Thieves' tattoos and their significance. Thieves tattoos in law

Thieves' tattoos and their significance. Thieves tattoos in law

In this article I would like to talk about thieves' tattoos. They are considered a separate layer of art decoration of the body.

Do you know that criminal tattoos are a separate subculture? It has existed for a long time in many countries. Moreover, separately from it, it is worth highlighting thieves' tattoos - signs, thanks to which you can learn a lot about their owner.

Drawings and designation of thieves tattoos

Bug In the form of a picture or as an abbreviation, it is often applied with thieves. The abbreviation is deciphered as "I wish you successful thefts" - A kind of talisman for unclean people.

As for the picture, the beetle has always been considered good amulet From various problems for its owner. Even the Egyptians were sure that such a picture would allow a person implement your far -reaching plans.

It does not matter in which place the thieves have a beetle. It can be applied anywhere.

Important: most often, such a tattoo is a sign that its master is a thief pocket.

The beetle is applied to thieves
The beetle is applied with thieves

Tattoo in the form crosslocated in a woman between the breasts, is a sign of the difference between the thief. However, such an image can also be applied on the temple or finger.

Cross on the finger - a distinctive feature of the thorns
Cross on the finger-a distinctive feature of the thoroughs

Famous dome Mostly deciphered as "A prison for a thief is a native home." However, often this image means that the criminal repents In the deed and wants to embark on the path of correction.

It is worth taking a closer look at the number of domes - They display the number of walkers or the number of years that was spent in prison. Wherein darkening It is a signal of stay in a single chamber for any misconduct. The deadline can even tell the number of windows of the church.

Tatom Dome - a thieves' image that speaks of repentance or informs about the deadline
Tatom Dome-a thieves' image that speaks of repentance or informs about the deadline

Stars to the knees people like to apply people who consider themselves to be thieves authorities. Through the image, a person says: "I will never obey the authorities, I will not kneel before them."

Important: a similar tattoo must be earned through various tests. If a person could not confirm his status, he will be forced to get rid of the insignia.

To the stars are sometimes added additional details:

  • Cross - "Swear and let's steal others"
  • Swastika - "I was born free"
  • A woman with a baby - "I am stealing from childhood", "I chose my fate myself"

Stars located on the shoulders - Frequent symbolism of thieves in law.

Tatus stars on the shoulders - a sign of a thief in law
Tatus stars on the shoulders-a sign of a thief in law

Spider - Often it is applied pockets. In this case, the insect is located between the index and thumb.

Important: there is no need to portray the web - mainly drug addicts draw it.

Spider-tattoo may look like this
Spider-tattoo may look like this

Cards - Another of the signs that the owner of the tattoo belongs to the thieves' world. Often the cards were allegory of sin. Most likely, a person with such a tattoo steals schullerism.

Peak suit is a sign of a thief in law, and trefovaya - A thief who enjoys great authority.

Playing cards are depicted mainly in peak suit
Playing cards are depicted mainly in peak suit

Bat - associated with the property of property at night. The ancient Greeks and the Romans believed that this creature sees perfectly in the dark, from where the association with insight and vigilance. In any case, the animal perfectly orient himself in space - This ability to thieves is necessary.

Important: however, a bat was often perceived as a messenger of death, which is not very well suited as a talisman.

Bat mouse is associated with night theft
Bat mouse is associated with night theft

Cat - as an abbreviation, deciphered as "Rot inhabitant of the prison". As for the picture, it is applied apartment robbersWhat is not surprising if you recall that the cat is tied to the house. Another interpretation is a criminal feels in other people's apartments like at home.

Often the cat in the thieves tattoo is depicted with a bow and in a hat. Initially, the bow was drawn by the so -called "informers" - people who cooperated with law enforcement agencies. However, over time, this meaning has lost its relevance, and the bow simply became the attributes of a thieves' tattoo.

It was believed that the most prestigious is to stick a cat on the forearm or shoulder - Authority was awarded this honor. Ordinary households were content with a picture on stomach. But leg They chose frequent walkers to the zone, and mostly specializing in robberies. Less often you can find a picture on the back.

A thief cata cat should be with a bow and in a hat
A thief cata cat should be with a bow and in a hat

Woman with wings - It was considered amulet. This tattoo was believed to attract incredible luck. A happy case in this case must patronize the robbers.

A woman with wings was applied as a tattoo as a charm
A woman with wings was applied as a tattoo as a charm

Sailboat - sign gastraler thief. The tour is a man who went to theft in foreign cities in order to confuse his traces. The sailboat has always been associated with wanderers, vagabonds. Moreover it is desirable that the sails are white. Most often applied to the thigh or chest, but this is an optional condition.

Important: it is worth paying attention to the number of masts - it is possible that you can find out how many criminal records the owner of the tattoo had.

The sailboat-tattoo was applied by gastrointest thieves
The sailboat-tattoo was applied by gastrointest thieves

Thieves' tattoos-forewalls

A selection of rings in the form of tattoos
A selection of tattoos rings

1. The indicator that the person has visited in places not so remote.

2. Tattoo telling about ruined youth your owner.

3. So the prisoner he served the punishment, as they say, from call to call. In other words, he completely served the due date without the use of early release.

4. It is a snake wrapped around the dagger. Says that a person is enough aggressive. He brings punishment for murder committed intentionally. Or, as an option, could cause serious bodily harm.

Important: this ring can be considered a hidden threat to society.

5. "Right Gothic" - attribute of convicts who were sentenced to punishment for robbery.

6. The owner of this ring is also related to the robberybut, besides this, may be involved in creation of criminal groups.

The treforal suit is deciphered literally as follows - "Day for scientists, and night for thieves." Most likely, this man stole someone personal property. The ring may well be wearing women.

7. Still called "Cup of the cormorant". Apply hooligans, which are not subject to re -education.

Important: can be applied to the earlobe.

8. "Waffler" - You will not envy a person with such a ring, because he belongs to the lowest caste prison world. Moreover, this rank is life -lifelong - such a person is unlikely to give a hand, speak with him or sit at one table. As a rule, a “waffler” can become a young, but poorly developed person who was raped, did not pay card debt or could not withstand the “registration”.

However, such a ring is free often reduced or remade. Most often, under the ring No. 3.

9. "Six" - Another representatives of morally broken people. True, to the level of "wafflers" they have not yet sank, and in every way try to avoid this. And you can only avoid such humiliation serving authorities.

10. "Evil" - the abbreviation is deciphered as "Testaments of his beloved father." Actually, the decoding explains everything perfectly - you are dealing with a hereditary thief. Thieves dynasties are also found. Or, as an option, a ring can become a sign of memory In honor of his beloved father with a criminal past.

11. This ring is rare. Apply it for rape.

12. "Right of Parasnik" - Its owner, like the “waffler”, belongs to the category of “offended”. The bearer of such "jewelry" is most often card debtors. Naturally, applied mainly in forced order. Although we despise cellmates, it is still not as omitted to the hierarchy as the “waffler”.

Important: Often, after releasing, unlucky owners of this perpeter reduce it or repaint under No. 3, who speaks of serving a full period.

13. Such a ritter is marked by a person who was convicted for depraved actions in relation to a person who has not reached the age of majority.

14. The same value as in the previous case - rape of a minor person. The tattoo is applied in forced order.

15. "Cat" - "The indigenous inhabitant of the prison." As we wrote above, the cat is a universally recognized symbol robberies. Such a ring is applied by those who often gets into prison or is there for a long time. Paradoxically, this sign is also considered an amulet in a prison environment.

A person also tries to tell in this way about his pride. A ring can occur in gopnikov.

16. "Second walker" - Both men and women apply. How easy it is to guess the number of stripes symbolizes the number of walkers. You may even add another strip.

17. "Sins of youth" - Therefore, it becomes clear that a person has yet begun to join the imprisonment from a young age In the educational and labor colony.

Oddly enough, but in the prison world, which does not recognize all the authorities, has its own strict and clear hierarchy, its own rules. And tattoos can we, ordinary inhabitants, shed light on this world. After all, knowing: perhaps among your friends there is a person who should not trust?

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  1. What are you lying? What are the fuck thieves and a beetle? Fucking chtoli so that the lawyer of the beetle (insect) was accumulated, will you answer for the bazaar?

  2. zhuk eta kruta!

  3. If for what reason you did not give you the briskets either in Mikhailovka or in Danilovka. You do not despair fantasize where you understand well that you don’t even have holes from the bagel and you just have to start the dialogue all the lies that you helped to make against the wind will blow out in your direction, otherwise you would be valid by law with agendas and lawyers. But you have not yet met such authorities, although I do not go in the law with my road without a collar and pant. Next time, arrange cars under cameras and lighting, so that it would be easier to consider and identify. And pass on the main if they are still alive and in their right mind, such small crooks used to take only papers from the office to wear a cabinet or to transport books on kiosks, they still do not read and do not know how. You would have plowed all the plowing for sowing with your nose, and that would be at least some benefit from you.
    It’s so easy to take everything from the blind (Aksinya, Nosaev A F, Manitovsky B, Bosov with a, the town hall O (Kuznetsov in P) they are more likely to be used in dark, like sincere idiots) Clothing in a circle of Manda, placed the repair of PC Mikhailovka. Again again. Comrade is fallen, the task is completed successfully. Aquatic and reservoir maturity, stainless steel, stainless steel. Cosmodrome passing exams in the vineyard. A pharmacy is a woman in a blue, cashier cashier cemetery*, grandmother Valerian, a triumphal arch like a woman with children, dog sweets, a mirror, such as. Again Sber, the market love money trust but check, I’m not a local theater along the course, an urgent call of the major, Fix Price excursion, Magnit excursion of the girl to the machine, cash desk, hobby white -minor, beer fish closed, a sick girl with a tall syndrome. The yard is party, noise interference, pancrititis in the lid shorts. NUNES CASSE CIST PS PS Prayer, Tandem School of A carol, Roman, a purchase, a descent from heaven Cashier*Dent, loader, dog waltz. Bread Mascul (gas electrodistent). I threw off my haircut. Magnet, escort along the entire route Fluid, and retro style from Yudashkina-Fyodorova, morning freshness, debt. Keshlyki there, a magnet, a loader, Napoleon, the cash desk, the desire to walk, I didn’t buy a bug cognac, cardboard parrots. Major student, adventure and passenger. I was not used to the label. New encryption for consolidation, Mikhailovka purchase Signor Tomato, Mikhailovka, Manyanin Patron, Discount, Map, Nermask such as optics crane. Horse Elan, Big Band, type Akkamulator sold with the car bought in debt, but it used to be a swan-kumach Ten, a rural gathering. Swinformburo, let it be light. But the neighbor meets the well done both there and there. Again, the secret method of Manda Manda, developed in the General Staff, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Vinogradovsky Elf, under the code name Kipling, the corral in the trap, so that they would not jump out of the flags, spread the rocket to the day of astronautics. Comrade Commander -in -Chief is ready to assign an extraordinary title, awards and bonuses, holes there, the route is the former on Bugra.
    P.S Well, in general, thirty silverniks you earned with sincere idiocy, as always in gray mass. Smart and pragmatic for such a bait are not conducted, you have to pay for everything in the present or in the future. Do not jump off the hook. And the ball of an elephant, bos, a boar and a suitcase began to unravel with them even before great events, how many underwater pests have many. It seems that he didn’t cross the road, but he didn’t bother, he didn’t knock and did not harm, did not drink and did not sleep behind his parents, which infuriates and starts them even more. All the same, the mind is not in honor in his country. They are drawn into an open murder and still experienced genuine pleasure by the patients of the KGBECREMELEN WINTSIAROBITS.
    Kuvshinovsky Kremlin, administration, prosecutors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the court, the Rogachev and Ataman Kremlin in the regional connection, there is a thieves' trace. The mother had maternal intuition. She was never mistaken.
    04/9/21 12APREELE21

  4. ubeite Sleda

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