A tattoo with the image of an angel of the keeper, wings of an angel: views, examples, photos, sketches, videos, tattoos, which means an angel's tattoos in a criminal environment, where is it better to apply and which colors to use?

A tattoo with the image of an angel of the keeper, wings of an angel: views, examples, photos, sketches, videos, tattoos, which means an angel's tattoos in a criminal environment, where is it better to apply and which colors to use?

Tattoos in the form of angels have a special meaning. They are a divine sign that protects the carrier from troubles, misfortunes and brings good luck.

If you have a question, which is better to choose a tattoo, then do not rush with its solution first study what this or that tattoo symbolism means, only after that proceed to action. Having chosen the image of an angel to apply to the body, also carefully study what this tattoo means. After all, sketches are also different and their semantic symbolism varies.

In general, the image of the guardian angel means that you are under the auspices of the Higher Forces. After all, angels are the messengers of God who are designed to protect people from misfortunes, adversity, they are called to be spiritual mentors, patrons. It is interesting that every person has his own angel who takes care of him all his life. According to the theory, they are the soul of a once deceased native person.

Tattoos with the image of the guardian angel: what are the views, photos

The specific meaning of the tattoo with angels largely depends on the semantic load of the plot, the specifics of the style of the master. Let's study in detail how to choose the desired sketch of a tattoo and where it is better to fill it on the body. To do this, we will consider first what types of tattoos with the image of angels are.

Angels-children- Cherubim. They carry the symbolism of innocence and naivety, purity. It is enough to recall the little Cupid with the arrows. One type of cherubim causes a smile, and such a tattoo will bring joy, love.

Tattoo of the Guardian Angel on the arm
Tattoo of the Guardian Angel on the arm

Angels of the highest caste are Archangels. There are seven such representatives. This is: Gabriel, Mikhail, Rafail, Uril, Sariip, Ieremil, Raguel. Archangels are the first envoys of God who are able to protect heavenly forces, mortal souls from any forces of evil. They are drawn with weapons, or rather - with a spear, a sword.

Tattoo - Angel Mikhail
Tattoo - Angel Mikhail

There are higher creatures - fallen angels.Their path does not coincide with the path of God, so they were expelled from heaven. Lucifer is one of the most famous, among them, he rebelled against God and was also expelled. As a result, he created an entire army of fallen angels who crossed to his side. Who prefers such a tattoo - irreconcilable people who do not like to obey generally accepted norms.

Tattoo with the image of a fallen angel
Tattoo with the image of a fallen angel

Fabulous angels - Small pretty, cute creatures who, in nature, are slightly absurd, playful and slightly frivolous.

Fairytale angels - tattoo on hand
Fairytale angels - tattoo on hand

Reapers of human souls - dark Angels (In other words, the angels of death). These creatures come when it is time for a person to leave the world of the living, the time has come. Such tattoos are rarely found in public.

The sketch of the Black Angel
The sketch of the Black Angel

Tattoo angel, angel wings: image value for men and girls, photo

As mentioned above, the meaning of the tattoo can be different. A tattoo can be a talisman and vice versa, to attract various hardships to the owner (man, woman). The meaning of the tattoo with angels is sometimes interpreted in different ways if a person puts a certain meaning into it.

Tattoos can be a symbol of the expression of faith in higher powers. A tattoo with angels has a protective effect from all sorts of misfortunes, gives faith, hope, power to solve even the most difficult problems. The symbol of the angel can be a sign of fidelity or love for someone. Express hope for a good future.

Tattoo on the shoulder - Keeper Angel
Tattoo on the shoulder - Keeper Angel

If a person has lost a close friend or relative, then he can perpetuate the memory of him on the body in the form of an angel. Then it will be a symbol of respect. They apply such tattoos to places where they are not visible to warm the soul.

Tattoo on the back - an angel in the form of a sad girl

There are very beautiful sketches with the image of girls-angels. They carry a decorative function more. Such tattoos are happy to apply both guys and girls to the body.

Angel in the form of a girl - tattoo on her back
Angel in the form of a girl - tattoo on her back

A tattoo with an angel and a demon is an interpretation of the struggle of opposite forces within a person. More often men are stuffing them.

The fight of an angel, demon - tattoo
The fight of an angel, demon - tattoo

Tenderness, love and peacefulness carry tattoos of fairy -tale angels or cherubs.

Cherub - tattoo on the body

Those who are particularly in need of freedom are striving to free the burden of the hardships of life, inflicts the wings of the angel on the back.

Angel wings - tattoo

Angel tattoo: where it is better to apply and which colors to use

Each personality has its own requirements for a drawing applied to the body, people invest a different semantic value in a tattoo. Therefore, it is undesirable to flaunt a tattoo with an angel, it is better to fill them in places covered with clothes. For the process, the area of \u200b\u200bthe back, chest, hips are suitable.

Also, much depends on the size of the image of the angel. Large is better to apply on the back, chest. The color most often for this type of tattoo is used black and white or gray-white for fairy-tale characters, colored paints are used. Drawings on the body are created in various styles: classic, realistic and in the style of watercolor.

What image of an angel do you want to choose to decide, then look at the examples of those. A praying angel will preserve the tattoo carrier from all adversity, bad eye.

Washing angel - Tattoo on the body

An angel defender with large wings in the form of a girl can carry a secret meaning, symbolize the image of her beloved, protect the family hearth from all kinds of troubles.

Sketch - an angel in the image of a girl

An angel who flies with a musical instrument symbolizes a creative person, gives inspiration.


Tatuiroka flying angel with a musical instrument
Tattoo of a flying angel with a musical instrument

Angel tattoo: meaning in the criminal environment, photo tattoos

In places of imprisonment, it is instructed to apply tattoos that carry a certain meaning. So, the fallen angel with dark wings most often apply those faces who deliberately crossed to the side of evil and do not regret anything. Also, this tattoo sometimes reminds a recidivist of some crime where he lost his associate.

Tattoo - fallen angel
Tattoo - fallen angel
Tattoo on the back of a man with the image of a fallen angel
Tattoo on the back of a man with the image of a fallen angel

IMPORTANT: A tattoo angel loves to fill up women. Such a tattoo allegedly protects them from failures in thieves' affairs.

Tattoo Angel Guardian, Wings of Angel: Photos, Sketches

Tattoos in the form of angels are popular, both in men and women. Men more often choose volumetric tattoos on the whole back or chest for applying. Images are applied in classic or realistic styles.

Archangel tattoo on the back of a man
Tattoo - archangel on the back of a man

Girls love small tattoos on the shoulder, shoulder blades, the upper back, sides, arms, thigh. As for the choice, much depends on preferences, especially young fashionistas like cherubs, fairy -tale angels, painted in different colors.

Cute tattoo for a girl with an angel
Cute tattoo for a girl with an angel

Next, see examples of tattoo sketches with angels and wings:

Angel wings - EDUCE
Angel wings - sketch
Tattoo angel-girl
Tattoo angel-girl




After reading information about tattoos with the image of angels, you can now easily make your choice, which tattoo to apply to the body, and which may not be worth it.

Video: Tattoos with the image of angels

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