How to cook Baslam - a Turkish magnificent cake with yeast, without yeast, on kefir, milk: recipes

How to cook Baslam - a Turkish magnificent cake with yeast, without yeast, on kefir, milk: recipes

Baslam - delicious Turkish bread. Cook this magnificent cake from simple ingredients, with minimal time.

Baslam in Turkey - This is lean bread. If everything is done correctly, then such cakes are hollow inside. They can be served with butter or stuffed with meat or stewed vegetables.

In another article on our website you will find recipes of delicious cheese cakes. They are lush and appetizing.

It is not difficult to cook Baslam. The main thing is to use good yeast, fry in a dry pan, heated to the desired temperature. Read more in the article. You will find several recipes for delicious bread. Read further.

Baslama cake with yeast in kefir in a pan - we cook like in Turkey: a step -by -step recipe for Turkish bread, video

Baslama cake with yeast on kefir in a pan
Baslama cake with yeast on kefir in a pan

Home bread is always tasty. Try to cook Baslam cakes, as in Turkey. We will make cakes with yeast on kefir, and a stove in a pan. Here is a step -by -step recipe for Turkish bread:

The following products will be needed:

Baslam products
Baslam products

Do this:

  • Pour a glass of warm water into a bowl (temperature 38 ° C.), put yeast and sah. sand. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flourmix and give the yeast come during 15-20 min. Thanks to this dough, we will check, the freshness of the yeast, and if they are high -quality, you can continue.
  • Put salt in the finished dough and pour more a glass of warm water and kefir. Stir well with a spoon or whisk.
  • Add half the flour, mix. Then pour the remaining flour and knead a homogeneous dough. If you knead with your hands, then the workpiece will stick, so use vegetable oil to lubricate the hands and surface of the table. But you can knead the dough with a mixer with a special nozzle for mixing.
  • Work well with your hands test, put in a bowl lubricated with vegetable oil, cover with cling film. Let the workpiece stand warm for an hour. The dough should rise 2-3 times.
  • Over again, use the workpiece using vegetable oil. Do not use flour so as not to score the dough, otherwise the cakes will turn out to be too dense and tasteless.
  • Form balloons 200 grams.
  • Roll each ball into a cake, pouring a little flour. Each layer should be thick up to 1 cm.
  • Heat the pan well. If you bring the palm to the bottom, it should be felt that it is hot.
  • Put the cake on a dry pan and bake on one side for a minute. Do not hold for a long time, otherwise the cakes will not swell.
Fry on both sides until the cake begins to swell
Fry on both sides until the cake begins to swell
  • As soon as the first bubbles appear, turn over, and fry from the other side. One tortoha is needed for a roasting 5-7 min. In total, it should turn out 9 cakes.
  • The pan should be heated well. If the heating is minimal, then the cavity will not turn out in the cake.
  • You can lubricate the finished cakes with butter or simply put them separately on the grille so that they do not soak from each other's warmth.

It is better to store Baslam in polyethylene, otherwise the upper crust will dry out very much. Watch the video how the hostess makes such Turkish bread.

Video: soft and airy - just fantasy! Baslam - cakes, instead of bread

Bread Turkish Baslam on kefir without yeast at home: step -by -step recipe

Turkish Baslam bread on kefir without yeast
Turkish Baslam bread on kefir without yeast

If you do not like to make baking from yeast dough, or you are a supporter of proper nutrition, then this recipe is for you. Such Turkish bazlam bread on kefir is very tasty. It is suitable for any meat dishes and dishes of stewed vegetables. These cakes are very satisfying and delicious, despite the fact that they are without yeast and are fried in a dry pan. Here is a step -by -step recipe for making such bread at home:

The following ingredients will be needed:

Baslam products
Baslam products

Do this:

  1. Sut the flour into the cup, add salt and soda.
  2. Add kefir and knead a soft test workpiece. If it sticks to your hands, lubricate the table and palms. oil.
  3. Wrap the dough in the food film and put in the refrigerator rest.
  4. Now mix with flour again, but do not score much. Divide into five parts.
  5. Roll out the layers about 1 cm thick. Fry in a dry pan on both sides until blurred.
  6. Lubricate the drain. With oil, not sparing.

Serve to the table instead of bread or tea.

Turkish Baslam on milk: step -by -step recipe for lean bread

Turkish Baslam with milk
Turkish Baslam with milk

A little ingredients, a minimum of effort and an excellent result. Feel free to serve such cakes instead of bread to the first dishes, vegetable side dishes, humus and Babaganush. Even if you do something wrong or begin to fry the layers in an unexplored pan, then the cakes will still turn out tasty. So, here is a step -by -step recipe for lean bread - Turkish Baslam in milk:

The following products will be needed:

Baslam products
Baslam products

Do this:

  1. Combine warm milk and water at room temperature.
  2. Dissolve the yeast, put salt.
  3. Gradually add flour, and knead the elastic dough. Put the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place to fit. Through 1,5 hour The test workpiece will increase in volume 2 times.
  4. The dough came, wrap it again with your hands and divide it in 4 parts.
  5. Roll out of these parts of the cakes, thick 1 cm.
  6. Put the frying pan on the fire. Heat it over medium heat. Put the cake and fry 1 minute on each side. You need to fry only in a dry pan - do not pour oil. You can turn the cake several times until the babble is ready and begins to rise.
  7. Melt the drain. Oil, put chopped greens and chopped garlic in it. Mix and grease hot cakes on top.

You can serve on the table without lubricating the “bread” with garlic and greens, oil is enough, but you can do without it.

Video: Flour+milk! Nobody has refused them yet! Baslam - eaten to the baby!

Tasty Baslam with cheese: step -by -step recipe

Delicious bazlam with cheese
Delicious bazlam with cheese

We will bake such a cake in the oven. Baslam with cheese is tasty, hearty and appetizing. This type of bread will surely appeal to your household. Making it is simple and fast. Here is a step -by -step recipe:

Prepare such ingredients:

Baslam products with cheese
Baslam products with cheese

Do this:

  1. Sut the flour, put the sah to it. Sand and salt, mix.
  2. Break the egg and send it to dry ingredients. Enter yeast. Turn on the mixer and mix everything at small speeds.
  3. Pour warm water, continuing to stir. When the test workpiece gathered in a lump, you're done.
  4. Cut the dough with your hands and divide in half. Put aside, let these two parts fit.
  5. Grate cheese on a large -tank board.
  6. Cover the baking sheet and grease it with oil.
  7. Roll one part of the dough and put the layer on parchment paper.
  8. Sprinkle it with cheese. Cover the second rolled upsuit.
  9. Blind the edges. Leave on the table for 15-20 min. Lubricate the top of the cake with sour cream or ugly yogurt.
  10. Bake at 200 ° C for 30 minutes.

Serve the finished cake to the table hot or cold. It can be used both an independent dish and with meat and vegetables.

Video: Turkish Baslam | Listen cake recipe with cheese

Watch another video in which a real Turk, along with his son, prepares a cheese cake Baslam. How simple and tasty.

Video: Dad Turks prepares Baslam - Turkish cakes with cheese for a Turkish breakfast

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