What can be prepared from the residues of yeast dough: recipes of donuts, closed pizza, lush pancakes, lines, puffs with sausage, buns, pies, cake

What can be prepared from the residues of yeast dough: recipes of donuts, closed pizza, lush pancakes, lines, puffs with sausage, buns, pies, cake

Do not know where to use the remains of yeast dough? Look for recipes in the article.

You have prepared too much yeast dough and now do not know where to put the rest? The second full -fledged pie from a small piece cannot be made, but they didn’t find the recipes from the residues of the dough? We will help.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: “How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for the oven and frying in a pan so that they do not open and the filling does not flow?”. You will find step -by -step instructions with photos and tips. How beautifully to sculpt pies of various shapes: photo

This article describes how to use excess dough and how to store it. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty. Read further.

Lush butt dough with milk and yeast: recipe

Lush butter dough in milk and yeast
Lush butter dough in milk and yeast

This recipe is universal, but for sweet baking, sugar will need a little more. In fish or meat pies of sugar you need less. If the dough is frying, then take the minimum amount of eggs and oil. Salt gives the test that very unique taste, so it is not worth neglecting it. Here is a recipe for magnificent butt dough on milk and yeast:

You will need: 

  • Milk - 0.5 liters
  • Ground flour - 1.5 kg
  • High -speed yeast - 1 bag
  • Bolishing oil is unsalted - 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar-sand-5 tbsp.
  • Salt - 2 tsp


  1. Pour warm (non -combustible) milk into a prepared container.
  2. Add a spoonful of salt, yeast and sugar.
  3. Pour 500 gr. flour. Mix the whisk.
  4. Close a pan or bowl with a lid.
  5. Put the dough in a warm place for an hour.
  6. Melt the oil in a saucepan over low heat.
  7. Add to the dough and mix.
  8. Add eggs.
  9. Start intensively interfere with the dough, gradually adding flour.
  10. Transfer the mass to the table sprinkled with flour, and knead to elasticity.
  11. Put the finished dough back in a bowl and let it go up.

If you do not enter your plans further baking, then the dough can be saved until tomorrow morning or frozen for a month. With a whole layer, portioned circles - as you wish. And in order not to forget why it is intended, write the name of the culinary masterpiece on the sticker.

How to store the remains of yeast dough?

The daily storage of the remains of yeast dough does not require a freezer. It is enough to put the workpiece on the lower shelf in the refrigerator. For this they are suitable:

  • Closed yeast dough
  • Premises in molds
  • Pizza dough
  • Half a finished product

Cover the blanks in silicone forms with cling film and puncture it in several places so that the dough breathes freely.

Tips for freezing dough residues:

  1. Use only the dough that will definitely go for baking.
  2. Repeated freezing is unacceptable.
  3. For frozen dough, “quick” yeast is not suitable. Take fresh and put them a little more than indicated in the recipe.
  4. Before freezing, knead the dough thoroughly and let it rest for ten minutes.
  5. The dough can be stored in containers or bags. Be sure to lubricate the containers with butter and pack it in the food film. Before putting the dough in a bag, sprinkle with flour.
  6. In the freezer, set the temperature -15 degrees Celsius.
  7. A yeast dough is stored in the freezer for up to four months. The longer the shelf life, the worse the qualities of the workpiece become.

After defrosting, the dough should not smell of extraneous smells. The heterogeneous color or aroma suggests that the workpiece has come into unsuitability. To avoid quick damage, from the package in which the workpiece is stored, you need to remove the air.

What can be prepared from the remains of yeast dough: List

In fact, you can make a lot of different baking from the remains of the dough blanks. Only it will turn out much less in quantity, since there are usually few residues. But it will still be tasty and something new. Here's what can be prepared from the remains of yeast dough - a list:

  • Mock buns
  • Pizza pigtail
  • Exhaust with meat or fish
  • Apple pie and any other filling
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Yeast with blueberries
  • Donuts
  • Shaneski with sour cream
  • Pancakes
  • Pancakes
  • Kurniks with chicken
  • Custard horns
  • Fingers cookies
  • Figures for children
  • Sausages in the test
  • Pyshki
  • Cranders with sugar
  • Jewelry for pies, etc.

You can list for a long time. But let's try to bake these products. Read further.

Donuts: How to make the remains of yeast dough?

Donuts from yeast test residues
Donuts from yeast test residues

Donuts - the sweetness is very high -calorie. One thing is enough to get enough for the whole day. In the series, they often treat the donuts to make peace. Try and you share such a food with loved ones. It will appeal to adults and children. But keep in mind that one hundred grams of donut contains more than six hundred kilocalories. Freterior donuts are fried, so the fact that you have prepared them from the remains of yeast dough will be imperceptibly.

Glaze options for donuts: 

  • Caramel
  • Raspberry jam
  • Strawberry syrup
  • Chocolate or cocoa
  • White chocolate
  • Boiled condensed milk
  • Cherry juice
  • Maple syrup
  • Yogurt
  • Powdered sugar

Remove and defrost the remnants of the yeast dough, as described above. Next, follow the recipe. On average, at a time you can cook 10-20 donuts.

You will need:

  • The yeast dough is ready
  • 400 ml of oil (20 pcs.)

Do this:

  1. If you do not have sugar powder, chop vanilla sugar in a coffee grinder.
  2. After defrosting, mix the dough intensively (15 minutes). The workpiece will become tender and soft.
  3. Make a hill out of the test.
  4. Lubricate the bottom of the round bowl with butter and put the workpiece.
  5. Close with cling film or linen towel.
  6. Send to the oven (28-30 degrees) for an hour to infuse.
  7. Sprinkle the table with flour.
  8. Roll up to one centimeter in thickness.
  9. Take a faceted glass.
  10. Cut the circles from the dough, powdering the edges of the glass with flour.
  11. Make even holes in the circles.
  12. Thus, you will get about twenty blanks.
  13. Cover them with cloth again.
  14. When the dough rises, you can start frying. The frying pan is also suitable instead of professional deep -fruit.
  15. Pour all the oil at once and heat it well.
  16. The blanks should swim in oil while fried.
  17. Make an average gas level and prepare donuts to a broody crust.
  18. Donuts are prepared quite quickly, so you do not need to leave the stove during cooking.

The final stage of preparing donuts - sweet glaze. It was in America that they came up with these sweets. Donuts with glaze are very tasty. Before freezing, the mass resembles liquid cream. On the donut, the glaze lies evenly, without stains and cracks. Only the upper part is covered with watering. Color white glaze with natural or artificial food dyes. Sprinkle with colorful coconut on top. Serve with milk or tea.

Closed pizza: prepare from the remaining yeast dough

Closed pizza from the remaining yeast dough
Closed pizza from the remaining yeast dough

Who does not like pizza? Try to make a closed pizza from the remaining yeast dough similar to a pie. You can take absolutely any filling. Sausage, tomatoes, champignons - a standard set of ingredients in such a dish. Do not pity cheese and greens. The traditional recipe comes from Italy, Naples. Pizza is prepared from lush yeast dough. Reserve housewives can use the remains. A feature of closed pizza is in a crust of puff pastry. The filling becomes unusually juicy.  

Necessary ingredients:

  • Remains of yeast dough
  • Canned tomatoes without juice
  • Thyme
  • Ham or boiled sausage
  • Any variety of solid cheese
  • The dough is puff
  • One egg yolk

Do this:

  1. Prepare the dough in the usual way.
  2. Roll the thawed residues with a rolling pin. The thickness of the formation to your taste, the main thing is to fit into the shape.
  3. Lubricate the form with oil or margarine.
  4. Comers the dough and give him half an hour to rest.
  5. Place canned tomatoes with a fork, adding (preferably) fresh greens of thyme.
  6. Cut the ham and cheese into thin plates.
  7. Put the resulting tomato sauce with a spoon. Distribute it evenly on the surface of the dough.

Take care of the filling:

  • First layer: ham
  • Second: cheese
  • Third: champignons sliced \u200b\u200bslices
  • Fourth: sauce
  • Fifth layer: cheese (rub on grater)

Now follow the following:

  1. Put the filling on the layer (only half of the cake).
  2. Close the filling with a layer of dough. Make a few punctures with a fork.
  3. Lubricate the surface with yellow.
  4. In a preheated oven ( 200 degrees) Put the baking sheet with the product on the upper shelf. Bake 20 minutes.
  5. Shift the baking sheet to the middle shelf for 15 minutes.
  6. Put the finished closed pizza on the table and close the towel for 15 minutes.

Enjoy your meal! To feed, brew green tea or herbal infusion.

Pizza pigtail with sausages: make from the remains of puff yeast dough

Pizza pigtail with sausages from the residues of puff yeast dough
Pizza pigtail with sausages from the residues of puff yeast dough

In student time, a budget recipe for pizza helps out. It turns out tasty and fast, and from repeating lectures you do not have to be distracted. Students buy frozen dough and the cheapest sausages. Mom passes salted cucumbers in liter banks. The cheese is unavailable, but it turns out delicious and without it. You will get small puff pies. Make them neighbors in the hostel, take with you on the road. Delicious!

Now they make pizza a pigtail if there is no time or laziness overcame, but the fillings can be used all kinds of:

  • Potato puree with dill
  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Mozarella cheese and tomatoes in its own juice
  • Smoked sausages and pepperonies
  • Pineapple, ham and canned corn
  • Eggplant, green onions and arugula
  • Veal
  • Beef minced meat with garlic
  • Seafood: shrimp, crab or just fish canned food
  • Mushrooms and Tsukkini
  • Smoked salmon with peas

But the more “student pizza” turns out to be familiar and tastier than all others. Write down the recipe, it will definitely come in handy. The number of ingredients is not indicated - focus on the size of the workpieces. We make pizza pigtails with sausages from the remains of puff yeast dough:

You will need:

  • Puff yeast finished dough
  • Oil for frying
  • Sausages
  • Pickles
  • Champignons
  • Hard cheese
  • Tomato paste

Do this:

  1. Defrost and roll out the dough. No preliminary manipulations with it need to be done.
  2. Cut the layer into the same pieces so that the filling is placed.
  3. Cut the champignons into slices and fry them a little.
  4. Get out the cucumbers from the excess brine and cut the circles with halves of the circles.
  5. Cut the sausages along the two halves.
  6. First, lubricate the dough with tomato paste. Then put a layer of fried champignons.
  7. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top of the mushrooms.
  8. Put the cucumbers on the "sheet".
  9. Put the half of the sausages.
  10. Apply tomato paste again and sprinkle with cheese.
  11. Wrap in the dough. Pin the edges thoroughly.
  12. Make small cuts from above so that it turns out to expand the "pigtail".
  13. For blush dough, lubricate it with mayonnaise or yolk.
  14. Cover the baking sheet with waxed paper.
  15. Heat the oven up to 220 degrees.

Bake mini-pizza for about twenty minutes. Ready!

What to do with the remains of yeast dough: delicious and lush buns

Delicious and lush buns from yeast dough residues
Delicious and lush buns from yeast dough residues

Sobel buns is just to cook if there are excess dough on the yeast. Rather, write down the recipe! Make them with children. Girls will like to sculpt from the finished dough, and buns are baked for no longer than half an hour. So, we make delicious and lush buns from the remains of yeast dough:

You will need: 

  • Remains of yeast dough
  • Yolk
  • Milk - a quarter glass

To the filling:

  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp.
  • Flour - as necessary

Do this:

  1. Remove the workpiece from the refrigerator and defrost it according to all the rules. The dough should become soft, supple.
  2. Let the battery stand for two hours.
  3. When it became twice higher, clatter it with your hands moistened in milk or oil.
  4. Form small "mounds" from pieces of dough.
  5. Roll them into cakes, sprinkling with periodically a rolling pin with flour.
  6. Prepare the filling: in one bowl, mix not completely melted butter and sugar. Add flour until a crumbly crumb is obtained. Drink your hands.
  7. Put the filling on the cakes and give any shape to the rolls.
  8. Stir the yolk in milk with a fork.
  9. Lubricate the egg mass of buns.
  10. Heat the oven up to 180 degrees.
  11. Bake 25-35 minutes.

Experiment with the form of workpieces. Let the child choose what he likes more: roses or animal muzzles? Or maybe better hearts? So that the buns does not burn, use the silicone rug.

Cinnamon buns from the remains of yeast dough

Cinnamon buns from the remains of yeast dough
Cinnamon buns from the remains of yeast dough

Spicy mouth -watering buns with cinnamon than with sugar. Add raisins or other dried fruits to the filling. The cinnamon is best combined with apple jam and cottage cheese.

Catch a life hack: If you add a spoonful of flower honey before cooking to the remaining dough, then the buns will remain soft and fresh for a long time.

The flour in the dough preparation should be put as little as possible so that the products are air. So, we cook buns with cinnamon from the remains of yeast dough. Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • Ready yeast dough - 500 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Mix yolk with milk - 2 tbsp.

To the filling:

  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Vanilin - 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Raisins to taste
  • Butter - 20 gr.


  1. Remove the towel from the residues of the dough.
  2. Crap and add a spoonful of honey. Stir again with your hands again.
  3. Prepare a baking sheet in advance by lubricating it with oil.
  4. The dough should double.
  5. While resting, make the filling.
  6. Combine cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Mix until smooth.
  7. Wash and steam raisins, soaked in boiling water. After half an hour, drain the water.
  8. Mix with cottage cheese.
  9. You can do this: buy a ready -made curd mass and add cinnamon to it.
  10. Crap the dough that approached.
  11. Put the dough on the work surface.
  12. Roll up with a rectangle 5 mm In thickness.
  13. Lubricate with butter.
  14. Put the filling and sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
  15. Turn the dough into a roll and cut into buns.
  16. Put on a baking sheet, cover with cling film and leave for 30 minutes.
  17. Lubricate the surface of the buns with yellow and milk.
  18. Bake 20 minutes. The oven must be warmed up up to 180 degrees.

The unusual taste of these buns will hit you and you will want to bake them again.

Pancakes from the remains of yeast dough: recipe

Pancakes from the remains of yeast dough
Pancakes from the remains of yeast dough

Pancakes are called a small sun for their appearance. In ancient Russia, pancakes brought the gods as a gift and pleased with them their loved ones. On the second day of the festival of Shrovetide, young, unmarried girls wondered on pancakes. Each filling determined the nature of the future spouse. Modern housewives prepare pancakes without waiting for the holidays. This is a hearty and tasty dish. Pancake pancakes rarely eat. Mostly they are dipped in sour cream, condensed milk or jam. Or come up with other interesting fillings. Classic pancakes are served with cottage cheese, ham with cheese, liver, potatoes or meat. With the same fillings, you can buy frozen products in a store. Pancakes with coffee - the business card of each coffee shop.

The yeast dough for pancakes has its own special storage periods. At room temperature, it spoils very quickly. Shelf life of liquid yeast dough:

  • The dough on a sour -milk basis - no more than a day.
  • If milk is added to the workpiece - two days.
  • Ordinary yeast dough (for example, from pies) - two days at a temperature of 2-5 degrees Celsius.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to regularly stir the dough so that it does not thicken. If this happens, dilute it with mineral water.

Grandmothers always tried to treat their grandchildren delicious and specially left a little bread yeast dough for pancakes. Try and you cook them according to an old Russian recipe.

You will need: 

  • Ready yeast dough - 200 gr.
  • Water - 200 gr.
  • Milk - 200 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp
  • Salt and sugar to taste

Pancakes recipe: 

  1. First you need to soften the dough. Put it in a pan and pour it with water.
  2. Stir with a fork until smooth.
  3. Add sugar and salt.
  4. Pull the eggs.
  5. Pour the semolina into a separate container.
  6. Pour hot (determine on the finger) milk into semolina.
  7. Wait until semolina swells.
  8. Mix the liquid dough and the resulting porridge so that there are no lumps.
  9. The dough for pancakes is ready. You can fry.
  10. Pour portioned dough into a hot pan.

Until golden crust, pancakes are fried almost instantly. Pour condensed milk on a saucer and eat, dipping products. Enjoy your meal!

Pancakes from the remnants of the tests on yeast: recipe

Pancakes from the remnants of the tests on yeast
Pancakes from the remnants of the tests on yeast

If you want to bake pancakes from the remnants of the tests on yeast, then you just need to make small cakes and fry in oil. You can add warm milk to the dough, wait until the dough is wet, mix and fry the pancakes.

But you can do more creatively. For example, you could not resist and baked many pancakes according to the previous recipe? And the next morning they hardened? You can save them like this:

  1. In one chicken egg, add sugar to taste.
  2. Beat slightly with a whisk.
  3. Cut the pancakes in the quarters.
  4. Dip each pancake in the batter and fry in oil on both sides until golden crust.

It turns out amazing, soft pancakes. Eat only hot.

Lobiani pie in Georgian with red beans and garlic from the remains of yeast dough: Recipe

Lobiani pie in Georgian with red beans and garlic
Lobiani pie in Georgian with red beans and garlic

A cake with a piquant fillio-fillio is a traditional Georgian dish. Prepare a pie on a yeast dough with Matsoni kefir. The complexity of the recipe is estimated at four out of five stars, but due to the residues of the dough, it is reduced to three. The beans, like all legumes, must be soaked at night and boil. To make Lobiani even more satisfying, add pieces of fat to the filling. Baking is prepared for about two hours, not counting the time to soak the beans. Here is the prescription lobiani pie in Georgian With red beans and garlic from the remains of yeast dough:

For the filling you will need:

  • Red dry beans - 2 tbsp.
  • Saline pork fat - 50 gr.
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Dried cilantro - 10 gr.
  • Stone walnuts - 50 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Black ground pepper to taste
  • Home-Sunels taste
  • Ground coriander to taste

Do this:

  1. The total number of ingredients is designed for six portions of Lobiani pies. Boil the beans until soft for two hours. Cool.
  2. Sofue the remains of yeast dough with kefir.
  3. Close the dough with a terry towel and leave for forty minutes.
  4. Grind the beans into the gruel.
  5. Add two tablespoons of water and oil.
  6. Grind onions and garlic.
  7. Mix them with chopped walnuts and add to beans.
  8. Pepper, salt.
  9. Make a dry mix of spices. Sprinkle the filling with it. Stir thoroughly.
  10. Divide the dough into six pieces.
  11. Roll out not very subtly.
  12. Put the filling in the center of each cake.
  13. Wrap the edges of the dough to the center.
  14. Turn the cakes to the other side and slightly walk along them with a rocking rod to smooth the bean gruel.
  15. Fry on a baking sheet lined up by parchment. Enough 15-20 minutes. A slightly ruddy crust should appear. Do not fry strongly, otherwise the pie will turn out to be dry.
Lobiani pie in Georgian with red beans and garlic
Lobiani pie in Georgian with red beans and garlic

Note: You can fry lobiani pies in a pan, but on dry - without adding oil. You do not need to close the lid.

Enjoy your meal!

Puncture with sausage from the remains of yeast dough: Recipe

Pyshki with sausage from the remains of yeast dough
Pyshki with sausage from the remains of yeast dough

This is a variant of the recipe for sausages in the dough, only the dumplings are a different (round) shape. The cooking method is also slightly different. Dungeons are not too fat. They can be eaten with mayonnaise or cheese sauce. Garlicing sauce with dill will make a delicacy out of your pushes with sausage. The sausage variety does not matter. A very simple recipe will save your time. Here is a recipe for jigsaw with sausage from the remains of yeast dough:

You will need: 

  • Yeast dough - 400 gr.
  • Sausages to choose from - 150 gr.
  • Red ground pepper - to taste
  • Greens - a little
  • Cheese is a little
  • Vegetable or olive oil
  • Any sauce


  1. Let the test get up. It can be enough for twenty minutes.
  2. Rub the sausage and cheese of Mozarella on a grater.
  3. Fry the sausage for a couple of minutes in a pan and sprinkle with pepper.
  4. Add it directly to the dough with cheese.
  5. Cut the greens and also put in the workpiece.
  6. Knead well.
  7. Form balls.
  8. Fry the dust in vegetable oil under a closed lid.

Turn the products until they are browned. Serve hot or cold.

Yeast cupcake with jam from dough residues: Recipe

Yeast cupcake with dough residues
Yeast cupcake with dough residues

Winter evenings have nothing better than a tea party with a delicious cake. If you are not engaged in the harvesting of fresh berries from the summer, then make a fifth jam from frozen berries:

  • Measure the berries as much as you need for cupcake.
  • Put the water on the gas and dissolve sugar in it, constantly stirring with a spoon.
  • Pour the berries into the syrup.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Cook until the water acquires a dark, rich color.
  • Brease the berries with a strainer.
  • Press the spoon. The jam is ready!

You can drink the resulting fruit drink instead of tea. The jam is stunning, as if the just collected yield of berries was lost with sugar. Now, proceed to the main recipe for yeast cake with jam from the residues of the dough.

You will need:

  • Residues of yeast dough - 350 gr.
  • Any jam - to taste
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 40 gr.
  • Coconut chips


  1. If the dough is half ready, knead it and leave it again.
  2. Add egg and sugar to the dough. Mix.
  3. Lubricate the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  4. Distribute the dough in shape and make a recess for the filling.
  5. Add jam.
  6. Close the top or not is your choice.
  7. Sprinkle the cupcake with coconut.
  8. Pre -heat the oven up to 170 degrees Celsius in "convection" mode.
  9. Bake for half an hour, then check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick every ten minutes. She should leave the cupcake of dry.

Do not be alarmed if the cupcake has become much smaller. When baking, the water from the dough evaporates and it loses its initial volume.

Advice: At the end of cooking, try to use impregnation. Take juice from citrus fruits (lemon or orange), spices and sugar. Bring to a boil, constantly stirring. Remove from heat and add alcohol with a strong sweet aroma. Mix. Cut the finished hot cupcake into pieces and soak them with chilled syrup.

As you can see, you can cook a lot of yummy from the remains of yeast dough. Do not put it off for long storage. Make pastries today and please your loved ones. Moreover, this does not need a lot of time.

Video: even a pity to eat! 5 new ideas from yeast dough that you can surprise!

Video: 7 amazing ideas for baking from yeast dough. No. 5 - just divine!

Video: when the yeast dough remained

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