Tattoo - crown: meaning, location of the drawing, symbol history, soreness of the procedure, photo, sketches

Tattoo - crown: meaning, location of the drawing, symbol history, soreness of the procedure, photo, sketches

In this article, we will talk about the meaning of the crown tattoo, as well as offer photo ideas that will help you choose the perfect drawing for your body.

The art of tattoos has existed for many millennia. In different peoples, tattoos were endowed with various magical properties. They applied to protect children from the anger of parents, adults were guarded in battle and on hunting, old people from diseases. According to the image, one could read the history of human life.

Tattoo with the image of the Crown: The History of the Symbol

The whole history of mankind, the leaders of long -standing world cultures used the crown. Her image in the symbolism of the Middle Ages denoted the attitude to the ruling genus. It was often painted on the flags of different states, and used to this day. In some civilizations, the crown was considered a symbol of the gods. In European culture, a crown with a cross is a popular design for a tattoo, where The cross symbolizes Christianity, and the crown means victory.

A tattoo with the image of a crown can be considered as a type of elite tattoo, which is designed to emphasize the position of a person in society. But in some cases, she also served Kara. For example, she was applied for retribution in a crime or thus put a mark of slaves and prisoners of war, thereby complicated the escape.

Unfortunately, with the spread of Christianity, the custom of tattoos has become mercilessly eradicated, as part of pagan rituals. The prohibition was so strict that the tattoo was not practiced among the inhabitants of Europe until the 18th century. In addition, Victorian ethical norms considered the tattoo procedure. Around the 19th century, tattoo was completely banned.


After some time, tattoos resumed, but no longer carried any special significance, but simply perceived as a curiosity of distant lands. Only in the early 50s, the tattoo said goodbye to the pessimistic raid of the historical inheritance. The youth of the 50-60s created a new generation of tattooists, their daring experiments made a tattoo art. They vastly adopted the traditional images of other cultures.

The value of the crown in tattoos: photo

A rather universal symbol that can be placed on any part of the body is the crown. Sketches of male and female tattoos Crown have few differences. The main thing is to follow common sense so that the design of the tattoo fits into the size of the selected skin.

Girls prefer to fill the original small tattoo, showing the superiority over others. Not everyone is worthy of applying such a tattoo.

  • Crown drawn with wings means the originality of the personality.
  • More often you can find an image of a crown with a variety of animals, letters. Leo in the crown - A sign of a leader. In some states a turtle with a crown symbolizes longevity and prosperity.
  • The owner of such a tattoo loves to rule and make important decisions regarding not only himself. Such a tattoo can become a talisman who will every day remind of future heights achieved. In addition, she shows the thirst for her owner to seize the leader’s position.
  • Often the crown is combined with the inscription. Latin winged formulations and quotes of famous people are especially popular. Some people stuff their name or initials. As a rule, the inscription is performed by original fonts.
Crown with the inscription
Crown with the inscription
  • Less commonly applied one crown without any symbols. He is chosen by pride and focused men and girls who want to imagine their aspiration upward. They have such qualities as arrogance, ledification, courage and the desire for victory.
  • If a crown Drawn above the heartShe symbolizes luck. AT celtic bracelet, there is a heart with a crown that two hands hold, heart means love, crown symbolizes devotion, arms - True friendship.
  • In some cultures, the crown, made in the form of an illuminated symbol, personifies the highest forces. The image with three sharp teeth will indicate faith, hope and love.
  • Crown decorated by any precious stones, indicates that a person is looking for the meaning of life. Sometimes jewelry is located symmetrically or near it, most often it is sapphires or diamonds.
A variety of tattoos
A variety of tattoos
  • Skull decorated with a golden crown. Another popular option in which each owner invests his meaning. For some, this is a symbol of the mortality rate of everyday life, for others-the testimony that Fortune will give more in the next life. Many use this tattoo for aesthetic pleasure, not focusing on symbolism.
Skull in the crown
Skull in the crown
  • Tattoos are also popular crown for lovers, symbolizing strong family relationships. Such tattoos can be accompanied by names or romantic expressions. The meaning is that every crown is responsible for a man and a woman and, as a king and the queen are ruled by his own kingdom, so the spouses will rule his being until the end of his life.
Paired crown
Paired crown
  • The negative value of the tattoo in thatthat many people can decipher this symbol as a sign of exaggerated their own assessment and excessive confidence in their abilities.
  • Also, in some cases, the crown can symbolize despotism. But this does not mean that it is better not to apply the crown at all. On the contrary, its value in some cases can largely exceed the values \u200b\u200bof the remaining tattoos. If a person is going to highlight the devout meaning of the crown, he should concentrate interest on Tiara or the crown of the Pope.

Despite all the permissible values \u200b\u200bof the crown, the tattoo does not always hide some meaning. Sometimes this is just a delightful drawing that a person simply portrayed on his body. Why do not make any conclusions about the morals, if you suddenly meet a person with such a tattoo.

Crown tattoo on the arm: the location of the picture matters

Now progress has gone so far that there is no place on the human body where it is impossible to apply a tattoo. But not on every part it looks appropriate. It is important to take a balanced area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, leaving the parameters and the size of the picture.

Various areas of the skin have different levels of pain, beauty and practicality. For example, to beat a tattoo in areas with a thin layer of subcutaneous fat, such as hands or ribs, but on the shoulder or lower leg - not very well. The stuffed tattoo on the buttocks looks sexually, and looks disgusting on the face. On the feet, palms or wrist, the picture is poorly preserved, and on the forearm, lower leg or back with appropriate care, almost all his life is unchanged. And there are enough such nuances.

  • Having selected the drawing, study its meaning so as not to become a laughing stock.
  • The most popular option is shoulder and forearm. It is here that tattoos are placed by people who seek to attract or maintain power and power. Often, bold people decorate their breasts with a royal headdress.
  • Tattoos have long been famous on hands. In the tribes, the tattoo on the hands indicated the genus of classes, craft, social status. Also, patterns on their hands were worn for beauty. In the current world there was a tendency to apply tattoos on hand, because it is a mobile part of the body, which has many bends.
Crown tattoo
Crown tattoo
  • As a rule, experts divide the hand into several parts: shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, brush, palm, fingers. Tattoos can be packed both on one part of the hand, and on a little at once.
    • In addition to individual tattoos on the hands, there is a form that is called "sleeve". This is the name of the general drawing, entirely covering the hand. This type is popular among both men and ladies, because in this way it is possible to emphasize the personality of a person, in addition, this is an excellent option to stand out. You can create whole composition with a crown, majestic inscriptions and animals at the same time.
Majestic tattoo
Majestic tattoo

Tattoos on the wrist - A popular type of tattoo of both ladies and men. And this is simply explained: it is easy to hide under a long sleeve, if necessary. It is difficult to get tired of such a tattoo, usually it is insignificant and stylish, hinting at a certain feature of its owner.

Tattoo on the wrist is said about you a lot - sincerity, emotional depth, trust. If you want to convey these things to the world, the tattoo on the wrist will be just appropriate. The theme of tattoos on the wrist can be anything, starting from various inscriptions, ending with Celtic symbols.

Tattoo on the arm
Tattoo on the arm

The tattoo on the wrists looks delightful, but before making the final decision it is necessary to take into account several significant factors. Significant is the size of the picture, because in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body small drawings look better, which, if desired, can be extended to the elbow.

  • Small crown The female wrist will look especially exquisite. Such a drawing can afford to apply only very confident girls who are rightfully considered the conquerors of the world.
  • However, the crown can mean not only the achieved power and superiority. It can become a symbol of future accomplishments, reminding day by day to your goals with only one look at the wrist.
  • A multiplier, stylized crown tattoo with small wings can indicate that her mistress lives in fairy tales, feels like a beautiful princess and expects her prince.

Does it hurt to fill a tattoo on the arm?

Regarding pain when stuffing a tattoo on the hands, there is no unequivocal answer. This is all quite individual. The painful sensitivity of everyone is different, to say that this part of the body is especially painful.


However, there are some factorsSubject affecting pain:

  • Psychological mood. People who make a tattoo for the first time scare the unknown. They have no idea about upcoming sensations, this provokes fear. Having visited the master again, this fear completely disappears and the pain is easier to bear. It also happens that fear is only multiplying if the first time was too painful. In this case, it is virtually impossible to distract from pain.
  • Individual pain threshold. Someone can just fall asleep during the application of the tattoo, or quietly withstand for several hours, and after some time only feel the pain. Some at the very beginning feel discomfort, and after that they calmly tolerate several hours. Often women are more persistent, but they react more emotionally to pain.
  • Professionalism and trained master. Much in the case depends on the work of the master and on the equipment that he acts. Professionals work only with modern, high -quality machines, due to this, the soreness of the procedure is significantly reduced. The level of pain depends on the size of the image and stuffing technique.

Tattoo Crown: Sketches



Video: Tattoo Crown. The value of the tattoo crown for girls and men

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