Lizard tattoo - sketches, meaning for girls and men, in the zone, on the arm, wrist, leg, shoulder, lower back, spatula, on the whole back, stomach, ankle, neck, thigh, pubic, lizards crawling down, in colors, with. crown: drawing, photo lizards for tattooing

Lizard tattoo - sketches, meaning for girls and men, in the zone, on the arm, wrist, leg, shoulder, lower back, spatula, on the whole back, stomach, ankle, neck, thigh, pubic, lizards crawling down, in colors, with. crown: drawing, photo lizards for tattooing

In this article, we will talk about what means an image of a lizard on the body depending on various nuances. We also attach sketches of the most interesting options for tattoos.

The symbol of the lizard has been revered since ancient times: it was known and especially distinguished by residents of Central America, Greece, Egypt and other territories. Even in Russia in ancient times, they especially related to lizards! Let's try to plunge into the world of centuries -old interpretations.

Lizard tattoo - meaning for girls

No wonder this reptile enjoys great love among the fair sex. It symbolizes flexibility. However, in addition to grace, the lizard is also of interesting importance for girls - it is synonymous mystery, mystery.

The Slavs considered lizards to be faithful assistants to people. If you turn to Russian fairy tales, you can notice how nimble reptiles warned of threatening misfortunes. In the Urals, for example, the lizard embodied the spirit of the Copper Mountain, as mentioned in the famous fairy tale.

Important: therefore, a similar tattoo can be considered a tattoo with a amulet. He will help to find his owner of strength for development, fight with something. And also protects from negative influence, envious views.

The elegant mysterious lizard will be a great tattoo tattoo for a girl
The elegant mysterious lizard will be a great tattoo tattoo for a girl

It was also believed that the lizard helps top dreams. Which, of course, will be interesting to many representatives of the fair sex.

Girls will probably like another interpretation - thrift. To explain, you need to contact the zoologists: they found that lizards are leaned to collect moisture directly from the air! The assistants are scales on the body.

The lizard may also indicate that its owner loves risk, prone to spontaneous acts, is not afraid of experiments. Therefore, men who love such girls should pay close attention to the carriers of such tattoos.

By the way, if you want to emphasize my extravagance, creativity and flexibility, It is worth choosing the right satellite on the body chameleon. Carriers of such an image are wayward, original and uniformly do not differ. No wonder the chameleon symbolized the wind in ancient times. It was believed that he feeds on air.

Important: however, in addition to lightness in the good sense of the word, the chameleon can personify unprincipledness, a tendency to succumb to someone else's opinion.

A tattoo with a well-known lizard-character can symbolize both lightness and exposure to someone else's opinion
A tattoo with a well-known lizard-character can symbolize both lightness and exposure to someone else's opinion

Curious fact: a lizard can serve as an excellent decoration Feministically tuned young ladies. Fans of the idea of \u200b\u200bfemale independence will probably like the symbol with CNEMIDOPHOUS Neomexicanu - The appearance of lizards, which consists only of females! Such lizards propagate exclusively through the egg with parthenogenesis - without seed.

Tattoo for girls in the form of a lizard of the species Cnemidophous neomexicanu
Tattoo for girls in the form of a lizard of the species Cnemidophous neomexicanu

Lizard tattoo - meaning for men

For this kind of tattoo, you should definitely pay attention to those guys who are used to quickly, without unnecessary thoughts, cope with difficulties. Moreover cope with high quality, And not how it hit. Symbolizing cunning, speed and agility The lizard will be a great idea for decorating the body. No wonder the ancient peoples considered it the embodiment of the moon and water.

Such an idea is also useful for men, put logic at the forefront when making any decisions at the forefront. In ancient Greek mythology, for example, the lizard appeared as the embodiment of Mercury - the deity of trade, rhetoric.

Graceful and dexterous reptiles also symbolized wisdom, dexterity, ingenuity, mind. For the representative of the stronger sex, important quality if he wants to achieve something in life.

Important: in order for these qualities to increase, it is recommended to use the lizard as a talisman. She will give self -confidence, protect against problems.

The tattoo-gang will be an excellent amulet for the man
The tattoo-gang will be an excellent amulet for the man

Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to Varan. Or, as it is also called, "Komodsky dragon." It symbolizes strength and calm, patience, composure. Also, this reptile was associated with a certain internal isolation taking place from complete concentration on something.

Tattoo varan is perfect for men
Tattoo varan is perfect for men

Men accustomed to winThe idea will probably attract the idea Tattoo-Salamandra. It is known, for example, that Francis I - the French monarch - depicted this amphibian on his coat of arms as personification Victory, courage, nobility.

Salamander-Tatu will decorate men who are accustomed to win
Salamander-Tatu will decorate men who are accustomed to win

Lizard tattoo - meaning in the criminal world

First of all, it is worth noting that in the modern list of popular prison tattoos the image of the lizard is simply absent!

Important: often a lizard is confused with a snake - here it is not so remote in places not so remote, and denotes a person who is not respected by all. This interpretation does not apply to lizards.

However, we are talking about the present. If you dig deeper, the Japanese ancient prison interpretation will come up. The fact is that the lizards were noted members of Yakuza - A criminal syndicate. And according to the composition, one could learn about the crimes of a person, his place among the hierarchy of violators of the law.

Lizard tattoo - a value on the arm, wrist

As mentioned earlier, a flexible reptile in ancient Roman and ancient Greek mythology was the embodiment of Mercury. Since this deity patronized the merchants, its symbol will definitely come in handy for those who want focus on finance.

Around the same ancient times, the image of the lizard began to decorate the hands of dealers. People who especially needed luck in cash affairs, believed that her elegant reptile would bring her.

Graceful tattoo-yoke on the arm will attract monetary success
Graceful tattoo-yoke on the arm will attract monetary success

Another value of such a tattoo on the arm - help in oratory. After all, Mercury also helps in eloquence.

Important: therefore, for those people who dream to speak penetratively, captivating the audience, a tattoo-yachier will become a great solution.

Perhaps if you gesticulate with your hand with such a tattoo, the attention of the public will be provided
Perhaps if you gesticulate with your hand with such a tattoo, the attention of the public will be provided

Lizard tattoo - a value on the leg, ankle, thigh

The elegant lizard depicted on the thigh will be embodied grace. If at least a little watch the living reptiles, it will become noticeable that they are extremely flexible. So, for example, a belt -hinge lizard can swallow its own tail, trying to protect itself from predators and take a spherical shape.

By the way, this can still be interpreted in symbolism as an attempt to show that there is under the shell Sensitive nature.

The tattoo on the thigh symbolizes grace and tender nature
The tattoo on the thigh symbolizes grace and tender nature

Tattoo-yoke on the leg, the ankle demonstrates peaceful disposition your owner. According to studies, out of 3800 species of lizards, only 2 of them are poisonous.

Important: such a tattoo also indicates that a person is always ready to compromise. After all, lizards are known for their ability to take root in any conditions.

The tattoo on the leg will symbolize peacefulness and compromise
The tattoo on the leg will symbolize peacefulness and compromise
The lizard-tattoo on the ankle also speaks of peacefulness
The lizard-tattoo on the ankle also speaks of peacefulness

Lizard tattoo - value on the shoulder, shoulder blade

It is believed that a tattoo on the left shoulder attracts unexpected profit. This is a symbol of the so -called "Easy money." It is also a kind protection.

Right shoulder - the place for obel of family well -being, wisdom. It is believed that the tattoo on this place it will help to come true the most cherished desires. The lizard, for example, will award success, charge with positive energy your owner.

Lizard -tattoo on the left shoulder - assistant in monetary matter
The lizard-tattoo on the left shoulder is an assistant in monetary matter
Lizard -Tatus on the right shoulder - luck
Lizard-Tatus on the right shoulder-luck

If you want to do it The emphasis on wisdom, then preference should be given shoulder blades As a canvas for a tattoo. Even the ancient Egyptians associated lizards with wisdom and knowledge.

Important: the lizard also emphasizes the modesty of its owner. In addition, this is a wonderful option for those who do not want to focus on the tattoo too much.

Yashcherka tattoo on the shoulder blade - modesty and wisdom
A yachting tattoo on a shoulder blade-modesty and wisdom

Lizard tattoo - value on the lower back

First of all, it is worth noting that the picture on the lower back is the vast majority of the option for the fair sex. At this point, the tattoo looks very elegant and aesthetically.

However, in addition to aesthetics, there is a certain meaning in the image of the lizard on the lower back. The fact is that in the eastern countries practicing various exercises about energy channels, the spine is given a special role.

It is believed that the lizard drawn at the bottom of the spine will help to develop self -confidence, mind, insight.

Important: it is recommended to apply such a tattoo to personalities who dream of bringing their professional skills to perfection.

The tattoo-yoke on the lower back will help to develop insight, professional skills, mind
The tattoo-yoke on the lower back will help to develop insight, professional skills, mind

What does a large lizard tattoo mean on the body, on the whole back

Lizard depicted on the whole back among women personifies sexuality, female strength, grace, fertility. That is how the peoples of North America perceived this reptile.
U men back reptiles can also symbolize Fertility and sexual attractiveness. No wonder many lizards are quite bright and instantly attract attention.

But, besides this, a large lizard means and Rebirth, readiness for updating. Everyone knows that the lizard discards the tail - hence a similar symbolism.

Important: by the way, such a large tattoo can survive for a long time in its original form on the back.

The tattoos on the back symbolize attractiveness, and also attract attention in themselves
The tattoos on the back symbolize attractiveness, and also attract attention in themselves

Lizard tattoo - a value on the stomach

The picture in this area indicates dexterity, resourcefulness its owner. It is not for nothing that the reptile, inspired by tattoo masters, has been living on our planet for many millennia.

Also tattoo on the stomach is an indicator that a person wants somehow explore self. He he is interested in experiments, with pleasure declares himself.

A little pretty lizard-tattoo will show that its owner loves to express herself
A little pretty lizard-tattoo will show that its owner loves to express herself

Lizard tattoo - value on the neck

There is an opinion that a lizard on the neck - printing a warrior. So they perceived the badge in the form of reptiles both our ancestors-Slavs and the Indian tribes.

Continuing the theme: the lizard can be considered and intelligence emblem. These reptiles are known to all their abilities to successfully disguise themselves under the surrounding landscape. For example, thanks to a change in color.

It is important: it happens that girls who are not related to a military career depict a lizard on the neck. In this case, we can conclude about its belligerent nature.

The lizard-tattoo on the neck indicates a warlike character
The lizard-tattoo on the neck indicates a warlike character
A lizard on a man’s neck may indicate his profession of a military
A lizard on a man’s neck may indicate his profession of a military

Lizard tattoo - a value on the pubis

As mentioned earlier, the lizard symbolizes sexuality. It is beautiful, elegant, attractive, so there is nothing surprising in what is associated with female energy.

African tribes, for example, associate reptile not only with flexibility, but also with peacekeeping mission. This just corresponds to the purpose of a woman - to calm.

The tattoo-yoke on the pubis symbolizes sexuality, femininity
The tattoo-yoke on the pubis symbolizes sexuality, femininity

Tattoo of a lizard crawling down: meaning

It is preferable to direct the lizard up. The direction down can be of a negative value. So, for example, the Slavs could explain a similar sign as the embodiment of anger.

Australians associate lizards with family life. Only the reptile crawling down will not tell you about anything good, but about instability, betrayal.

The lizard crawling down can talk about aggression
The lizard crawling down can talk about aggression

Lizard tattoo in colors: meaning

We wrote about the values \u200b\u200bof the lizard itself above. Flowers adjust these values \u200b\u200bin one direction or another.

Important: it all depends on which flower is depicted.

For example:

  • Gladiolus - patronage in the battles
  • Lilia - Mercy, immaculate, humility
  • Lotus -The desire for something, seeming unattainable. It is believed that the lotus helps to cope with obstacles
  • Narcissus - It is easy to guess that this is vanity, self -love, frivolity
  • Long water - indicates the deep connection of the past and present
  • Magnolia - A tendency to self -sacrifice, respect for your personality. Also, magnolia is a symbol of charm
  • Mack - tendency to loneliness, searching for solitude
  • Tulip - Optimism
  • Various wildflowers - The embodiment of femininity
Tattoo-yoke in flowers
Tattoo-yoke in flowers

Lizard tattoo with a crown: meaning

The crown, like flowers, is designed to correctly adjust the meanings already known to the reader. The crown, for example, embodies power, authority, greatness.

Important: and this refers not only to the predominance in material terms, but also in the spiritual. For example, you might mean spiritual enlightenment, forces to commit something.

The tattoo is in the crown is power, predominance
The tattoo is in the crown is power, predominance

Lizard tattoo: sketches, drawings, photos

Here are several options for photographs, crees and drawings with tattoos for inspiration:

Drawing for tattoos with an elegant lizard
Drawing for tattoos with an elegant lizard
Very naturalistically looking tattoo in the form of a lizard
Very naturalistically looking tattoo in the form of a lizard
Drawing for volumetric tattoos-yoke
Drawing for volumetric tattoos-yoke
Even the simplest tattoo is a decoration can be a decoration
Even the simplest tattoo is a decoration can be a decoration
A large tattoo-haired man looks great on a male hand
A large tattoo-haired man looks great on a male hand
Also, a large tattoo-haired man looks great on her back
Also, a large tattoo-haired man looks great on her back
Salamander -Taty on a female neck - quite interesting decoration
Salamander-Taty on a female neck-a fairly interesting decoration
The lizard-tattoo successfully grabbed the bone on the leg
The lizard-tattoo successfully grabbed the bone on the leg
Lizard-tattoo surrounded by flowers on a female back
Lizard-tattoo surrounded by flowers on a female back
Volumetric tattoo-gang on the shoulder blade
Volumetric tattoo-gang on the shoulder blade
Unusual bright tattoo - lizard on the head
An unusual bright tattoo - a lizard on the head
Maori style lizard
Maori style lizard
Such a funny lizard in the form of a tattoo will also look interesting
Such a funny lizard in the form of a tattoo will also look interesting


A selection of sketches for tattoos in the form of lizards
A selection of sketches for tattoos in the form of lizards
Sketch for tattooing in the form of a lizard-hameleon
Sketch for tattooing in the form of a lizard-hameleon

How to make a Polynesian lizard tattoo, Maori: a sketch

Polynesian motifs (they are also called motifs of the Maori tribe) are quite popular in the world of tattoos. Images of lizards occupy a worthy place in it. Lizards, according to the Maori tribe, scare away evil:

Universal sketch of a Polynesian lizard tattoo
Universal sketch of a Polynesian lizard tattoo


A sketch of lizard-tattoo in the style of Maori tribe
A sketch of lizard-tattoo in the style of Maori tribe
The sketch of the lizard -tattoo in the style of the Maori tribe can be performed as follows - the option is less complicated than the previous
The sketch of the lizard-tattoo in the style of the Maori tribe can be performed as follows-the option is less complicated than the previous
A fairly interesting tattoo ecstage of the Polynesian lizard, crawling horizontally
A fairly interesting tattoo ecstage of the Polynesian lizard, crawling horizontally
Here you can choose such an interesting tattoo sketch if you want to portray a maori lizard unusual
Here you can choose such an interesting tattoo sketch if you want to portray a maori lizard unusual
Another sketch for a tattoo with a Polynesian lizard located horizontally
Another sketch for a tattoo with a Polynesian lizard located horizontally
A fairly interesting sketch of a tattoo in the form of a lizard in the style of Maori
A fairly interesting sketch of a tattoo in the form of a lizard in the style of Maori

How to make a tattoo of the lizard of the salamandra: sketch

Salamander - Printing courage - You can draw according to the following sketches:

Simple sketch for a salamandra tattoo
Simple sketch for a salamandra tattoo
Interesting two-tone salamandra sketch for tattoos
Interesting two-tone salamandra sketch for tattoos
Interesting sketch for tattoo salamandra
Interesting sketch for tattoo salamandra
Simple sketch for tattoo-salamandra
Simple sketch for tattoo-salamandra
Sketch for a tattoo in the form of a salamandra strips
Sketch for a tattoo in the form of a salamandra strips
Tattoo-ecue in the form of a cartoon salamandra
Tattoo-ecue in the form of a cartoon salamandra

How to make a tattoo of the lizard of Varan: sketch

But ideas for embodiment crystanding - Varan:

Variant of the sketch-tattoo in the form of Varan
Variant of the sketch-tattoo in the form of Varan
Variant of a sketch for a volumetric tattoo-waran
Variant of a sketch for a volumetric tattoo-waran
And this sketch of Varan for a tattoo on a large surface of the body
And this sketch of Varan for a tattoo on a large surface of the body
You can choose such a sketch for a tattoo with a Varan
You can choose such a sketch for a tattoo with a Varan

Graceful lizards are asked as a tattoo on the body! Visually, they are great for both men and women. But, of course, like any symbol, the lizard requires decryption. We hope that we helped those who wish to decorate themselves with such a tattoo.

Video: A little about the Polynesian interpretation of a lizard tattoo:

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