10 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

10 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will consider the tenth lunar day.

The most ancient calendar on our planet is based on the phases of the moon, and not on the movement around the sun. And as a basis, he takes a change in the heavenly luminary, as the nature of influence on our life. After all, every lunar day has its own “temper”, which should be taken into account. Therefore, in this topic we will consider 10 lunar days.

What are 10 lunar days: a complete characteristic

In addition to turning the moon, there is a close connection between numerology. The number ten symbolizes completeness. Therefore, making plans for 10 lunar days, it is worth relying on this small rule, given the features of this time period.

Any reservoir acts as symbols
Any reservoir acts as symbols
  • The elements of the tenth lunar day are water, With the help of which on this day you can understand your purpose, see secret signs and tips. Water carries strength and energy, so on this day it is worthwhile to engage in sports exercises. All energy must be directed only to good and useful things.
  • Therefore, it is logical that A symbol of 10 lunar segment is a fountain, spring or any source of water.
  • The patron saint of the tenth lunar day is Angel Masabel- Lord of the shadows and labyrinths. He will bring help and a hint to solve complex issues to people supporting Masabel. Being under the auspices of the angel of the shadow, you can easily accomplish grandiose discoveries.
  • Features of 10 lunar days:
    • The moon radiates active energy, which gives rise to enterprise;
    • "Unit" is a happy number of this day;
    • at this time, water is unusually beneficial for a person;
    • positively influencing precious stones are Uvarovit, moonstone and sardonics;
    • in clothes, it is worth giving preference to a yellow or lemon color that day.
This day for active actions and completion
This day for active actions and completion

What is possible and what should not be done for 10 lunar days?

  • The tenth period of the lunar phase is characterized by active energy, What makes him suitable for physical or intellectual work. The moon gives a person to complete all the old deeds, as well as the ability to start conquering new peaks.
  • The air is impregnated with success, which will pursue you everywhere. Conflict situations on this day are minimized, and only goodwill reigns between people.
  • This day is ideal for meetings with friends or pastime with your family and relatives. And it is useful not only to visit. But to invite to yourself.
  • The moon is also extremely favorable for new acquaintances, which can be useful in work or personal life.
    • In addition, astrologers associate this temporary range with the traditions of their family or country. Therefore, it will not prevent you from properly planning its day. You can plunge into the history of a kind or simply turn to past knowledge.
    • Also on this day, the reverence of dead ancestors will not be superfluous. Therefore, do not be lazy and go to church.
  • For personalities who are fond of gardening, this is also a very good day. It is worthwhile to plant fruit trees and plants, and in the future they will bring a rich harvest.
    • However, do not cut the trees, this can worsen their health.
  • On the tenth lunar day You can collect fruits, In order to subsequently use them on winter spin, or greens for consumption.
  • This day is saturated with active energy, which It is useful to direct to any housework, evenfor repair or construction. Everything that the beginning will be laid on this day is doomed to a successful result.
One of the most successful days
One of the most successful days

What should not be done on 10 lunar days:

  • it is not recommended to borrow money, draw up a loan, and also borrow;
  • you can not make expensive purchases;
  • magic rituals, as well as rituals, should be postponed for another time;
  • do not overeat and load the digestive tract;
  • it is not recommended to start conflicts and quarrels.

Important: but on this day the level of crimes is increasing-theft or traffic accidents. Therefore, you must be very vigilant on this day.

Work and business for 10 lunar days

  • The tenth lunar day has For new undertakings that simply must be successful.Everything that has thought will happen.
  • It is also worth it on this day to engage in the reputation of the company and your own. It will be useful to bore subordinates, which will entail an increase in sales, increasing the prestige of the company.
  • If you feel the need, Feel free to ask for advice from other people.Who is more experienced in a particular issue, you can find out and take a lot of interesting and useful for yourself.
Do not be afraid to gain new knowledge

How do the 10 lunar day affect health?

  • On the tenth lunar day, any Water procedures.It is also important not to forget to drink the required amount of water per day. You can use freshly squeezed juices - this will have a special healing power on your body.
    • Although this day does not give any complications to our body, astrologers advise devoting it to healing. You can do walks in nature, visiting the pool or sorties into the forest. In general, even very sick patients on this day are getting better.
  • On the tenth lunar day There are no restrictions on the products used.It is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages, but it is worth remembering the measure.
  • This day Not suitable for strict diets and rules.But if you feel the need, just spend the day on a “unloading” diet: a lot of fruits, vegetables and liquids.
  • But this period will support those who are trying to quit their bad habits!

Can I cut your hair for 10 lunar days?

  • Visiting a hairdresser for a haircut on this day not recommended by astrologers,since this can lead to energy imbalance.
  • However, you can resort To staining. And if you carry it out with the help of natural colors, then this will favorably affect well -being.
  • In general, this day is favorable for both manicure and pedicure, and for other cosmetic procedures. However, it is worth taking care of sterility, so there is a chance of infection through small cuts.
  • Therefore, it is not worth performing epilation, Especially such zones as legs and bikini.
Any water procedures are useful on this day
Any water procedures are useful on this day

Love and 10 lunar days

  • 10 lunar days are disposing to campaigns on dates.These walks promise positive emotions. Also, romantic meetings at this time will help strengthen relations to those who have long found their soul mate. They are best arranged by the water, as there will be a feeding of energy from the reservoir.
  • This day is one of the few that Ideal for marriage.The couple will be happy and strong, also rich offspring is promised.

Birth and conception in 10 lunar days

  • People, Born on the 10th lunar day,endowed with a very strong spiritual connection with relatives and family. Such people stand out with creative talent, love to travel, and by nature extremely active.
    • They are endowed with hard work, so they have every chance to find a celebrity. However, there is a chance that energy will gain a negative color. To prevent this from happening, it is important to carefully select the environment.
  • Tenth lunar day It does not carry any barriers to conceive the baby. It is very favorable, because the child will be life -loving and cheerful. Intimate relationships are also not limited by anything.
  • This day is also favorable To cover an intimate topic for a child,in adolescence. Информацию в этот день ребенок воспримет полностью и по-взрослому.
A favorable period for creating a family
A favorable period for creating a family

О чем говорят сновидения на 10 лунные сутки?

  • Чаще всего во снах на десятые лунные сутки видится a family. Это могут быть как близкие живые родственники, так и те, кто давно умер.
  • Во снах вас может посетить Guardian angel. Очень важно его послушать и запомнить его слова, истолковав с помощью сонника. Ведь это может быть важное послание.
  • Также могут присниться подсознательные страхи или нерешенные вопросы.
    • If the dream is good and light, then a person moves in the right direction. Если посещают кошмары – стоит пересмотреть свою цель и изменить направление.

Видео: 10 лунные сутки

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