Tattoo for the zodiac sign - ideas of tattoos for girls: color scheme, style

Tattoo for the zodiac sign - ideas of tattoos for girls: color scheme, style

The tattoo is not just a picture, but also a certain symbol that carries a semantic load.

Astrologers advise those whose Zodiac Virgo sign, wait for the 26th lunar day in order to decorate himself with a tattoo. And apply it is better On the waist or outside of the hand, although often the drawings are located on other parts of the body: back, side, on the chest or on the shoulder, etc.

Tattoo zodiac sign Virgin for girls

Virgins are very picky, meticulous and extremely attentive to details, and most often come to the master with ready and “Approved» They themselves with a sketch, demanding to reproduce it in absolute accuracy. And during the application of the drawing, they will have time to give many tips, achieving the complete embodiment of their plan.

The most natural tattoo for maidenOf course, there will be a symbol of the Virgin. He will bring success with him, will help not only to find himself, but also to open in all directions and faces of talents. The most profitable and interesting thing is such a drawing looks at the waist, you can also place it on any side. This location will emphasize that you are able to correctly prioritize, you know when it is better to keep silent, and when feelings and emotions are better not to hide.


The image of the Virgin depends on which culture of which people is closest to the owner of the tattoo. For example, the Christian Virgin Mary or the Egyptian Isis, the innocent Greek Artemis or the deified Thracian Virgin, and the symbol for the French is Jeanne D'Ark, the Orleans Virgin.

Any reproduction of the images of these and other characters will correspond to the sign of the Virgin.

Options for the image of the symbol of the Virgin:

  1. A girl in the form of an angel with symbolizing spirituality with wings. And not only spirituality. Cleanliness, modesty, harmony - all these qualities are inherent in the one that has chosen such an image. Even if in fact a girl does not have these qualities, the drawing will help her become more tender, reveal her femininity, making a universal favorite.

  2. Very concise, stylish, sophisticated looks Tattoo for maiden, something similar to the Latin Litera M. And again, as in the previous case, it is noted sensitivity, modesty, kindness, softness inherent in the owner of a tattoo, or at least a desire for similar qualities.

    With girl
    With girl
  3. Virgin can be portrayed with flowers. Being a certain symbol of fertility, flowers also symbolize youth, beauty, grace, fragility, and is as appropriate on the body of a young girl.
  4. Image of a fervent girl in the style of anime. This is the choice of shocking daredevil, who strives for a drive in life, a continuous positive, well, and, of course, to originality.

Virgin exists in the elements of the Earth, so she is characterized by a love of nature. Girls born under this sign are tattoo with the image of birds and animals, trees and flowers.


And given that this sign is located at the junction of summer and autumn, the gifts of a generous crop of this time are very appropriate: fruits, berries, fruits, both in separate drawings and still still life.


One of the popular tattoo for the Virgin - Hieroglyphs. The character of Virgo, responsive and ready to help, corresponds to the image of the Japanese hieroglyph "Kindness".


Tattoo sign Zodiac Virgin for girls: h then not to apply?

Astrologers say that the Virgins are monogamous. Perhaps that is why, as the observations testify to the application of the name of a loved one to the body, sometimes fraught with the imposition of a crown of celibacy in the event of a break with a loved one.

Tattoo sign Zodiac Virgin for girls: sketches

Of the many shades, the representatives of this zodiac sign are most suitable for dark gray, black colors and a palette of silver shades. They harmoniously reflect the softness of their nature, a tendency to the beautiful. BUT tattoo of the Virgin Mary is often depicted in a canonical style wrapped in a turquoise cape.

The Virgin Mary
the Virgin Mary

In the style of minimalism, discreet and laconic strokes are contained, small sizes. All this gives the drawing aesthetics and grace.


A technique called “Linvork” provides for the application of lines and strokes, from which you can create any patterns, and they are performed, as a rule, in black. The graphics are inherent in the ability to most accurately display the uncompromising nature of the Virgin, for which there is black and white.


Using a technique in the style of realism, a real master can reproduce in all details, the accuracy of which is so appreciated by Virgo, portraits and images selected by the customer.

Bright Virgo
Bright Virgo

Video: Tattoo for girls

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