Karakul and Karakulcha: What is the difference? What is more expensive - Karakul or Karakulcha?

Karakul and Karakulcha: What is the difference? What is more expensive - Karakul or Karakulcha?

Karakul and Karakulcha: How do they differ? This is a beautiful fur, noble, with interesting curls.

Caracular fur coats were popular in the last century. Not all women could buy this type of outerwear. The fur coat from Karakul was expensive, but very warm and looked unsurpassed. Now many fashionistas are also choosing this fur.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How and what to clean, refresh, renew the dark, white and cut mink coat at home after winter?”. You will find folk methods, tips, and also learn about a good remedy for cleaning mink fur. We will also tell you how to clean or wash the lining of a mink fur coat.

There is another type of fur - this is Karakulch. What it is? From the article below you will learn what is more expensive - Karakul or Karakulch, and what's the difference. Read further.

Why is the fur always in fashion?

Fashion is always a moody and unstable thing. Today, this “lady” has one face, and tomorrow she already changes her image beyond recognition, leading us to extreme surprise or confusion. The catwalks are full of the next inventions of designer designers, urging them to throw old things aside and change into new things. The desire to be the most beautiful outweighs the scales with economical and practicality. Emotions prevail over the mind, and the usual cycle in nature begins - female hearts tremble in anticipation of another purchase, and men's wallets cry from upcoming expenses.

But, as everyone knows, there are exceptions in any rules. There are things that are not subject to time and change in fashion. They are always in the spotlight, always in trend and are always in demand. The fur is one of these “phenomena”, the interest in which women is of enviable constancy. Throw a fur coat over your shoulders, put on high -heeled boots, proudly throw up the chin and arrange a promenade to the envious glances of others - such a dream ripens in almost every female head. Moreover, the age of the lady does not matter here. Everyone loves to boast, starting from little girls to mature women.

Karakul and Karakulcha: What is the difference?

Karakul and Karakulcha
Karakul and Karakulcha

Mink, arctic fox, nutria, sable, muton, fox - there is no shortage in the fur today, to great happiness,. Among the enormous variety, a separate “point” is Karakul and Karakulch. The business card of fur, by which it can be easily recognized - characteristic curls. An unusual texture favorably distinguishes it among other fur “brothers”. It surprisingly combines severity and simplicity, restraint and cute coquetry, nobility and slight negligence. What is the difference between these types of fur?

To buy a vest, a jacket or a fur coat from Karakulchi or Karakul today will not be problems. The small difficulty is that many are confused in terminology, taking these two names for one designation of a fur appearance. In fact, the concept of Karakul and Karakulchi vary among themselves, although slightly. Let's try to figure out who is who. ” Ecology fighters condemning the murder of animals for the sake of human whims, it is advisable not to read the following lines, since they will talk about newborn lambs.

  • Astrakhan - The skins of the only small lambs that were just born, taken on the third day after their birth. By that time, the fur was already becoming dense, and the hairs are distinguished by a good density, which has brightly exposed curls. The patterns of the Karakulev “curls” are never repeated, which gives each thing individual originality.
  • Karakulcha - These are the skins of unborn lambs, usually obtained a couple of weeks before the birth of sheep. The peculiarity of this material is that the characteristic “curls” have not yet been formed and only slightly begin to curl.

Karakulchi skins themselves are very thin and delicate, much softer than that of Karakul. Therefore, clothes from them are not different.

What is more expensive - Karakul or Karakulcha?

Broadtail The material is not too dense, but beautiful and expensive. At the cost is equal to the most expensive varieties karakul. In general, Karakul is considered a more expensive fur and is more appreciated, since it is more wear -resistant.

Karakulcha has less wear (2-3 seasons, no more), unstable to abrasion and mechanical loads, creeps are easily formed, located in the last positions of the list of wear resistance of the fur.

Karakul and Karakulcha: versatility, colors, where is it produced?

A fur coat from Karakul
A fur coat from Karakul

The fur coats from Karakulchi and Karakul look great on any lady. Due to the special dressing of the skins, products from it do not create excessive volume, so even full women will be to their face. Therefore, versatility is the main advantage of this type of material.

There are several colors in the nature of Karakul and Karakulcha:

  • Gray
  • Brown
  • Black
  • White

It all depends on the breed of animals and the place where they live. The main suppliers of scribbles are Uzbekistan, Afghanistanand South Africa. The most expensive is the Namibian Karakul or "Swakar", as it is also called in a professional language.

Such a fur lends itself to staining, which makes it possible for fashion designers to combine colors and produce fur coats of various colors. The supple texture of the fur opens up wide opportunities for creativity. Costumes, vests, poncho, skirts are sewn mainly from Karakulchi, since it is easier and thinner. Some studies work on exclusive patterns, sewing fur coats from Karakulchi to order.

We take care of the Caraculus fur correctly

Since Karakulchi products have a fairly short life, care should be appropriate. The basic rules that are required for execution. Forbidden:

  • Dry things near heating devices
  • Experiment with cleaning at home
  • Store fur in plastic bags
  • Carry bags over the shoulder
  • Get carried away with perfumes and toilet water, applying them to collars and cuffs

Otherwise, Karakul fur coats are ordinary things, but very beautiful and expensive. They have many fans among fashionistas, because it is a pleasure to walk in such clothes. Now you know what is the difference between Karakul and Karakulcha, and what clothes they sew from this noble fur.

Video: What is Karakulch?

Video: fur coats from Karakul

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