12 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

12 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will consider 12 lunar days.

The earth's satellite has several conditions that, to one degree or another, affect our lives. 12 lunar days complete the first phase of the moon, or rather a quarter, approaching the full moon. Therefore, in today's material we will consider this lunar segment.

A complete characteristic of 12 lunar days: what is possible and what should not be done?

Not a single millennium was attracted by earthly residents that they tried to unravel its secrets and influence on our planet. And to this day, groups of analysts do not leave new research. Moreover, there is a scientific confirmation of the influence of the lunar phases on almost all earthly spheres. Therefore, we want to make out the “character” of 12 lunar days that bring us closer to the round phase.

  • The twelfth moon day is special in terms Cognition of oneself, the surrounding world and its connection with the universe.This day does not have active activity, it gives a chance to retire and touch a thinner, sensitive spiritual world.
    • And also think about all kinds of secrets and riddles, a huge number of which lurks around us. Knowing the truths of this world,we become wiser and kinder, comprehend high meanings and begin to interact with the universe.
  • The twelfth lunar day have Several characters:Magic bowl, skull, heart and bowl of the Grail. And they all personify the main meaning of this day - to send love to our souls. As well as compassion for those who are weaker or need our support.
  • Stones of this day: lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother of pearl, pink pearls.
  • Successful color: Knorer, blue or color of sea water.
  • It is worth thinking about it and meet the message of the universe. Any helpthose who are nearby, and those who accidentally find themselves on your road today will be useful. And it will be of particular importance not only for those to whom it is provided, but also for you. Because sooner or later the Universe will return everything in full!
    • Give alms to the asking person, help the poor, feed the homeless dog - all this will certainly find a response in the universe. Do not forget about loved ones: a call to the elderly parents, a small gift to the child, an affectionate word to the spouse. All this is of particular importance and special meaning on the twelfth lunar day.
  • It will be good on this day visit the church,think about the soul, pray. You can also go to nature, listen to the noise of trees in the forest, birds singing, the murmur of a stream. Rejoice to warm sun or frosty landscapes, talk to the universe and with God.
This day is ideal for prayer and going to church
This day is ideal for prayer and going to church
  • This can be done even if you do not know a single prayer. Necessarily Thank God For the fact that you live on this earth, breathe this air. That you have a house, food, work. Say “thank you” for everything that was and is good in your life.
    • It is believed that it is today that the heavens are open and God hears all our words. And remember that not asking, namely, a grateful person can count on positive changes in his life!
    • Do not try to change something on this day with your own effort. Направьте энергию в другое русло – это не лучшее время для проявления своей воли и напористости, примите все с благодарностью к Богу.
  • Do not lie, do not envy others, do not build intrigues - Today, heaven does not particularly accept this. Лучше подумайте с любовью о своих близких и друзьях, вспомните добрые дела, которые они делали для вас. Мысленно поблагодарите за них или просто за то, что они были рядом в трудные моменты вашей жизни, пошлите им флюиды своей любви и благодарности.
  • Today is the best time for a truce and establishing relations, who have been waiting for this for a long time. Do not be afraid to take the first step, it is guaranteed to be the most correct!
  • Do not spare yourself, do not cry, do not think about the bad, What happened to you once-this all has passed for a long time and does not stand your memories, especially on this day. Any attempt to regret yourself for 12 lunar days can end for you depression!
  • In no case do not allow conflicts today - Any of them can develop into a large problem and even the catastrophe of your whole life.

A bad sign on this day is to break the dishes or pour water. You need to try to avoid this. But if this still happened - accept it as a warning. As a sign to stop, realize your place in this world, turn off the false path and find yourself where you should be. That is, do what your true purpose is.

On this day, any quarrels or even negative thoughts are prohibited
On this day, any quarrels or even negative thoughts are prohibited

Work and financial side for 12 lunar days

  • On this day it is better to refuse travel. Even small trips on personal affairs or business trips are best transferred to another, more favorable, time.
  • But today you can safely Devote garden work all day.They will bring unchanging success: luxurious flowers will grow from planted seeds, from thin seedlings - wonderful trees that will delight you with a magnificent harvest of delicious fruits for many years. A man -made feeder for birds will attract the attention of the rarest and singing birds, the magical voices of which you will often enjoy.
  • It is undesirable to plan any financial transactions on this day “They will not bring success.” Trade of something will be unsuccessful.
    • But most importantly, it is worth categorically abandoning gambling - with a high degree of probability you will find not only loss, but also bankruptcy.
    • Also, any money earned on this day dishonestly will be lost or simply turn into the air. You will not even notice how quickly they will disappear from your hands, not bringing either pleasure or replenishment of the budget.
  • 12 lunar day - The ideal time for any charity, philanthropy and sponsorship. All money invested in good deeds will not only return to you in full, but also increase. Having brought you happiness and luck, because today good deeds have a tremendous space force.
    • But all acts should be aimed at the good, and not for material increase. Otherwise, you will be collapsed.
  • It is not recommended to start or end any, especially important things.
Do not do important things on this day
Do not do important things on this day

How do 12 lunar days affect health?

  • On this day, special attention should be paid to health. On the twelfth moon day In the body, the water balance is disturbed,because of which various complications are possible, up to deaths. The consequences of those diseases due to which dehydration may occur are especially dangerous.
  • You also need to save people suffering from any cardiovascular ailments. After all, a weak organ into this lunar range - heart.And on this day any physical activity and training should be excluded. It is better to actively work out the practices that affect the soul of a person and its development.
  • On this day, you should drink a lot of water and completely abandon fatty foods.Of the products - only light salads, vegetables and fruits. Meat is only dietary and in small quantities. Green tea, juices and various fruit drinks are useful.
  • Apple juice and fruits themselves are very useful, because they give us enrichment.
  • Black tea, coffee and alcohol should be completely abandoned!
  • On this day, it is useful to clean your chakras.

Important: on this day, harm from bad habits is enhanced. By the way, this period can be used to combat them.

Watch that you eat and drink
Watch that you eat and drink

Haircut for 12 lunar days

  • This day is favorable for haircuts. It is precisely cutting the curls that you free your body from negative energy and let a new stream into your life.
    • On this day, a haircut will help strengthen immunity, improve the work of all organs and accelerate hair growth. In addition, this will also help to increase its condition.
  • But dyeing hair is undesirable. Especially, bright and chemical components. If you decide to refresh hair color, then resort exclusively to natural shades.
More gratitude on this day!
More gratitude on this day!

Love and family creation for 12 lunar knocks

  • Marriages concluded on this day Usually they are durable and happy, based on love, mutual understanding and the common interests of spouses. It is about such marriages that they are in heaven.
  • An even greater force and deep meaning will have such a rite, like a wedding.The ritual on the 12th lunar day will fasten the alliance of two people forever.
  • But conception On this day, he will not bring happiness to the unborn child. His fate will already initially be programmed to failure, and his life path is full of all kinds of misfortunes and suffering.
  • But I must say that people conceived on this dayvery persistent, they have well -developed intuition, strength of mind and with dignity accept all the hardships of fate. Some of them can even become healers for others, but they themselves will not be able to heal themselves - this is the peculiarity of conception on this day.
  • Born personalities on 12 lunar day - Very bright, pure and kind people who are able to give love and help everyone around. From an early age, they carry good to this world and are drawn to everything divine, often capable of self -sacrifice. Good doctors, priests and healers grow from them.
  • Sexon this day, there should be special - delicate, affectionate, based on the calls of the soul, not the body. Astrologers call such an act “Prayer-Pesnya”, when the souls of lovers merge in a single melody and soar somewhere in heaven.
  • It is believed that any conflicts between married couples on this day is the hint of the universe. She seems to say that you need to revise something in your relationship, make them sincere, more honest, kinder in relation to each other.
This phase is suitable for marriage
In dreams, try to find a hint

What are dreams of 12 lunar days?

  • Sleep on 12 lunar days is also prompt. If ayou will remember it - you will know what you lack to harmonize your soul.
  • It is easy to decipher it. Any nervous situations that you dreamed today, any material values, any problems are a sign to reduce life turns and think about the soul.
  • Night images exclusively in the form of spiritual symbols - this is a signal to go down a little from heaven and be closer to society. A calm and even dream with the elements of our earthly being and a slight wovenness of spiritual symbols is harmony, which we must strive for.

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