Army Bat Tattoo - meaning in military intelligence, special forces, airborne forces, stencils

Army Bat Tattoo - meaning in military intelligence, special forces, airborne forces, stencils

The value, description and scheme of battleships.

Bat are cute animals,which Many are associated with something terrible, unknown and aggressive. Often tattoos with such mammals can be seen on the shoulders, chest or even on the legs. In this article, we will tell you what the battering of the bat means. 

Bat tattoo: meaning

Initially, the interpretation depends on the country in which this work of art is stuffed. In every religion and culture, the animal means something of its own. The attitude to these mammals is changing, depending on the region of human residence.

Bat tattoo, meaning:

  • So, for example, before, such mammals were associated with sorcerers and witches, as well as people who were engaged in the occult sciences and practiced black magic. It was believed that this is a kind of pet for a witch or healer who hunts black magic.
  • However, in some cultures it was nevertheless believed that a bat is a cute animal that sees well in the dark, orientates in complete darkness. Thanks to this, the mammal was associated with something good, with intuition, prudence, hidden activities.
  • But in America and Brazil, such animals were sometimes apprehension. Therefore, such an image meant something evil, bad and aggressive. In some countries, such a tattoo portends bloodthirstiness, since in certain regions animals that feed on blood live.
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Bat tattoo: intelligence

AT Our country of interpretations is a huge number of such tattoos. They depend on who is the carrier. If this is a young girl, then, most likely, the drawing characterizes mystery, the girl relies on intuition. It can be very prudent, and never makes sudden conclusions.

Previously, such tattoos were made exclusively by men, and usually they were filled in the army, in the army, as well as in places of imprisonment. Very common tattoos of bat in the Airborne Forces. 

Bat tattoo, intelligence:

  • In this case, they are usually located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm, shoulder, or the upper part of the chest. This means that a person owns the skills of hostilities in the dark. In addition, this portends caution, attentiveness, the ability to handle weapons.
  • Indeed, such tattoos are often stuffed in the army, in particular, Airborne Forces. In addition, such tattoos can be found in places of imprisonment. Unlike modern workshops, where you can order any tattoo for your money, nothing is stuffed in places of imprisonment.
  • Any tattoo must be earned. To prove that a person is worthy to wear such a tattoo.Such concepts exist in places of imprisonment.
Intelligence service
Intelligence service

Bat tattoo on the shoulder, what does it mean?

In particular, a bat on the shoulder or forearm, in places of imprisonment, means that a person is a night thief. That is, he robs passers -by at night. 

Bat tattoo on the shoulder, which means:

  • Please note that the Airborne Forces, as well as in the army, are drawn on the shoulder and forearm. Most often a drawing on a dark background.
  • The animal is depicted with the moon, or a month. If you saw a similar tattoo on a man’s shoulder, with almost one hundred percent probability, we can conclude that he is involved in the Airborne Forces or military intelligence. 
Army tattoo
Army tattoo

Bat tattoo in the army, what does it mean?

For a man, parts are important. If the tattoo is depicted with a kind of grin, shows teeth, this indicates aggression, and the brightness of the tattoo bearer. A person can stand up for himself, and will not tolerate resentment. Also often similar tattoos can be found among representatives of non -traditional movements.

Bat tattoo in the army, which means:

  • Man served in the Airborne Forces, landing troops.
  • A man is related to the exploration and work of secret services.
  • A bat is a quiet animal that wields at night. Members of secret services are very similar to work, without fuss and very quietly.
The girl
The girl

Bat tattoo: meaning for girls

Often such tattoos are found among the ready and emo. In such subcultures, bats are associated with vampires. This is true, because in America there is a separate type of bat who eat exclusively blood.

Bat tattoo, meaning for girls:

  • Among representatives of the subculture, ready andemo, The animal is associated with a bloodsucker, or a vampire.
  • Recently, the organization has been gaining popularity in the protection of animals. Some types of bats are dying, it is extremely difficult to meet in various regions.
  • That is why the defenders of animals in protest, in order to pay more attention to the problem, fill up such tattoos on the body.
  • They urge you to protect bat, and pay more attention to the problem, not ignore it. 

Bat tattoo: sketches

Often such animals are depicted by representatives who are engaged in black magic. However, most often they try to be inconspicuous and not stand out from the crowd.

Bat tattoo, sketches:

  • Previously, specially bats were killed and hung near their own housing.
  • This was considered a kind of amulet, protection from evil spirits and dark forces. Now the situation has changed.
  • A large number of interesting facts about bats opened to humanity, so they began to be condescending to them.

Military intelligence: bat tattoos

Please note that at the initial stage of service in the army or Airborne Forces, such tattoos are not stuffed.

Military intelligence, battering tattoos:

  • It is necessary to completely serve the entire period, wait for the demobilian and only after that is the appropriate tattoo is filled.
  • Only people who have gone through the entire military school are worthy to wear such a decoration of the body.
  • Very often paratroopers depict the animal along with a parachute, moon, and a starry sky 
Intelligence service
Intelligence service

Bat are unusual animals, the only mammals who can fly. They are perfectly oriented in the dark, but not thanks to special vision. The animals have a unique location system that captures sounds that are not audible to the human ear.    

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