Male tattoos on the leg and their meaning on the lower leg, caviar, thigh, ankle, foot, knees, ankle. Ideas of tattoos and their meaning on the leg of a man: sketches, drawings

Male tattoos on the leg and their meaning on the lower leg, caviar, thigh, ankle, foot, knees, ankle. Ideas of tattoos and their meaning on the leg of a man: sketches, drawings

In this article I would like to tell about the decoration of men's legs with a tattoo. These pictures can not only successfully complement the style, but also tell a lot about a person.

Male tattoos on the leg are considered a fairly original decoration, because representatives of the stronger sex are infrequently inclined to decorate this part of the body.

But, oddly enough, drawings on the legs are often able to emphasize masculinity. However, it is necessary to emphasize wisely, not forgetting that many tattoos carry a certain meaning.

Places of male tattoos on the foot of a man and their meaning

Hip - Mostly the female version, but such ideas are not alien to men. As a rule, those who play sports. Such a tattoo is extremely convenient, because it is easy to hide under clothes. And that means that even a voluminous and aggressive picture will not damage the image.

Important: the hip is the zone is not sensitive, so you can safely choose this option.

Male thigh tattoo
Male thigh tattoo

Shin - Another example regarding painless applying the jewelry, especially on the back. Unlike the hip, the lower leg as a canvas for tattooing more common in men. Most often, the choice falls on Images in the style of biomechanics, tigers, dragons, military and knightly themes, runes.

Tattoo on men's lower leg
Tattoo on men's lower leg

Knee - One of the rarest places for applying tattoos.

Firstly, the proximity of the bone to the skin and the absence of the fat layer will make itself felt painful sensations.

Secondly, skin The cover in this place is rebellious and rude, Therefore, detailing will be inappropriate. There is a great risk of receiving the image that was on the sketch.

If you still decide, something small and simple can become a good decoration.

Male knees tattoo
Male knees tattoo

Ankle - Men not so often prefer this option. However, despite soreness Procedures, this the decoration can become quite stylish. Moreover, if desired easy to hide.

Male ankle tattoo
Male ankle tattoo

Foot - enough original, if desired, quite you can hide. They look especially interesting folk ornaments. However, On the heel, the drawings should not be placed Due to the rudeness of the skin - after a while the tattoo will almost certainly lose its previous outlines.

Important: it is recommended to choose only fans of tattooing, since this procedure will be painful, and the irregularity of the surface will bring a lot of trouble. The most optimal option is the side.

Tattoo on the feet
Tattoo on the feet

Ideas of tattoos and their meaning on the leg of a man: sketches, drawings

Tattoo on the leg in the form of a guitar
Tattoo on the leg in the form of a guitar
Tattoo mask sketch
Tattoo mask sketch on the leg
Tattoo-diokon sketch on the leg
Tattoo-diokon sketch on the leg
Drawing for a tattoo in the form of a raven
Drawing for a tattoo in the form of a raven
Drawing for a tattoo on the leg in the form of a wolf
Drawing for a tattoo on the leg in the form of a wolf
Sketch on the foot in the form of cobra
Sketch on the foot in the form of cobra
Drawing for a foot tattoo in the style of biomechanics
Drawing for a foot tattoo in the style of biomechanics
Sketch on a leg in the style of Blackwork
Sketch on a leg in the style of Blackwork

Male tattoos on the lower leg: dragon and others, their meaning

The Dragon - One of the classic images. Eastern culture endowed these creatures unthinkable power, wisdom, Made them emblem of the emperors.

The Celts also considered the dragon the patron saint of their leaders. Black creature says that his owner honors his parents, blue - Oh rest, yellow - About softness, with a fee of gold - About militaryness.

IMPORTANT: It should be distinguished by eastern dragons and European ones. The fact is that it is the first type that symbolizes authority, rebellion, strength. The second simply performs a decorative function, referring us to fairy tales. It is simple to distinguish them: the European has wings, and the eastern one is more like a snake.

Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of a dragon
Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of a dragon

Whale - It does not occur so often, although this image is strong enough. The first associations at his mention - greatness, calmness, harmlessness.

Our ancestors, however, experienced a mixture of horror and worship when meeting with this mammal. A person who has such a tattoo is inherent in susceptibility, desire for harmony, the ability to solve global problems, well -developed intuition.

Tattoo Kit on the legs
Tattoo Kit on the legs

Wings - denote human protection by higher powers. It is worth paying attention to the color of the wings - so black They symbolize the fallen angel, the presence of skeletons in the closet, remind of the sinfulness of everyone, sometimes of repentance. As for white, then they embody cleanliness, naivety.

Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of wings
Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of wings

Biomechanics -The popular image in the 2000s, because it was at this time that active computerization came.

But, oddly enough, it is implied not worshiping technological progress, but by the property of human nature. This tattoo speaks of the boundless possibilities of the owner of the image, his potential, the desire to be the master of the world.

Biomechanics style tattoo
Biomechanics style tattoo

Trout - is one of the Slavic symbols, embodying sensity, well -being. Trout - swift fish, it can rightfully be considered allegory of energetic, the desire to lead an active lifestyle.

Our ancestors have long noticed that trout lives exclusively in pure waters, so this fish has become a symbol higher knowledge, independence, purity.

Important: you can interpret such a tattoo and as the personification of moodiness. This is not surprising, because catching trout is quite difficult.

Trout tattoo
Trout tattoo

Butterfly - An ancient image. Our ancestors believed that the moths serve as wanderers in all worlds, endowed with incomprehensible abilities.

Now the insect is perceived as the personification of freedom, love of life, variability. However, let's not forget that the bloodworm not quite free, because it is doomed to fly into the light, even if it harms him.

Bowing tattoo in the form of a moth
Bowing tattoo in the form of a moth

Wolf - From ancient times it was revered as Bold, independent animal. Despite the fact that the aggression of the predator feared, his mind and determination deserved respect. The tattoo is definitely not suitable for a constantly doubtful and slow person.

Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of a wolf
Tattoo on the lower leg in the form of a wolf

Joker - It can be either a character from the film or an image from a deck of cards. In any case, he talks about tendency to excitement, mind. Unfortunately, the Joker recalls that the world is hypocritical and disappointment - its invariable companion.

Important: keep in mind that this character has a sharp change in mood. Good today, the Joker may well become angry tomorrow, and generously giving instantly it will turn into a thief.

Tattoo-jacket on the lower leg
Tattoo-jacket on the lower leg

Horsenoble hardworking an animal to which is inherent love, energy, endurance, determination, grace. It is not for nothing that the horse looks at us from cave drawings - ancient people were able to appreciate his dignity mind and invaluable help.

Hole tattoo in the form of a horse
Hole tattoo in the form of a horse

Ship - inherent in people who strive for changes in life, for the search for their path. It was previously considered a talisman of sailors, but appropriate on the body of men of other professions. It is necessary that the sail ship be raised on the ship - This will certainly attract prosperity and joyful changes.

Tattoo-collar on the lower leg
Tattoo-collar on the lower leg

A trace of a bear paw - personifies power, strength. In the beliefs of some peoples, this predator is considered a mystical animal.

And if some argue with the otherworldly component, then the fact that the bear trace symbolizes wisdom and generosityNo one doubts.

Tattoo in the form of a trace of a bear paw on the lower leg
Tattoo in the form of a trace of a bear paw on the lower leg

Male tattoos on the thigh and their meaning

Matryoshka - Probably, this will surprise many, but the legendary Russian souvenir is not exclusively female attributes. Previously, the matryoshka served amulet. In addition, such a tattoo speaks of the interest of her owner in Russian traditions.

Important: Matryoshka can serve as a signal of the character - secretive, sometimes even unexpected.

Male thigh tattoo
Male thigh tattoo

Falcon - Unique combination of physical and spiritual power. This predator knows how to easily maneuver and rapidly dive. It is in contact with people excellently, but with increased attention it may well leave the usual area.

It is worth attaching great importance to how exactly the falcon is depicted: soaring tell you about the foresight, dive - About determination, sitting on a branch - About finding opportunities.

Tattoo on the male thigh - Falcon
Tattoo on the male thigh - Falcon

dream Catcher - The Indians considered this amulet a powerful means of protecting a sleeping person from evil spirits. At the same time, the symbol is intended to fight not only external enemies, but also with the thoughts of the owner of the amulet. Human acquires harmony, begins to relate to life more positively.

Tattoo-Lovets of dreams on the male thigh
Tattoo-Lovets of dreams on the male thigh

Werewolf - Legends about these creatures were in every culture, unanimously leading fear. If the wolf symbolizes mainly positive qualities, the werewolf tells us about unbridled, wildness, strength, relics. However, do not be afraid of the owners of such images - most often this means that they want to realize the dark side of themselves and subjugate it.

Tattoo on the thigh in the form of a girl-werewolf
Tattoo on the thigh in the form of a girl-werewolf

Male tattoos on the ankle and their meaning

Crane - embodied prosperity and well -being, wisdom, fidelity. It was previously believed that he portends longevity. As a rule, a similar tattoo is most often chosen people with a balanced character who are alien to expression and cunning. However, these people have an active life position.

Important: not all peoples considered the crane to be a positive symbol. So, the inhabitants of India tried to highlight the traitors with such an image.

Tattoo on a men's ankle in the form of a crane
Tattoo on a men's ankle in the form of a crane

Sea Horse - embodied willingness to overcome difficulties, determination, attentiveness and caution. This creature has a lot of place in the myths of different nations, and magical abilities are also attributed. Therefore, perhaps the sea hobby was considered a charm from diseases, a talisman in any affairs.

Tattoos on ankles in the form of sea skates
Tattoos on ankles in the form of sea skates

Male tattoos on the knees and their meaning

Mandala - This diagram is very suitable for placing on the knee due to its shape. Buddhist mythology gives this symbol an extremely important place - it embodies the universe, holistic world. Mandala is the model of this world, which is simple, but at the same time perfect. Perhaps a person wants to build such a universe within himself?

Mandal tattoo on a male knee
Mandal tattoo on a male knee

Balloon - Not the most popular image, but it will fit perfectly into the knee area. As a rule, it suggests that the owner of the tattoo easily refers to life, does not want to perceive it seriously. It is also characteristic of him readiness for risk, breadth of thought, love of changes.

Important: Keep in mind that the balloon means denial of authorities, dislike of worries.

Tattoo-air ballon on the male knee
Tattoo-air ballon on the male knee

Dart Vader - An explicit sign that you are facing a fan of Star Wars. What qualities is impressed if there is a tattoo on the body with such a character?

Despite the fact that Dart Vader is the main antagonist of the saga, his personality is enough majesticHe possesses power and charisma.

Tattoo-dart Vader on the knee
Tattoo-dart Vader on the knee

Tattoos on the foot male and their meaning

Tiger - An extremely popular symbol. Which is not surprising, because this predator graceful, strong, beautiful, ferocious and powerful. It is noteworthy that the Asians considered not a lion, but the tiger king of animals.

Residents of Tibet completely considered the Tigers the ancestors of people. The interweaving on it of dark and light stripes can symbolize the struggle of a person with the dark and bright sides.

Tattoo on the foot in the form of a tiger
Tattoo on the foot in the form of a tiger

Fishing hook - is considered a talisman capable of attract money. In addition, the owner of the tattoo should expect not only cash profits, but also others success.

Tattoo on the men's foot in the form of a hook
Tattoo on the men's foot in the form of a hook

Labyrinth - tells that human life represents confusing with a large number of barriers. On the one hand, you can interpret the symbol as doombut on the other - like a search for yourself. A similar tattoo will surely apply fatalist, mystic, a wanderer who prefers spiritual life more than physical, loving to gain knowledge.

Male feet labyrinth tattoo
Male feet labyrinth tattoo

Since ancient times, men adorned their body as those images that were called to tell everyone about the status and achievements, and those that were not allowed to see.

Nothing has changed and after centuries - now tattoos do not always want to demonstrate around the clock. For such cases, the leg is suitable - men do not even often expose their legs, unlike women. However, all the more interesting is the tattoo that will tell the most secret about the owner.

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