Male tattoos on the arm and their meaning: on the wrist, shoulder, brush, fingers, biceps, forearm, elbow, palms. Ideas for men's tattoos on the hands: sketches, drawings

Male tattoos on the arm and their meaning: on the wrist, shoulder, brush, fingers, biceps, forearm, elbow, palms. Ideas for men's tattoos on the hands: sketches, drawings

In this article, we would like to tell about the nuances of applying tattoos on men's hands. Such a jewelry will not just draw attention to hands - it can tell a lot about its owner, and also help in the implementation of plans.

From time immemorial, men adorned their hands with images designed to tell others about the status, gender of classes. And this is not surprising, because the hand is almost always in sight, mobile and attracts attention.

Especially the hand of a man who does not disdain physical exertion, and representatives of the stronger sex know this very well. However, it is not enough just to apply a beautiful picture - it is important to pay due attention to its content.

Places for tattoos in men in their hands and their meaning

Shoulder - The most common option is both in antiquity and today. This choice can be explained by the fact that such a tattoo looks very courageous. In addition, such a decision practical, after all, a tattoo on the shoulder can be hidden under the clothes-this will come in handy with the dress code, and burnout will not be afraid. Expressed body contours will create a truly expressive and voluminous masterpieces.

Especially successful on the shoulder look Medium -sized paintings. However, they can be successfully combined with the tattoos of the forearm.

Important: it is recommended that you choose this part of the body if you have not encountered tattoos before. There should not be painful sensations, and it is easier for the master to work.

Tattoo on the male shoulder looks spectacular
Tattoo on the male shoulder looks spectacular

Forearm - Often at this place are applied by those images that are called precisely Decorate, and do not bear the sacred meaning. However, such a noticeable part of the body is great in order to convey some idea. The elongated form of the forearm allows implement as many details as possible.

As for sensations, then have a high pain threshold - You are unlikely to feel pain. But it will be possible to show its originality, since the forearm does not choose so many people.

Johnny Depp's forearm tattoos
Johnny Depp's forearm tattoos

Biceps - Another option for painless application Tattoos. On the pumped hands, images will look excellent, and if you wish, demonstrate them from time to time You can choose the inner part of the biceps. From here it is quite possible to start creating a sleeve.

Important: the muscles on the biceps after the work of the tattoo master sometimes hurt, but slightly. For the most part, such a procedure also refers to painless.

Biceps tattoo
Biceps tattoo

Elbows - a good idea For lovers of all original. Truth, with a high pain thresholdsince the skin is thin on the elbow, and the bone finds in the immediate vicinity of it. Keep in mind that the procedure will also be long.

As for the plot, it is recommended that the mobility implies - the picture will constantly change. Accordingly, the master for such an idea should be selected exclusively highly qualified. A simple and geometrically correct drawing is what you need.

Tattoo on the elbow
Tattoo on the elbow

Wrist - This is mainly a female choice, but men can also decorate themselves in this way. It is advisable to choose a black or dark blue gamut. In winter, such a tattoo is easily closed with a sleeve, and in the summer - a bracelet or for hours. True, the sun's rays and detergents affect the picture, so get ready for the fact that it surely you have to update.

Important: do not be afraid that the master will touch the vessel - with good skills, this is excluded. True, if the veins are convex, it is worth considering this when selecting the plot.

Tattoo on a male wrist in the form of a tree - a great option in the case of convex veins
A tattoo on a male wrist in the form of a tree is a great option in the case of convex veins

Brush -Due to the lack of fatty layer, a large number of nerve endings and thin skin, applying a tattoo to this place can be a real test. The image loses its original appearance quickly In view of frequent contact with the external environment. All this makes a tattoo on the wrist impractical idea.

However, creative original individuals may well afford a similar choice. As for the plots, there are no restrictions. It is only worth remembering that hands should always be well -groomed.

Tattoo on the brush
Tattoo on the brush

Palm - The first to apply the image to this place were the inhabitants of India. And although their image was erased quickly enough, no one interferes with a full -fledged small tattoo. This process, oddly enough, is painless Due to the density of the skin. It is recommended to give preference to interweaving patterns, often choose the image of the eye.

Sometimes they choose as a place for tattooing rub of palms. For example, a flock of birds will look great there.

Tattoo in the palm of your hand
Tattoo in the palm of your hand

Fingers - Some time ago, such tattoos were numbers of military units, female names. However, now images on this part of the body are applied not only by the military, largely due to practicality Such a tattoo. If you apply it to the side of the finger, then you can show the decoration at will. Great option There is a selection of such an image that would complement the tattoo on the body.

Important: if you want to get a minimum of discomfort, it is better to lower the option with the side of the finger.

Tattoos on the fingers
Tattoos on the fingers

Ideas for men's tattoos on the hands: sketches, drawings

Tattoo sketch with pistols
Tattoo sketch with pistols
Lizard tattoo sketch
Lizard tattoo sketch
Drawing tattoo with a dragon
Drawing tattoo with a dragon
Tattoo sketch with a girl
Tattoo sketch with a girl
Grenade tattoo sketch
Grenade tattoo sketch
Sketch tattoos in the style of biomilator
Sketch tattoos in the style of biomilator
Sketch of tattoos with a skull
Sketch of tattoos with a skull
Sketch of tattoos with Slavic symbols
Sketch of tattoos with Slavic symbols
A sketch of a tattoo on the shoulder in the style of abstraction.
A sketch of a tattoo on the shoulder in the style of abstraction.

Male tattoos on the wrist: inscriptions, inscriptions on Latin, bracelet, cross and their meaning

Watch - In addition to what a tattoo imitates an accessory, it symbolizes accuracy, fidelity, justice. At the same time, applying such a drawing often suggests that a person strives for a harmonious life, which is devoid of extremes. Lack of shooters - A sign of lack of aspirations.

Important: most often hours embody time that should not be missed, they talk about the speed of being. Ideal for those people who want to perpetuate both a positive and negative important event.

Tattoo hours on the wrist
Tattoo hours on the wrist

Inscriptions - A short and sonorous motto will look great. For example, the Latin word "Fecit" ("Did"). It will introduce a man from the most profitable side, because it is not for nothing that they say that actions speak of the representatives of the stronger sex.

Short tattoo words on the wrists for men
Short tattoo words on the wrists for men

Cross - One of the oldest symbols, and universal for all countries and religions. Even before writing appeared, the cross embodied in itself the reunification of opposites, the change of day and night, the time of the year. Often such a tattoo reminds that each of us carries our cross.

Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a cross
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a cross

Bracelet - Most often, such a motive is found in women, but men consider it quite stylish. Great for such a purpose celtic patterns, plant ornament, imitation of chains.

The so -called polynesian bracelet. It can begin on the wrist, but grab the part of the forearm. A similar method of decoration was invented by the Maori tribe, which thus maintained contact with the gods.

Tattoo-Polynesian bracelet on the wrist
Tattoo-Polynesian bracelet on the wrist

Anchor -embodies stability, hope, desire to return somewhere. It is easy to guess that such an image often served overfigure sailors. However, desire to perpetuate your beloved house, where they always wait, is inherent not only to representatives of this profession.

Important: it is worth paying attention to such a tattoo to those people who are afraid to go astray, surrender under the influence of life circumstances.

Tattoo on the wrist in the form of anchor
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of anchor

Spider - associated with practicality and accuracy, because he knows how to create the subtlest and beautiful web. Since these insects are also resounding, their image can serve as excellent emblem of creative personalities. Eight paws symbolized infinity, continuity of existence. Oddly enough, but the spiders were perceived by our ancestors very positively.

Tattoo in the form of a spider on the wrist
Tattoo in the form of a spider on the wrist

Tattoos for men on the shoulder and forearm: dragon, patterns, wolf, abstractions, inscriptions, skulls, lion and their meaning

Inscriptions - Ideal for tattoos on the shoulder and forearm due to a large surface for creativity and a minimum of discomfort. For example, you can place an inscription "Errare Humanum Est" That everyone tends to make mistakes. The following inscriptions are good options: "Life is not to live, but to feel that you live", "Odero Si Potero; Si Non, Invitus Amabo " ("I will hate, if I can; and I will not - I will love against the will"), "Mobilite Viget Viresque Acquirit Eundo" (“Everything grows in motion and gains strength”).

On the forearm and shoulder there is where to take a walk in terms of placing tattoos-sales
On the forearm and shoulder there is where to take a walk in terms of placing tattoos-sales

Abstraction -A rather popular option due to simultaneous simplicity and complexity. Earlier, even in such an image, information about the tribe or about the qualities of the owner of the tattoo as a warrior could lie. At present, abstraction - decorative element of the image.

Important: when selecting tattoos in the style of abstraction, it is especially important to listen to your sensations, intuition.

Abstraction-tattoo on men's shoulder
Abstraction-tattoo on men's shoulder

Celtic patterns - Extremely popular, because their varieties are quite a lot, and they look gorgeous. Often, Celtic images are amulets. He is especially popular celtic knot, not having the beginning and the end - it symbolizes universe. Perhaps weaving into a node of various motives.

Celtic patterns-tattoo on men's shoulder
Celtic patterns-tattoo on men's shoulder

Polynesian masks - Another common pattern that fits perfectly into the decor of the male hand. They were called tiki, and previously allowed to be wearing exclusively to soldiers.

However, it was believed that Tiki not only protect against enemies on the battlefield, but also from evil spirits, bad eyes. Now the Polynesian mask is mainly choose bold men with large ambitionswho are always ready to defend what is close.

Polynesian mask-tattoo on the shoulder
Polynesian mask-tattoo on the shoulder

The Dragon - has always been considered one of the most respected creatures of mythology. He embodies mystery, nobility, indestructible strength, perseverance, devotion, beauty and ability to overcome unimaginable obstacles.

Previously, the dragon was applied as a symbol of imperial power, and now it may well indicate leadership skills man. This creature does not belong to either positive or negative characters - rather, it skillfully balances on the verge.

Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of a dragon
Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of a dragon

Scull - It can also be found quite often. Also often such a tattoo causes mixed feelings. And it is not surprising, because it tells us about risk, danger, death. Most often the skull is applied as a reminder that life is fleeting, that time changes everything.

Important: this image can be turned into a more positive symbol - wisdom. It is enough to draw a snake crawling out of the eye socket. Such a picture also embodies immortality.

Tattoo on the shoulder skull
Tattoo on the shoulder skull

Wolf - A fairly ambiguous symbol. With the advent of Christianity, the wolf began to be perceived as the embodiment of aggression, anger, mercilessness, dark forces, loneliness.

But more often men apply this animal as with the impression of unshakability, power, fidelity, fearlessness, endurance and wisdom. Celts respected wolves for solder and cunning, and the Indians even studied from them, endlessly reverending cohesion and mind animals.

Tattoo Wolf on the forearm
Tattoo Wolf on the forearm

a lion - So since since ancient times it was possible that the image of a lion was inflicted on themselves virgin and strong people. Our ancestors always delighted a unique combination of strength and majesty with gracewho are famous for lions.

Men who prefer such a tattoo, most often not alien straightforwardness, prudence, leadership qualities, courage, as well as familiarity.

Lion tattoo on the shoulder
Lion tattoo on the shoulder

Bear - Celtic warriors made his emblem, evaluating massiveness, greatness, courage and ferocityanimal.

Despite the fact that the bear was afraid, the soldiers really wanted to be like him, evaluating the amazing the combination of both physical and spiritual power. And the tendency of a brown predator can fall into a hibernation personification of rebirth.

Tattoo in the form of a bear on the forearm
Tattoo in the form of a bear on the forearm

Jesus Christ - Oddly enough, you can also find quite often, despite the negative attitude of Christianity to tattoos. It is easy to interpret such an image: its owner he believes in higher powers, seeks to help his neighbors, realizes the sinfulness of his life.

Tattoo in the form of Jesus Christ on the forearm
Tattoo in the form of Jesus Christ on the forearm

Anubis - An extremely interesting and contradictory figure. Many researchers believe that the image of the patron saint of the afterlife can harm.

However, their opponents recall that Anubis guarded medicines and poisons, which can be interpreted as opening the path to something new. You should not be surprised that some anesthesiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists consider this image to their emblem.

Important: it is recommended to apply anubis to their body to those people who are eager to find a way out of difficult life situations, to understand what is happening.

Tattoo on the forearm in the form of the god Anubis
Tattoo on the forearm in the form of the god Anubis

Rhinoceros - embodied unrestrained disposition, power, strength. Since ancient times, people considered the horn of this animal good amulet.

If you observe the habits of this mammal, we can conclude about its extremely contradictory nature - A calm and clumsy rhino is capable of turning into the embodiment of swiftness and power in the blink of an eye.

Tattoo on the forearm in the form of a rhino
Tattoo on the forearm in the form of a rhino

Owl - Patron smart, erudite and wise of people. Next to it, you can quite organically enter the key as a symbol of knowledge. Despite the fact that some people previously considered this bird the embodiment of the night, she serves as an excellent amulet from evil. But what attracts the owl is money.

Tattoo in the form of a owl on a male shoulder
Tattoo in the form of a owl on a male shoulder

Tattoos on the hands are male: inscriptions and their meaning

Inscriptions -Given the soreness of the procedure, it is best to choose some short phrase or even a word. For example, an excellent motivating phrase is suitable "Contra Spent Spero"The one who says that the hoping and confident person will always be successful. Also suitable "Dei Gratia" ("God's mercy"), " Pro domo sua"(" In defense of your home "), "Taceamus!" ("We will be silent!").

Tattoo in the form of an inscription on the hand
Tattoo in the form of an inscription on the hand

Eagle - Incarnation swiftness, power and strength. For determined nature, such an image will be an excellent amulet. Representatives of ancient cultures considered this bird a creature that takes away the soul to heaven, that is, the messenger of the gods. Previously, the application of an eagle was considered the prerogative of rulers and other most revered families.

Tattoo on the hand in the form of an eagle
Tattoo on the hand in the form of an eagle

Tiger - Ancient hunters sought to become similar to this predator, applying stripes to their body before hunting. A similar amulet can be considered a tattoo in the form of a tiger today - it gives masculinity, swiftness, strength, courage, observation. It is noteworthy that other representatives of Fauna respect this predator.

Important: despite the mass of positive qualities that the tiger personifies, it is better to refrain from applying its image to the natural, hot -tempered and too impulsive to the naturals.

Tattoo on the brush in the form of a tiger
Tattoo on the brush in the form of a tiger

Dog - symbolizes sincerity, loyalty, courage. For centuries, men have acted as guards, defenders - should it be surprised that the dog’s symbol was always close to them? Noble men considered these animals, like Lviv, their emblem.

Tattoo on the brush in the form of a dog
Tattoo on the brush in the form of a dog

Eye - embodies the so -called "third Eye". He helps to protect from the machinations of ill -wishers, look into the souls to others. In some cultures, it was even believed that the soul enters the body through the pupils. Eye the emotions that are usually inherent in a person can also show: With a tear - sadness, next to the frowned eyebrow - doubt or anger, a clear look is hope.

Tattoo on the brush in the form of the eye
Tattoo on the brush in the form of the eye

Male tattoos on the fingers and their meaning

Fire - This image of the natural element embodies passion and destruction. Fire shows that a person is full of internal energy. Our ancestors perceived such an image as well as rebirth sign.

Important: in some cases, flame languages \u200b\u200bsymbolize mental torment, which are difficult to endure.

Tattoo on the finger in the form of fire
Tattoo on the finger in the form of fire

Scissors “Of course, they can say that you have a hairdresser or a fashion designer.” However, it is likely that the psychological subtext lies in this picture. Often scissors are applied as a tattoo when with through the past, in the past, any episode from life. By the way, in a similar way you can successfully mask the scars.

Tattoo-tattoo on the finger
Tattoo-tattoo on the finger

Hourglass - remind us of the speed of life And they express the desire of the owner of the image not to live life. Every moment should be happy - This is another thought that arises when looking at a similar picture. Sometimes the clock is perpetuate on themselves in honor of any important event.

Tattoo-sand clock on the finger
Tattoo-sand clock on the finger

Elephant - It can be quite interestingly placed on the hand so that the legs and trunk falls on the fingers. This animal embodies fidelity, wisdom. He uses special honor in India as the embodiment of Ganesha is the god of happiness. For men, such a tattoo is perfect, with oddinya physical power and mind.

Tattoo-slone on the finger
Tattoo-slone on the finger

Tattoos in the palms of male and their meaning

Eye in the triangle - symbolizes insight, mind, vigilance, intuition. In ancient times, in this way illustrated eye of the godswho monitors people. Also the eye in the triangle symbolizes ubiquity.

Important: another meaning of such a symbol is not so positive - it speaks of the limitations of the visible.

Tattoo in the palm of the eye in the triangle
Tattoo in the palm of the eye in the triangle

Shark - Incarnation underlessness, power, cunning. It is not for nothing that many books and films are devoted to these creatures - sailors and residents of coastal settlements respect predators. Shark It is a kind of amulet in professional affairs. It is worth applying it and freedom -loving personalitieshaving an unbending character.

Tattoo on the palm of the palm
Tattoo on the palm of the palm

Dice - this is risk, exception, perception of life as a gameplay. Fans of gambling believe that such a tattoo will become a happy talisman in their hobby. There is another interpretation: there are no only true solutions, each of them is true in its own way.

Tattoo on the palm of your hand in the form of playing bones
Tattoo on the palm of your hand in the form of playing bones

Tattoos on Biceps Male: Bracelets and their meaning

Bracelets - On the pumped hand they look gorgeous. Most often, they use as an ornament celtic motifs. They embody infinity of being.

Biceps tattoo in the form of a bracelet
Biceps tattoo in the form of a bracelet

Inscription - Often, the name of a beloved woman or child is named biceps.

ATU-text on a biceps with a female name
Biceps tattoo with female name

Samurai - Most associate samurai simply with excellent warriors who are able to masterfully defeat any enemy. But this is true only partly - let's not forget about the Code of the samurai "Bushido".

According to him, a real warrior must adhere to the following principles - independence, devotion without a hint of self -interest, respectful attitude to traditions, unshakable will, reckless adherence to the chosen path.

Important: as for the life path and ideals, Busido emphasized that they should carry a bright color.

Biceps tattoo in the form of a samurai
Biceps tattoo in the form of a samurai

Dagger - symbolizes from the time of the Middle Ages the last line of defense. To the dagger, that is, for the near battle, the warrior was ready in the last turn, when all other funds were exhausted.

If necessary, this weapon acted as a means to part with life in the name of ideals. Thus, such a tattoo will serve the embodiment of determination, freedom of choice, resistance, accuracy in actions.

Biceps tattoo in the form of a dagger
Biceps tattoo in the form of a dagger

Male tattoos on the elbow and their meaning

Web - If you abstract from the use of such a tattoo in prison circles, you can get a fairly interesting and stylish decoration. The Indians hung a web over the cradle in order to protect babies from evil spirits. And adults it will come in handy like obell from evil forces. Also, the web is a symbol of the fact that a person adheres to his principles.

Tattoo-cobblet on the elbow
Tattoo-cobblet on the elbow

Star - This simple and universal tattoo refers to ancient symbols. She was considered the harbinger of good luck, the embodiment of the sky, the source of inspiration.

Tattoo on the elbow in the form of a star
Tattoo on the elbow in the form of a star

Snowflake - talking about elevations of man, his uniqueness. All snowflakes seem like similar, but upon careful examination it becomes clear that there are no snowflakes completely similar to each other. The same can be said about the owner of the tattoo: he does not like to stick out himself, but at the same time he has an interesting inner world.

IMPORTANT: This image is a good and uncomplicated example of a surveillance symbol. Each time, snowflakes melt, but the snow goes and goes.

The tattoo is a snack on the elbow
The tattoo is a snack on the elbow

Male tattoos are male and their meaning

Traditionally stands out several varieties of sleeves:

  • Long - From shoulder to wrist
  • Half - from the wrist to the elbow or from the elbow to the shoulder joint
  • Quarter - Half of the forearm or half of the shoulder

Armor - It is preferable to apply them harsh men who are fond of cold weapons or martial arts. Such a tattoo will give even more courage and dexterity. You can regard such a decoration and as protection against various adversities.

Examples of Tattoo-ruffs in the form of armor
Examples of Tattoo-ruffs in the form of armor

Forestsearch for the life path. As a rule, such tattoos are chosen by people who constantly wander, look for themselves, doubt the fidelity of the choice. A similar amulet can help them find what you need.

An example of half a sleeve in the form of a forest
An example of half a sleeve in the form of a forest

Maple - Another option from the field of flora. Maple tree is considered very persistent, which will be an excellent allegory of human perseverance, ability to endure any adversity.Celts applied such a drawing to various objects, believing that he will give strength.

Important: if you want to perpetuate your feelings, then a maple tattoo is not the best solution. In Asia, this tree was really considered the patron of lovers, but the Slavs saw in its leaves a sign of parting with relatives. In Poland, they generally symbolized the death of a loved one.


It was previously believed that there should be many scars on the body of a good warrior. Later, warriors began to decorate their body and tattoos, simultaneously using them and as amulets, a way to tell about themselves.

And today, many men prefer to decorate their body, preferring images on their hands. The purpose of tattoos has practically never changed - they can still tell a lot about the owner.

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