What to do if I went too far with yeast in the dough: how to fix it? How many yeast do you need for the test?

What to do if I went too far with yeast in the dough: how to fix it? How many yeast do you need for the test?

If you put a lot of yeast in the dough, then this can be fixed. Experienced housewives often do this.

Preparation of yeast dough is a responsible matter. First of all, you need to correctly calculate the number of yeast and flour. The quality of the test and baking depends on these components.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to fashion beautiful buns of various shapes from yeast dough?". You will find different ways, tips, step -by -step instructions with photos and videos.

From this article you will find out what to do if you overdo it in the dough. Read further.

What will happen if you overdo the yeast in the dough?

Overwhelmed the yeast in the dough
Overwhelmed the yeast in the dough

Yeast is added to the dough to give it lightness and airiness. Baking from yeast dough has a delicate crumb, as well as a pleasant taste and aroma. But the number of yeast is important to calculate correctly. Inexperienced housewives are recommended to use culinary recipes. Thanks to them, you can bake delicious pastries - fragrant and appetizing. Here are the recipes that will help make hearty and delicious desserts and other dough dishes:

So what will happen if you overdo the yeast into the dough?

  • If you allow an overdose of yeast, you can radically ruin the dough, so that products from it will be inedible.
  • The reason for the problem will become clear if the process itself is understood. In order for the dough to rise fully, yeast must interact with sugar and water.
  • With the correct calculation of proportions, the whole process will take 2-3 hours.
  • If the dough begins to fall, then it is ready.

With an excess of yeast, the latter, as it were, absorb sugar and after they “eat” it all, will stop working themselves until they receive a new portion of fuel. That is, the process will stop halfway, and the dough will remain unprepared. He will have a sour taste and unpleasant odor.

How many yeast do you need for the test?

The number of yeast largely depends on which baking is planned to be prepared. This is calculated as follows:

  • If the dough is not very butt or lean, then approximately 40 g of yeast is taken per 1 kg of flour.
  • If the dough is butt, then the amount of flour is also, the weight of the yeast doubles.

Recently, most hostesses have been using dry yeast for baking. However, Professional bakers claim that the pressed product is better. The norms given above are indicated specifically for him. In old culinary books in recipes, the number of pressed yeast is also indicated. In more modern sources, it should be agreed on what kind of product we are talking about.

What to do if I went too far with yeast in the dough: how to fix it?

I went too far with yeast in the test
I went too far with yeast in the test

In the case of preparing a sweet dough, the problem is simply solved - you need to add more sugar. However, it will approach much longer. But with fresh or puff pastry, everything is much more complicated. Due to the enforcement of the yeast, it will become sour, and even with the smell of mash. You can fix the situation in two ways:

  1. If the filling is not yet ready, then at the last moment you can change plans and make sweet pastries. In this case, as already mentioned, you just need to add sugar.
  2. If this is not possible, then you will have to add an additional amount of water and flour. It is recommended to put a little soda in the water to stop the unpleasant odor. The test in this case will turn out much more than the planned, so you will have to make an additional filling or, observing certain rules, save it until the next baking.

The manufacture of each type of baked products has many nuances, so in order to avoid disappointments, it is recommended to strictly follow the recipe.

How to keep yeast for a long time: useful tips

To obtain high -quality dough and delicious baking, it is important that the yeast is fresh. It is easy to determine this: a fresh pressed product has a pleasant smell of yogurt, does not stick to his hands, but crumbles into small particles. Yeast has a dense consistency and light color.

Before use, the product must be checked for germination. To do this, take half a glass of warm milk or water and dilute a little yeast in it. Add half a teaspoon of sugar and one tablespoon of flour to the resulting mixture. Stir the composition so that there are no lumps left, and leave for 10-15 minutes. When a penisch cap, you can be sure that the yeast is good and proceed to cooking the dough.

How to keep yeast for a long time? Here are useful tips:

It is worth knowing: Unused yeast should not just be cleaned in the refrigerator. They will quickly dry and cover the crust, after which their quality will become doubtful.

It is recommended to act as follows:

  • Crush the product to the state of the powder and mix with a small amount of flour, then grind everything with your hands.
  • Pour the resulting mixture on a sheet of thick paper and let dry.
  • Transfer the yeast dried in this way to a glass jar and close it loosely, or it is better to tie a piece of fabric.
  • Store a container with a dry product in a dry dark place.

Before each subsequent use of such a dry product, it is necessary to make a test for germination. A simpler way to store unused yeast is that they are simply placed in glass dishes and completely filled with vegetable oil. Store such a mass in the refrigerator. The test for germination and in this case is required.

By the way, the ability to make a germination test and gives a great advantage to living yeast over dry. It is impossible to check the quality of the dry product, and never to know in advance whether it works or not.

Video: Seven reasons add soda to yeast dough

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