What does the tattoo of the owl mean, the eagle owl on the body: examples, photos. Tattoo for women and men - owl, eagle owl: examples, photos, sketches, videos

What does the tattoo of the owl mean, the eagle owl on the body: examples, photos. Tattoo for women and men - owl, eagle owl: examples, photos, sketches, videos

In this article, we will consider the meaning of the tattoo of the Owl, Filin. You will learn not only the general description of such a drawing, but also a specific meaning of a tattoo in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe human body.

Many people attribute owls to rare birds of prey, but the Association of Owls with a symbol of wisdom is also known. The tattoo of Owls is an extremely popular drawing among lovers to decorate their body with drawings. Often owls are drawn along with symbolic inscriptions and objects, for example, hours, a moon. Next, we consider in detail the value of such a picture.

Owl Tattoos: meaning on the body of a man and woman

Owl tattoos, depending on the location on the body, is of different meaning. Basically, the value of the owl, the owl is positive, often this is a symbol of wisdom, freedom and knowledge of the owner. These birds are considered long -livers, so tattooists often offer a dive of the Owls with the clock. Such a picture is harmonious and very symbolic.

Often they draw an owl, an owl with unusual eyes, which emphasizes the uniqueness and mysticality of the bird, it depends on the desire of the owner of the tattoo. Thus, one can also emphasize the ability of the owls to see in the dark. Also, the uniqueness of the bird is that they can turn their heads 180 degrees, which allows you to observe what is happening and emphasizes the nature of the hunters. Such a tattoo is perfectly suitable for purposeful people who do not stop there.


The main value of this tattoo - This is a love for the night, mysticism and everything dark, because The bird leads a night hunting lifestyle.

There are other values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo:

  • Sketches are a symbol of wisdom and prudence. For many people, such a tattoo is a talisman from deception, evil eye and evil thoughts.
  • The Chinese are negatively related to such drawings on the body. For them, this is a symbol of evil and death.
  • T.K. Owls, owls are killers of their relatives, such a tattoo denotes cannibalism.
  • In the Orthodox faith, it is a renunciation of God and foul language.
  • In India, an owl, Filin is a symbol of longevity, and eternal life on a sinful earth.

For women and men, the interpretation of tattoos with an owl also has a different interpretation. Girls mainly love the image of a bird in an abstract and animated form, and for them this pattern has this meaning:

  • Owl, Filin on the arm or shoulder - emphasizes the mystery of the girl.
  • A bird in a cosmic form - speaks of the fun and carefree life of the owner.
  • The girl is open for communication and new acquaintances if the body depicts an owl in bright colors.

Most often, it is precisely the representatives of the weaker sex who want to see the image of the owl, the owl on their chest or shoulder. General interpretation of the tattoo of the Owl on the female bodythis is a reflection of wisdom and acquired life experience, which indicates a special perception of reality.

Many women use a tattoo with the image of a mystical bird as protection and a talisman, which avoids the bad influence of others, while others show their independence and freedom of love. To date, the value of the owl and the eagle owl in a woman is of quite positive significance. Most often, girls prefer colorful drawings of a bird with enlarged eyes or in a fabulous style, which in itself brings only joy and positive emotions.

Popular in both men and women
Popular in both men and women

The image of the owls, noodles with big eyes mean the ability to see human nature and soul, which emphasizes the mystery of the lady. Sometimes girls depict a bird in a night and mystical form, which indicates love for everything secret and magical. A small sketch of an owl or an owl on the body allows you to emphasize the individuality and originality of the owner of such a tattoo. Such girls can confidently attract the attention of the opposite sex and are not shy about showing it.

INTERESTING: In the modern world, tattoos play the role of a fashion accessory, so girls should apply a drawing to those zones that emphasize their femininity and sexuality. Small drawings with a bird of prey on the arm are very popular, and if necessary, you can hide it under a wide bracelet.

For guys, a tattoo of an owl or an eagle owl is of a different meaning, because Young people prefer more serious and restrained drawings, for example:

  • Black and white drawings are a sign of wisdom and tranquility.
  • Bright and colorful sketches - symbolizes the reckless lifestyle of the guy.
  • The drawing is as close as possible in size to real owl or owl - this is a strong love of life, as well as power over its fate.
  • If the owl, the eagle owl is depicted with enlarged parts of the body or in some unusual interpretation-this indicates the creativity of its owner, and also indicates the renunciation of the usual fuss of life.

For prisoners, an owl or eagle owl is a symbol of renunciation of everything, indicates a person’s pessimistic attitude to his life.

Color tattoo
Color tattoo

The value of the picture depends on the selected sketch and on items depicting a bird, for example:

  • Owl, eagle owl and moon - A symbol of mystery and emphasizes the good intuition of the owner of the drawing.
  • dream Catcher - This is a protection against nightmares, an owl is a guide to night dreams.
  • Owl, owl with clock - This is the significance of the fleeting of time, the owner indicates the value of life, and the desire to use every minute wisely.
  • Owl, owl with key - This is the keeper of secrets, and also indicates a person’s desire for new knowledge.

This image looks great on any part of the body, looks aesthetically pleasing and neat. It is worth remembering that the symbolism of the night bird is quite strong and mystical, so before proceeding to the pattern, it is worthwhile to think carefully what kind of owl or owl and on which part of the body it must be applied.

Owl Tattoos, Filina: Value in different parts of the body, photo

Owl tattoos or eagle owl means regardless of the location:

  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Good vision
  • Freedom
  • Mysticism
  • Independence
  • Protection

A variety of this image is so great that everyone can choose the most optimal option. A tattoo with an image of a bird can be found on any part of the body, on the leg, back, neck, etc. But the most common place for such a tattoo is a hand and shoulder.

  • If the tattoo is owl or owl is on the left hand - This means that its owner is a free person with strong willpower, and does everything as he considers necessary. A person is engaged in what he likes regardless of what others think. Basically, such colorful drawings make decisive and daring personalities.
  • If the tattoo is located On the right hand - This indicates the desire of the owner of the tattoo for new knowledge and self -development, also emphasizes the individuality and extraordinary thinking of a person. If the drawing is dark and slightly frightening - this is a sign of stiffness of character, which is observed in actions.
  • Owl or owl on the wrist Most likely, the role of a certain amulet plays, which protects at the energy level from adversity and various evil thoughts. In this case, it is worth choosing a small drawing in the style of geometry, graphics or watercolor. Then the image will not be massive, and will harmoniously combine with other accessories.
  • Miniature owl, Filin with clear lines is perfect for tattoos on the fingerthat in turn is a talisman from all the evil. In this case, the tattoo will be neat and clear, and a small drawing will be clearly visible.
On the hand
On the hand
Tattoo on the arm
Tattoo on the arm

A tattoo on the arm is a bold enough step, because It will be noticeable to others, so before starting the process, it is worthwhile to think well in what style will be a drawing with the image of a night bird. For tattoos on the hands, such styles as:

  • Realism
  • Linvork
  • Tresh Polka
  • Traibal
  • Old school
  • Neo-tradishl
  • Graphic arts
  • Watercolor
Tattoo owl
Tattoo owl

It is also possible to apply to other parts of the body:

  • Owl tattoo or eagle owl on the back - This is an incredibly beautiful drawing, especially if a bird with open wings, this indicates the freedom of a person and strength of the spirit, and emphasizes the presence of invisible wings with the owner of a tattoo.
On the back
On the back
On the back
On the back
On the back
On the back
  • Owl, eagle owl on the neck It is quite rare, but such a tattoo is a bondage from unclean strength and influence for the owner, and also means determination of personality and strength of mind.
On the neck
  • Tattoo of the bird on the chest He emphasizes individuality and thirst for life, for girls - a demonstration of femininity.
On the chest
On the chest
On the chest
On the chest
  • On the leg - a tendency to balanced decisions. Also, such a symbol may mean renunciation of pain and suffering.
On the foot
On the foot

As you can see, there are a lot of meanings and interpretations of such a tattoo, but first of all, the tattoo performs an aesthetic function.

Tattoo owl, eagle owl: sketches



Video: the best sketches of the tattoo owl in examples

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    The image of the Owl as a tattoo is considered the most popular for both men and women. Not surprising, because this bird has a multifaceted meaning, but often it depends on the location of the pattern and additional elements

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