Army tattoos for the kind of troops of motorized rifle, VV Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Strategic Missile Forces, the RHBZ, the USSR, Tank, land, border, artillery and their significance. Meaning in the army of tattoos: bat, scorpion, tiger, wolf: description, photo

Army tattoos for the kind of troops of motorized rifle, VV Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Strategic Missile Forces, the RHBZ, the USSR, Tank, land, border, artillery and their significance. Meaning in the army of tattoos: bat, scorpion, tiger, wolf: description, photo

In this article, we would like to consider such a separate category from the world of tattoos as army tattoos. What they mean and how desirable they are - such reasoning deserve a separate article.

The fact that the school of military service is stern enough is no secret to anyone. Well, how do the army is in the army? It turns out very positively. The main thing is to be able to understand all the nuances and values \u200b\u200bof tattoos.

Can a military man make tattoos?

Suspicion about deviations in behavior can cause the following tattoos:

  • Covering more than 70% of the body surface
  • Applied to the face
  • With obscene, obscene, sexual, racist, extremist content
A similar type of tattoo on the face can serve as a direction to the psychiatrist
A similar type of tattoo on the face can serve as a direction to the psychiatrist

Important: a visit to a psychiatrist can end in different ways. Of course, deviations may not be identified. But there are also cases when the conscript is prescribed examination and treatment, they are registered for 5 years. The last option can adversely affect the career of a young man in the future.

As you can see, even the listed cases do not serve as a guarantee of the ban on the service. As for less radical tattoos, they are not prohibited.

Concerning special army tattoos, then they carry an important meaning, however all of them need to be earned. As a rule, there were already appropriate soldiers to apply them, and beginners should have expected their term.

Sometimes the military was still prohibited from applying anything to the body - For example, during the service in Vietnam, a risk of blood poisoning arose. As for the scouts, then they were not allowed to wear those images that issue personal information.

A good option for a intelligence tattoo is a symbol of a unit that does not give out any personal information
Tattoo that does not give any personal information

Army military male tattoos - places

Shoulder - The most common option for placing a tattoo. And mainly selected left shoulder - It houses the symbolism of the genus of troops or units.

Army tattoo on the left shoulder
Army tattoo on the left shoulder

The back of the palm on the right hand, the edge of the palm - Another frequent places. They love to place the inscriptions “for you”, “For PV”, “For Airborne Forces”, “For Air Defense”.

Important: it is believed that such tattoos should be placed so that they are visible when a person raises a toast.

Army tattoo on the edge of the palm
Army tattoo on the edge of the palm

It is advisable to place large images on the back, because it is an excellent canvas - the procedure will be painless, and the skin in this place is even.

Army tattoo on the back
Army tattoo on the back

Some tattoos should be placed on the chest - For example, a blood group.

Army tattoo on the chest
Army tattoo on the chest

Bat tattoo: Army significance

This mammal is caused by representatives Airborne Forces, special forces, intelligence. In China, it was associated with longevity, good health, death without torment. It is noteworthy that a bat and good luck denotes the same hieroglyph - "fu".

As for the perception of the Greeks of this mammal, they associated it with vigilance, insight, ability to see through. Such an interpretation of the image becomes clear if you recall that the bat is enough clever and fast hunts in the dark.

The Romans, in addition to all of the above, respected animals for being capable masterfully go around obstacles.

Important: you can create a similar tattoo in the Chinese style - it is believed that in this case it will bring good luck.

Army tattoo in the form of a bat
Army tattoo in the form of a bat

Tiger tattoo: Army significance

The tiger in the beret is often portrayed by those who are related to Airborne Forces. And it is not surprising, because the tiger in many cultures was revered for strength, courage, determination, perceived as the personification of the male principle.

Tiger in beret is another popular symbol among army tattoos
Tiger in beret is another popular symbol among army tattoos

The inhabitants of Asia consider to be the king of animals - Chinese mythology claimed that the tiger it stores the world and punishes sinners. The inhabitants of India revered a predator worthy to be depicted on the emblems of warriors, And the Japanese made it symbol of samurai and amulet for them.

On the one hand, the tiger symbolizes cruelty, bloodthirstiness and authoritybut on the other - courage, greatness, heroism and honor. Embodies a predator and wisdomwhich needs any warrior.

It is believed that the people who are patronizing the tiger will protected in risky situations, will become stronger spiritually.

Important: it is recommended to indicate the grin that speaks of ruthlessness to enemies.

On the coats of arms, shields of the tiger warriors, they often depicted - it was understood that the drawing protect men, help to show fearlessness. As for the underwear, it will turn out to be as effective and spectacular, but it is only desirable to draw a larger tiger. The fact is that it is unlikely to come out beautifully to draw a small beast.

Tiger on army tattoos should be made large and detailed drawn
Tiger on army tattoos should be made large and detailed drawn

Scorpio tattoo: Army significance

It was often applied by those who passed service in the North Caucasus, border guards. Perhaps because Scorpio symbolizes transition period. Despite the fact that this creature was often associated with death, loneliness and betrayal, it was also perceived as the embodiment of protection, defense, control.

It is believed that this sign gives its owner waywardness, intuition, devotion, nobility, perseverance, self -confidence.

If you observe a living Scorpio, it becomes clear why it was chosen as an emblem . In case of danger, he always holds a sting ready - Not a single living creature will risk a fight against such an enemy. Scorpio can warn, but sting instantly. These creatures live in a harsh desert, but able to endure all hardshipsWhich is also quite symbolic.

Army tattoo in the form of Scorpio
Army tattoo in the form of Scorpio

In ancient chronicles there is a mention of men-Scorpions guarding the sunrise. Residents of Africa always considered scorpions patrons of avengers and warriors, and the Chinese associated it with moral values.

Important: oddly enough, Scorpio was considered a talisman and a symbol of good health in some cultures. The fact is that its poison in Tibet and Egypt was used as an antidote and was part of some drugs.

Scorpio was very revered by the ancient Egyptians, what we can see
Scorpio was very revered by the ancient Egyptians, what we can see

Army tattoo wolf

Wolf loves to apply to the body employees related to Airborne Forces, special forces, motorized rifle troops of the Russian Federation. This animal embodies in itself courage, anger, confidence, fidelity, the ability to win and defend their interests, firmness of the spirit, independence.

Even in ancient times, people looked at the wolves and tried to copy their behavior during the hunt. Our ancestors were struck mind, discipline, cohesion, insight animal, him willingness to fight to the end.

The Celts believed before each battle that, having drunk the blood of the wolf, they turn into it. The Indians were honored to wear an image of a predator only the chosen ones. The Mongols and the Turks believed that their ancestors were wolves. It is difficult not to recall the well -known legend of Romulus and the strap, which the she -wolf raised. By the way, the same Romans considered the appearance of a wolf on the eve of the battle a good sign.

Important: a wolf with an open mouth is a sign that the owner of the tattoo is ready to attack first. The animal with a closed mouth tells others that a person will wait for the enemy’s attack.

Army tattoo in the form of a wolf with an open mouth
Army tattoo in the form of a wolf with an open mouth

Army tattoos of the Interior Ministry

Frequent element - five -pointed star. Mostly, it serves as a kind of background, but can act as a separate element. Sometimes a star becomes even a central figure of a tattoo. The interpretation of her is simple - belonging the owner of the image to the Soviet or already Russian army.

Another emblem characteristic of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also annexed to the star - a fist with an automatic rifle clamped in it. The weapon is often located against the background of a black shield.

On this sketch for Tata BB TV, the hand with a machine gun is located on the background of a star
On this sketch for Tata BB TV, the hand with a machine gun is located on the background of a star
Fist with a rifle on a sketch for tattooing explosives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Fist with a rifle on a sketch for tattooing explosives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Army tattoos of motorized rifle troops

The emblem of this kind of troops serve crossed rifles. True, this continued until 2014, and then steel with a symbol of motorized rifle troops cross -shaped swords and grenades. Grenada burning and personifies combat power, and swords - The struggle.

About the sword It should be said separately. Since ancient times, he has personified courage, honor, justice, control over your fate, stamina, willingness to fight for ideals and principles.

Important: the sword was often perceived as a symbol of death, which is not surprising. However, it will be more precisely to say that he is more likely a sign of the struggle against death, protection from it.

Drawing for tattoos to designate motorized rifle troops
Drawing for tattooing with the designation of motorized rifle troops

Army tattoos of the Strategic Missile Forces

Special missile troops are constantly in a state of combat readiness, because it is necessary to provide for an aggression that can arise anywhere. This also determined the specifics of the emblem of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation: the two -headed eagle, which squeezes the arrow in one paw, and in the other a sword. Two arrows are sometimes applied to a tattoo.

Almost always on the tattoo is present rocket - She points to the specifics of the type of troops. Moreover, the rocket can be made both schematically and realistic. Sometimes they even choose a cartoon style.

Tattoo for employees of the Strategic Missile Forces, made in a cartoon style
Tattoo for employees of the Strategic Missile Forces, made in a cartoon style

Often there are all sorts of additional elements like people, animals, ribbons, ornament. For example, wolf or bear It may well appear in the image. The latter embodies the courage and power of soldiersserving in the Strategic Missile Forces.

Important: in order for the idea to be organic, the bear can keep the arrow in the paws. Or can hug a rocket.

Birds - Also a good option, because they are associated with the elements of air in the same way as a rocket, arrows. You can portray instead of birds Wings as a symbol of air protection.

Often, wings are depicted on the army tattoo tattoo
Often, wings are depicted on the army tattoo tattoo

Organically woven into a tattoo years of service, part number. The inscriptions that are peculiar also look great motto this kind of troops. For example, “After us only silence”, “If we fall asleep, you will not wake up” - After such slogans, it is difficult not to realize the importance of such a service.

Slogans will fit perfectly into the tattoo of the Strategic Missile Forces
Slogans will fit perfectly into the tattoo of the Strategic Missile Forces

Army tattoos of tank troops

Of course, on such tattoos depict tanks. Moreover, it does not matter which ones - large or small. You can embody the idea as in color and in a monophonic version.

One -color tattoo for employees in tank troops
One -color tattoo for employees in tank troops

Sometimes they also indicate company, years of service, name of the city. Especially creative personalities invent entire paintings in which the tank appears.

Tattoo-Kartin for employees in tank troops
Tattoo-Kartin for employees in tank troops

Army tattoos blood group

It is believed that it was these tattoos that gave impetus to images that are applied to the body for the sake of a practical goal. Now you can often meet inscriptions about epilepsy, allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus and other ailments that are important to consider when providing medical care. In emergency situations, such tattoos become in the literal sense of the word with amulets that save life.

Over time, the designation of the blood type became compulsoryattribute of the military. After all, if it happened with the soldier, on the battlefield, blood transfusion will be impossible without the establishment of its group. This truth was understood even in the time of Peter the Great, but it received special distribution when Russian soldiers were in Afghanistan.

Important: such a tattoo is required to contain a number indicating a blood group, as well as the letter R, that is, Rh factor. After the letter R, “+” or “-“, that is, is indicated, a positive Rh factor or negative is indicated.

Army chest tattoos with blood group
Army chest tattoos with blood group

Usually such a tattoo is applied to the following places:

  • Chest, ribs, armpit - They are considered traditional and most common
  • Wrist - less common option, but the most noticeable
  • Elbow bend - Since the veins are located here, doctors will certainly pay attention to this place.
  • The back of the palm
  • The back of the neck - However, this place should be chosen only if the hair does not obscure it.
Army tattoo with blood type can be located on the wrist of the military
Army tattoo with blood type can be located on the wrist of the military

Army artillery tattoos

In the form of tattoos for employees in artillery troops, they often apply crossed cartridges. You can also portray artillery guns - mortars, howitzers, guns.

By the way, it is believed that the symbol of the gun is able to protect a person from the negativity directed in his direction.

Army tattoo for artillery troops
Army tattoo for artillery troops

Army tattoos of the RHBZ

Employees in the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection also prick their branded tattoos. As a rule, they portray gas masks as a symbol of his work.

RHBZ tattoo with gas mask and bombarding aircraft
RHBZ tattoo with gas mask and bombarding aircraft
A large image of the gas mask for tattoo rhbz
A large image of the gas mask for tattoo rhbz
Tattoo for RHBZ with an image of a warrior shot from a military machine in a gas mask
Tattoo for RHBZ with an image of a warrior shot from a military machine in a gas mask

Army tattoos of the USSR

The peak of military tattoos was in the 40s of the last century. The more complicated the conditions of service were, the easier people related to tattoos - they did not cause complaints.

Important: there is an opinion that the tattoo in Soviet times was equated with self -mutilation, but in fact there was no strictly monitoring the fact of their application.

Examples of military tattoos of the Soviet period
Examples of military tattoos of the Soviet period

As a rule, tattoos of that time were wore to a greater extent not decorative, but informative function. They were called upon to talk about where, when and how a person served. Of course, the blood type should not be forgotten. There were also such simple symbols as flag, plane, parachute, ship.

They especially loved to decorate their body sailors. They chose mainly gulls, anchors and other marine paraphernalia. Gull - This is the first association for many people with the sea, a symbol of independence and freedom. These birds reminded the sailors of the house, served as a talisman.

The inscriptions were frequent "For you!", "GSVG" (Group of Soviet troops in Germany). Image eternal Flame also met.

GSVG tattoo
GSVG tattoo

Army tattoos of border troops

Almost always, on a tattoo, border guards portray shield and sword - What has been associated with time for centuries with protection. It is understood that the person wearing him, fair and always ready to fight evil, protect loved ones. The shield also embodies courage and resistance.

Important: a good idea will be the placement on the shield of the abbreviation PV and the stars.

Another almost always present element - border tower. It can be located nearby border posts As indispensable attributes of this kind of troops. Nearby are good applied years of service.

Some soldiers depict in addition to the above attributes green takes or beautiful landscape. They look good the mountains, especially if the place of service was near the mountainous area.

An example of a tattoo of border guards
An example of a tattoo of border guards

As we mentioned earlier, often among the tattoos of border guards there is an image scorpio.

A great option would be to apply eagle - He has been associated with centuries with protection, guardianship, masculinity, freedom, power, determination, fearlessness. Another remarkable moment: the eagle has extremely sharp visionthanks to which it instantly recognizes the enemy and prepares to attack him. Our ancestors considered the soaring of this bird a good sign - according to their convictions, it brought victory closer.

Tattoo that is perfect for employees on the border
Tattoo that is perfect for employees on the border

Military intelligence tattoos

Bat It is depicted on almost all tattoos that are related to intelligence. And it is not surprising, because she is her symbol as the embodiment of night, mystery, invisibility. The Greeks thought that the animal possessed clairvoyance - a good analogy with scouts who are obliged to predict the enemy’s actions.

Important: a person related to intelligence needs to place a bat on the shoulder or chest. People of a different kind of employment can choose any place.

Often a bat is depicted on a dark background or against the background of the moon - So the atmosphere of the night is better transmitted. Often they finish and the dome of the parachute, the sight of the rifle.

Tattoo for reconnaissance in the form of a bat with a parachute
Tattoo for reconnaissance in the form of a bat with a parachute

Another common element - skulls in berets. The skull symbolizes the opportunity to leave everything unnecessary in the pastembodied dashing disposition The owner of the image, his ability to step into the abyss at any moment.

The Indians were convinced that the drawing of the skull was capable of, paradoxically, scare away death - Allegedly, in the eyes of death, a man marked in this way was already dead. Another meaning - a reminder that we are all mortalAnd that you do not need to be afraid of this phenomenon.

Intelligence tattoo in the form of a skull with a beret
Intelligence tattoo in the form of a skull with a beret

Owl - Another creature associated with the dark time of the day, and therefore perfectly suitable as an emblem of scouts. However, other remarkable characteristics are also characteristic of this image - wisdom, noiselessness of movement.

The Indians considered an owl oberesh and defender, Egyptians - intermediary between worlds.

Important: an owl is a long -liver, and therefore a tattoo with it can really be perceived as a amulet.

Tattoo-Sova suitable for scouts
Tattoo-Sova suitable for scouts

Military special forces tattoos

Representatives of special forces also portray bats and skulls in berets. Also, special forces love to decorate themselves wolves with a grinning mouth - aggressive, but bold and independent animals.

Leopard -A single predator, which is among the snow almost invisible. He lives in difficult natural conditions, being the only predator among the blowing mountain peaks. Leopard will never allow others Predators, even their appearance, to personal territory.

Tattoo on the hand in the form of a leopard
Tattoo on the hand in the form of a leopard

A popular addition to the image will be the sliced \u200b\u200bberet, ribbon, inscriptions like "no one but us."

Tattoos Military Airborne Forces

As in the previous case, the inscription is relevant "Nobody except us". In the case of hostilities, it is precisely the representatives of the Airborne Forces that are landed where the enemy is located, enter the fight - definitely such brave people deserve such a slogan. Postscript is also very popular "For the airborne forces".

Years of service, unit number - They are often designated.

The inscription to the tattoo of the Airborne Forces - no one but us
The inscription to the tattoo of the Airborne Forces - no one but us

Parachute - Where is the Airborne Symbol without this? It looks especially spectacular a paratrooper against the background of a flying aircraft.

Important: there is an opinion that such a tattoo should be pricking on the left shoulder. However, this statement is not entirely true - as a rule, the left shoulder is decorated with those soldiers who fell under the autumn.

Army Airborne Forces Tattoo in the form of an airplane and parachute
Army airborne tattoo in the form of aircraft and parachute

Winged sword - Also quite interesting and often used symbol. Against the background of the sword can be drawn shield, and above the sword - beret.

Airborne tattoo in the form of a winged sword
Airborne tattoo in the form of a winged sword

With wings is often depicted and wolf. From animals, it is popular with popularity tiger, a little less often Airborne Forces employees Bear. In any case, it is desirable that the animal showed a grin - It will show everyone around that the soldier is always ready to fight.

Airborne tattoo in the form of a tiger with a grinning
Airborne tattoo in the form of a tiger with a grinning

Leopard - Presentation swiftness, greatness. The leaders previously wore the skins of this animal, since it was believed that the spots on it turn into the eyes that give vigilance. These predators are fierce, fearless, belligerent and are ready to adapt to any conditions.

Tattoo in the form of a leopard. suitable for an employee in the Airborne Forces
Tattoo in the form of a leopard. suitable for an employee in the Airborne Forces

Scull - Another option. Wings, beret, years of service - All this can make a single composition.

Airborne tattoo with a skull
Airborne tattoo with a skull

Tattoos of the Navy

Such images wore mainly an informative function before - they talked about what waters their owner crossed, could tell about successes in marine affairs, fought on the miles, illustrated battles and storms. Then the tattoos served as amulets. And lastly, they began to perform a decorative function.

Anchor - This symbol is more common than others. And it is not surprising, because it symbolizes good support underfoot, roots, stability. With storm, this amulet is called up defend. People with such a tattoo strong in spirit and strong in the body, they are able to survive even with the most cruel blows of fate.

Important: you should pay attention to the symbolism located next to the anchor. So, a dolphin is a sign of moderation, a rose of winds is a desire to follow a certain path, the heart is loyalty to the ship, house and relatives, the cross - faith, rose - self -sacrifice and selflessness. Two crossed anchors flaunted on the bodies of the boatswain assistants, mainly between indicative and thumbs.

Navy tattoo with anchor
Navy tattoo with anchor

Andreevsky flag - Very expensive for sailors. No wonder the slogan existed in the days of the Russian Empire "God and the Andreevsky flag with us". For all representatives of the Navy, this a symbol of fearlessness - The real shrine that cannot be stained. The name received its name in honor of the Apostle Andrei, who was a fisherman before he met Jesus Christ.

Navy tattoo in the form of Andreevsky flag
Navy tattoo in the form of Andreevsky flag

Shark - Incarnation firelessness, relics, swiftness, strength and ability to survive. She is aggressive, furiousbut at the same time Stubborn and graceful. Sailors applied sharks as a sign readiness to meet in your way with any dangers.

Shark as an element of the Navy tattoo
Shark as an element of the Navy tattoo

Inscriptions "Fast" and "Hold" are located on the fingers. Sailors believed that such tattoos are universes p ocho they hold the mooring ends stronger, hold on board.

Polar bear - It is loved by sailors relating to Northern Navy. Is an embodiment relics, stamina, courage, peace, courage, confidence. Personifies with masculine, power. White bear embodies and loneliness, the ability to survive under any conditions.

Important: it is best to portray an animal with a grin - this symbolizes courage.

A white bear tattoo suitable for employees of the Navy
A white bear tattoo suitable for employees of the Navy

Rose of Wind - A rather popular symbol that protects and helps to return home. The symbol arose not by chance, because the stars served the sailors and landmarks, and sea winds served as assistants. People were convinced that the wind rose would help to find the right direction not only in the seas, but also in life and downs. It was believed that this sign must also be earned with your valor.

Army tattoo with wind rose
Army tattoo with wind rose

Often, by tattooing, one could find out where the employee visited how many miles passed. For example, Neptune or Turtle Those who crossed the equator were applied to their body. Sparrow He said that there were five thousand miles behind his owner. DragonAs it was easy to guess, the sailors who visited China decorated themselves. Sailboat crashed into a waveEarlier, it was applied to those who circled Cape Horn, and besides, it is a symbol of struggle.

Sparrow tattoo is also suitable as an army tattoo as a designation of how many miles the sailor passed
Sparrow tattoo as a designation of how many miles the sailor passed

Scull And in this case I found his admirers. Only this time it is worth portraying it in the bandana.

Dolphin jumping out of the waves - symbolized smoking, intelligence, superiority, power, generosity, luck. Well, of course, let's not forget that these smart mammals from ancient times saved sailors From sharks and rocks - truly a talisman.

Tattoo suitable for the Navy, in the form of a dolphin
Tattoo suitable for the Navy, in the form of a dolphin

the globe - denotes that to a person the ocean is subject to. Often performs in tandem with an anchor and a dolphin. A person with such a tattoo loves traveling, opening the world.

Navy tattoo in the form of a globe
Navy tattoo in the form of a globe

The helm - A sign that a person loves to travel, to choose himself. Speaks about the ability to get out of any troubles and return home intact. The owner of the tattoo he knows how to take responsibility For their actions. Often portrayed with the anchor.

It is important: it is not surprising that this tattoo is so loved among employees of the Navy. The helm is not only one of the attributes of marine life, but also serves as a truly masculine sign that embodies leadership qualities.

Tattoo for the Navy in the form of an helm and anchor
Tattoo for the Navy in the form of an helm and anchor

The inscriptions, of course, do not leave this category of army tattoos. Fleet name, military unit or base number, ship name - That's what you can often meet. As for the names of the fleet, the abbreviations that occurred from the following full names are applied - the Black Sea Fleet, the Pacific Fleet, the Red Banner Northern Fleet, and the twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet.

Navy tattoo with the mention of the name of the fleet, ship and years of service
Navy tattoo with the mention of the name of the fleet, ship and years of service

Ship - It's hard not to recall this motive. However, unlike other people who want to fill a tattoo, sailors most often portray those ships on which the service happened.

Do they take to a military school with tattoos?

As in the case of an draft in the army, tattooed young people should not have any special problems. True, it is recommended to make a tattoo on the body, which is usually covered with clothes.

Exists Regulation on military medical examination. It indicates a list of diseases that impede young people to enter military educational institutions. The presence of tattoos in the position is not spelled out.

Perhaps you will be surprised, but military tattoos arose in Russia back in the days of Peter the Great! True, they then wore a purely practical function. Over time, army tattoos began to act in the role of amulets, and just as a symbol of memory of service, a way to beautifully decorate the body. Nevertheless, the information function is still in the first place, which we talked about in this article.

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