Tattoos for girls in their hands are small and large and their meaning on the wrist, shoulder, forearm, hand, fingers, sleeve tattoo. Ideas for tattoos for girls on their hands: drawings, sketches

Tattoos for girls in their hands are small and large and their meaning on the wrist, shoulder, forearm, hand, fingers, sleeve tattoo. Ideas for tattoos for girls on their hands: drawings, sketches

In this article, we will consider all kinds of options for tattoos on female hands. Each of these pictures has its own meaning, which may allow you to decide on the choice.

Do you know that tattoos in some countries are not just a decoration, but a tradition? For example, in the Balkans, such a tradition is still alive - so, tattoos there are mainly a female attribute that is placed in hand.

It is believed that they have therapeutic force, and less superstitious people simply read information on them - about marriage, the number of children, widowhood. However, you can also try to tell about yourself with the help of tattoos on your hands.

Places for tattoos for girls on their hands

  • Wrist from the inside - It is considered one of the most popular places for applying tattoos in girls. Firstly, the procedure for applying in this case will not seem painful, and secondly, the image can always be hidden with the help of a sleeve, watches, gloves or a bracelet if desired. A short phrase or a small picture in this place is what you need

Important: if you want to get a fast -running tattoo, then the wrist just fits perfectly.

The tattoo is applied to the inside of the wrist painlessly
The tattoo is applied to the inside of the wrist painlessly
  • Palms -This option is used quite rarely, and at the same time mainly people who belong to any organization. In addition, applying a tattoo in the palm of your hand is quite painful, but if desired, you can
Tattoo on the palms
Tattoo on the palms
  • Fingers - Most often they prefer to decorate them from the side. This method is chosen, because they can demonstrate the jewelry in this case at will. However, you can start a drawing on your finger, and finish on the brush
Tattoo on the side of the finger
Tattoo on the side of the finger
  • The inner side of the biceps - A relatively painless method, since this area is a kind of pillow. Perhaps the muscles will be sick for a while, but not for long. The tattoo looks spectacular, but it can only be hidden with sleeves - an option for bold lady
Tattoo on the inside of the biceps
Tattoo on the inside of the biceps
  • Brush - A good choice for those girls who want to focus on their strong character. You can choose a pattern of any, but geometric patterns, animals look more spectacular
Tattoo on the brush
Tattoo on the brush
  • Forearm - If you really want to make a tattoo on the arm, but in order for it to look feminine at the same time, it is worth choosing a choice on such an idea. Of course, it will not always be possible to hide the picture, but a small elegant tattoo will be able to fit into any image
Tattoo on the forearm
Tattoo on the forearm
  • Shoulder -The tattoo in this place will look like a man, not all girls agree to her. But floral patterns are quite able to smooth out a similar effect
Small neat tattoo on women's shoulder
Small neat tattoo on women's shoulder
Another longitudinal tattoo from neck to shoulder
Another longitudinal tattoo from neck to shoulder
  • "Sleeves" - Attribute of brave women. Of course, the pattern from the shoulder to the fingers will immediately catch the eye. Therefore, you can choose half of the sleeve (from shoulder to elbow, from the elbow to the wrist) or even quarter (half the forearm)
Half sleeve tattoo
Half sleeve tattoo

Important: it is recommended to apply a tattoo in the traditional coloring of monochrome. The fact is that the “sleeves” initially do not need additional accents, and the multi -color version looks too defiant.

Tattoo-rukava on a female hand
Tattoo-rukava on a female hand

Sketches and drawings of tattoos for girls on their hands

Sketch of tattoos on the shoulder in the form of a pistol with a rose
Sketch of tattoos on the shoulder in the form of a pistol with a rose
Tattoo drawing on the hand in the form of an owl
Tattoo drawing on the hand in the form of an owl
Tattoo drawing on the hand in the form of a rose
Tattoo drawing on the hand in the form of a rose
Drawing tattoo on hand with mysterious symbols of Masons
Drawing tattoo on hand with mysterious symbols of Masons
Drawing tattoo on hand with mysterious symbols of Masons
Drawing tattoo on hand with mysterious symbols of Masons
Sketch of tattoos on the wrist in the form of a butterfly
Sketch of tattoos on the wrist in the form of a butterfly
Sketch tattoo on the finger
Sketch tattoo on the finger
Tattoo sketch on the hand in the form of a peacock feather
Tattoo sketch on the hand in the form of a peacock feather
Tattoo sketch on the hand in the form of Phoenix
Tattoo sketch on the hand in the form of Phoenix
Tattoo sketch on the hand in the form of Scorpio
Tattoo sketch on the hand in the form of Scorpio

Mini tattoos for girls on their hands

  • The heart is on the wrist - A good example of a small tattoo. It symbolizes love, loyalty, harmony. This tiny jewelry will not attract much attention, but at the same time it will tell others about the tenderness, amorousness of the owner
Small tattoo on the wrist in the form of a heart
Small tattoo on the wrist in the form of a heart
  • Foam paw prints - denote self -confidence, inner strength, grace. However, they can simply say that a woman loves representatives of the cat family
Small tattoo prints of cat's paws
Small tattoo prints of cat's paws
  • Star - A fairly ancient symbol that was used in many cultures. The falling star has always symbolized the fulfillment of desires, success, luck
Small tattoo in the form of a star
Small tattoo in the form of a star
A small tattoo in the form of a star on the hand of the actress Eva Longoria
A small tattoo in the form of a star on the hand of the actress Eva Longoria
  •   The Infinity symbol It does not take up much space, but at the same time quite symbolic. By the way, we can clarify, the infinity of what exactly is meant if you draw to an inverted eight of any same small icon. For example, the heart depicted immediately will tell about the eternity of love
Small tattoo on the arm in the form of infinity with the heart
Small tattoo on the arm in the form of infinity with the heart
But you can draw in the tattoo-sign of infinity and the word love
But you can draw in the tattoo-sign of infinity and the word love
  • Martin - speaks of warmth, happiness, attachment to the house. The Celts believed that this bird served as a talisman from death and other misfortunes, and Christians considered it a symbol of the soul

Important: if a girl wants to talk about her independence, this can also be done using a swallow image. It is enough to draw it soaring over the nest.

Small tattoo on the wrist in the form of a swallow
Small tattoo on the wrist in the form of a swallow
  • Cross - The ancient Chinese believed that two intersecting lines are a staircase leading to heaven. It can also designate faith, although Christians and Catholics, in principle, against the image on the body of something
Small tattoo on the finger in the form of a cross
Small tattoo on the finger in the form of a cross
  • Rose - The small image of this flower may well fit on the finger. It speaks of beauty, purity, love, memory, eternal life. In addition, the rose has always been a kind of symbol of romantic natures
Small tattoo on the finger in the form of a rose
Small tattoo on the finger in the form of a rose
  • Zodiac sign looks great on the hand as a small tattoo
Small tattoo in the form of a zodiac sign on the arm
Small tattoo in the form of a zodiac sign on the arm
  • Sailboat - speaks of the adventurism of the owner. Basically, this topic refers to men, but the girl can also allow herself to decorate her hand with a tiny sailboat. The yacht, rapidly racing with inflated sails, serves as an excellent symbol of well -being and determination
Small tattoo on the hand in the form of a sailboat
Small tattoo on the hand in the form of a sailboat

Tattoos for girls on the wrist: inscriptions, birds, crown, bracelet, flowers and their meaning

  • Inscriptions A mystery gives the girl to the girl, besides, they look quite elegant for this part of the body. At the same time, they should be concise, since, of course, the large text will not fit on the wrist. Here's what you can, for example, write: "Cum Deo" ("With God"), "Fecit" ("I did it, performed")
Short tattoo in the form of an inscription on a female wrist
Short tattoo in the form of an inscription on a female wrist
Another option for a short tattoo on the wrist
Another option for a short tattoo on the wrist
  • Pigeon - As you know, the bird of the world. Also symbolizes love, good, purity of the soul
Tattoo pigeon on the wrist
Tattoo pigeon on the wrist
  • A flock of flying birds is the embodiment of freedom, dreams, strength of spirit, joy, beauty, vitality and the desire for something more

Important: if you want to give more specifics, it is worth depicting not the contours of birds, but of some specific birds, striving upward. So, the swan embodies tenderness, love, fidelity, eagle - independence, foresight, pride.

Tattoo in the form of flying birds on the wrist
Tattoo in the form of flying birds on the wrist
  • Crown -says that the owner of the image seeks to rule over someone or something, or maybe even belongs to the elite. However, the latter think infrequently when they seek to make such a tattoo. If you portray the crown next to another symbol, you can use it to emphasize the importance of this symbol
Crown tattoo on the wrist
Crown tattoo on the wrist
Coron’s tattoo may well be colored, framed by some patterns or letters
Coron’s tattoo may well be colored, framed by some patterns or letters
  • Bracelet - A fairly creative and stylish way to decorate the hand so that this jewelry looks natural. It is completely optional flirty decoration It should carry the meaning - it can consist of bows, beads, ribbons, hearts. But, however, Celtic patterns will perfectly fit into the image of those girls who prefer to apply tattoos with subtext
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a bracelet-band
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a bracelet-band
Bright tattoos on the wrist in the form of bracelets
Bright tattoos on the wrist in the form of bracelets
  • Gladiolus - A unique combination of tenderness and strength. Despite the fact that the flower is quite fragile in appearance, its name translates as “sword”. The ancient warriors believed that the amulet in the form of gladiolus would give dexterity, and also protect in battle
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a gladiolus
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a gladiolus
  • Poppy - Loneliness, craving for solitude. However, if such a tattoo is made to two lovers, it will symbolize their affection and constant interest in relation to each other

Important: the poppy is not a popular tattoo, but let it not scare you. The fact is that a symbol of loneliness can not appeal to everyone. But if you are an introvert that feels comfortable in this state, feel free to order such an image.

Tattoo on the wrist in the form of poppy
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of poppy
  • Lotus - says that the hostess of the tattoo is always ready to overcome obstacles. And it is not surprising if you recall that this beautiful flower grows in a marshy area. And even despite the swamp, the lotus blooms every time
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a lotus
Tattoo on the wrist in the form of a lotus

Tattoos on the shoulder and forearm for girls: inscriptions, patterns, panther, flowers and their meaning

  • Panther - speaks of grace and the elegant beauty of the owner. Such qualities in this animal have long been captivated by people. However, at the same time, cunning, danger and sometimes even rage are associated with the panther
Tattoo on the forearm of a girl in the form of a panther ready to jump
Tattoo on the forearm of a girl in the form of a panther ready to jump
However, the panther on the shoulder can be portrayed using a tattoo schematic
However, the panther on the shoulder can be portrayed using a tattoo schematic
  • Wildflowers - They are perfect for a girl's tattoo on the shoulder. They embody femininity, pure beauty, youth. The ideal option for those girls who want to decorate the shoulder, but at the same time are afraid of too massive and rough tattoos
Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of wildflowers
Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of wildflowers
  • Lily - A very popular option for female decoration. And it is not surprising, because it is considered a symbol of calm, harmony, nobility, tenderness, peace. Christians associated Lilia with meekness and humility, the Romans depicted this flower on coins as the embodiment of hopes, the French used to show such a drawing respect

Important: you can convey additional information to others using the color of the lily. So, White speaks of wealth, yellow - about pride and impregnability, orange - about extraordinary and independence, pink - about tenderness, a flower of dark shades - about passion.

Lily tattoo on the shoulder
Lily tattoo on the shoulder
  • Magnolia - Quite popular symbolism, especially in the East. It is associated with femininity, tenderness, fragility and originality. Ideal for women with a good sense of style, nature of creative
Such a tattoo magnolia can be placed on the shoulder
Such a tattoo magnolia can be placed on the shoulder
  • Sakura - The embodiment of beauty and youth. Sometimes it is interpreted as the speed of life, since Sakura blooms only once a year and not for long. Often in the form of a tattoo, it flaunts as the embodiment of all stages of human life - growth, flowering and wilting
Sakura tattoo on the forearm
Sakura tattoo on the forearm
  • Shoulder and forearm for inscriptions They fit perfectly - there is a place to place any philosophical thought, motto or names of loved ones. As an option, you can use the following sayings: "Audaces Fortuna Juvat" ("Happiness accompanies the bold"), "Tu ne cede malis, Sed Contra Audentior Ito" ("Do not submit to trouble, but feel free to meet her"), "Vivere militare est" ("Live means fight")
Angelina Jolie on the forearm drawn the word purposefulness in Arabic
Angelina Jolie on the forearm drawn the word purposefulness in Arabic
A long tattoo in the form of an inscription may be located on the forearm
A long tattoo in the form of an inscription may be located on the forearm
Tattoo-marriage on the forearm can be issued using an interesting font
Tattoo-marriage on the forearm can be issued using an interesting font
Long tattoo-delicacy looks great on the outside of the forearm
Long tattoo-delicacy looks great on the outside of the forearm
Completely optionally tattoo supplies should be in a foreign language
Completely optionally tattoo supplies should be in a foreign language
  • Among the patterns it is especially worth highlighting those that belong to the Celtic group. The traditions of Celtic images were largely influenced by the culture of those lands that were conquered - Indo -Aryan, Byzantine, Christian. This means that in the interweaving of such drawings, various motives can be made, but most often they tell about infinity
Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of Celtic patterns
Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of Celtic patterns
An example of a test pattern on all shoulder
An example of a test pattern on all shoulder

Important: in many Celtic patterns you can easily get lost, so it is recommended to give preference to the sun - an image that will look great on the shoulder. The symbol itself is designed to endow its owner with positive energy.

Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of the Celtic sun
Tattoo on the shoulder in the form of the Celtic sun

Tattoos for girls on the fingers: rings, inscriptions and their meaning

  • Inscriptions between the fingers Quite popular among girls. Such a tattoo is shown to others as desired. Of course, such an inscription cannot be long
Tattoo on the finger in the form of an inscription at the singer Rihanna
Tattoo on the finger in the form of an inscription at the singer Rihanna
A short tattoo word between on the side of the finger
A short tattoo word between on the side of the finger
  • An interesting option - several tattoos on the side parts of the fingers. Thus, it will be possible to apply the text of a favorite song or an interesting quote
Tattoos on the sides of the fingers
Tattoos on the sides of the fingers
  • Inscription On the side of the fingers is a great idea and for a paired tattoo. For example, you can capture the date of wedding or dating
Pair tattoo between the fingers
Pair tattoo between the fingers
  • Another interesting option for a paired tattoo on the fingers - the image of a lion and lioness. At first glance, they look like rings. These animals symbolize calm strength, fidelity, willingness to fight for their
Pair tattoo on the fingers in the form of a lion and lioness
Pair tattoo on the fingers in the form of a lion and lioness
  • Tattoos-rings They are popular, but, as a rule, they do not carry special semantic load. Just the option when the image serves only a decoration
  • This tattoo impresses some newlyweds as replacement of wedding rings
Paired tattoos-rings
Paired tattoos-rings

Tattoos for girls sleeves and their meaning

  • Tattoos are a ruler for girls may not make any secret meaning at all, since representatives of the fair sex sometimes just want to decorate themselves with something careless. And, for example, Images of sweets It may well be suitable for this

Important: however, when creating sleeves, it is extremely desirable that the image not even bearing special semantic load is somehow connected with each other.

Tattoos-ruler in the form of sweets
Tattoos-ruler in the form of sweets
  • A popular type of sleeve among women - fabric with flowers. Most often depict the symbolizing passion of the rose. At the same time, you can apply something else associated with a flowering garden-the birds that sing in it, a camera that all this beauty is filmed
Tattoo-rukawa with flowers, birds
Tattoo-rukawa with flowers, birds
Another type of tattoos in the form of a flora
Another type of tattoos in the form of a flora
  • If we talk about nature, then you can apply a luxurious tree on the whole hand. And you can several, thereby forming forest. The forest talks about the fact that the girl is in search of her path. At the same time, such a pattern will be homogeneous, which makes it very convenient for applying around the hand - at any point of observation, the tattoo will delight the eye
Tattoo rouke in the form of a forest
Tattoo rouke in the form of a forest
  • Ship - A symbol of self -determination, craving for a change of situation. From ancient times, the sailors inflicted this symbol since they overcome Cape Horn, and later the ship began to be associated with overcoming obstacles. You can also portray a girl with a lantern sitting on the shore, which seems to illuminate the path
Tattoo-rukawa with marine theme
Tattoo-rukawa with marine theme
  • Sleeves are a great idea if you want to portray portraits
Tattoo-rukawa with portraits
Tattoo-rukawa with portraits

Tattoos on their hands cause fear in some girls-suddenly they will look too brutal and not like? However, with a skillful approach, even a hand can be decorated so that grace and grace are preserved. Moreover, these qualities can be emphasized.

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