Is it possible to hide pregnancy - how to hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer, at a wedding, at work: tips, clothes that hide the stomach during pregnancy

Is it possible to hide pregnancy - how to hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer, at a wedding, at work: tips, clothes that hide the stomach during pregnancy

Is it possible to hide pregnancy to a girl in the early or late stages? Tips in the article

Pregnancy is the condition that every woman belongs individually. Someone wants to publish such news in all social. networks, while others will want to hide this position and an approaching event.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What deodorant can you use pregnant and nursing mothers?". You will find a list of the best brands, folk remedies.

After accepting the girl’s thought that she is pregnant, the question appears in her head: what to do next, especially if you want to hide such an interesting position from others. Below you will find several useful tips that will help to hide pregnancy. Everything is simple - you just need to buy a few new dresses. Read further.

What to do if I'm pregnant?

The girl is pregnant
The girl is pregnant

Sudden pregnancy is not a reason to panic. It will be possible to worry about other events, but definitely not over such. So what to do if I am pregnant?

  • If pregnancy was planned, then there is no concern. As well as in the event that the girl wanted to nurse her children in the future.
  • But if a woman fell into a situation where pregnancy is unwanted, the main thing is to remain calm. It will not be possible to control your emotional background, but to release all your emotions at once is not the best option.

With complete confidence that the pregnant woman does not want to give birth, you need to contact a gynecologist. It is better not to delay the trip to the doctor with extensible “later” or “I still have time: there is a lot of time.”

Is it possible to hide pregnancy before childbirth?

We hide pregnancy
We hide pregnancy

Question "Is it possible to hide pregnancy before childbirth?" - Very individual. It all depends on the genetic component of the woman. The variety is that some pregnant women do not look at all as if they are in a position. In others, on the contrary, with one developing embryo, the stomach will look like with triplets.

  • It is better to ask your own mother about a clearly bulging stomach or look at her photo in the past. Then the answer will be immediately obvious.
  • But it is important to note that mother's result may differ from yours.

There will be no one hundred percent answer: it all depends on many factors. But the stomach, for example, can be hidden with suitable wide clothes. And it's very easy to do. Read further.

How to hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer: Tips

Hiding the stomach during pregnancy under voluminous clothing, you will be able to protect yourself from unnecessary questions like: “How long?”, “How will the child appear soon?”, “Who is the father?” and others.

Clothing, helping to hide the stomach, is presented below. We will publish useful tips that will help women with any figure, and who need to hide their interesting position from others. Consider these options and choose something suitable for yourself for the summer:

We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
  • Boho. This is a light, large, spacious dress or costume, thanks to which you can not show others your own pregnancy.
  • With the help of boho it turns out to hide the stomach until the sixth month.
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
  • A bathrobe or a smell dress. When working in a nurse’s position, such an element as a medical robe, will help not to show the stomach - no one will know at work for a long time.
  • But such clothes will not work to act until the first fights: the pregnancy will begin to show from the sixth month.
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in the summer
  • Dresses with a bassk, high waist, wax.
  • Such dresses with my spaciousness and roundness of the figure will be puzzled by others: is the girl pregnant or not? For the exact answer will not follow if you do not ask the pregnant woman about her position.
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in summer accessories
We hide the stomach during pregnancy in summer accessories
  • Ladies handbag. Wearing such an accessory can easily hide the stomach.
  • The main thing is that the handbag is not too small, since it will be possible to guess from the side.

There is another way to hide pregnancy, but already when maintaining accounts on social networks: do not take photos below the neck. So your friends on the Internet will not have questions about the growing belly and preparing for the period of lactation of the chest. Below are still tips.

How to hide the stomach during pregnancy at a wedding: Tips

A dress hiding in a wedding
A dress hiding in a wedding

If the bride is in position, and the wedding day is getting closer and closer, the question opens for her: “What outfit to choose?” How to hide the stomach during pregnancy at a wedding? Below you will find some tips. Options of a lot: from the most modest, hiding his stomach, to the most impudent, not forgetting about grace. Only the bride is assigned the choice of suitable for her at the request of the image.

A dress hiding in a wedding
A dress hiding in a wedding
  • Until the fourth month, it will be possible to perfectly hide the situation: the figure of the future mother has not undergone almost no changes.
  • But starting from half of the 4th, the usual silhouette will change greatly against the background of the growing chest and abdomen.
A dress hiding in a wedding
A dress hiding in a wedding
A dress hiding in a wedding
A dress hiding in a wedding

A-Siluet, cascade, Greek style, stomach bow, matte fabric, shawl, focusing on the colors of the bouquet-all these are faithful assistants when hiding pregnancy.

How to hide the stomach during pregnancy at work: Tips

Unfortunately, the employer can dismiss the future mother with thoughts: "The next 2.5 years due to the decree will not appear at work." Even legally, you can fire. This method is called "liquidation" - a reduction in working employees. Therefore, there are a good development of events: to hide pregnancy before leaving on maternity leave, preserving the work. So, how to hide the stomach at work? Here are the tips:

  • The emerging toxicosis is a big problem. Perhaps someone will not have it, so the task is simplified.
  • But those girls who already have it will have big problems. Working time turns into torture.
  • If you try very hard, then the willpower will give patience, which will help not to announce its term.
  • It is best not to talk about the situation at all: even in secret only one employee. Unfortunately, this secret in the near future will be a reality in the whole team.

Also, spacious clothing will come to the rescue, which can hide the term until a certain time. Here are a few options:

Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work
Clothing hiding pregnancy at work

If there were harmful habits in the form of drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes - after the start of pregnancy during such questioning, you can respond briefly: this is harmful. Or, if such an answer seems insufficient interlocutor, you can answer: the husband now prohibits - worries about my health.

Clothing belly during pregnancy

It is not necessary to know the theory of color and to be a stylist in order to select a suitable one - a hiding belly - clothes. At different terms, you can use various techniques in masking pregnancy. Here are clothes that hide the stomach during pregnancy:

Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • Thanks to the correction of the figure through Oversize clothes, you can visually expand the silhouette without tightening it.
  • Putting on the thin and clothing “in prick” predict a lot of unnecessary views in your direction.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • Another advantage of Oversize is that now it has been acting as the main trend for a year now.
  • But it is not necessary to refuel shirts, blouses and tops inside: so, on the contrary, the stomach will stand out from under the clothes.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • Elements of clothing in the form of tops and dresses with high waist will also help to hide the stomach.
  • The high waist itself ends under the chest, so this feature will only help in such a task.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • As you can already understand - such a feminine type of clothing as a dress helps to hide a pregnant figure.
  • The next solution is a dress-trapping. Due to its shape, the pattern does not emphasize the term of an interesting position.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • Another feminine wardrobe element - a skirt - will also help.
  • The already familiar “girlfriend” is an inflated waist and the presence of spaciousness in a skirt, makes it a great option for socks in pregnancy.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • The print of things also matters: vertical images on it (for example, strips) will help narrow the silhouette.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • Multi -layer is a faithful friend. Exactly the same as Oversize.
  • Through laying things on top of each other, it will be possible to hide the pregnancy.
  • The main thing is not to overdo it, because it can be hot in a large number of things.
  • It is important to monitor the weather and the temperature regime.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
  • You can distract from the zone of the abdomen with accessories, decorative elements and correctly set accents.
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy
Clothing belly during pregnancy

Accessories - bag, shawl, scarf - will help to look away from the abdomen. Similarly, decorative elements will also be saved: toad, ruffles, ools. Through the accents, you can also emphasize the beautiful elements of the body: the presence of thin legs and neck, elegant hands and so on.

Pregnancy is an event to which every girl will react in her own way. Further ways of action about what to do during pregnancy is decided by the mood of a woman. The growing stomach will be hidden with voluminous elements of clothing or suitable accessories. Everything is simple - just make yourself shopping and buy a little new clothes, and then no one will guess about your interesting situation.

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