Pies with pumpkin from yeast and boundless dough: 2 step -by -step recipe in the oven and in a pan

Pies with pumpkin from yeast and boundless dough: 2 step -by -step recipe in the oven and in a pan

Pies with pumpkin in the oven and in a pan, from yeast or non -free dough.

Pumpkin is an underestimated melted product that will be discussed in this article. We will talk about the two most delicious options for cooking cakes from yeast and non -free -legged dough with pumpkin filling.

Fried pies with pumpkin from non -cheerful dough: step -by -step recipe with photo

Delicious, delicious, fried pies with pumpkin will fly quickly and will be an ideal snack for breakfast, on the road or on a picnic. Previously, as soon as Babier came, and the first pumpkins kept up in the gardens, grandmothers brought them to the house, and after half an hour a delicious aroma came from the kitchen, which all households escaped to. And on the dish the first pies with pumpkin, just removed from the pan. Want to make a useful treat for your family? The recipe is elementary and even a teenager cope with it.


  • Fresh pumpkin chopped with cubes 150 g;
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons for the filling and 1 spoon on the dough;
  • Water 2 tablespoons for the filling and 50 g per dough;
  • Flour 400 g;
  • Salt 1 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil for frying and 1 tablespoon;
  • Vanilin's bag.

And go to the cooking process:

  • We cut the pumpkin in half, clean from seed and vein, clean the peel and mine;
We prepare a pumpkin
We prepare a pumpkin
  • Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and send to the pan;
  • Pour sugar (1/4 from the weight of the pumpkin) and pour several tablespoons of water to cover the bottom until the pumpkin lets the juice;
Add sugar
Add sugar
  • Turn on the stove and stew the pumpkin, stirring until it softens so that it can be kneaded with a fork or potato -shaped;
  • Remove from the stove and carefully knead to mashed potatoes. Let us cool. If you start laying out a hot or warm filling in the dough, it will break, and the juice will flow into the pan;
We grind the pumpkin in mashed potatoes
We grind the pumpkin in mashed potatoes
  • Pour 100 g of oil and 100 g of water into a separate container;
Mix water and oil
Mix water and oil
  • Pour flour into the container;
Add flour
Add flour
  • Add salt and sugar, knead steeply;
We make a batch of dough
We make a batch of dough
  • We cover with a towel and let it “rest” for 30 minutes;
  • We knead again, at this time the filling should already cool down and go to the modeling;
We form pies
We form pies
  • We divide the dough into the same pieces and roll one of them on the table. The size of the pieces may vary, depending on the desired size of the pies. The thinner the dough rolling, the more tender the pies;
Fry vegetable oil
Fry vegetable oil
  • We apply the filling, wrap and spread in a pan with hot oil;
We spread on a napkin
We spread on a napkin
  • We fry on both sides, put it on a paper napkin so that excess fat is absorbed.

Such pies like not only adults, but also children. Unlike meat fillings, such pies can be taken on the road in the summer, and they will remain fresh for several days. Also, non -annoyed fried pies with pumpkin can be eaten during fasting.

Yeast pies with pumpkin ovens

And these pies take us straight to childhood. When the trees seemed higher, and the aromas with my mother’s kitchen were the most beloved. Yeast of yeast pies with pumpkin ovens is especially tasty with cold milk or hot cocoa, here it is already who has some kind of taste. So, we proceed to the very cooking process.


  • 400 g of wheat flour;
  • 250 g of fat milk;
  • 40 g of pressed yeast or 15 g of dry;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 75 g of butter;
  • 200 g of peeled pumpkin.

And we move on to the phased process of cooking. In the previous recipe, we first prepared the filling, and only then the dough. In this recipe, the dough is preparing longer A, therefore, start with it:

  • Pour warm milk into a large container, add sugar (1 tsp), salt, yeast. Stir to relative dissolution and cover with a towel for 15 minutes;
  • After this time, persistent foam should form over milk. So, the yeast began to work;
  • Add the sifted flour and make a short -haired knead. We put in a warm place to approach for 15 minutes. The dough should increase by 2-3 times;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: knead the dough
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: knead the dough
  • Knead again, add a little flour and soft butter, and egg protein. We knead and set to approach again in a warm place for 15 minutes, or until the dough is 3 times;
  • While the dough is the last time, rub the pumpkin on a fine grater;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: rub the pumpkin
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: rub the pumpkin
  • We divide the dough into equal parts;
  • We roll one of the pieces into a flat circle;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: roll out the dough
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: roll out the dough
  • Send half a teaspoon of sugar to the middle;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: pour sugar
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: pour sugar
  • We spread a spoonful of grated raw pumpkin on top;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: pour pumpkin
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: pour pumpkin
  • Fold the pie and connect the middle;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: set up to connect the edges
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: set up to connect the edges
  • It remains to blind the edges in any way convenient for you;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: modeling pies
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: modeling pies
  • Lay out the pies with a seam down;
  • Having prepared all the pies, and putting them on a baking sheet, with a distance from each other at 0.5 cm, let them come for 15 minutes;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: prepared pie
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: prepared pie
  • We dilute the yolk of chicken eggs with 2 tablespoons of milk and lubricate the pies with silicone brush;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: lay out pies on a baking sheet
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: lay out pies on a baking sheet
  • We put the pies in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, and bake for about 20 minutes, until the form of broody crusts;
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: grease with milk and egg
Yeast pies with pumpkin winds: grease with milk and egg
  • We take it out from the oven, remove it from a baking sheet so that he does not burn them and cover for 5 minutes with a wet cotton towel to make up for moisture. Ready!
Yeast pies with pumpkin ovens
Yeast pies with pumpkin ovens

Options for fillings for pies with pumpkin

If you had already prepared pies with pumpkin before and want to try something new-we can offer fillings with pumpkin pies “lick your fingers”.

Sweet pumpkin fillings:

  • Fresh pumpkin with apple and sugar;
  • I am stewed with an apple, sugar and cinnamon;
  • Fresh pumpkin with honey;
  • Baked pumpkin with baked apples;
  • Fresh pumpkin with a banana;
  • Stewed pumpkin with orange zest;
  • Baked pumpkin with sour cream and sugar;
  • Stewed pumpkin with condensed milk.

NOT Sweet pumpkin fillings:

  • Fresh pumpkin with carrots;
  • Stewed pumpkin with zucchini, rosemary and a mixture of peppers;
  • Baked pumpkin with salt with the addition of pork minced meat;
  • Stewed pumpkin with soy sauce and sesame seeds.

They noticed that a beginner can also cook pies with pumpkin, and they are also budgetary and useful. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video with a step -by -step analysis of pies with pumpkin.

Video: Pies - recipe. Domestic pies with pumpkin in the oven

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