Tattoos for girls on the legs are small and large and their meaning: on the thigh, ankle, foot, front side of the thigh, lower leg, ankle. Ideas for tattoos for girls on the legs: drawings, sketches

Tattoos for girls on the legs are small and large and their meaning: on the thigh, ankle, foot, front side of the thigh, lower leg, ankle. Ideas for tattoos for girls on the legs: drawings, sketches

In this article we will talk about what women's tattoos on the legs. These tips will help you choose exactly the decoration for the legs that is most suitable.

Do you know that, according to statistical data, more and more girls have recently contacted tattoos sites? And it is not surprising, because some images are so elegant that it seems as if it were the art of painting of the body invented specifically for the fair sex. Patterns on the leg are particularly popular, because they successfully combine the style with grace and modesty.

Places for tattoos for girls on the legs

  • Ankle - A huge plus of such a tattoo is that its application is the least painful. In addition, the image on this part of the body looks very feminine. If desired, tattoos are easily covered with socks, stockings, shoes

IMPORTANT: mainly for an ankle, uncomplicated small patterns are selected.

An elegant tattoo on an ankle
An elegant tattoo on an ankle
  • Ankle - Ideal option if you want to hide a tattoo from time to time. Another undoubted advantage of such a choice is the sophistication of the leg, the femininity of its owner
Tattoo on the ankle
Tattoo on the ankle
  • Feet - They can equally well accommodate both small images and larger options. As for pain, they are most often located in the interval from very light to quite tolerant. However, the owner of the tattoo must be prepared for the fact that at first to wear shoes that touch the processed place is not worth it - there is a great risk of damaging the skin
Women's foot tattoos
Women's foot tattoos
  • The front surface of the thigh - A great option for an erotic tattoo, which, if desired, will be easy to hide. If a girl wants to start filling a small image for a start, and then supplement it, this option will have to be just by the way
Women's tattoo on a thigh
Female tattoo on the front surface of the thigh
  • Hips - An ideal find for lovers of lace underwear. In addition, such tattoos are most attractive to men

Important: it is preferable to choose an elegant small image. Bold large options are also welcome, but it is worth remembering that they cannot always fit into a particular image.

A large atying on the hip looks pretty bold
A large atying on the hip looks pretty bold
  • Shin - It is not always possible to hide images on them, so this is an option for brave lady. It is only desirable to select something elongated to visually emphasize the slenderness of the legs
Tattoo on the legs
Tattoo on the legs

Sketches and drawings of tattoos for girls on the legs

Sketch on the leg with elegant flowers
Sketch on the leg with elegant flowers
Sketch tattoos on the leg with a dragon
Sketch tattoos on the leg with a dragon
Drawing tattoo on the leg with lizard
Drawing tattoo on the leg with lizard
Sketch of tattoos on the leg with a snake
Sketch of tattoos on the leg with a snake
Sketch tattoos on the leg with owl
Sketch tattoos on the leg with owl
Sketch tattoos on the leg with a dream catcher
Sketch tattoos on the leg with a dream catcher
Sketches of tattoos on the leg in the form of patterns
Sketches of tattoos on the leg in the form of patterns
Sketch tattoos on the leg with feathers
Sketch tattoos on the leg with feathers

Tattoos for girls are small, mini on their feet

A small tattoo by definition is not able to accommodate a lot of information about the owner. That's why it is better not to wise with her, but to make several small and neat images if desired.

Important: when creating a durable mini-tattoo, it is especially important to ensure that the lines are clumsy, and the shades are saturated. The fact is that over time they can significantly fade or lubricate, which is especially noticeable in tiny images.

Option of a neat small tattoo
Option of a neat small tattoo

As for ideas, often for a small tattoo they choose some memorial date, name, motto. By the way, if you want originality, then you can capture the information using Latin letters or Arabic Vyazi. Hieroglyphs and runes are always out of competition.

Runes for a small tattoo on the legs - a good solution
Runes for a small tattoo on the legs - a good solution
A neat inscription is well suited as a small tattoo on the leg
A neat inscription is well suited as a small tattoo on the leg
Arabic ligature looks great as a small tattoo on the leg
Arabic ligature looks great as a small tattoo on the leg

Fauna motives are also a good solutionHowever, they often turn out large. However, the image of a cat can be replaced with cats with paws - What is needed for a small tattoo.

Charlize Theron made a small tattoo on the foot in the form of fish
Charlize Theron made a small tattoo on the foot in the form of fish
Small tattoo on the leg in the form of feline paws
Small tattoo on the leg in the form of feline paws

Flowers as a small decoration for the legs are an excellent solution - For elegant legs, such a symbol of tenderness will have to be as well as possible. Roses, orchids, violets, thin branches of sakura are perfect.

Small twig of Sakura as a small tattoo on the leg
Small twig of Sakura as a small tattoo on the leg

Tattoos for girls on the hip: patterns, flowers, inscriptions, dragon and their meaning

The thigh is a truly ladies option for applying the picture, since the hips have always been a symbol of grace and femininity. In addition, men rarely expose this part of the body. And here's what can be portrayed on hips:

  • The Dragon - Even among the Japanese, he denoted wisdom, luck, strength, and among the Chinese he symbolized the opportunity to reincarnate anything and manage anything. The Celts Dragon was a cruel creature, but unusually wise

Important: the color design also has its own symbolism: for example, the black mythological lizard tells others about the respect of the owner of the tattoo for his parents, blue or blue - about the desire for calm and eternal life, the gold - red - red - about passion, hostility to enemies. The yellow dragon is extremely rare, as it is a symbol of war and hermit.

A tattoo in the form of a big dragon looks good on the hip
A tattoo in the form of a big dragon looks good on the hip
  • Bows and garters - Patterns in the form of them are also quite popular. These drawings do not carry any secret meaning, but rather simply show the grace and femininity of nature, amorousness. Most often bows depict on the back of the thigh
Tattoos on the thigh in the form of bows
Tattoos on the thigh in the form of bows
Tattoo tattoo on the hip
Tattoo tattoo on the hip
Tattoo barter on the thigh with a bow
Tattoo barter on the thigh with a bow
  • dream Catcher - Another pattern that is perfect for placement on the hip. He protects his owner from negative energy, symbolizes the merger with nature
Tattoo Dreams on the hip
Tattoo Dreams on the hip
  • Inscriptions On the hip look quite extravagant. Wherein on the upper thigh It is worth placing something concise, intended for a loved one, and On the bottom someone's quotes will look great

Important: even the language in which the tattoo is made matters. So, Latin speaks of intelligence, French - of sophistication, Chinese - about the sophistication and enthusiasm of the East, German - about determination, and Spanish or Italian - about passionate nature.

Tattoos on the back of the thigh
Tattoos on the back of the thigh
Graceful tattoo in the form of an inscription on the hip
Graceful tattoo in the form of an inscription on the hip
On the hip with a tattoo you can even depict whole quotes
On the hip with a tattoo you can even depict whole quotes
  • As for the flowers, then rose flower The ancient Greeks had the emblem of the goddess of love of Aphrodite. Peony The Chinese was considered a royal flower, promising the owner, longevity. Lily it is considered the most feminine plant that speaks of nobility, spiritual integrity
Tattoo on the thigh in the form of a rose
Tattoo on the thigh in the form of a rose
Thigh tattoos with peon
Thigh tattoos with peon

Tattoos for girls in ankle: inscriptions, bracelet and their meaning

  • Bracelet From the ankle tattoo, the model and actress Nicole Richie made popular. Indeed, such a jewelry is quite feminine if you choose as a decor beads, ribbons, flowers. If you want to give the image the meaning, it is recommended to fit into the bracelet geometric figureswho are believed to contain the code of the Celtic language
Tattoo on the ankle Nikol Richie
Tattoo on the ankle Nikol Richie
Aklelet ankle tattoo in the form of a bracelet
Aklelet ankle tattoo in the form of a bracelet
On the ankle, with the help of a tattoo, you can also portray symbolic things for yourself
On the ankle, with the help of a tattoo, you can also portray symbolic things for yourself
You can portray in the form of a tattoo bracelet on an ankle and runes
You can portray in the form of a tattoo bracelet on an ankle and runes
Simple bracelet from a tattoo on an arrow.
Simple bracelet from a tattoo on an arrow.
Bracelet from a tattoo in the form of a ribbon with a bow on an ankle
Bracelet from a tattoo in the form of a ribbon with a bow on an ankle
  • As for the inscriptions, then look wonderful in the area of \u200b\u200bankles short words or phrases. At the same time, they must display the usual mood of their owner or motto. For example, "Best", "Family", "Love"

Important: give the inscriptions of originality using the font. So, Gothic will set mystery and gloom, the pattern - romance. Therefore, the inscription must coincide with such an emotional color.

A small tattoo inscription near the ankle
A small tattoo inscription near the ankle
  • However, long inscriptions They also look good enough. Especially when surround the ankle. For example, you can opt for the following: "Viam Supervadet Vadens" ("The road will master the walking"), "Ne Cede Malis" ("In misfortune, I am not lost in spirit"), "Audaces Fortuna Juvat" ("Happiness accompanies bold")

Tattoos for girls on the foot, foot: inscriptions, patterns and their meaning

  • Any inscription applied along the foot will look elegant. it there may be a life motto - for example, Dictum Factum ("No sooner said than done"), "Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat" ("Destiny helps brave"). If you add a beautiful font, the tattoo will turn out to be especially attractive
The inscription along the foot in the form of a tattoo looks great in combination with high -heeled shoes
The inscription along the foot in the form of a tattoo looks great in combination with high -heeled shoes
However, the tattoo on the foot in the form of the inscription looks good and with shoes at low speed
However, the tattoo on the foot in the form of the inscription looks good and with shoes at low speed
The inscription in the form of a tattoo on the foot can be concise
The inscription in the form of a tattoo on the foot can be concise
The tattoo inscription on the foot can be long
The inscription-tattoo on the foot can be long
Tattoo-davigation on the foot can be located along the fingers
Tattoo-davigation on the foot can be located along the fingers
The tattoo-delicacy in the form of Arabic vyazi looks especially gorgeous
The tattoo-delicacy in the form of Arabic vyazi looks especially gorgeous
  • Butterfly It will look great if the drawing is divided into two parts - in a half into each foot. This insect is considered the embodiment of tenderness, freedom, lightness
Tattoo on the foot in the form of a moth
Tattoo on the foot in the form of a moth
  • Butterfly It embodies changes for the better, rebirth. In addition, smooth lines and bright colors of this insect look quite attractive
Tattoo-butterfly on the foot
Tattoo-butterfly on the foot
  • Star It is worth applying to those ladies who want to declare themselves as a mysterious and romantic nature. At the same time, such a symbol indicates the strength and developed volitional qualities
Stars on the foot
Stars on the foot
  • Indian motifs Quite popular for tattoos on the feet. For example, mandala symbolizes the cosmos model, and hence harmony, the ability to purify and the correctness of worldview
Tattoo Mandala on the foot symbolizes space
Tattoo Mandala on the foot symbolizes space

Important: if you want to adhere to the rules in color design, then it is worthwhile to paint this sign in green where its northern part, in the yellow one - where the southern one, in red - where the western, in white - where eastern, as well as in the blue in the center .

  • On the foot You can also portray something, although this place is not very popular as a canvas-and the pattern is not visible, and the skin is too ripe. However, some Indian symbol will be very helpful
Tattoo on the foot in the form of an Indian pattern
Tattoo on the foot in the form of an Indian pattern

Tattoos on the front side of the thigh for girls and their meaning

  • This part of the body can contain a large drawing, so volumetric inscriptions It will fit. And it is not necessary to apply one short phrase - you can add a whole quote
Tattoo in the form of a voluminous quote
Tattoo in the form of a voluminous quote
  • This place is perfect for image of various animals - for example, squirrels. This nice and energetic animal causes positive emotions for everyone, without exception. It is also associated with storage and home comfort
Protein tattoo
Protein tattoo
  • Crow - As a rule, it symbolizes longevity and wisdom. According to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, this bird was considered a sign of fertility and a harbinger of the gods

Important: however, with this symbols it is necessary to be neat, since in many ancient teachings the raven was inextricably linked with the war, suffering, sin.

Tattoo with crows
Tattoo with crows
  • Jellyfish - He explains that in front of you is an extremely difficult person. Medusa itself is mobile, but fragile, simple at first glance, but capable of unexpectedly sting
Jellyfish tattoo
Jellyfish tattoo
  • Owl - She is traditionally associated with wisdom. And, despite the fact that the Chinese relate to this bird as the embodiment of evil spirits, it is mainly designed to convey information to others about the mind, erudition, the calm and judgment of the owner
Tattoo in the form of owl
Tattoo in the form of owl
  • Sea theme is also quite common. For example, anchor The owner predicts stability, luck and hope, the house. The helm It promises to choose the right path and determination. It is quite possible to combine both of these symbols, putting them on different legs in the form of one composition
Tattoos in the form of anchor and helm
Tattoos in the form of anchor and helm

Tattoos on an ankle for girls: inscriptions, patterns and their meaning

  • Salamander Excellently emphasizes the grace of the female leg. In addition, this creature managed to form a lot of legends. So, in the Middle Ages, people considered it a symbol of the struggle of good with evil, and alchemists endowed with magical properties. Many noble surnames preferred to apply Salamandra to their coat of arms, thereby telling others about their courage and perseverance

Important: if you turn to Christian beliefs, it will become clear that this creature symbolized slightly different qualities - namely, humility, chastity.

Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a salamandra
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a salamandra
  • Cute ladybug Even from the Middle Ages, it was considered a symbol of good luck, as she struggled with decay. In many people, it is associated with kindness, faith, warmth, positive, harmony
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a ladybug
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a ladybug
  • Small hummingbirds It will look great on an elegant ankle. And it will designate the most positive features - vitality, optimism, freedom. In addition, let's not forget that these crumbs may well repulse the birds larger, so they can still be considered a symbol of courage
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a hummingbird
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a hummingbird
  • Sea Horse He will not take a lot of space on the ankle, but it will convey the necessary information to others. He will tell about determination, attentiveness, caution. Antiquity sailors loved to take this symbol with them to swimming
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a sea skate
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a sea skate
  • It is convenient to place the ankle on the ankle zodiac signs - Simple and interesting solution
Tattoo on an ankle with a zodiac sign Libra
Tattoo on an ankle with a zodiac sign Libra
  • Peacock feather Especially revered in Indian mythology. It symbolized the Buddha, which means that the one who has inflated him will attract happiness and luck. The Chinese, however, considered a palenium pen sign of a person belonging to the highest strata of society
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a peacock pen
Tattoo on an ankle in the form of a peacock pen
  • You can write on an ankle The name of a loved one - Beloved, child, parent. Beautifully decorated, it will always be near you
Tattoo-marriage on an ankle in the form of a name
Tattoo-marriage on an ankle in the form of a name
  • Some kind of ankle looks some kind of ankle small motto. For example, "In Hac Spe Vivo" ("I live with this hope"), "Omnia vanitas" ("Everything is vanity"), "Sic Volo" ("So I want")
Towbie inscription on an ankle with a motto
Towbie inscription on an ankle with a motto

Tattoos on the legs for girls: meaning

  • Looks excellent snakewho wraps over the lower leg - such an image perfectly emphasizes the harmony of the female leg. In addition, the meaning of the picture is good - wisdom, intuition, cunning. The grace of snakes has always delighted ancient people, and its ability to dump the skin served as a symbol of renewal and longevity

Important: let you not scare you that in the Christian teaching the snake identifies the fall. In fact, this value is not taken into account when they do a tattoo.

Caviar tattoo in the form of a snake
Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of a snake
  • Wood It is considered a sign of growth, development, restoration. In some religions, trees, as you know, were worshiped, considering them a symbol of longevity and an object capable of conveying the soul
Tattoo-drone on caviar
Tattoo-Were on the lower leg
  • Oddly enough, on the lower leg you can portray whole paintings, combining them with inscriptions
Tattoo-picture on caviar
Tattoo-picture on the lower leg
  • If you want to visually lengthen your legs, a variety of elongated ornaments. For example, Indian
Elegant tattoo in the Indian style on caviar
Elegant tattoo tattoo in the Indian style on the lower leg

Often girls want to make a tattoo, but they are repelled by the opportunity to look rudely. In fact, this problem is easy to eliminate if you apply the image not on the shoulder or back, but on the leg. In addition, such a stylish decoration will be able to perfectly emphasize the grace and sophistication of the female leg.

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