What does a spider tattoo mean on the arm, brush, finger, shoulder, neck, leg? What does a spider tattoo mean, a spider man, a spider in a web, with a cross crawling up?

What does a spider tattoo mean on the arm, brush, finger, shoulder, neck, leg? What does a spider tattoo mean, a spider man, a spider in a web, with a cross crawling up?

A spider tattoo is very effective and always attracts attention. Before applying this drawing to your body, you should study its values \u200b\u200bin detail.

The value of prison tattoos in the zone: Spider

Tattoos - Passion for modern people. They are stuffed with men and women, even adolescents and people aged. Often when applying a tattoo, a person even does not think that it can be of strong meaning, not suitable for him or talking about him, something unpleasant.

Tattoo with a spider - Very in demand. But unfortunately, the wrong image is incorrect It may not convey the correct information. In particular, this the drawing is very related to the prison theme. Moreover, to fill up a tattoo, being in conclusion, is only capable of a man with an “important status”.

A large massive spider (for example, Tarantula) could tell others that he was standing in front of him "Leader". It was not rare that the spider was in a round web in the figure. Each web ring In this case, it would mean the year lived in prison.

If the tattoo depicts spider bent in the web - this is the sign of the drug addict. The drawing symbolizes a person who is “stuck” dependent. If the tattoo is ordinary, not a large spider, then this is most likely a sign of a thief or pickpocket. In this case, the insect is stuffed on the hands (it is with the help of the hands that the theft occurs). Often the drawing is inflated between the thumb and forefinger.

Interesting: Tattoo with the image spider at the thieves It has its own varieties. If the insect crawls up, this suggests that a person continues to steal. If the insect crawls or descends, the thief “tied”.

Be careful when applying tattoos with the image of a spider. Such the drawing can adversely affect On how they will perceive you in society. Learn carefully every sketch and find the one that it does not have a negative connotation. Thoroughly consider the place of applying this tattoo to the body.

Prison Tattoo "Spider"

Tattoo Spider in the web: the value of the picture

Stuffing tattoos with the image of a web Very popular in modern society. This is because he himself The drawing is large And even "air." It can be placed on any part of the body. The lines of the web are thin, the drawing itself is not enough, but it it takes up a lot of space, creating a feeling of "clogging".

The most frequent place for stuffing a tattoo is elbows and shoulders. On these parts of the body the drawing looks as spectacular as possible: He has the required volume and his own natural geometry. Nevertheless, this tattoo can not be seen on your feet (caviar, knees, ankles), back and even on the chest!

It is interesting to know that the web tattoo (with and without a spider) has ancient roots. For the first time, American Indians began to apply it to the body. It was they who gave the importance of this drawing as " guiding thread". The web had to protect a person, make him unattainable and lead to good deeds.

Another value of a tattoo with a web and a spider is another a symbol of brutality, courage, strength and masculinity. After all, the insect itself in real life inspects fear and horror. This image of a certain period of time was very popular with such a subculture as Skinheads. The web on the elbow was a symbol of their rebellion to the state.

Tattoo: Spider in the web

Spider crawling up: Tattoo value

Spider -looking in real life awesome. It is precisely this effect that people who stuff such a tattoo on their own. They are literally "Inspire" in their drawing special meaning, endowing yourself with original qualities after creating a tattoo on the body.

First and basic the value of the spider tattoo - This is pedantry and accuracy. It is such qualities that the living insect shows. It is not rare that they have such a tattoo pedantic and punctual people. In addition, it is believed that if you strip the spider crawling up onto the body, this he will bring good luck to a person, will allow him to more confidently strive for set goals, forward without barriers.

Interesting: eight legs in the figure of a spider symbolize the sign of infinity. People believe that such a symbolic image can bring them spiritual harmony and cyclicality of good events in life.

A spider crawling up onto a tattoo with eight paws should give a person self -confidence And their actions, “inspire” courage, fearlessness, stubbornness. Such a drawing is stuffed by those who want achieve shower equilibrium.

Interesting: one of the values \u200b\u200bof the spider tattoo - symbol of prosperity. Such a drawing must necessarily have a web in which a spider should sit or go down it (climb it).

It is only necessary to judge the value of the tattoo, based on the very "character" of the drawing. Of great importance is the image of the “mood” of the insect: aggressiveness, playfulness, calm.

Tattoo: Spider crawls up

Tattoo Spider with the Cross: Value

It should be judged by the value of this tattoo, focusing on the image of the cross itself. The Orthodox cross only says that man believes in God and from the moment of applying the tattoo is holy god's laws follows. If a spider sits on the tattoo of the cross - this can mean i will confuse, doubts and sinsthat the person committed.

It is not rare that the image of the spider on the body has a pattern itself cross on the abdomen. Such a tattoo symbolizes the cross as four cardinal points. This is a symbol strength, power and victories. He only says that the owner of a tattoo is influential personality with money and capabilities. Another version of the tattoo sketch is a cross with a web and a spider. Such a drawing acts as a kind A charm from evil forces for man.

Spider with a cross: tattoo

Tattoo man spider: meaning

This tattoo is common only among modern youth, fascinated comics and films. Stuffing images or symbols of an invented hero "Spider-Man", people want to find character, features and the special abilities of this character.

Of course, this is impossible to achieve in real life. However, such a tattoo passes the attention of the opposite sex and others. The main goal of a person who fills the tattoo “Spider-Man” is at least in this way close yourself in real life to a non -existent hero.

Most often such a tattoo apply in the hands (it was they who had the peculiarity of “letting the web” with the character of the comics): wrist, forearm and shoulders. On the other hand, young people are trying to imitate the presence of a characteristic superhero costume under the skin. That is why another popular type of breast tattoos is a black image of Spider-Man on a red background with a web grid.

Tattoo of Spider-Man, Option No. 1
Spider-Man Tattoo, Option No. 2
Spider-Man Tattoo, Option No. 3

Tattoo on the spider web without a spider: meaning

Web tattoo on the brush can be symbol of mystery Or the wealth of its owner. On the one hand, she It looks very impressive, occupying a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on the human body, on the other hand tells some information about his owner.

The value of the web of the web without a spider on the brush:

  • A symbol of fidelity to its principles and ideas
  • Symbol of disobedience and stubbornness
  • A symbol of a certain lifestyle: creativity, passion for drugs, mysticism.
  • Symbol of evil protection and damage
  • A symbol of attracting good luck (a person literally “catches” everything good in a web).
  • A symbol of extraordinary, belonging to a certain subculture.
Cobweb tattoos

Tattoo Spider: meaning for girls

Women very often stuff a tattoo with the image of a spider. Such a drawing can have several meanings:

  • Black Tattoo Spider - A symbol of wisdom and power, characterizes a woman as a confident personality. In some cases, such an image has a “black widow” - a woman whose men die.
  • Tattoo spider on the chest or on the back - He acts for the woman a talisman, which should attract prosperity and luck, as well as protect against evil.
  • Spider Tattoo - In some cases, this is a symbol of hard work in women. Such a tattoo should inspire and give strength to a person for success in professional activities.
  • Red or purple spider - A symbol of woman's aggressiveness, her self -confidence and determination.
  • Brown or green spider - A symbol of calm, balances of man. Such a woman often lives in harmony with herself, calm.
  • Multi -colored spider - A symbol of a bright personality. Such a woman is interested in art, has many diverse interests in life.
Women's tattoo with a spider

Spider on the hand of a tattoo: meaning

Sticking an image of a spider on his hand, a person strives “Enforce” all the qualities of this insect: accuracy, grace, hard work. Thus, the tattoo on the hand “leads” all the important actions of a person.

A large frightening tattoo on the hand with the image of a spider can bear aggressive meaning, scaring others. While the little one attracts attention and makes you think about a person.

Tattoo spider on the arm

Tattoo on the brush - Spider: meaning

Tattoo stuffed on brushes - symbol of self -expression of personality. This place is very noticeable to others and therefore the tattoo will certainly be in the "visibility zone." It is done only to to draw attention (unless, of course, has a prison value).

It should be judged by such a tattoo based on the very insect sketch:

  • Big Tarantula - The sign "Alpha", that is, "Leader". A person with such a tattoo has a significant position in society, popularity in the opposite sex, he is strong physically or spiritually, rude in communication, loves to “raise your hand”, has a decisive character.
  • Small spider in a web - The amulet, a symbol of human connection with the “other world”, hobbies of magic.
  • Bright spider (with red, purple and yellow colors) is a symbol of human multifaceted. Such a tattoo can have a creative person and a bright person.
Tattoo spider on the brush

Spider on the finger tattoo: meaning

Fingers always are in the visibility zone others. That is why the tattoo of the spider made on the fingers should attract the attention of others. If the tattoo does not have a prison subtext, it protrudes symbol of the amulet for man, protecting him from negativity and damage, instilling confidence and strength into a person.

Tattoo spider on the fingers

Tattoo Spider on the leg: meaning

Stuffing a spider tattoo on his leg, a person wants To “purchase” some qualities of a real insect. Such a drawing should make from its owner strong purposeful personality. In particular, the tattoo is suitable for those who he wants to be a leaderbut for a long time was "in the shade."

The image of a spider will help to become a “grip” person, he will strive for hard work and wisdom. Such a person should be able to overcome any difficulties on their own.

Spider tattoo on the leg

Tattoo Spider on the neck: meaning

This location of the tattoo is very symbolic, as it is as close as possible to the head. Sticking a tattoo on this site of the body, a person wants to gain the wisdom and prudence of the insect. Depending on the aggressiveness or calm state of the spider in the figure, the tattoo will be "Give" to a person strength or self -confidence.

Tattoo spider on the neck

Tattoo Spider on the shoulder: meaning

A small tattoo of the spider on the shoulder protrudes a symbol of protection for a person. If the tattoo is massive and visible under the clothes - this drawing expresses the character of a person, talking about the owner, as about aggressive and strong personality.

Spider tattoo on the shoulder

How to draw a spider tattoo: sketch

Beautiful templates will help you choose a beautiful sketch for tattooing "Spider":

Tattoo Spider: Sketch No. 1
Tattoo Spider: Sketch No. 2
Tattoo Spider: Sketch No. 3
Tattoo Spider: Sketch No. 4

Photo-Tatum-Taranth-OT-OT 11/21/2017-No. 093-Tattoo-Tarantula-tatufoto.com_


Video: "The best spiders tattoos"

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