2 lunar day: full characteristic, career, relationship, dreams, risks - what can and what can not be done?

2 lunar day: full characteristic, career, relationship, dreams, risks - what can and what can not be done?

To know how to behave on 2 lunar days, this material should be read.

2 lunar days - an energetically strong time, subject to the earthly element. Naturally, a deuce is considered the happiest number for this day, the day of the week is the Tuesday, the color scheme consists of shades of orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown, in terms of health, the day especially affects the condition of the oral cavity and teeth.

Characteristic 2 lunar days

2 lunar day prompts to the beginning of any action, the increase in good, the acceptance of gifts and the establishment of a certain rhythm, and all these actions are protected by the Guardian Angel Alvasar, foreshadowing luck and victory, and which is considered the prince of the night sky. Alvasar not only successfully fights evil, but can also give a person born at this time, character traits, helping to win in all life situations - strength and dexterity, speed and flexibility of thinking.

  • If we talk about the rest of the symbolism inherent in 2 lunar days, then it is worth noting suitable stones - overflow agate, jadein and calce; southwestern direction; A clear graphic display in the form of a square or elongated along a rectangle.
  • When displaying the animal world in the form of a symbol, characteristic images is a mouth, a mouth grabbing something, a fish with an open mouth, as well as a whale and even a cornucopia.
The second lunar day
The second lunar day

If on the first lunar day it is best to plan your actions, then in the second you should proceed to their implementation - this will be the most successful solution. And remember that this day it never happened, everything will eventually be for the better, so you should not be upset if something suddenly does not go the way you would like, it means that you need to act a little differently, that's all.

  • As soon as you tune in, not the correct rhythm prescribed by the Higher Forces, everything will immediately get better and will be performed as if by itself.
  • The main thing is not to be nervous and not to commit stupid, fussy deeds, because fate does not like incredulous haste. When you get into the right stream, it remains only to monitor what is happening and sometimes (if necessary) slowly directing events in the channel necessary for you.

Since, as mentioned above, on 2 lunar days you need to start business, think carefully the first stage - after all, as they say, the right beginning is already half the case. And if you decide to do something firmly, then be sure to be consistent and go to the end, otherwise Fortune will turn away from you like an indecisive loser.

So, the main message of this period: Firm confidence, competent planning and the first step towards undoubted success! Imagine that this day is like the first parachute jump in your life: scary, but how exciting! And if you have already decided and stepped out of the plane, you will not return back. So with the start of some projects on 2 lunar day: If you are not confident (you can think carefully on the first lunar day), then you should not start.

Confidence is important
Confidence is important

If you design this message on a career, then it is very good on the 2nd lunar day to start studying new sciences, comprehend the secrets of any skill, master a new profession or position, conclude contracts and the like.

Risks 2 lunar days

Of course, to influence the birth and death is not in the power of human, but still mystics advise refrain from funeral rituals for 2 lunar days. After all, this is the start time, which can attract unkind otherworldly forces for the next lunar month!

The most dangerous time is time from midnight to threeTherefore, it is best to hold it in the arms of Morpheus. And if for some reason you can’t sleep, then try to emotionally is fenced off from everything around, plunging into any good cognitive literature or loading muscles, while supporting a positive psychological mood.

Remember the risks
Remember the risks

Remember: Stop any conflicts, quarrels and scandals with all your strength! They will not lead to anything good on this day. It is better to direct your energy to physical and intellectual development, develop a fasting system and diet for yourself. The body itself will tell you what food products it is best to refuse.

Another negative influence of 2 lunar day - Suddenly awakening stinginess. She undoubtedly needs to fight with her, showing generosity both mental and material. And if you share something with your neighbors, then in no case regret the given-in the near future it will return to you a hundredfold.

But diseases that can begin at this time should not be seriously afraid - they are usually short -term and do without complications.

How do 2 lunar days affect a career?

Modern man spends most of his life at work, therefore, experts devoted a lot of attention to the study of how 2 lunar days affect their careers.

  • It is believed that this time should be devoted to the search for sponsors and alternative sources to finance projects. It will be correct to conclude contracts and transactions, negotiate, find partners - in a word, create a successful strong basis for their further activities.
  • In addition, streamlining of what is already working will not hurt: any rationalization proposals and optimization are welcome.
  • As already noted, at this time you should not fuss and hesitate, that is, you need to clearly follow in the conceived direction, measuredly and rhythmically.

If you need to replenish your state, then right now the best time comes to recruit a qualified reliable personnel. People who come to the team during this period will quickly become “their own”, will help to find problem areas and rectify the situation.

We must not forget about such an important aspect as the struggle with stinginess, so try to launch any charity project at this time, to contribute to the development of art or the education of disadvantaged children.

How will 2 lunar days affect relationships?

If you are thinking about creating a family, then you simply cannot find the best time for going to the registry office! Such the union will be very durable, saturated All kinds of pleasant surprises and adventures.

The union will be durable
The union will be durable

Since the 2 lunar day helps to study new sciences, take the opportunity to improve your sex life. You can study the works of ancient scientists about physical love, try the poses from Kama Sutra, offer the partner spicy games or other innovations - in the end, at least talk about your fantasies, because loved ones should not have secrets from each other.

Dream book 2 lunar days

It is proved by the life itself that our subconscious mind is trying to warn us of future events through dreams. Keep in mind: everything that you dreams about for 2 lunar days will definitely come true. Do not hesitate, everything that will dream, you need to do exactly, then the plan will come true, and troubles and troubles pass you.

Dreams come true
Dreams come true

Your main task is to correctly understand what Morpheus will show you, and not fantasize instead of his subconscious. If you are not confident in yourself, then you should consult with specialists, because this is the most important thing, the central dream of the entire subsequent period!

2 lunar day - the time of healing the body

2 lunar day is an ideal time for the healing of your body, preventive procedures and strengthening the body and spirit. You can make an appointment with a masseur or do yoga - you will definitely like it. It’s good to quit bad habits and begin to observe the daily routine and diet.

the main task - Catch balance, confidently balance between the load and the relaxation. And your body does not “pump up” - it will easily live according to a given scheme throughout the month.

  • Learn to listen and understand your body, and he himself will tell you the correct answer to what bothers you. For example, if you doubt something (the case you do, friends, familiar dishes and the like), then try to conduct the following ritual on this day.
  • First, free the gastrointestinal tract, tune in to the definition of harmful and healthy products, take a relaxed pose, applying the palm of the left hand to the stomach.
  • Think about what you doubt, mentally sorting through objects or people from your list and listening to yourself. At the moment when you think about something harmful to you, the stomach will respond with spasm.

Video: Characteristic 2 lunar days

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