Tattoo on the back for girls: ideas, sketches, meaning, popular drawings, examples of tattoos with photos

Tattoo on the back for girls: ideas, sketches, meaning, popular drawings, examples of tattoos with photos

The article contains all the most interesting ideas and many sketches that will help you choose a drawing for tattoos on your back.

Do you know that the back is recognized as one of the sexiest parts of the female body? So why not decorate it not only by royal posture, but also with elegant images? We offer to get acquainted with the most interesting tattoos on the back for the fair sex.

Tattoo on the back to the female lower back: ideas, photos, sketches, values

Butterfly - This tattoo on the back personifies playfulness and philosophy simultaneously. Bright, elegant symbol - personification easy - coquettishly fits into the lumbar zone. At the same time, he depicts all the stages of life, that is, he is a synonym immortality. Girls who have chosen such a tattoo, good, feminine, They value cosiness.

Important: a fluttering insect speaks of the desire for independence, the wings folded symmetrically - about harmony. A butterfly sitting on a flower speaks of the fidelity of his mistress.

Butterfly - a wonderful tattoo for a girl
Butterfly - a wonderful tattoo for a girl
Elegant sketches for tattoo on the lower back
Elegant sketches for tattoo on the lower back

Heart - Given the fact that this tattoo often sees a loved one, it is intended to show the senses Someone specifically. The picture can also be selected loving young ladies. Or having romantic personality warehouse. The owner of the tattoo as if shows that in his actions it is guided for the most part with feelings.

The tattoo in the form of a heart fits perfectly into the lumbar region
The tattoo in the form of a heart fits perfectly into the lumbar region
Graceful sketches for tattoo hearts
Graceful sketches for tattoo hearts

Pistols - Unlike hearts and butterflies, this tattoo is quite original. It can safely choose nature Bright, brave And even a few reckless. The mistress of such a tattoo i am confident, hooligan, independent.

Daring tattoos are pistols
Bold tattoo - pistols
Drawing for a tattoo in the form of a pistol and flowers - feminine variation of insolence
Drawing for a tattoo in the form of a pistol and flowers - feminine variation of insolence

Bows - this is feminine and cute. There is no particular symbolism in this case, but an aesthetics goes off scale. The hostess of the tattoo wants to emphasize her beauty, positiveness. Some ladies as if they want to say that such a tattoo that they themselves are already a gift!

Tattoo in the form of a bow and corset - an option for real ladies
Tattoo in the form of a bow and corset - an option for real ladies
Drawing for a tattoo in the form of a bow made of lace - this option is very popular
Drawing for a tattoo in the form of a bow made of lace - this option is very popular
An interesting drawing for a tattoo in the form of a bow and keys that should open a female heart
An interesting drawing for a tattoo in the form of a bow and keys that should open a female heart

Tattoo on the back on a female shoulder blade: examples with photos, interpretations, sketches

Roses - This tattoo on the back can be applied in memory About something or about someone. For example, in honor of its feelings, because this flower has long been one of the symbols love. He also personifies joy, purity, beauty. Well, of course, youthTherefore, young girls in the form of a rose are especially to their face.

Important: if there is a desire to apply a colored tattoo, it is worth attentive to the choice of a shade of a rose. Red is passion, white is fidelity, golden is ideal, blue is unattainable, black is sad.

Graceful tattoo with rose and lace
Graceful tattoo with rose and lace
An interesting idea is to make a tattoo in the form of blue roses on both shoulder blades
An interesting idea is to make a tattoo in the form of blue roses on both shoulder blades
Similar sketches for tattoos in the form of roses are quite popular
Similar sketches for tattoos in the form of roses are quite popular

Fox - A great idea for girls. The chanterelle will fit perfectly on the site of the shoulder blade, becoming a beautiful decoration. In addition, she will greatly emphasize flirtation young lady, her femininity. This symbol will also focus on intellect girls, since the fox in many cultures was considered the embodiment acute mind, self -development, observation.

Tattoo in the form of a fox walking on a shoulder blade
Tattoo in the form of a fox walking on a shoulder blade
Tattoo in the form of a fox can be diversified by autumn paints and elements
Tattoo in the form of a fox can be diversified by autumn paints and elements
An interesting design -ecstate for a tattoo is a combination of fox and rose
An interesting design-ecstate for a tattoo is a combination of fox and rose

Peacock - He has always been perceived as a synonym beauty, noblewa and even sun. A great option for those ladies who are used to feeling royal, majestically. This bird was perceived and as a amulet for long -life. It is believed that the peacock helps people seeking realize.

A peacock tattoo looks very beautiful
A peacock tattoo looks very beautiful
A sketch for a tattoo pavin
A sketch for a tattoo pavin

Birds - Find for romantic Natural. They are like birds, l eg, weightless, free. This image is 100% embodiment spiritual beginningl in man.

Tattoo in the form of flying birds is very popular
Tattoo in the form of flying birds is very popular
A popular sketch for a female tattoo - a bird flying out of a dandelion
A popular sketch for a female tattoo - a bird flying out of a dandelion

Wings - This tattoo is most often applied to the shoulder blades. After all, in mythical creatures, wings are growing from there. They symbolize the purity of the soul, innocence. The tattoo is also suitable impulsive people, looking for inspiration and crowded with new ideas.

Tattoo can be miniature
Tattoo can be miniature
The tattoo can also occupy the shoulder blades completely
The tattoo can also occupy the shoulder blades completely
Sketches for tattoo-wing tattoos for every taste
Sketches for tattoo-wing tattoos for every taste

Tattoo on the back between the shoulder blades: ideas, sketches, photos, interpretation

Crown - This tattoo on the back is chosen by those ladies who are used to hold everything in their hands. And who want to demonstrate this to the world. However, some girls with the help of such a tattoo want to show that always feel like princesses. And, accordingly, they want to see the prince near them. In the section of the dress, this tattoo will look exquisite.

Important: if a girl wants to show that her life foundations - hope, love and faith - she should order a crown with three cloves.

Such a tattoo looks truly in the Korolevsky
Such a tattoo looks truly in the Korolevsky
Sketches of the most interesting sketches for a crown tattoo
Sketches of the most interesting sketches for a crown tattoo

Wolf - Presentation sharp mind, fortress of the spirit, and sometimes even insolence. Definitely this tattoo for girls is not a timid dozen! It can also be applied as a sign fidelity to your loved one.

Tattoo in the form of a wolf
Tattoo in the form of a wolf
The most interesting sketches for a tattoo in the form of a wolf
The most interesting sketches for a tattoo in the form of a wolf

Lotus - Presentation perfection. Means renaissance, Eternity. A real find for modest girls, as it also symbolizes Cleanliness, calm. However, the modest is always ready if necessary fight for happiness Since the tattoo also indicates this.

A tattoo in the form of an elegant lotus can be beaten like that
A tattoo in the form of an elegant lotus can be beaten like that
Beautiful sketches for tattoo loths
Beautiful sketches for tattoo loths

Dragonfly - The Chinese perceive this insect as personification fragility, summer. Indians considered it a symbol rebirth After a difficult period. Nowadays, a dragonfly is associated with gracefulness, dexteritybut at the same time with masculinity. The ideal option for fragile externally, but steel inside the ladies!

Sketches for tattoos
Sketches for tattoos

Tattoo on the back on the women's shoulder: popular drawings, photographs, values, ideas

Flowers - traditionally female tattoo on the back, which is designed to emphasize the charm his owner. Abstract flowers will become a symbol freshness, grace, joy. It is believed that they can attract vitality.

Important: it is most convenient to make such a tattoo over another unsuccessful tattoo or some scars. The arbitrary bends of the flower will perfectly disguise what you want to hide from prying eyes.

Elegant tattoo in the form of flowers that affects the shoulder, spatula, neck
Elegant tattoo in the form of flowers that affects the shoulder, spatula, neck
Tattoo in the form of flowers goes well with a dress with a similar print
Tattoo in the form of flowers goes well with a dress with a similar print
Tattoo sketches with flowers
Tattoo sketches with flowers

Angel - kind amulet. But he performs a double function: protects the hostess of the tattoo itself and shows that she is capable of to help offended. More often, a man is depicted as an angel, but for a girl it will be more elegant to choose a female silhouette.

Tattoo in the form of a girl-angel
Tattoo in the form of a girl-angel
A beautiful sketch for a tattoo in the form of an angel in a female guise
A beautiful sketch for a tattoo in the form of an angel in a female guise

Olive branch - Suitable peacekeepers. If the girl is used to reconciling loved ones and she always tries to understand the opponent, this tattoo will definitely suit her. In addition, it looks elegant and will fit into any image.

Elegant tattoo in the form of an olive branch
Elegant tattoo in the form of an olive branch

A circle - This tattoo applied to the shoulder will be visible both in front and behind. It is minimalist, but symbolic. The circle personifies infinity, simplicity and perfection simultaneously. The circle is appropriate to apply to the girls looking for enlightenment, appeal to your inner world.

Circle tattoo
Circle tattoo

Tattoo on the back on the female side: ideas, interpretations, images

Medusa - Such a tattoo on the back should be applied to those girls who value serenity, peace above all. Meduses move forward, but at the same time extremely calm - these are the qualities of the hostesses of such a tattoo. These ladies they are thoughtful, love to contemplate.

Important: it is believed that jellyfish is a amulet for introverts. They seem to protect a person from the unpleasant influences of the outside world.

Medusa tattoo
Medusa tattoo
Meduza drawings that can be useful to create a tattoo
Meduza drawings that can be useful to create a tattoo

Ballerina - embodiment grace, grace, bright life. Dancers feminine, weightless Many girls dream of being like being. At the same time, people of a certain character of character go to this profession - strong -willed, stubborn. A girl can emphasize such a tattoo that she fragile, but very persistent.

Ballerina tattoo
Ballerina tattoo
A beautiful drawing that can be suitable for tattoos
A beautiful drawing that can be suitable for tattoos

Mermaid - may indicate that the mistress of the tattoo loves sea elements. The interpretation of this image in world culture is ambiguous. However, there are also positive points in it - the mermaid symbolizes female energy, beauty.

Mermaid tattoo
Mermaid tattoo
Tattoo sketch in the form of a mermaid
Tattoo sketch in the form of a mermaid

Phoenix - This tattoo, like no other, indicates review, update. It is also believed that this symbol is granted by the sun itself. So, capable of extend life, make a person more firmly in character.

Phoenix tattoo
Phoenix tattoo
A sketch for a phoenix tattoo
A sketch for a phoenix tattoo

Tattoo on the back on a female spine: meanings, drawings and sketches, ideas, photos

Wood - Such a tattoo on the back should be applied philosophages girls, After all, it means cyclicity. Also, this symbol has been perceived since ancient times as personification fertility, Therefore, it is very suitable for girls. Especially purposeful young ladies - do not forget that the tree still means and stubborn desire to grow up.

Important: it is recommended in this way to perpetuate your rebirth after some significant event in life.

Tattoo in the form of wood will become an elegant decoration along the spine
Tattoo in the form of wood will become an elegant decoration along the spine
Sketch for tattoo in the form of wood and girl
Sketch for tattoo in the form of wood and girl

Snake - Buddhists consider it an embodiment justice, calm. She was also amulet. The Japanese completely perceived the snake as a container of all the best qualities of a woman. It was more than once noted that the snake can wait a convenient moment for action for a long time. So the person to whom the snake patronizes, knows how find a good minute.

Tattoo along the spine in the form of a snake
Tattoo along the spine in the form of a snake
Drawing for a sketch of a tattoo in the form of a snake that many girls like
Drawing for a sketch of a tattoo in the form of a snake that many girls like
A sketch for a tattoo for ladies not a timid dozen
A sketch for a tattoo for ladies not a timid dozen

Inscriptions - Ideal for elegant and semantic Tattoos. The Arabic Vyaz is especially beautiful along the spine. Hieroglyphs look mysterious, seriously - Latin. Of course, Russian, English, French, as well as any other language are also suitable.

Graceful inscription-tattoo
Graceful inscription-tattoo
Tatus inscription is perfect for any clothing
Tatus inscription is perfect for any clothing

Cross - This miniature tattoo carries a lot of meaning. In particular, the cross on the back has a direct reference to biblical reasons. Tattoo reminds us that everyone carries his cross Indicates the position of the hostess of the image. And to the fact that she ready for any turn in life.

Cross on the spine
Cross on the spine
Sketches for tattoo cross
Sketches for tattoo cross

Dream Catcher - It is considered strong amulet. It is believed that everything negative falls into the web of this amulet and remains there. And all the best passes through the spiderway. As a rule, we are talking about thoughts. That is, the hostess of the tattoo after applying the picture will only be visited the brightest thoughts and impressions.

Tattoo in the form of a deals of dreams
Tattoo in the form of a deals of dreams
Sketches for tattoos in the form of a deals of dreams
Sketches for tattoos in the form of a deals of dreams

Women's tattoo on the whole back: photos, drawings, values, ideas

The Dragon - This tattoo on the back should be applied to those women who want to emphasize their a sharp mind, wisdom, mystery. The dragon is incredible beautiful A mythical creature, so women will certainly like it. Also consists of personification fidelity.

Important: the Chinese emperors and their spouses applied dragons on their backs. Therefore, it can be safely argued that such a tattoo is suitable for power ladies.

Big tattoo in the form of a dragon
Big tattoo in the form of a dragon
Beautiful drawing for a sketch of a dragon tattoo
Beautiful drawing for a sketch of a dragon tattoo

Crane - The original female symbol. In Europe, it means home comfort, well -being, honor, fidelity. That is, this is a great idea for family young ladies. But those who have not lost their "I" and high they value independence, have their own interests.

Tattoo in the form of a crane
Tattoo in the form of a crane
Beautiful drawing-ecstate for a tattoo in the form of a crane
Beautiful drawing-ecstate for a tattoo in the form of a crane

Sakura - The oldest and most beautiful Japanese symbol. Who is warmly loved by fans of a tattoo, because it means purity, innocence. But at the same time, Sakura reminds of the speed of being, After all, it blooms not for long. The pale pink flower of this tree is so beautiful that it also became personification Harmony.

Sakura tattoo
Sakura tattoo
Sketch for a tattoo in the form of sakura, which can be decorated with the whole back
Sketch for a tattoo in the form of sakura, which can be decorated with the whole back

A lion - It is associated with him such qualities as justice, strength, wisdom, power. However, they are successfully softened by such manifestations of character, as fidelity, the ability to find harmony. Suitable for those ladies that Do not recognize authorities. They themselves are a decree, which they are in a hurry to declare to the whole world.

Spectacular tattoo in the form of a lion on the whole back
Spectacular tattoo in the form of a lion on the whole back
Sketch for tattooing in the form of a magnificent lion
Sketch for tattooing in the form of a magnificent lion

Panther - beautiful, graceful and filled nobility An animal that cannot but delight the female sex. Panther not only beautiful, but also smart, cunning, moderately calculating, swift in decision -making. The tattoo is ideal for those ladies who find all these qualities in themselves.

Panther tattoo
Panther tattoo
A sketch for tattoo pantaters
A sketch for tattoo pantaters

The time has long passed when the tattoo on the back was considered a purely male prerogative. It does not necessarily emphasize power. On the female back, successfully selected patterns may well focus on grace, fragility, sexuality. Choose your favorite options, and forward - to conquer hearts!

Women's tattoo on the back in a video selection:

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  1. vCEM will be, ICKAL, Kyda, you can do not get the same, tak kak, what was the time, and the question was in the overlap of the old Tatau

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