Tattoos of amulets and talismans, tattoos of the rune and their significance. Tattoos of amulets for men, girls, women Slavic from the evil eye and damage, the eye of the mountain, Buddhist, Indian, ancient Old Russian

Tattoos of amulets and talismans, tattoos of the rune and their significance. Tattoos of amulets for men, girls, women Slavic from the evil eye and damage, the eye of the mountain, Buddhist, Indian, ancient Old Russian

In this article, we will consider in more detail the meaning of tattoos-explosives. Our ancestors were not in vain invested in them a certain meaning.

Our ancestors adorned their body for a reason - patterns talked about belonging to one or another tribe, estate, and important events in human life. Well, of course, they served as powerful amulets. In each such protective icon, a special meaning was hidden. Let's try to figure them out.

Slavic tattoos-shackles and their meanings

Slavic gods They are a rather popular amulet chosen in the tattoo master. It was previously believed that their images are able to protect a person from any troubles. But for this you should carefully figure out the interpretation of such images:

Veles - He answered for ensuring that the earth would be fertile. As for people, it was believed that it was Veles to grant them knowledge from the field of agriculture and medicine. He is able to provide prosperity, material well -being.

Important: if you look at this symbol in a broad sense, then it can be interpreted as a person’s return to his origins. In Slavic mythology, Veles was considered an extremely important deity, because he set the world in motion. Our ancestors thought that it was he who created day and night, seasons, grief and joy - in a word, all those phenomena that consist of our life.

Such a symbol of God Veles can be portrayed in the form of a tattoo unit
Such a symbol of God Veles can be portrayed in the form of a tattoo unit
As a tattoo, you can also apply Veles, which looks like a bear's paw.
As a tattoo, you can also apply Veles, which looks like a bear's paw.

Perun - God thunder, lightning, military courage. The landowners did not particularly revere him, but for princes and combatants, the worship of Perun was of great importance. Given that Russia experienced a lot of bloodshed, they often turned to this god. At present, the image of Perun able to give a person strength.

Tattoo-Purun, which awards its owner by forces
Tattoo-Purun, which awards its owner by forces

Svarog - Heavenly deity and, as our ancestors believed, the father of all living beings, gods. Svarog protects all living things, controls life. He acted in quality powerful amulet, hiding impressive power, about the human, otherworldly and divine. Should be applied to those who want bring harmony into your life, minimize chaos.

Such an image of Svarog can be applied as a tent-tattoo.
Such an image of Svarog can be applied as a tent-tattoo.

Dazhdbog - It was the god of the sun, heat, fertility. He helped not only the plowmen in growing a good harvest, but also the princes in making the right decisions. It is not in vain that was therefore reckoned with one of the most revered patrons. Such a tattoo will contain extremely bright energy.

Rune, which can be applied as a tattoo as a designation of Dazhdbog
Rune, which can be applied as a tattoo as a designation of Dazhdbog

Yarilo - I had a son Veles, in charge spring warmth, fertility. It is believed that the image of this deity is able to reward the owner life force, helps to reborn for something new.

Important: the Slavs considered Yarilo the patron saint of the most reckless feelings. If you are familiar with feelings that are not amenable to reason, and you want to obtain control over them, you should definitely pay attention to the image of Yarilo.

Image of the god Yarilo for tattoo
Image of the god Yarilo for tattoo

Makosh - It was believed that it was she who held the canvas of the world in her hands, into which fate was woven. He takes care of the family hearth, embodies femininity, motherhood. The Slavs were sure that she contains earth's energy.

Picture for a tattoo in the form of a makosh goddess
Picture for a tattoo in the form of a makosh goddess

Stribog - Also a fairly significant deity, which was obeyed by the wind. Stribog is warlike, he is always he comes to the rescue in the battle with dark forces.

Picture for tattoo with stribog
Picture for tattoo with stribog

Tattoos-workers for men

Carpet - A very common amulet that men wore since childhood. It was believed that it helps to be successful in battle, grants wisdom. Wherein wisdom is still in the first place, after all, only a fool always, as the ancestors reasoned, is ready for a fight. God Kolyada tirelessly monitors the renewal of the world, changes it for the better.

Important: women did not wear a similar amulet, but there were small exceptions. So, the girl could put on a carol in order to give herself courage and confidence. But even short -term wearing was not encouraged, so the carol is rightfully considered a truly masculine sign.

Men's tattoo-cooler carp.
Men's tattoo-cooler carp

Square Svarog - Another purely male symbol. He patronizes those representatives of the stronger sex who Employed by physical labor, especially blacksmithing. Helps to show ingenuity in the work, put all the forces in the process.

Male Tattoo-Svarog Tattoo
Male Tattoo-Svarog Tattoo

Valkyrie - A amulet related to the oldest. Most often applied to armor, as he helped the soldiers keep in battle honor, nobility, wisdom, justice. Similar qualities contributed to the fact that soldiers managed to protect their family. Valkyrie is aggression, but aggression in the name of salvation.

Important: the ancestors advised to apply such an image of that young man who, in all situations, climbed into a fight, not knowing how to control himself. Valkyrie got rid of excess anger.

Male tattoo in the form
Male tattoo in the form

Sunny Crosscalled also celtic cross, often in one form or another was cut out on shields and swords. People were sure that this amulet would help in the terrible minutes of the battles. It even came to the point that the warriors thought that it was impossible to cut a decorated with a sign. The same goes for tattoos - the Celtic cross gives the owner courage, stamina, faith in your business.

Men's tattoo-reckoning solar cross
Men's tattoo-reckoning solar cross

Tattoos for girls: amulets

Ladin - Always counted the amulet of love and happiness, a defender from various adversities. It is not for nothing that the woman called her husband “Lado”, and he was “Ladushka”. Lada in Slavic mythology served as a patroness beauty and love. No wonder a similar amulet was awarded to the girl from three years old. From such an age to marriage, he helped form feminine character traits in it, become a real enviable bride.

Important: the rays must certainly be broken to the right, but rotate to the left side - our ancestors recognized this direction truly female, emotional. It contributed to the fact that a woman could fully reveal her potential.

A sketch for a female tattoo-worker Ladin.
Sketch for female tattoo-worker Ladinets

Lada star - Originally female symbolism, Protecting not only women's health, but also her child, facilitating pregnancy, childbirth. It was believed that a girl from a young age should wear such a amulet, because he promises longevity. In addition, the image balances the character, giving him kindness, calmness, judgment.

Image for a female tattoo star Lada
Image for a female tattoo star Lada

Bereginya - Image with powerful female energy. It promises prosperity, fertility. It was believed that if the owner of Beregini lives according to conscience and honors the ancestors, her fate will turn out well, and there will always be prosperity in the house.

This image can be used for female tattoo Bereginya
This image can be used for female tattoo Bereginya

Svitovit - embodied harmonious universe, the victory of light over darkness. Especially suitable for creative natures As an expression of a combination of heaven with the earth. Loved to wear Svitovit and b eraden women Those who believe that he would save the unborn child from the negative impact of forces from outside.

Image for the female tattoo-svitovit
Image for the female tattoo-svitovit

Ladybug - may well be considered a talisman for the fair sex, as it embodies motherhood, fertility. In addition, this insect for everyone, without exception, causes positive emotions, protecting their mistress from negative. The inhabitants of Scandinavia were convinced that a similar talisman it attracts true love.

Important: there is a myth according to which the spouse of the godmother God changed him and was turned into a ladybug. However, perhaps this is the only negative meaning of this symbol.

Female tattoo-shaped in the form of a ladybug
Female tattoo-shaped in the form of a ladybug

Tattoos-shots: amulets and talismans and their meaning

Star - one of the ancient universal amulets that was called make life more successful. It was not for nothing that when the star falls, it was customary to make a desire, because it acted as a kind of magnet to attract good luck. It is especially worth applying such a tattoo to a person, in the life of which there is a lot of negativity and hopeless situations.

A star
A star

Grasshopper - I enjoyed respect in a large number of countries. Real talisman for people of creative professions. However, and the rest he can cite luck, longevity and wealth. The Japanese were especially convinced of this - they even often took an insect in a miniature cage with them.

Tattoo-tattoo in the form of a grasshopper
Tattoo-tattoo in the form of a grasshopper

Scarab - the symbol in which the ancient Egyptians saw the embodiment of the immortal soul. It is believed that such a tattoo helps a person understand his soul, return it to life after heavy experiences. It can be safely said that the scarab is enclosed the wisdom of the world.

Tattoo amulet in the form of a bug-sheet
Tattoo amulet in the form of a bug-sheet

Bee - A powerful talisman that will provide longevity and hard work. Moreover, thanks to such hard work, a person will be able to acquire and wisdomnecessary in life. It was previously believed that this insect conveys to people the blessing of the gods.


Spider - Oddly enough, this tattoo will serve as an excellent amulet that can protectyour owner From the negative from outside, diseases. It is especially worth paying attention to this picture creative personalities “She will give hard work and inspiration.” Seven legs spider symbolize the cyclicality of the universe, harmony.

Important: it is advisable to depict an insect with a web - it often acted as the embodiment of a guiding thread that helps a person. Residents of India perceived the web as an image of order.

Tattoo amulet spider
Tattoo amulet spider

Elk - The perfect choice for strong in spirit menFor which difficulties are not a problem. Purposefulness, however, also needs its amulet - and it is the moose will achieve the desired troubles.. As our ancestors believe, the image of this animal will allow improve health.

AMALOVE TATURE in the form of moose
AMALOVE TATURE in the form of moose

Pelican - Without such a talisman you can not do a person who dreams of changing the world for the better. Pelican will make undertakings successful, help to develop, look for more and more ways to improve yourself.


Tattoos, huts from the evil eye and damage

Black Sun - A fairly common amulet among the Slavs and Scandinavians. For a long time, wearing a symbol was the prerogative of priests, but in the Time of Troubles they allowed us to do this to ordinary people. It was believed that the black sun enforcement reinforces energy Thanks to the connection with the ancestors. It's believed that this amulet is very powerful, which means, to cope with any evil eye.

Important: despite the power of the image, it must be used with great caution, since it imposes a huge responsibility. A person who has applied such a tattoo is obliged to live in good conscience, to honor his ancestors, to be guided by the mind when making decisions. Only then, as the priests believed, will the amulet be able to protect.

Black sun tattoo
Black sun tattoo

Fern flower - It was believed that this image embodies in the power of light, vital energy, which can defeat any evil eye, ailment or damage. It is also called Perunov color, and he allows even the most incredible desires to be realized. Our ancestors were convinced that this amulet could clean the soul of a person, wake the forces hidden in it.

Tattoo on the wrist
Tattoo on the wrist

Cross - It has always been considered a fairly effective amulet from damage and evil eye. It is recommended to apply such an image either on the back or on the chest area. Especially the cross is useful women of a strong naturewho can have many ill -wishers.

Tattoo in the form of a cross from the evil eye
Tattoo in the form of a cross from the evil eye

Buddha - The Thai considered the image of this deity by a reliable amulet from the evil eye. A man became invulnerable to everything that belonged to evil forces. He strives for the light, and the light will protect from any damage.

Tattoo Budda from the evil eye
Tattoo Budda from the evil eye

Lunnitsa - This talisman was worn exclusively from the evil eye the fair sex. Young women were believed to be the most prone to the evil eye, so they were especially recommended to wear a lunar. Damage to infertility - This also did not have to be afraid, as well as loor to an unpleasant man.

The tattoo is a rash from the evil eye
The tattoo is a rash from the evil eye

Eye in the pyramid - One of the most common amulets of this type. Its roots originate from ancient Egypt. It was believed that such an all -seeing eye carries its owner light, wisdom, strength. It was understood that this eye belongs to God, looking after man.

Eye tattoos in the pyramid
Eye tattoos in the pyramid

Tattoos-shots: Eye Mountain

Eye Mountain - A fairly common tattoo motive, which is the embodiment of the ancient Egyptian god Ra. It was believed that this sign would give its owner vigilance, vigilance, cares from all negative. In addition, a person receives the ability to notice what is happening in the soul of othersWhich, in turn, also helps to avoid trouble.

The convenience of such a tattoo It consists in the fact that it can be applied to people of any gender, age and kind of occupation. Even the character in this case does not matter.

Important: as for the color scheme, it is preferable to use green and blue shades. Of course, you can make an ordinary black and white tattoo.

Preferred places of jewelry - This is the back, lower back, wrists and ankle.

It was believed that right eye - The symbol of the masculine principle, the sun. The left eye Associated with the moon, that is, with passive energy and the female beginning.

Eye tattoo.
Eye tattoo.

Buddhist tattoos are workers

Ohm - Popular amulet, as it helps to find calm, judgment. Ohm, according to beliefs - the sound from which the creation of the world began, which means that from troubles, he can protect. It is believed that even in hopeless situations, the image can give a person to help find a way out.

Important: it should be noted that tattooing with a similar symbol is necessary exclusively on the upper body.

Buddhist tattoo-reckoning in the form of sound ohm
Buddhist tattoo-reckoning in the form of sound ohm

Mandala - It is believed that it has the structure of the universe. Capable protect, strengthen spiritual integrity, protect from the earthly bustle. On the principle of mandalas, altars, temples, cities were even built.

Tattoo-reckoning mandala
Tattoo-reckoning mandala

Bodhisattva - A creature that seeks to comprehend the ideas of Buddhism in order to save the world around him. Naturally, such an image can often be found as a talisman.

Bodhisattvae tattoo
Bodhisattvae tattoo

Lotus - Helps a person eliminate obstacles to self -knowledge, self -improvement, on the way to high goals. It is believed that the lotus wisdom arouses, helps harmoniously combine the light and dark sides. This image contributes to security in a person of purity, spirituality.

Tattoo-reinforcing lotus
Tattoo-reinforcing lotus

Indian tattoos-workers

dream Catcher - One of the most famous and revered to this day of Indian symbols. Indians were convinced that a cunning weave of threads stops all evil spiritswho will want to penetrate the consciousness of a sleeping person. Negative thoughts, the evil eye should also get confused in the amulet.

Important: it is advisable to apply a tattoo on the shoulder, neck or back to places that are closest to the head.

Tattoo-reinforced a dream catcher
Tattoo-reinforced a dream catcher

Kokopelli - One of the main deities revered by Indian tribes. It was believed that Cokopelli travels in human form with a flute when one time of the year replaces another. This creature is extremely positive, it brings people cash wealth, protects during childbirth. Especially located to people prone to adventurism.


The face of the Indian - Initially, the representatives of these tribes themselves, mainly the leaders. There is still debate about what exactly a similar image meant before. Most researchers are inclined to think that this charm in heart and prosperity affairs.

Tattoo-convertible tattoo in the form of an Indian face
Tattoo-convertible tattoo in the form of an Indian face

Totemic animals They acted as a fairly frequent motive that he told others about the personal qualities of a person. So, wolf Symbolizes fidelity, good intuition and perseverance. Coyote - The embodiment of cunning, bull - readiness for risk, bear - Courage and strength, eagle - The authorities and abilities to notice everything.

Tattoo-cooker in the form of a totem animal wolf
Tattoo-cooker in the form of a totem animal wolf

Feather - The Indians perceived the pen as Rebirth sign, eternal life. Only the most important people were honored to wear this image, as the pen helps to make contact with the gods. Eagle feathers Help to adopt the courage of the bird, its strength and lightning speed.

Tattoo-convertible tattoo in the form of a pen.
Tattoo-convertible tattoo in the form of a pen.

Tattoos-Runa: Influence on Life

Tattoos are quite popular, but this category of images should be treated especially carefully. Some runes have a powerful energy that can literally change life. And it is not necessarily these changes will mean wealth or unearthly love that has fallen from the sky.

Important: it is believed that some runes are able to influence the subconscious so much that the effect may be completely unexpected. The energy of a person with such a tattoo is quite capable of changing, so before going to the salon it is necessary to read the meaning of the selected drawing properly.

Our ancestors had no doubt that, activating some energy processes, a person owes the universe to return something in return. Moreover, this will not necessarily happen right there - even after a few years the influence of the image does not weaken.

However, you should not be afraid to apply runes at all - you just have to understand the intricacies. So, each rune consists of three interconnected parts -Directly the rune itself, the sign-form and sound. Separately, they will not give any effect. Also do not make words from the runes - Each icon itself carries meaning and special energy.

It is better to apply one rune as a tattoo
It is better to apply one rune as a tattoo

Slavic tattoos: amulets-runs

World - It is the first of the rune row. It serves as a designation unification of man and God, That is, he says that a person is a creator. Such a tattoo can give a person the impulse of creativity, the desire for knowledge, will help to fully reveal its "I". At the same time, the image orlines the inner world.

Tattoo in the form of a rune of a world world
Tattoo in the form of a rune of a world world

Frozen-grass - The Slavs did not know the best amulet from illnesses. According to their beliefs, all the ailments were embedded on a person with the forces of evil. What is better to cope with them than a double sign of fire? The body, dishes, armor, weapons-quite often here you could meet a chop of grass.

Slavic tattoo charming
Slavic tattoo charming

Rainbow - symbolizes the road, passing along, a person tries to reconcile the forces of order and chaos. At the same time, the road means not just a movement somewhere, but a special state of search for the “golden mean”. Rune helps if desired to stabilize any situation, get help in the trip.

Important: the rainbow helps those people who live according to the motto "do what you want - and be what will happen."

Tattoo-Runa Rainbow
Tattoo-Runa Rainbow

Kroda - embodied fire, creative impulse. Fire is meant creative - a divine spark that helps to realize the plan. But any implementation involves disclosure, which contributes to the stream. She is cleans a person’s thoughts of everything unnecessary, superficial.

Such a rune of stream can be applied as a tattoo
Such a rune of stream can be applied as a tattoo

Wind - Runa inspiration, will, ascent, creative impulse. A person with such an image gets the opportunity explore yourself as best as possible. He finds the truth and follows it.

Such an image of the rune of the wind can be applied in the form of a tattoo
Such an image of the rune of the wind can be applied in the form of a tattoo

Lelya - The embodiment of the energy of water, which lives vividly in springs and streams. The Slavs were sure that this rune awakers in a person intuition. Lelya also embodies flowering, spring, joy.

Important: if a person wants to apply a charm of love, then the best option than Lelya cannot be found. Moreover, by love, it means to a greater extent spiritual-emotional, and not physical attachment.

An example of a tattoo with the runes of the Slavs. Upper runes - Lelya
An example of a tattoo with the runes of the Slavs. The upper three runes - Lelya

Scandinavian runes tattoos

Kenruna of health, can bring healing, protect against any harm. In addition, she can bring stability in friendship and love. Counts an excellent talisman for artists, as it contributes to the release of creative potential.

Such a Scandinavian rune can be applied as a tattoo
Such a Scandinavian rune can be applied as a tattoo

Maine - Helps the owner of the image fully realize your potential. The rune comes to the rescue of those who do not yet know what they want from life, which road to choose. Moreover, the amulet even contribute to the fact that surrounding people become more friendly - Perhaps because the owner of the tattoo learns to live in harmony with the world.

Tattoo-cooker in the form of the Scandinavian rune of Men
Tattoo-cooker in the form of the Scandinavian rune of Men

Gera - promotes fulfillment of desires. The icon itself symbolizes the harvest, that is, a favorable completion of any business. The rune is capable Give a good mood, give strength.

Important: nevertheless, it is recommended to remember that there will be no heavenly manna - it is important to personally make efforts for a favorable outcome. The rune tells us about the full cycle in which harvesting is only a result. And cultivation of land, sowing is also an important part of the cycle.

The Scandinavian rune of Jera can be applied as a tattoo
The Scandinavian rune of Jera can be applied as a tattoo

Horn (Turisaz) - Not only attracts success in business and love, but also protects from the evil eye. It is especially useful for those who made an impressive number of enemies - the rune weakens their effect. Turisaz as if he pushes a person to ensure that he is in the right place and at the right time.

Such a Turisaz rune can be portrayed as a tattoo
Such a Turisaz rune can be portrayed as a tattoo

UR (Uruz)attracts pleasant changes to the life of the owner, promotes health. The rune is interesting in that allows a person to find something where only ashes remained. It unites, as the Scandinavians believed, subtle and physical worlds, is the merger of male and female principles.

Tattoo-cooker in the form of the Scandinavian rune UR
Tattoo-cooker in the form of the Scandinavian rune UR

Technical progress and change of beliefs led to the fact that we forgot about many images. Meanwhile, it was not for nothing that people since ancient times created entire arches of the rules regarding where to place signs when and to whom. Therefore, it is extremely important before enlisting the help of a particular amulet, carefully study its interpretation and nuances of application.

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  1. Recently I thought to fill myself with a tattoo in the Slavic style, but did not know which one to choose.

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