Lush and delicious cheese cephils on kefir - how to cook: recipes, photos, videos

Lush and delicious cheese cephils on kefir - how to cook: recipes, photos, videos

Want to learn how to cook tasty and lush cheese cephils? Look for recipes in the article, do and delight households with a new taste.

Cheese fried or baked pampushki - tasty, soft and lush. They can be served with tea, instead of bread and even as a snack. Preparing such pampules is simple, you need to mix products, knead loose dough, and you can start frying or baked in an oven. Put the filling and you will get a delicious dish that can be used as a snack while hungry, or full food - in the morning or evening.

There is an article on our site that will help you cook real Mexican and Uzbek cakes in a pan. Try to do them - you will definitely like it.

Below you will find many recipes for making cheese cakes on kefir. They are all simple and fast. Read further.

Calorie content of cheese ceremony on kefir: Composition

Cheese cerebral cakes
Cheese cerebral cakes

Calory pampushki, and constantly get carried away if you do not want to spoil the figure, is not worth it. But in this dish there are many not only simple carbohydrates, but there are also complex ones that are useful, as well as fats and proteins. Here is the calorie content of cheese ceremony per 100 grams:

  • 249 kcal

If the soot is cooked on yeast, or with the addition of the filling, for example, from ham, then its calorie content will increase by 15-20%. However, sometimes such a dish can be included in your diet, since it has fats and proteins. Here is the composition:

  • Squirrels - 10.7 g
  • Fat - 8.39 g
  • Carbohydrates - 31.9 g

If you are trying to lose weight or monitor the figure, then you can concoct pp pump. Below you will find many recipes of different "Pete" - tasty and magnificent. Read further.

Simple and fast cheese cerebral cakes without filling, with cheese filling, in a pan: recipe step by step with photo and video

Simple and fast cheese cerebral cakes without filling
Simple and fast cheese cerebral cakes without filling

If you are concocting cheese pampules once, then you will make them constantly. So delicious they turn out. It is easy to cook them, but in the end, it turns out delicious so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -free sock or as a dessert. Here is a recipe step by step with a photo that will help to make simple and quick cheese cakes on kefir without filling, with a feeder from cheese in a pan:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

Rub the cheese
Rub the cheese
  • Rub the cheese on the tech board. If you want to bake pampules with cheese filling, then leave 40-50 grams for it.
  • Put the sah in a sour -milk product. Sand, salt and soda. Stir well.
Knead the dough and roll out the cakes
Knead the dough and roll out the cakes
  • Transfer the bulk of the cheese if you want to cook with the filling, if without it, then pour all.
  • Add half a glass of flour and mix.
  • Then pour the remaining part of the flour and knead the unsolved test workpiece.
  • If you do with the “minced meat”, then put on the rolled workpieces in the central part of a slightly grated cheese, roll the soot and gently gently roll out into even soot.
Frying in a pan
Fry cakes in a frying pan
  • Fry the blanks in the pan with the plant. Maslice before the appearance of golden crust.

Serve for tea with any creamy product (oil, sour cream, cheese) or condensed milk. Watch the video how the hostess makes such pampushki.

Video: cakes with cheese! Delicious cheese cerebral cakes, simple recipe

Delicious cheese cakes without kefir, milk and eggs in a pan quickly: recipe with step -by -step cheese and flour

Delicious cheese cakes without kefir, milk and eggs in a pan quickly
Delicious cheese cakes without kefir, milk and eggs in a pan quickly

If you do not have kefir or milk in the refrigerator, do not worry, you can bake the pampules on the water. Make a custard test, roll out and fry. This is easy to do and will not take much time. Here is a recipe for delicious cheese cakes with cheese and flour step by step in a pan:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • Pour flour into the container with high sides, add up. Mix.
  • Pour flour with salt with boiling water and knead the custard testing. It should turn out to be elastic. If necessary, then plow the workpiece with flour.
  • Now wrap the test workpiece in the film and take it into the freezer.
  • After half an hour, take out the workpiece and divide on 5-6 parts.
  • Roll out, put in the middle of a little grated cheese, pinch the edge.
Perestick the edges to get such a bag
Pinchen the edges to come out such a bag
  • Gently gently roll out and fry in a frying pan with a plant. oil.

Serve households with a green ray and sour cream.

Delicious cheese cerebral cakes in the oven - how to bake: recipe

Delicious cheese cerebral cakes in the oven
Delicious cheese cerebral cakes in the oven

Such pampushki are delicious. Cheese is added to the test workpiece. He makes the o'clock more satisfying and airy. As “minced meat” we will use eggs. Try it - it turns out appetizing. How to bake? Here is a recipe for delicious cheese ceremonies on kefir in the oven:

Prepare such components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • Boil the eggs screwed.
  • Put salt, sah in a sour -milk product. Sand and soda. Mix and let stand 5-10 min. Do not forget to pull the drink out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is warming a minimum up to 25 degrees.
  • Rub the cheese on a large -tank board and put it to all other components in a bowl.
  • Put the flour and knead a soft test workpiece. Put it on the side, let it lie down.
  • Divide the test workpiece into five parts.
  • Cut the eggs finely and put a little on each sock - this is the future “minced meat”.
  • Turn the test workpiece with minced meat inside like a pie. Roll up the soot on the other side.
  • Lubricate with a beaten egg and put in the oven bake. Enough 20 minutes. at 180 degrees.

Serve the pampushki to the table with puffing heat. You can also serve sour cream, greens or various other sauces.

Recipe for cheese cakes on kefir without eggs, with herbs, onions: how to make photos, video

Cheese cerebral cakes without eggs, with greens, onions
Cheese cerebral cakes without eggs, with greens, onions

Such pampushki are great for food in nature, instead of bread. They go well with meat, vegetables and other dishes that you eat on vacation in the forest or park. Any greens are suitable. You can use even mint if it is. But you can do with a dill with parsley. How to make such a dish? Here is a recipe for cheese ceremonies on kefir without eggs, with herbs and onions with a photo:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • In a deep container, mix the sour -milk product, salt, soda, sah. Sand and one Art. flour. Knead the test workpiece with a spoon.
Knead the dough
Knead the dough
  • Now add the flour and knead the test workpiece. It should turn out soft, but not stick to the fingers and palms. Put the workpiece to the side, let him rest.
Mix cheese with greens and onions
Mix cheese with greens and onions
  • Now grate the cheese on a large -tank board. Chop finely all the greens and green. onion. This will turn out the filling. Mix.
  • Divide the workpiece into six parts.
  • Roll each part and put the filling into the central part.
Perestick the edges to get such a bag
Pin the edges to get such a bag
  • Pinch the soot and gently roll out again.
  • Fry the resulting blanks in a hot frying pan, on a plant. oil. Hold on each side no more than 3-4 min. If the cake is swollen, pierce it with a fork.

Serve hot for tea, coffee or liquid soup instead of bread. Look at the video clearly how to fry such cakes.

Video: eat in a moment! Cakes kefir eccentricians, there are always few of them!

Cheese cerebral cakes with ham and sausage filling - how to cook the dough: a recipe for a delicious snack

Cheese cerebral cakes with ham or sausage
Cheese cerebral cakes with ham or sausage

If you do not know what to cook in the morning, then make cheese pampules on a sour -milk drink with ham or sausage. You can feed your family with a delicious dish. Such juices can also be a delicious snack for a large company. How to cook the dough? Here is a recipe for cheese cerebral cuffs with ham or sausage:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  1. Mix sour -milk drink, salt, sah in a bowl. Sand and soda.
  2. Put a grated cheese and flour. Knead a test workpiece.
  3. Divide the workpiece into several parts. Roll out.
  4. Put the grated ham or finely chopped sausage in the middle.
  5. Connect the edges and gently roll out again.
  6. Fry the pampushki in a pan on the plant. oil.

Any hot tea, coffee or cocoa is suitable for such “lavashiks”. Prepare such a dish, and your households will always ask you to do it. You can serve these cakes as a snack if friends with beer or a stronger drink came to visit you.

Delicious cheese cakes with cottage cheese on kefir-how to cook: recipe for cheese-rod cakes, photos, videos

Delicious cheese cakes with cottage cheese on kefir
Delicious cheese cakes with cottage cheese on kefir

Such pampules with cottage cheese are perfect for eating in the morning or for any snack. They are lush and tender in taste. You can add a chopped garlic clove to the test workpiece. Together with the green twigs of dill or parsley, he will give a piquancy dish. It is better to take a fat cottage cheese. Ideally - home rustic, but suitable 9%. So, we start the stove. How to cook delicious cheese cakes with cottage cheese on kefir? Here is a recipe for magnificent cheese-rod cakes:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • Prepare all products. Proze the sour -milk drink and cottage cheese in advance from the refrigerator to warm up up to 25 degrees.
  • Grate a piece of cheese on a large -tiric board.
  • In a container with high sides, connect a sour -milk drink, soda, butter and salt.
  • Put the cheese. Stir and let stand 5 minutes.
Put the flour in small portions and mix
Put the flour in small portions and mix
  • Then begin to put the flour portions, mixing. Knead the test workpiece, it should turn out to be soft, but not stick to the palms and fingers. Do not clog the dough strongly with flour, otherwise the pampushka will not turn out so tasty. Put aside, let him rest.
  • Now take up the filling: put the chopped greens in cottage cheese. Simple and pepper a little.
Perestick the edges to get such a bag
Perestick the edges to get such a bag
  • Roll out from the test workpiece. Put a little “minced meat” in the middle. Pinchen the edges in a circle, slightly press and roll out gently again into the sock.
  • Fry each tooper in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

You can fry dry - without adding oil. But then lubricate the finished pampushki with butter. Watch the video how the hostess bakes such cheese layers with cottage cheese and herbs.

Video: 10 minutes - and super breakfast on the table! Cottage cheerful cakes

Lush cheese cerebral cakes on yeast: recipe, photo, video

Lush cheese cakes on kefir on yeast
Lush cheese cakes on kefir on yeast

Yeast pampushki is very magnificent. You can use both living and dry yeast. Be sure to serve the dish hot. So the cakes will be softer, tender and appetizing.

Advice: So that the yeast baking does not stale for a long time, add a team spoon to the dough. If there is a lot of tests, then a tablespoon.

Here is a recipe for magnificent cheese ceremonies on kefir on yeast:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • Pour the sahs in warm water. Pesok and add all the yeast. This is fast downtime, it should stand 7-10 min. As soon as the yeast approaches, you're done.
  • Mix flour with salt, pour a sour -milk drink and dough.
  • Knead the soft dough. Then pour the butter into it and continue to knead with your hands.
  • When the dough is ready, let him brew under the lid for an hour.
  • After that, how the dough fit, clatter it with your hands and divide it 2 equal parts. Roll out.
  • Lower the parchment on the baking sheet and put one cake on it.
  • Prepare the filling: grate the cheese, cut the bulbs with rings.
  • Lubricate one workpiece with sour cream, then a layer of grated cheese, onion rings. Sprinkle with spices and let it brew for several minutes.
  • Bake for several minutes at 180 degrees to a golden crust.
  • Do the same with the second workpiece.

You can bake the pampushki without onion rings or fry them in a pan. They will also turn out to be appetizing and fried. But it is better to fry them not on dry, but in a pan with butter. So they turn out more air and hearty, as in the photo below.

Lush cheese cakes on kefir on yeast
Lush cheese cakes on kefir on yeast

Watch the video how the cook prepares such yeast pampushki.

Video: We take a glass of kefir and onion and we get a delicious cerebral cake. Recipes of another kitchen

PP-raw cerebral cakes: recipe

PP cheese cakes on kefir
PP raw cephery cakes

Such round pampushki is a dish of Caucasian cuisine. You need to fry them in a pan with butter. But since we adapt this recipe to the laws of proper nutrition, we will bake dough layers in a dry frying pan. Instead of wheat, we use rice flour. Here is a recipe for pp-rash cephils:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • Grate a cheese piece on a theoric board with small holes.
  • Add sour -milk drink, egg, flour and green branches.
  • Mix all products until smooth.
  • Now put a little mass on a dry hot pan, distributing it with a spoon throughout the bottom.
  • Bake, frying on both sides.

You can serve on the table with low -fat yogurt and greens. By the way, instead of a sour -milk drink, you can also use yogurt without additives. Comers will turn out to be more magnificent and soft. Watch the video how the hostess prepares healthy pampules on corn flour.

Video: corn cakes on Kefir PP for breakfast or for dinner!

Quick delicious cake from cheese cephils on kefir: baking recipe

Quick delicious cake from cheese cephils
Quick delicious cake from cheese cephils

Few people know that you can even make a cake out of baked pampules on a sour -milk drink. We will bake them in the oven. Cheese can not be added. But with him, the cakes are more airy and soft. The difference between baked dough with and without cheese is that in the first version it turns out soft, lighter and just melts in the mouth, and the second is ordinary pastries with a grayish tint that gives wheat flour. So, cook cakes with cheese. Here is a recipe for delicious baking - a fast and tasty cake from cheese cerebral cakes:

Prepare the following components:

Set of products for cakes
Set of products for cakes

Do this:

  • Grab the egg with the sah. sand, add soda. It can be extinguished in vinegar, but you can do without it, since the acid milk acid will do its job.
  • Pour a kefir drink.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine teero board and put in a test workpiece.
  • Add flour in parts and knead the dough.
  • Heat the oven up to 180 degrees. Roll out of the test 3 cakes. Bake each layer 15-20 minutes.
  • Now let's make the impregnation: mix the sour -milk drink with cottage cheese and sah. sand. Beat well a blender until smooth. If the mixture is too liquid, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • Now lubricate each cake with impregnation, laying them on each other.

On top you can decorate with grated chocolate or candy.

As you can see, to prepare breakfast, a dish for replacing bread or even a dessert, you do not need to spend a lot of time and use special products. All ingredients are in every refrigerator. Spend half an hour of time and delight your relatives with delicious cheese cakes on kefir. Enjoy your meal!

Video: A cheese cake in a pan in 10 minutes! Lazy "khachapuri"

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