What does the star of the star mean: in men, girls, prison meaning. Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos. What do the stars on the shoulders of the convicts mean eight -pointed? What does the star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, clavits, arm, two stars on the shoulders? Common decoding tattoo star

What does the star of the star mean: in men, girls, prison meaning. Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos. What do the stars on the shoulders of the convicts mean eight -pointed? What does the star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, clavits, arm, two stars on the shoulders? Common decoding tattoo star

The meaning of different tattoos of stars.

Nowadays, the tattoo is quite common. They gained great popularity several years ago. It was since then that the fashion for them has become rampant. One of the most requested tattoos are stars. In this article, we will tell in detail what they mean.

What does the star of the star mean: in men, girls, prison meaning

It is worth noting that now there are a huge number of varieties of stars, the values \u200b\u200bof which are significantly different. Often they stuff a tattoo in the form of a star of David. This is a six -pointed star. It is necessary to be very careful because this tattoo refers to religious and special, thematic. Therefore, if you do not believe in the decoding of this star, then you should not fill it.

The symbol for Judaism belongs. Quite often, Jews portrayed them on various objects that were used in everyday life. Means the star of David - the perfection of God. At the same time, 6 corners indicate several directions, that is, the sky, north, south, earth, east and west.


Quite often, David’s star is identified with the eastern Yin-Yang symbol. In religion, the star also means the unification of two opposite principles: male and female. In fact, these are two triangles connected together. One of which represents the male part, more mobile, active, corresponding to fire and land.

The second triangle is a calmer, inert, this is the feminine. Often this tattoo is stuffed with a protective purpose. It is believed that a person who defended himself such a tattoo is protected before God. In addition to the star of Davyd, other stars are often stuffed.

Girls are much more likely to stuff the stars for themselves than guys. Moreover, young people prefer one large star, which is located on their backs, neck, shoulder. Girls prefer a scattering of small stars. Most often, such a tattoo means the number of beloved people in life. Or the number of the most significant items. Often girls make such tattoos on the shoulders, feet or in the area just below the neck.

What does a star of men, girls, prison meaning mean. Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos. Eight -pointed star on the shoulders * What do the stars mean on the shoulders of the convicts * What does a star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, collarbone, arm, two stars on the shoulders mean
Star of David

Basically, guys prefer stars that are eight -pointed. They also stuff seven -pointed ones, they are a cycle of days, that is, from Monday to Sunday. A five -pointed star means a pentagram that combines four elements, as well as a tree that is a symbol of life in Buddhism. The six -pointed star is a hexagram. It is a symbol of life and combines 6 main values. That is, these are children, peace, prosperity, health, family and life.

Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos

A fairly common star tattoo is in places not so remote, that is, in prisons. There are several options for stars, as well as places of their location. If this is a star in the center of which a candle burns, then the meaning of the tattoo “Nothing forever in this world” or “Fire is freedom”. This is a kind of neutral tattoo. An octagonal star with two lightning inside means "Davi of cops, Jews and bitches." This is a sign of denial.

Thieves' stars
Thieves' stars
Thieves' stars
Thieves' stars
Thieves' stars
Thieves' stars

Eight -pointed stars in the zone are divided into two parts, one of which is bright and the second dark. Means such a tattoo "Davi of activists." This is one of the most common stars in the zone. Most often stuffed under the clavicles, on the knees or on the shoulders. However, the location of such tattoos is of great importance.

Tattoo of the Russian mafia
Tattoo of the Russian mafia
Thieves' stars
Thieves' stars
What does a star of men, girls, prison meaning mean. Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos. What do the stars on the shoulders of the convicts mean eight -pointed? What does the star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, clavits, arm, two stars on the shoulders? common decoding tattoo star
Thieves' stars

What do the stars on the shoulders of prisoners mean?

Most often, prisoners who are thieves in law, gamblers, and denying were stuffed in the area under the collarbone. During the existence of the USSR, such tattoos inspired huge fear and horror among ordinary people, but at the same time made it possible to feel good in the zone. Because this symbol meant that a person is well -deserved authority and re -arrives in the zone.

Tattoo on the shoulders
Tattoo on the shoulders

What does a star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, clavits, arm, two stars on the shoulders of prisoners?

Previously, this symbol could not be filled out at large, but only in places of imprisonment, because tattoos on the shoulders and chest were a kind of tags in order to indicate a person, to indicate his status. Often stars on their knees, which means that a person never knels to the state, is not a informer, and loves justice. However, often such tattoos became a problem for the convicts themselves, due to the fact that the cellmates, as well as the guards, often decided to check such a person for strength.

Prison tattoo
Prison tattoo

What does an eight-pointed star on the shoulders mean: seven-, five- and nine-pointed stars: meaning

Now tattoos have become quite popular, common and have acquired many meanings and meanings. Accordingly, the master, in the tattoo salon, you can choose the right option. Most often use the star of David or five -pointed stars. Thieves' stars in the tattoo do not fill up the fact that the masters explain their significance. Now the stars have a lot of diverse values. It all depends on where it is, and how many rays it consists.

What does a star of men, girls, prison meaning mean. Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos. Eight -pointed star on the shoulders * What do the stars mean on the shoulders of the convicts * What does a star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, collarbone, arm, two stars on the shoulders mean

The main values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo in the form of a star:

  • If this is a sea star, then most often it is used as a special talisman or amulet, to protect against the detrimental forces of the water element. They filled sailors or tourists who love to travel. Seven -pointed starsbut represents the mystical part of the human personality, this A symbol of good luck, as well as leadership.
  • A star of 8 rays is an abundance. Most often used among pagans in ancient Egypt.
  • The star consisting of 9 rays is a symbol of stability. Comes from Scandinavian mythology. Such a star meant nine worlds. In Ireland, this kind of tattoo represents a symbol of good health.
  • Often people depict a falling star. It is used in the case when a person has experienced an important event that completely changed his life. This is a kind of display of changes in life. If the star is depicted with a crescent, this means fulfilling desires. Such stars are most often used in Islam and Turkey.
  • Most often, stars for a woman are simply an adornment or accessory, and make no sense. Some girls depict tattoos on the wrists. This means that the girl prefers a fair sex as a sexual partner, that is, she is a lesbian.
What does a star of men, girls, prison meaning mean. Tattoo thieves' stars: views, photos. Eight -pointed star on the shoulders * What do the stars mean on the shoulders of the convicts * What does a star tattoo on the shoulders, chest, collarbone, arm, two stars on the shoulders mean

Deciphering the values \u200b\u200bof tattoos of stars are a huge number. Before filling such a star, consult a tattoo master, and carefully look for a meaning on the Internet.

Video: prison stars tattoo

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    Tattoos with the image of stars are very popular, diverse and much symbolic. The value of the tattoo of the star primarily depends on what kind of star is chosen for the tattoo, and in what context it is drawn. A star tattoo is equally popular in men and women.

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