day is 3;
    • all shades of purple tint bring good luck;
    • the 21 lunar day and Sunday are perfectly combined with each other;
    • precious stones - adventurine and zircon;
    • the element of 21 lunar days is a tree that rewards with warmth and care;
    • the patron is an Angel Asper. Although this is a warrior-destroyer and captivator of young hearts, he eliminates bad habits, negative energy and evil.

On this day, it is important to adequately perceive criticism, as well as leave for resentment. A thorough analysis should be carried out over any comments, but you should not pay attention to those who are trying to reduce you from the right path.

Let go of old grievances!
Let go of old grievances!

Work and business for 21 lunar days

  • This day is suitable for any change- Everything will go successfully. You can even record goals in the notebook in the near future and be sure that everything will come true. Any business that has begun today will have positive results.
  • It is also worth solving collectively issues - unification with employees will help to more fruitful to solve the problem. But important To cooperate with those people in whom you are sure.
  • If you just joined a new position, be sure that you will like it in a new place. Colleagues will be pleasant, the work will appear interesting, and the authorities will be loyal.
  • Also Enjoying amenities in finances are expected- Improving the level of wages. But the money should be hidden, because even on this wonderful day scammers do not doze.
  • 21 days is favorable for conclusions of transactions,signing contracts and contracts, because everything will be held in your favor.
A promising day
A promising day

How do 21 lunar days affect health and well -being?

  • Despite the fact that the day is very active, you should not rush for food without hesitation, especially For harmful and fatty foods.“White” products - milk, kefir, cottage cheese and sour cream are useful. They can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
    • The moon allows you to treat itself with red fruits and vegetables. Especially if they also help toxins and slags from the body remove. This phase is ideal for cleaning the body.
  • Cosmic energy on this day not favorable to smokers- It is worth refrain from cigarettes. However, those who decide to quit are very lucky - today they will succeed.
  • On 21 lunar days are useful any sports loads, However, it is also impossible to overdo it. Especially without proper preparation.
  • The most sensitive on this day is liver.As already mentioned, you should not overeat, and also refrain from fried and harmful dishes.

A serious enemy 21 lunar days is alcohol. Alcoholic drinks can cloud thoughts, confuse you and you will stumble. Astrologers recommend refraining from drinking alcohol to perform business on a sober head. If it’s hard for you to control yourself, stay at home in the evening and do not accept the invitation of friends to visit a bar or restaurant.

  • At this time, it is necessary to carefully think about visiting a doctor, it’s worth going only to trusted specialists. Otherwise, you can run into an unscrupulous doctor.
  • It is not recommended to treat teeth on this day!
But treat your health carefully
But treat your health carefully

Is it possible to cut your hair and carry out cosmetic procedures for 21 lunar days?

  • Visiting a hairdresser on this day affects The most pleasant way is on your body.The updated haircut will attract cosmic energy, fill you with forces for new undertakings and accomplishments.
  • As for staining, That light hair color will bring its owner a lot of happiness. Therefore, brunettes who have long dreamed of changes should think - perhaps today is exactly that day.
  • Today it is undesirable to engage in eyebrow design, leave it the next day. This also relate to other types of hair removal - on this day We do not touch the vegetation.
  • But for various masks and serums Today is the most favorable time - the skin will take all the beneficial properties of creams, is entered with moisture and will shine. There are also no restrictions on makeup - you can experiment with flowers, shades and forms.
  • Concerning manicure,then you only need to entrust your pens to an experienced professional. Therefore, you should not visit unverified places and masters.
    • Patterns from flowers and soft lines are welcome - they help to find peace of mind and peace. All the bright colors are suitable for your manicure. But on the legs it is worth giving preference to shades of beige tone.
  • It is also recommended to accept in the evening Foam bath“She will help you relax, cleanse your head and soul from bad thoughts and sensations.”
Favorable day for haircuts
Favorable day for haircuts

Marriage and relationship on 21 lunar days

  • Weddingon this day it promises to be unforgettable. Especially this time is suitable for the marriage of creative personalities. However, if couples do not have outstanding talents, it is not a problem - the family will still be strong and prosperous.
    • There are also no restrictions for the wedding place - you can choose the most unique places. But there should be a minimum alcoholafter all, drunken showdowns and fights at weddings are not uncommon, and on this day it can be extremely dangerous.
  • 21 days are favorable For wedding travels and honeymoon.The trip promises to be cheerful, grandiose, complete adrenaline. So the newlyweds will be able to break into fame!
  • On this day you can spend wedding- Angels protect this marriage from misfortunes and sorrows. And in a new family, happiness, hot love and harmony will be born. A quick replenishment in families who got married on this day is also expected.
  • Sexon this day it should also be active. Indeed, on 21 lunar days, he personifies a creative act when the body and soul are approaching the heaven itself. It is today that you can safely surrender to your fantasies and experiments.
The ideal period for creating a family
The ideal period for creating a family

Birth and conception on 21 lunar day

  • People born on this day, A little dreamy and not always really evaluate the state of things. Sometimes this behavior gives a lot of trouble to parents - it is very difficult to understand what the baby actually wants.
    • They have good intuition, but they can often come up with non -existent problems. Any “bumps” are perceived extremely painfully and sensitive.
  • But The people conceived on this daya very developed sense of justice and morality. They show themselves as faithful and reliable partners. There will never be forgiven and lies - the union immediately breaks up. But sometimes playing the Knight goes beyond.
  • People 21 lunar days They are distinguished by special talent and rich imagination. Very often they choose creative professions.
People 21 days - children of creativity
People of 21 days - children of creativity

What are dreams about 21 lunar days?

  • At this time, we can withdraw bright and colorful dreams in which hide Hipples of fate regarding your creative potential.It is very important to carefully study them, as these signs will help you correctly solve an important issue or get out of an unpleasant situation.
    • Of great importance is the weather that we dream of. If you see thunder and heavy rain, then you are on the right track, you should continue to move in this direction.
    • A little rain is a signal for modest people that it is time to make yourself felt.
    • If there is a terrible heat and drought-this means that you are confused somewhere, and it is worth reconsider your landmarks.

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