Chinese tattoo tattoos and their meaning, photos, ideas. Chinese tattoo tattoos for men and women with translation into Russian

Chinese tattoo tattoos and their meaning, photos, ideas. Chinese tattoo tattoos for men and women with translation into Russian

In this article we will talk about what Chinese hieroglyphs can be chosen to create spectacular and informative tattoos.

Do you know that almost one and a half billion people are in Chinese in Chinese? Therefore, these hieroglyphs are unusually popular. Moreover, even among those who do not speak Chinese. After all, these badges look so beautiful! We offer to find out what Chinese tattoo tattoos are more.

Chinese tattoo tattoos about feelings: ideas, photos, meanings

Love. Chinese tattoo tattoos about feelings in principle are very popular, and the sign of love is the most common of them. It consists of such components as “Claws”, “cover”, “heart”, “friend”. After all, this feeling clings tightly to our heart and covers it. At the same time, true love includes friendship.

Important: it is believed that this tattoo helps to attract calmness, happiness in the relationship.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means the most beautiful feeling
Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means the most beautiful feeling
So the tattoo looks on the body
So the tattoo looks on the body

Eternal love. Depicts the very “love to the coffin”, which every person dreams of. The sign indicates that Support and mutual understanding For the owner, the tattoo and his second half are not an empty phrase.

Tattoo with a sign of eternal love
Tattoo with a sign of eternal love
Tattoo with such a hieroglyph
Tattoo with such a hieroglyph

Joy. It is believed that such a tattoo helps always be in excellent mood. And, most importantly, to keep it for the longest possible time. A great option for people who dream to find harmony in the soul.

Hieroglyph, meaning joy, for tattoos
Hieroglyph, meaning joy, for tattoos

Sincere faith. This is the feeling that sometimes helps people survive even in difficult conditions. The tattoo just testifies to such optimism with its owner. And it helps to strengthen it.

Hieroglyph, suitable for those who want to talk about their faith
Hieroglyph, suitable for those who want to talk about their faith

Double Happiness. A great idea for a paired tattoo. It will indicate harmony relationships, will help to implement joint plans. And if the second half is not yet, such a sign will help to find it.

Tattoo-hoop doubles
Tattoo-hoop doubles
Tattoo with a hieroglyph of double happiness looks very elegant on the body
Tattoo with a hieroglyph of double happiness looks very elegant on the body

Chinese tattoo tattoos about character: images, interpretation, ideas

Wisdom. Like many Chinese tattoo tattoos, this sign consists of several values. it knowledge and understanding, as well as constancy. In other words, the Chinese invest in the concept of "wisdom" daily development.

Important: they also value wit, which is also attributed to the indicated term.

Tattoo symbolizing wisdom
Tattoo symbolizing wisdom

Kindness. Chinese tattoo tattoos have an extremely interesting story, especially this icon. It consists of two very unexpected parts - "Sheep" and "speech". The fact is that the Chinese divided the sounds from animals into evil and kind. The coat of the sheep was associated with kindness, because this animal is always flexible and peaceful.

Hieroglyph kindness for tattoo
Hieroglyph kindness for tattoo

Moral. This character is also called "DE". One part of the hieroglyph symbolizes stop Man, his steps - that is, actions. Another - Many eyes of a deitywho look deep into the human heart.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo talking about the strong morality of man
Hieroglyph for a tattoo talking about the strong morality of man

Mercy. The hieroglyph consists of two parts - love and pity. It is noteworthy that both in the first and in the second part there is a component meaning heart. The Chinese believed that real mercy proceeds from the deepest hearts. This is not what is displayed!

Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning mercy
Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning mercy

Courage. This sign is also composite. The top of it means a person with a brave heart, as well as courage. Lower - influence, power.

Hieroglyph for tattoo for courageous people
Hieroglyph for tattoo for courageous people

Chinese tattoo tattoos about professions: ideas, meanings, photos

Military. Chinese tattoo tattoos, indicating their owners belonging to a military profession, can be found often. The hieroglyph consists of such icons as "Spear" and "stop". The Chinese perceived military affairs primarily as self -defense, and not an attack - hence the similar terminology.

Important: if you look closely at the icon, you can notice that it also includes the word "art". The creative oriental people really perceived such a craft as a kind of art.

A tattoo that is ideal for the military
A tattoo that is ideal for the military

Lawyer, law enforcement officer. Such people are suitable hieroglyph, meaning "law". Earlier, his drawings were quite difficult, but now a more simplified version is in use.

It consists of at first glance strange parts - “Water”, “unicorn”, “leave”. However, everything is explainable: the water surface is associated with impartiality, and the unicorn of the legends was endowed with the ability to determine who is honest.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that the law means
Hieroglyph for a tattoo that the law means

Doctor. People of this profession can cause a hieroglyph "the medicine". It consists of such components - “Kolchans with arrows”, “Hand with a hook”, “Dishes for alcohol”.

The fact is that previously triangular arrowheads were difficult to pull out. And they climbed into the bodies of warriors often. To solve the problem, doctors used hooks. And alcohol was a wound and hook disinfected. He was also a means for anesthesia.

Hieroglyph for tattoos for doctors
Hieroglyph for tattoos for doctors

Chinese tattoo tattoos about hobbies: meanings, photos, ideas

Music. Melomanians are waiting for their Chinese tattoo tattoos. For example, in the form flute. In China, once such tools were made from bamboothat, in fact, the upper part of the hieroglyph means. The second component means "guide". That is, it is understood that the melodies direct our thoughts, allow us to think about something important.

Important: this tattoo is also perfect for those people who are engaged in music professionally.

Tattoo-hoop in the form of a flute
Tattoo-hoop in the form of a flute

Creating jewelry. Hade-MADE jewelry is unusually popular, and their creation is delaying. Why not perpetuate your favorite pastime? The suitable hieroglyph of the sign consists roofs - This is a house. There are also badges jasper and amphoras, Where it was customary to add it. There is an element "shell" - She was previously unusually appreciated.

Hieroglyph for tattoo for needlework
Hieroglyph for tattoo for needlework

Acting skills. Home theaters were previously very popular, but today this type of leisure has a lot of fans. Some also like to attend acting courses for themselves. For such people, the icon "is suitable" image "," System ". A tattoo is just a find for those whose hobby is the maximum achievement of similarity with someone, something.

Hieroglyph for tattoos for fans of acting
Hieroglyph for tattoos for fans of acting

Chinese tattoo tattoos talismans: values, photos, options

Abundance. Chinese tattoo tattoos, which help to attract something or protect something from something, are unusually popular. And the hieroglyph, meaning abundance, beats all records. Even among the Chinese, wealth is one of the main wishes for the holidays.

The hieroglyph of parts such as "House", "mouth" and "field". That is, refuge, food and source of food. Basic needs are an abundance in understanding the Chinese.

Important: abundance in Chinese is nothing superfluous. Only the main, but in a satisfactory amount.

Hieroglyph, illustrating wealth, is great for a tattoo
Hieroglyph, illustrating wealth, is great for a tattoo
This is how this hieroglyph looks in the form of a tattoo on the body
This is how this hieroglyph looks in the form of a tattoo on the body

Buddha. Extremely strong person in Chinese culture and, therefore, powerful amulet. Its interpretation is curious - Buddha consists of an element "human" and particles "not". That is, divine origin is emphasized. It is believed that the talisman helps self -improve, find enlightenment.

Hieroglyph-tattoo in the form of Buddha
Hieroglyph-tattoo in the form of Buddha

Longevity. One of the most important wishes among the Chinese. I wonder what the hieroglyph happened from the word "field". Then the icon was added "elderly". The eastern people were sure that doing manual labor and nutrition of natural foods was the key to long years of life.

Talisman-Tatus meaning longevity
Talisman-Tatus meaning longevity

Luck. This character consists of icons "Sage" and "speech". In other words, luck is not just fatalism, luck. This is work on oneself. And the ability to listen to the sages, the desire to follow their advice.

Hieroglyph-tattoo meaning luck
Hieroglyph-tattoo meaning luck

Chinese tattoo tattoos philosophical: photos, interpretation, ideas

Eternity. Chinese tattoo tattoos often tell us about something unshakable, which makes us think. In ancient times, this hieroglyph was drawn as Water flow.

Interesting: it is considered a rather complicated hieroglyph in writing. They say that the one who mastered it has mastered the Chinese art of writing.

Hieroglyph, meaning eternity - fans of tattoos love him very much
Hieroglyph, meaning eternity - fans of tattoos love him very much

Awareness, ustem. It combines signs "Soul" and "I". The latter, in turn, comes from "awakening". That is, the complete awareness of something, in the understanding of the Chinese is the awakening of the soul. The tattoo helps to renounce as much as possible from the worldly, to improve his heart.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that will mean awareness of something
Hieroglyph for a tattoo that will mean awareness of something

Thought. This hieroglyph has an interesting story. It consists of parts such as "Voice" and "Heart". The decryption is as follows: really sound thought comes from the heart.

The hieroglyph was once written differently, being composed of concepts "Skull", "heart". It was believed that the soul lives in the heart, and in the head - its doors. That is, thoughts and soul in the east were connected together.

Tattoo for thinking people
Tattoo for thinking people

Birth and death. These are two completely different hieroglyphs that should be placed nearby. A tattoo is suitable for people who often think about the limb of being, the meaning of existence.

Birth is literally sprout, which breaks out of the ground. And death is depicted in the form person leaning over the deceased.

Tattoo with a hieroglyph meaning birth
Tattoo with a hieroglyph meaning birth
Tattoo with a hieroglyph meaning death
Tattoo with a hieroglyph meaning death

Chinese tattoo tattoos about nature phenomena: meanings, ideas, photos

Morning evening. Chinese tattoo tattoos have always attracted romantic natures. This combination is especially interesting for them. The morning hieroglyph consists of an icon, in fact, itself sun, as well as from the designation bursting peel of the seed. In the evening, everything is just as logical - there are icons Sun and escaping.

Important: for dreamers who love to meet the dawn and sunsets, such a tattoo will be very appropriate.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning morning
Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning morning
Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning evening
Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning evening

Spring. Tattoo is ideal for those people who want to emphasize update In my life. Or just to those who adore this time of the year. The Chinese, by the way, are very fond of this character. It consists of a grapheme only a stooped plant, grass and sun.

Chinese hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning spring
Chinese hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning spring

Autumn. Also a romantic time, as well as a productive one. The hieroglyph consists of a grapheme "cereals". There is also a badge "the fire", Since the stems remaining after harvest were burned. In addition, the grapheme "fire" is similar to "Curtain". These melodic insects are also associated with autumn sometimes, because it is then that they love to sing.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning autumn
Hieroglyph for a tattoo meaning autumn

Clear sky. The Chinese loved this phenomenon very much, comparing smart people with him, for example. The highest degree of recognition sounded like the "son of the sky" - the emperor was called. The hieroglyph looks like a little man with his hands arranged, over which a sky is indicated.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means a clear sky
Hieroglyph for a tattoo that means a clear sky

Chinese tattoo tattoos about the plant world: meanings, photos, ideas

Tea leaf. Chinese tattoo tattoos can even perpetuate their favorite drink. An example of this is tea, which is equally adored by both our compatriots and oriental residents. It is believed that it not only gives a pleasant taste, but also eliminates the spleen, strengthens health. So double hieroglyph - it symbolizes directly itself Tea and sheet.

Important: it is believed that such a tattoo will give vivacity of the spirit.

Hieroglyphs for tattoo about tea
Hieroglyphs for tattoo about tea

Flower. A very delicate symbol that will certainly attract as a tattoo to the girls. He will be a synonym prosperity, spring, love and beauty.

Hieroglyph-tattoo in the form of a flower
Hieroglyph-tattoo in the form of a flower

Sakura. One of the most ancient and revered characters. Sakura blooms very beautifully, but it does not last long. This shows us that It is necessary to appreciate every moment, Allotted by fate.

Hieroglyph for tattoo - sakura
Hieroglyph for tattoo - sakura

Rose. A fairly impressive hieroglyph. It is considered a synonym in China youth. However, at the same time, surprisingly, it is not associated with love. It is recommended to apply hieroglyph to young girls who want to emphasize their blooming beauty.

Hieroglyph for tattoo roses
Hieroglyph for tattoo roses

Wood. The hieroglyph depicting him really looks like a barrel and a branch. It is considered one of the most used signs. The tree seemed to be an intermediary between heaven and earth, a kind of support. And also perceived as symbol of life.

In this picture for a tattoo it is clear why the hieroglyph tree has such outlines
In this picture for a tattoo it is clear why the hieroglyph tree has such outlines

Chinese tattoo tattoos about the animal world: meanings, photos, ideas

Turtle. One of sacred creatures in China. Local residents believe that it was the turtle that inspired Tsan Jie - the historiographer of Emperor Juandi - to create writing in the form of hieroglyphs.

Interesting: the Chinese can see various objects in the interweaving of patterns on the shell of turtles. Which was reflected in the interweaving of the lines of the hieroglyph.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo depicting a turtle
Hieroglyph for a tattoo depicting a turtle

Deer. One of the most Favorable symbols. Associated with renewal, purity, sun, spirituality. The fact is that the horns of this animal are perceived by the Chinese as a synonym Tree of life.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo depicting a deer
Hieroglyph for a tattoo depicting a deer

Cat. A symbol beloved by many grace, tricks, grace, lightningness, comfort. As well as abilities walk on its own. By the way, the hieroglyph demonstrates this. After all, literally a "cat" means "An animal walking in the grass."

Hieroglyph for tattoo koshki
Hieroglyph for tattoo koshki

Bear. Very interesting hieroglyph. It consists of parts such as “To be able to be able” and “Fire”. This is an indicator that this beast can do anything. He stands on guard, helps to achieve goals. In addition, such a beast is very symbolic for our latitudes.

Hieroglyph for a tattoo in the form of a bear
Hieroglyph for a tattoo in the form of a bear

Chinese tattoo tattoos from the Chinese horoscope: options, values, photos

Bull. Chinese tattoo tattoos, symbolizing the zodiac year of birth, are in demand. In addition, they are symbolic and on their own. So, the bull is a real incarnation masculinity.

Interesting: however, the hieroglyph is suitable for young ladies - he talks about their willpower.

Hieroglyph of the bull for tattoo
Hieroglyph of the bull for tattoo

The Dragon. For about 6000 years, the Chinese revere this mythical creature. According to the belief, this sign gives its owners opportunities to get out of difficult situations, wisdom.

Hieroglyph Tatto Dragon
Hieroglyph Tatto Dragon

Snake. She also mudra. Also symbolizes rebirth - No wonder the snake is a medical emblem. Fits curious natures.

Hieroglyph tattoo snake
Hieroglyph tattoo snake

Boar. Hieroglyph for born leaders. They are courageous, they know how to captivate. The boar is also associated with fertility.

Hieroglyph is a pig
Hieroglyph is a pig

Rabbit. Symbol at the same time and innocence and sexuality. The Chinese assure that this astrological sign is the happiest Of all the signs.

Hieroglyph-tattoo in the form of a rabbit
Hieroglyph-tattoo in the form of a rabbit

Rat. Yurkoye, fast and agile An animal that conveys his qualities to a person born under this sign. The hieroglyph will help perfectly entrepreneurs, Giving them an unprecedented flair.

Tattoo-tattoo with a rat designation
Tattoo-tattoo with a rat designation

Horse. The hieroglyph will help to develop intelligence, will help the maximum use your mind. It is believed that a person with such a talisman faster makes the right decisions.

Important: find for strong -willed natures.

Tattoo for hieroglyph in the form of a horse
Tattoo for hieroglyph in the form of a horse

Sheep. This animal gives the most pleasant emotions, and always. Hieroglyph helps his master also become a source of positive emotions. Carriers of a tattoo blind, sincere.

Hieroglyph for a sheep's tattoo
Hieroglyph for a sheep's tattoo

A monkey. The hieroglyph is endowing a great sense of humor, quick wit, organization. Man thanks to such a talisman strengthens memory.

Hieroglyph-Tata Monkey
Hieroglyph-Tata Monkey

Rooster. Symbol revival, sun. Hieroglyph also indicates that a person is capable of start something new. It is considered a harbinger skhov, useful achievements.

Hieroglyph-Tatu Rooster
Hieroglyph-Tatu Rooster

Dog. One of the most popular hieroglyphs. Associated with fidelity, ability to provide protection other people. Also the tattoo protects And his master.

Hieroglyph tattoo dog
Hieroglyph tattoo dog

Tiger. The Chinese adore this symbol. This is real The emblem of the warrior - A fierce man, but ready to rush to the rescue. Hieroglyph helps its owner Move rapidly through life.

. Hieroglyph tiger tiger
Hieroglyph Tiger Tiger

The Chinese language is one of the most ancient in the world. Samples of his writing date back to the 4th century BC! It is not surprising, therefore, that a huge number of fans of a tattoo dream of capturing something in this language. We hope that our examples will inspire someone.

If you are interested in the topic of what Chinese tattoo tattoos are, we propose to get acquainted with the following videos:

If, in principle, the theme of tattoos is interesting to you, we offer to read our following articles on this topic:

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Comments K. article

  1. I read your article with pleasure. Many are interested in Chinese tattoos. However, they know very little about the very essence of Chinese tattoos. Come meaningfully to the choice of a Chinese tattoo!

  2. I read your article with pleasure. Many are interested in Chinese tattoos. However, they know very little about the very essence of Chinese tattoos. Come meaningfully to the choice of a Chinese tattoo!

  3. I’ve been trying for several days to find a complete decryption- the values \u200b\u200bof the hieroglyphs for tattoos are specifically interested in the hieroglyph tiger, but nowhere to the complete decryption! And co -readings that can be selected for him to correctly fill the tattoo! Tired of looking for! There is no answer anywhere

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