Maple leaf tattoo: meaning, symbolism, photos with examples of application, best sketches, templates, stencils. The value of the tattoo maple sheet: in prison, in the zone

Maple leaf tattoo: meaning, symbolism, photos with examples of application, best sketches, templates, stencils. The value of the tattoo maple sheet: in prison, in the zone

What does a maple leaf tattoo on the body of a man, girl, in the criminal world. How to choose for yourself a tattoo of a maple leaf? Our article will give you a brief, but comprehensive information on this topic.

Maple leaf tattoo: meaning for men and girls

Maple is a tree mighty, rebellious. He can hardly be seen broken due to storms, he is not harmful to the cold. So is a person with a similar tattoo - he is ready to face face with all life hardships, he be sure to survive.

Apparently, they thought so and celtsfor which this tree served the embodiment of resistance, invincibility, strength. They sincerely believed that such a symbol it will help to win victories Both on the battlefield and in heart affairs. We can find out about this thanks to the objects of the art of the Celts on which the maple leaf appears.

Kleun leaf tattoo, made in the form of Celtic Vyazi
Kleun leaf tattoo made in the form of Celtic Visazi

Residents of Asia They created a real cult of maple - they applied the image of his leaves on things, beds. Well, how else, if maple leaves are symbol of all lovers? By the way, such an interpretation can serve as excellent the idea for a paired tattoo.

A good idea with a maple tattoo maple
A good idea with a maple tattoo maple

Slavs Counted maple sacred wood. This is displayed in many legends in which a person turned into Javor (the Slavic analogue of the name of the name of our ear). The Serbs believed that the maple would dry out if a person offended by someone would touch him in the spring. But if an innocently convicted touches, the tree will close it with its leaves.

Germans We were sure that maple embodies the beauty of life.

Volumetric tattoo in the form of maple leaf
Volumetric tattoo in the form of maple leaf
You can even apply a whole tattoo with maple leaves
You can even apply a whole tattoo with maple leaves

Maple leaf tattoo: value in prison, in the zone

Mostly a similar image is chosen beginning criminals. Often occurs in minors.

It may also well be that a tattoo it is a kind of oath in love. Prisoners managed even from the word "sheet" make an abbreviation - "I love and greatly longing". Word " maple" Deciphered as "I swear to love her forever."

Important: in this case, the tattoo is applied to the hand.

Maple leaf tattoo on the arm can be perceived as an oath in fidelity
Maple leaf tattoo on the arm can be perceived as an oath in fidelity

As you can see, maple is a positive symbolism not only for Canadians. If you want to bring positive, balance and romance into your life, you can safely acquire a decoration or apply a maple leaf tattoo.

Maple leaf tattoo - sketches, templates, stencils - the best selection

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Photo-sketches-tatu-klen-OT-OT-OT 29.2017-№043-Sketches-OF-TATTOO-MAPLE-TATUFOTO.com_

Photo-sketches-tatu-klen-OT-OT-OT 29.2017-№034-Sketches-OF-TATTOO-MAPLE-TATUFOTO.com_

Video: Maple tattoo - Figure options

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